path: root/hardware/ihu-ttx-test/ttxcrx.sch
diff options
authorChristian Pointner <>2012-03-11 03:43:45 +0000
committerChristian Pointner <>2012-03-11 03:43:45 +0000
commitd15115f8eb860d1fcb1cb5339ce0fdf6dfa49c1d (patch)
treee419d3ba670c80c92496175ce77afc8777b60807 /hardware/ihu-ttx-test/ttxcrx.sch
parentcleanups at connection header (diff)
ihu pinout and battery connections left
git-svn-id: 7de4ea59-55d0-425e-a1af-a3118ea81d4c
Diffstat (limited to 'hardware/ihu-ttx-test/ttxcrx.sch')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/hardware/ihu-ttx-test/ttxcrx.sch b/hardware/ihu-ttx-test/ttxcrx.sch
index 94e53bd..d2b7d89 100644
--- a/hardware/ihu-ttx-test/ttxcrx.sch
+++ b/hardware/ihu-ttx-test/ttxcrx.sch
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sam 10 Mär 2012 16:45:16 CET
+EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Son 11 Mär 2012 04:43:09 CET
@@ -30,353 +30,354 @@ LIBS:atmel
$Descr A4 11700 8267
+encoding utf-8
Sheet 3 4
-Title ""
-Date "10 mar 2012"
+Title "CTR, TTX, CRX"
+Date "11 mar 2012"
Rev "2"
-Comp ""
+Comp "mur.sat - A Space Art Project"
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
+Connection ~ 9350 5250
+Connection ~ 9350 5900
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 6600 4500 6600
+ 9350 5250 9350 5900
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 6400 4500 6400
+ 4400 6500 4500 6500
Wire Wire Line
- 2400 6500 2500 6500
+ 2400 6600 2500 6600
Wire Wire Line
- 2500 6650 2500 6600
+ 2400 6400 2500 6400
Wire Wire Line
- 9500 5250 7650 5250
-Connection ~ 7850 1350
+ 4500 6650 4500 6600
+Connection ~ 7850 2450
Wire Wire Line
- 7700 1350 8400 1350
+ 7700 2450 8300 2450
Wire Wire Line
- 4300 3750 5050 3750
+ 4500 5500 4550 5500
Wire Wire Line
- 4500 5400 4600 5400
+ 4550 5500 4550 5550
Wire Wire Line
- 4500 5200 4600 5200
+ 4600 5300 4500 5300
Wire Wire Line
- 4550 4950 4550 5000
+ 4600 5100 4500 5100
+Connection ~ 5350 2900
Wire Wire Line
- 4550 5000 4500 5000
+ 5100 2900 5650 2900
Wire Wire Line
- 8300 2700 8300 2450
+ 8400 2700 8400 1350
+Connection ~ 7150 2450
Wire Wire Line
- 6950 1350 7300 1350
+ 6950 2450 7300 2450
+Connection ~ 7150 1350
+Connection ~ 7500 1900
Wire Wire Line
- 7500 1900 7050 1900
+ 7500 1650 7500 2150
+Connection ~ 7150 1900
+Connection ~ 7850 1900
Wire Wire Line
- 7150 1850 7150 1950
+ 7850 1950 7850 1850
Wire Wire Line
- 7400 2900 7450 2900
+ 7850 1900 7950 1900
Wire Wire Line
- 7450 2900 7450 2700
+ 7450 3250 7450 3100
Wire Wire Line
- 7450 2700 7900 2700
-Connection ~ 8800 2150
+ 7450 3100 7400 3100
Wire Wire Line
- 8900 2150 8800 2150
+ 8800 2700 8800 2100
Wire Wire Line
- 9450 2150 9400 2150
+ 9750 3550 9900 3550
Wire Wire Line
- 9750 3850 10100 3850
+ 9900 3550 9900 3500
Wire Wire Line
- 3225 1175 3625 1175
+ 3625 1475 3625 1175
+Connection ~ 2000 3650
Wire Wire Line
- 3525 1475 3525 1275
+ 1850 3650 2700 3650
Wire Wire Line
- 3525 1275 3225 1275
+ 2000 3650 2000 3600
Wire Wire Line
- 2000 3100 2000 3050
+ 3225 1425 3325 1425
Wire Wire Line
- 3725 1475 3725 1425
-Connection ~ 6250 4500
+ 3325 1425 3325 1475
Wire Wire Line
- 6300 4500 6250 4500
+ 3425 1475 3425 1425
+Connection ~ 6950 4500
Wire Wire Line
- 9750 2350 9750 2400
-Connection ~ 9400 5900
-Connection ~ 9400 5250
+ 6900 4500 6950 4500
Wire Wire Line
- 9400 5900 9400 5250
-Connection ~ 8450 5250
-Connection ~ 8950 5250
-Connection ~ 8800 5250
-Connection ~ 8200 5250
-Connection ~ 8050 5250
+ 6250 4600 6250 4200
Wire Wire Line
- 5350 3450 5350 3550
-Connection ~ 5350 3500
+ 9750 1950 9750 1900
Wire Wire Line
- 5350 3500 5500 3500
+ 9750 1900 9800 1900
+Connection ~ 9300 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 5500 3500 5500 3000
+ 9300 5150 9300 5250
+Connection ~ 9200 5250
+Connection ~ 7900 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 5500 3000 5650 3000
+ 5350 2900 5350 2950
Wire Wire Line
- 5600 3150 5600 3100
+ 5350 4000 5350 3950
Wire Wire Line
- 2550 5450 2450 5450
+ 5650 3100 5600 3100
Wire Wire Line
- 2550 5250 2450 5250
+ 2550 5600 2550 5550
Wire Wire Line
- 2550 5050 2450 5050
+ 2550 5550 2450 5550
Wire Wire Line
- 2450 4850 2550 4850
+ 2450 5350 2550 5350
Wire Wire Line
- 2550 4850 2550 4800
+ 2450 5150 2550 5150
Wire Wire Line
- 2600 3750 2700 3750
+ 2450 4950 2550 4950
Wire Wire Line
- 2600 3550 2700 3550
+ 2700 3850 2600 3850
Wire Wire Line
- 2600 3350 2700 3350
+ 2700 3450 2600 3450
Wire Wire Line
- 2700 3150 2600 3150
+ 2700 3250 2600 3250
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3850 4300 3850
+ 4400 3550 4300 3550
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3650 4300 3650
+ 4400 3350 4300 3350
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3450 4300 3450
+ 4400 3150 4300 3150
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3250 4300 3250
+ 6900 3550 6800 3550
Wire Wire Line
- 6850 3300 6850 3350
+ 6900 3850 6800 3850
Wire Wire Line
- 6850 3350 6800 3350
+ 7350 3550 7300 3550
Wire Wire Line
- 6850 4100 6850 4050
+ 9900 3000 9900 2900
+Connection ~ 3300 2800
Wire Wire Line
- 6850 4050 6800 4050
+ 3300 2750 3300 2850
+Connection ~ 3700 2800
Wire Wire Line
- 7350 3850 7300 3850
+ 3700 2750 3700 2850
Wire Wire Line
- 9200 2700 9200 2550
+ 9000 2700 9000 2550
Wire Wire Line
- 8000 2700 8000 2650
+ 8600 2550 8600 2700
Wire Wire Line
- 10150 4050 10150 4000
+ 8100 2700 8100 2650
Wire Wire Line
- 10750 3750 10750 3700
+ 10150 3700 10150 3750
Wire Wire Line
- 6950 5050 6950 5000
+ 10750 4050 10750 4000
Wire Wire Line
- 7350 4550 7250 4550
+ 6250 5050 6250 5000
Wire Wire Line
- 7250 4550 7250 4600
+ 7250 5050 7250 5000
Wire Wire Line
- 7350 4200 6250 4200
+ 7950 6400 7950 6350
Wire Wire Line
- 6950 4600 6950 4350
+ 8700 6400 8700 6350
Wire Wire Line
- 6950 4350 7350 4350
+ 9250 6400 9250 6350
Wire Wire Line
- 8200 6400 8200 6350
+ 9200 5800 9200 5750
Wire Wire Line
- 8950 6400 8950 6350
+ 8450 5800 8450 5750
Wire Wire Line
- 9500 6400 9500 6350
+ 7900 5800 7900 5750
Wire Wire Line
- 8950 5800 8950 5750
+ 9250 5950 9250 5900
Wire Wire Line
- 8200 5750 8200 5800
+ 9250 5900 9500 5900
+Connection ~ 8800 5900
Wire Wire Line
- 7650 5800 7650 5750
+ 8700 5950 8700 5900
Wire Wire Line
- 9500 5950 9500 5900
+ 8700 5900 8950 5900
+Connection ~ 8050 5900
Wire Wire Line
- 8950 5950 8950 5900
+ 8200 5950 8200 5900
Wire Wire Line
- 8800 5900 8800 5150
+ 8200 5900 7950 5900
+Connection ~ 9050 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 7950 5950 7950 5900
+ 9200 5250 9200 5350
Wire Wire Line
- 8050 5900 8050 5150
+ 8200 5250 8200 5350
Wire Wire Line
- 8950 5250 8950 5350
+ 8300 5250 8300 5150
Wire Wire Line
- 9050 5250 9050 5150
-Connection ~ 8300 5250
+ 7650 5350 7650 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 8450 5250 8450 5350
-Connection ~ 7800 5250
+ 7800 5250 7800 5150
Wire Wire Line
7900 5250 7900 5350
+Connection ~ 7800 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 7800 5250 7800 5150
+ 8450 5250 8450 5350
+Connection ~ 8300 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 7650 5250 7650 5350
+ 9050 5250 9050 5150
Wire Wire Line
- 8300 5250 8300 5150
+ 8950 5250 8950 5350
Wire Wire Line
- 8200 5250 8200 5350
+ 8050 5900 8050 5150
Wire Wire Line
- 9200 5250 9200 5350
-Connection ~ 9050 5250
+ 7950 5900 7950 5950
Wire Wire Line
- 7950 5900 8200 5900
+ 8800 5900 8800 5150
Wire Wire Line
- 8200 5900 8200 5950
-Connection ~ 8050 5900
+ 8950 5900 8950 5950
Wire Wire Line
- 8950 5900 8700 5900
+ 9500 5900 9500 5950
Wire Wire Line
- 8700 5900 8700 5950
-Connection ~ 8800 5900
+ 7650 5800 7650 5750
Wire Wire Line
- 9500 5900 9250 5900
+ 8200 5750 8200 5800
Wire Wire Line
- 9250 5900 9250 5950
+ 8950 5800 8950 5750
Wire Wire Line
- 7900 5800 7900 5750
+ 9500 6400 9500 6350
Wire Wire Line
- 8450 5800 8450 5750
+ 8950 6400 8950 6350
Wire Wire Line
- 9200 5800 9200 5750
+ 8200 6400 8200 6350
Wire Wire Line
- 9250 6400 9250 6350
+ 7350 4350 6950 4350
Wire Wire Line
- 8700 6400 8700 6350
+ 6950 4350 6950 4600
Wire Wire Line
- 7950 6400 7950 6350
+ 6250 4200 7350 4200
Wire Wire Line
- 7250 5050 7250 5000
+ 7250 4600 7250 4550
Wire Wire Line
- 6250 5050 6250 5000
+ 7250 4550 7350 4550
Wire Wire Line
- 10750 4050 10750 4000
+ 6950 5050 6950 5000
Wire Wire Line
- 10150 3700 10150 3750
+ 10750 3750 10750 3700
Wire Wire Line
- 8100 2700 8100 2650
+ 10150 4050 10150 4000
Wire Wire Line
- 8600 2550 8600 2700
+ 8000 2700 8000 2650
Wire Wire Line
- 9000 2700 9000 2550
+ 9200 2700 9200 2550
Wire Wire Line
- 3700 2750 3700 2850
-Connection ~ 3700 2800
+ 7350 3850 7300 3850
Wire Wire Line
- 3300 2750 3300 2850
-Connection ~ 3300 2800
+ 6800 4050 6850 4050
Wire Wire Line
- 9900 3000 9900 2900
+ 6850 4050 6850 4100
Wire Wire Line
- 7350 3550 7300 3550
+ 6800 3350 6850 3350
Wire Wire Line
- 6900 3850 6800 3850
+ 6850 3350 6850 3300
Wire Wire Line
- 6900 3550 6800 3550
+ 4400 3250 4300 3250
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3150 4300 3150
+ 4400 3450 4300 3450
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3350 4300 3350
+ 4400 3650 4300 3650
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3550 4300 3550
+ 4400 3850 4300 3850
Wire Wire Line
- 2700 3250 2600 3250
+ 2700 3150 2600 3150
Wire Wire Line
- 2700 3450 2600 3450
+ 2600 3350 2700 3350
Wire Wire Line
- 2700 3850 2600 3850
+ 2600 3550 2700 3550
Wire Wire Line
- 2450 4950 2550 4950
+ 2600 3750 2700 3750
Wire Wire Line
- 2450 5150 2550 5150
+ 2550 4800 2550 4850
Wire Wire Line
- 2450 5350 2550 5350
+ 2550 4850 2450 4850
Wire Wire Line
- 2450 5550 2550 5550
+ 2550 5050 2450 5050
Wire Wire Line
- 2550 5550 2550 5600
+ 2550 5250 2450 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 5600 3100 5650 3100
+ 2550 5450 2450 5450
Wire Wire Line
- 5350 4000 5350 3950
+ 5600 3100 5600 3150
Wire Wire Line
- 5350 2900 5350 2950
-Connection ~ 7900 5250
-Connection ~ 9200 5250
+ 5650 3000 5500 3000
Wire Wire Line
- 9300 5150 9300 5250
-Connection ~ 9300 5250
+ 5500 3000 5500 3500
Wire Wire Line
- 9800 1900 9750 1900
+ 5500 3500 5350 3500
+Connection ~ 5350 3500
Wire Wire Line
- 9750 1900 9750 1950
+ 5350 3450 5350 3550
+Connection ~ 8050 5250
+Connection ~ 8200 5250
+Connection ~ 8800 5250
+Connection ~ 8950 5250
+Connection ~ 8450 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 6250 4200 6250 4600
+ 9750 2350 9750 2400
Wire Wire Line
- 6900 4500 6950 4500
-Connection ~ 6950 4500
+ 6300 4500 6250 4500
+Connection ~ 6250 4500
Wire Wire Line
- 3425 1475 3425 1425
+ 3725 1475 3725 1425
Wire Wire Line
- 3325 1475 3325 1425
+ 2000 3100 2000 3050
Wire Wire Line
- 3325 1425 3225 1425
+ 3225 1275 3525 1275
Wire Wire Line
- 2000 3650 2000 3600
+ 3525 1275 3525 1475
Wire Wire Line
- 1850 3650 2700 3650
-Connection ~ 2000 3650
+ 3625 1175 3225 1175
Wire Wire Line
- 3625 1175 3625 1475
+ 9750 3850 10100 3850
Wire Wire Line
- 9900 3500 9900 3550
+ 9450 2150 9400 2150
Wire Wire Line
- 9900 3550 9750 3550
+ 8900 2150 8800 2150
+Connection ~ 8800 2150
Wire Wire Line
- 8800 2700 8800 2100
+ 7900 2700 7450 2700
Wire Wire Line
- 7400 3100 7450 3100
+ 7450 2700 7450 2900
Wire Wire Line
- 7450 3100 7450 3250
+ 7450 2900 7400 2900
Wire Wire Line
- 7850 1900 7950 1900
+ 7150 1850 7150 1950
Wire Wire Line
- 7850 1950 7850 1850
-Connection ~ 7850 1900
-Connection ~ 7150 1900
+ 7500 1900 7050 1900
Wire Wire Line
- 7500 1650 7500 2150
-Connection ~ 7500 1900
-Connection ~ 7150 1350
+ 6950 1350 7300 1350
Wire Wire Line
- 6950 2450 7300 2450
-Connection ~ 7150 2450
+ 8300 2450 8300 2700
Wire Wire Line
- 8400 1350 8400 2700
+ 4500 5000 4550 5000
Wire Wire Line
- 5100 2900 5650 2900
-Connection ~ 5350 2900
+ 4550 5000 4550 4950
Wire Wire Line
- 4600 5100 4500 5100
+ 4500 5200 4600 5200
Wire Wire Line
- 4600 5300 4500 5300
+ 4500 5400 4600 5400
Wire Wire Line
- 4550 5550 4550 5500
+ 4300 3750 5050 3750
Wire Wire Line
- 4550 5500 4500 5500
+ 8400 1350 7700 1350
+Connection ~ 7850 1350
Wire Wire Line
- 8300 2450 7700 2450
-Connection ~ 7850 2450
+ 7650 5250 9500 5250
Wire Wire Line
- 4500 6600 4500 6650
+ 2500 6600 2500 6650
Wire Wire Line
- 2400 6400 2500 6400
+ 2400 6500 2500 6500
Wire Wire Line
- 2500 6600 2400 6600
+ 4400 6400 4500 6400
Wire Wire Line
- 4400 6500 4500 6500
+ 4500 6600 4400 6600
U 1 1 4F5B7486
@@ -581,7 +582,7 @@ L CONN_5 P318
U 1 1 4F4DA3EE
P 3525 1875
F 0 "P318" V 3475 1875 50 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "CONN_5" V 3575 1875 50 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "CTR_ICSP" V 3575 1875 50 0000 C CNN
1 3525 1875
0 1 1 0
@@ -730,7 +731,7 @@ L CONN_6 P315
U 1 1 4F4D9398
P 4150 5250
F 0 "P315" V 4100 5250 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "UNUSED" V 4200 5250 60 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "CTR_UNUSED" V 4200 5250 60 0000 C CNN
1 4150 5250
-1 0 0 -1
@@ -757,7 +758,7 @@ L CONN_2 P303
U 1 1 4F4D905D
P 6450 3950
F 0 "P303" V 6400 3950 40 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "CONN_2" V 6500 3950 40 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "CRX_SPK" V 6500 3950 40 0000 C CNN
1 6450 3950
-1 0 0 1
@@ -766,7 +767,7 @@ L CONN_2 P302
U 1 1 4F4D9059
P 6450 3450
F 0 "P302" V 6400 3450 40 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "CONN_2" V 6500 3450 40 0000 C CNN
+F 1 "CRX_MIC" V 6500 3450 40 0000 C CNN
1 6450 3450
-1 0 0 1