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authorBernhard Tittelbach <>2012-03-21 16:02:42 +0000
committerBernhard Tittelbach <>2012-03-21 16:02:42 +0000
commit4b3c473068f09e70fc37be33c76ba969dac43e6e (patch)
parentconfirmed it works, make it look nice (diff)
added earthdisc to photodiode simulator
git-svn-id: 7de4ea59-55d0-425e-a1af-a3118ea81d4c
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/tools/photodiodesim/ b/tools/photodiodesim/
index 0d95522..66cdacc 100755
--- a/tools/photodiodesim/
+++ b/tools/photodiodesim/
@@ -17,37 +17,51 @@ w_z = np.random.ranf() * np.pi/2 #rad/s
filename_export_mat = "./pd_sim.mat"
filename_export_csv = "./pd_sim.csv"
sun = [1,1,1]
+sun_intensity = 1.0
+earth = [0,-1,-1]
+earth_reflection_intensity = 0.10 * sun_intensity # 0 to turn earth off ;-)
+moon_reflection_intensity = 0.07 * sun_intensity # 0 to turn moon off ;-)
+orbit_height = 310e3 #m
numsamples = 1000
numperiods = 8
+sensors = np.matrix([
+ [ 1,0,0],
+ [ -1,0,0],
+ [0,1,0],
+ [0,-1,0],
+ [0,0,1],
+ [0,0,-1]
+ ])
#calculate simduration so we see numperiods periods of the smalest angular speed
simduration = numperiods*np.pi / min(filter(lambda x: x>0.0,[w_x,w_y,w_z])) if w_x or w_y or w_z else 1.0 #in seconds
simtimestep = simduration / numsamples #s
+#calculate angle between normalvector of earthdisc and edge of earthdisc as seen from satellite
+earth_radius = 6e6 #m
+earth_distance = earth_radius + orbit_height #m
+angle_earthdisc_visible = np.arcsin(float(earth_radius) / earth_distance )
+assert(angle_earthdisc_visible < np.pi/2.0)
+w_xyz = np.matrix([w_x,w_y,w_z])
+simtimeline = np.arange(0,simduration,simtimestep)
+angular_speed_sum_vectors = ( w_xyz.transpose() * simtimeline ).transpose() % (2 *np.pi)
+sun = sun / np.linalg.norm(sun)
+earth = earth / np.linalg.norm(earth)
+angle_sun_earth = np.arccos(max(min(,earth),1.0),-1.0))
+#print angle_sun_earth /np.pi*180, angle_earthdisc_visible /np.pi*180
print "Simulation Input:"
print "  Duration:", simduration
-print "  Step Size", simtimestep
-print "  Angular Speed x-axis [rad/s]", w_x
-print "  Angular Speed y-axis [rad/s]", w_y
-print "  Angular Speed z-axis [rad/s]", w_z
+print "  Step Size:", simtimestep
+print "  Angular Speed x-axis [rad/s]:", w_x
+print "  Angular Speed y-axis [rad/s]:", w_y
+print "  Angular Speed z-axis [rad/s]:", w_z
+print " Earth " + ("Light intensity: %f" % earth_reflection_intensity if earth_reflection_intensity else "is switched OFF")
+print " Sphere surface, covered by Earth as seen from satellite: %.2f %%" % ((earth_radius**2) / (4.0 * earth_distance**2) * 100.0)
+print " Satellite " + (u"Is (!) " if angle_sun_earth < angle_earthdisc_visible else u"is not") + u" in Earth's shadow (Angle Sun-Earth: %d°)" % (angle_sun_earth /np.pi*180.0)
+print ""
-simtimeline = np.arange(0,simduration,simtimestep)
-w_xyz = np.matrix([w_x,w_y,w_z])
-angular_speed_sum_vectors = ( w_xyz.transpose() * simtimeline ).transpose() % (2 *np.pi)
-sensors = np.matrix([
- [ 1,0,0],
- [ -1,0,0],
- [0,1,0],
- [0,-1,0],
- [0,0,1],
- [0,0,-1]
- ])
-sun = np.matrix(sun / np.linalg.norm(sun))
def getRotationMatrix(angles):
x_angle = angles[0,0]
@@ -72,13 +86,36 @@ def rotateVector(vec_to_rotate, angles_vector):
def sensor_model_rel_sensitivity_cos(angle):
if angle < np.pi/2.0:
- return np.cos(angle[0,0])
+ return np.cos(angle)
+ else:
+ return 0.0
+sensor_model = sensor_model_rel_sensitivity_cos
+def sun_earth_shadow(angle):
+ global angle_sun_earth, angle_earthdisc_visible, sensor_model
+ if angle_sun_earth < angle_earthdisc_visible:
+ return 0.0
+ return sensor_model(angle)
+sun_model = sun_earth_shadow
+def earthdisc_light_rel_intensity(angle):
+ global angle_sun_earth, angle_earthdisc_visible, sensor_model
+ if angle_sun_earth < angle_earthdisc_visible:
return 0.0
+ #todo: factor in angle of actually lightened surface depending on angle_sun_earth and the angle between sat orbit and the sun
+ elif angle < angle_earthdisc_visible:
+ return 1.0
+ else:
+ return sensor_model(angle - angle_earthdisc_visible)
+earth_model = earthdisc_light_rel_intensity
def _quote(str):
return '"'+ re.sub(r'(?!\\)"','\\"',str) +'"'
def exportCSV(dst_file_path, names, tline, smatrix):
with open(dst_file_path, "w") as fh:
@@ -86,24 +123,27 @@ def exportCSV(dst_file_path, names, tline, smatrix):
for row in np.vstack((tline,smatrix.T)).T:
fh.write(";".join(["%f" % x for x in row.T]) +"\n")
for cur_rot in angular_speed_sum_vectors:
- sens1=rotateVector(sensors[0],cur_rot)
#sinphi=np.cross(sens1,sun) # /1 / 1
- #print np.arccos(sincos)
- #phi=np.sqrt(np.square(sinphi).sum())*float(np.sign(sinphi).prod())
- #phisintrace.append(np.arcsin(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sinphi)))))
- angle=np.arccos(cosphi)
- #print angle
- #print [sensor_rel_sensitivity_cos(a) for a in angle]
- phicostrace.append(angle)
- senstrace.append([sensor_model_rel_sensitivity_cos(a) for a in angle])
+ angles_to_sun=np.array(np.arccos(,np.matrix(sun).T))).flatten()
+ angles_to_earth=np.array(np.arccos(,np.matrix(earth).T))).flatten()
+ #print [sensor_rel_sensitivity_cos(a) for a in angle_sun]
+ light_intensity_per_sensor = \
+ sun_intensity * np.array([sun_model(a) for a in angles_to_sun]) + \
+ earth_reflection_intensity * np.array([earth_model(a) for a in angles_to_earth])
+ senstrace.append(light_intensity_per_sensor)
+ suntrace.append(angles_to_sun)
+ earthtrace.append(angles_to_earth)
senstrace = np.matrix(senstrace)
-legend_names=["Sensor%d %s" % (x+1, sensors[x]) for x in range(0,6)]
+suntrace = np.matrix(suntrace)
+earthtrace = np.matrix(earthtrace)
+legend_names=["Sensor%d %s" % (x+1, sensors[x].flatten()) for x in range(0,6)]
print "Saving to " + filename_export_mat, mdict={"legend":legend_names, "senstrace":senstrace,"simtimeline":simtimeline,"angular_speed_xyz":w_xyz}, oned_as="column")
@@ -141,10 +181,13 @@ spncols=2
for s in range(0,6):
- pl.plot(simtimeline, senstrace[:,s])
+ pl.plot(simtimeline, senstrace[:,s],"g")
+ pl.plot(simtimeline, 1/(2*np.pi)*suntrace[:,s],"y")
+ pl.plot(simtimeline, 1/(2*np.pi)*earthtrace[:,s],"b")
pl.yticks(ylabelpos, ylabelvalues)
pl.ylabel("[Light Intensity]")
+ pl.legend(["Sensor Value","Sun Angle", "Earth Angle"])