path: root/contrib/site/js/flowplayer/README.txt
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authorPeterTheOne <>2018-02-28 10:55:19 +0100
committerPeterTheOne <>2018-02-28 10:55:19 +0100
commit39c471aa3ba9c9f2e0ae747508d0f4d92fce39d6 (patch)
tree7a454155904b1519e0d2bbfe7fb71776ded63229 /contrib/site/js/flowplayer/README.txt
parentfix mute click (diff)
update and test flash flowplayer
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/site/js/flowplayer/README.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/site/js/flowplayer/README.txt b/contrib/site/js/flowplayer/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4609c6d..0000000
--- a/contrib/site/js/flowplayer/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-Version history:
-- Loads the new controlbar plugin version 3.2.5. No other functional changes.
-- linkUrl should now work better with popup blockers:
-- new linkWindow value "_popup" opens the linked page in a popup browser window
-- added new onClipResized event
-- Added new onUnload event, can be only listened in Flash and not triggered to JS
-- API: Added new url property to plugin objects
-- it was not possible to call play() in an onFinish listener
-- fix to preserve the infoObject for custom netStream and netConnection clients in cases where the infoObject is a
- primitive object without properties
-- does not show the error dialog in the debugger player when showErrors: false
-- fixed to correctly handle subdomains when validating the license key
-- a custom logo is now sized correctly according to the configured size
-- does not show the buffer animation any more when the player receives the onBufferEmpty message from the netStream.
- The animation was unnecessarily shown in some situations.
-- fixed #155. added new urlEncoding property to Clip for url ncoding ut8 urls
-- added new scaling option 'crop' that resizes to fill all available space, cropping on top/bottom or left/right
-- improvements to RSS file parsing
-- Now displays a hand cursor when a linkUrl is used in clips
-- new flowplayer.js version, with Apple iDevice fixes
-- a new 'type' clip property exposed to JS
-- changed the clip type property to better work as a read-write property. Now accepts 'video', 'audio',
- 'image' and 'api' as configuration values.
-- moved parallel rtmp connection mechanism from the RTMP plugin to Core so other plugins can use it (ie: securestreaming)
-- fixed #112, wrong URL computation when using clip with relative URL on a page with a / after a # in its url
-- fixed #111, wrong behavior of pre/post roll images with duration 0
-- fixed multiple license keys logic
-- correct verification of license keys in *.ca domains
-- fix to make playback to always reach end of video
-- fixed resuming of live streams
-- Now recognizes following kind of urls as audio clips: 'mp3:audiostreamname' (ulrs with mp3 prefix and no extension)
-- Now ignores the duration from metadata if we already got one. Fix required for pseudostreaming
-- Fix to reuse buffered data when replaying a clip
-- Support for RTMP redirects (tested with Wowza loadbalancing)
-- Fixed video size when no size info available in clip metadata
-- Fix to correctly detect if the player SWF name contains a version number and if it does also use the version number
-when it automatically loads the controls plugin.
-- canvas, controlbar and the content plugin backgound color and border color can be now given with rgb() and rgba() CSS style syntax
-- Added onMouseOver() and onMouseOut() listener registration methods to the Flowplayer API
-- enhancements to RSS playlist. Converted parsing to E4X, yahoo media and flowplayer namespace support.
-- added feature to obtain bitrate and dimension information to a new clip custom property "bitrates" for future support for bitrate choosing.
-- added getter for playerSwfName config
-- if clip.url has the string "mp3:" in it, the clip.type will report 'audio'
-- added setKeyboardShortcutsEnabled(), addKeyListener(), removeKeyListener() to FlowplayerBase
-- onSeek() was not fired when seeking while paused and when using RTMP. An extra onStart was fired too.
-- fireErrorExternal() was not working properly with an error PlayerEvent
-- countPlugins() was throwing an error when a plugin was not found
-- external swf files were not scaled properly
-- the logo was unnecessary shown when going fullscreen if logo.displayTime was being used
-- added a loadPluginWithConfig method to FlowplayerBase, accessible from javascript. Fixed double onload callback call.
-- now handles cuepoint parameters injected using the Adobe Media Encoder
-- showPlugin was not working when was null
-- handles 3-part duration values included in FLV metadata, like "500.123.123"
-- player wasn't always reaching end of video
-- fixed broken buffering: false
-- fixed event dispatching when embedding flowplayer without flowplayer.js (=without playlist config field)
-- fixed safari crashes when unloading player
-- fixed scrubber behaviour with a playlist containing 2 images (or swf) in a row
-- fixed errors in logs when using an RSS playlist
-- fixed OverlayPlayButton that was showing even if it shouldn't on some cases
-- fixed wrong behavior when onBeforeFinish was returning false within playlists
-- /!\ Don't use the fadeIn / fadeOut controlbar's API while using autoHide.
-- fixed play state button with images
-- fixed splash image flickering
-- The player went to a locked state when resuming playback after a period that was long enought to send the
-netConnection to an invalid state. Now when resuming playback on an invalid connection the clip starts again from
-the beginning. This is only when using RTMP connections and does not affect progressive download playback.
-- Custom netConnect and netStream events did not pass the info object to JS listeners
-- player did not initialize if the controlbar plugin was disabled and if the play button overlay was disabled with play: null
-- works properly without cachebusting on IE
-- RSS playlist parsing now respects the isDefault attribute used in mRSS media group items
-- Fixed passing of connection arguments
-- enhancements to RSS playlist parsing: Now skips all media:content that have unsupported types. Now the type attribute
-of the media:content element is mandatory and has to be present in the RSS file
-- Possibility to pass a RSS file name with playFeed("playlist.rss") and setPlaylist("playlist.rss") calls.
-- changes to the ConnectionProvider and URLResolver APIs
-- Now automatically uses a plugin that is called 'rtmp' for all clips that have the rtmp-protocol in their URLs.
-- Added possibility to specify all clip properties in an RSS playlist
-- the result of URL resolvers in now cached, and the resolvers will not be used again when a clip is replayed
-- some style properties like 'backgroundGradient' had no effect in config
-- video goes tiny on Firefox:
-- RSS playlists: The 'type' attribute value 'audio/mp3' in the media:content element caused an error.
-- Dispatches onMetadata() if an URL resolver changes the clip URL (changes to a different file)
-- error codes and error message were not properly passed to onEvent JS listeners
-- The domain of the logo url must the same domain from where the player SWF is loaded from.
-- Fullscreen can be toggled by doublclick on the video area.
-- Player was not initialized correctly when instream playlists were used and the provider used in the instream clips was defined in the common clip.
-- A separator in the Context Menu made the callbacks in the following menu items out of order. Related forum post:
-- the width and height settings of a logo were ignored if the logo was a sWF file
-- volume control and mute/unmute were not working after an instream clip had been played
-- now possible to use RTMP for mp3 files
-- Issue 12: cuepointMultiplier was undefined in the clip object set to JS event listeners
-- Issue 14: onBeforeStop was unnecessarily fired when calling setPlaylist() and the player was not playing,
- additionally onStop was never fired even if onBeforeStop was
-- fixed screen vertical placement problems that reappeared with 3.1.1
-- The rotating animation now has the same size and position as it has after initialized
-- External configuration files
-- Instream playback
-- Added toggleFullscreen() the API
-- Possibility to specify controls configuration in clips
-- Seek target position is now sent in the onBeforeSeek event
-- The screen size was initially too small on Firefox (Mac)
-- Did not persist a zero volume value:
-New features:
-- clip's can have urlResolvers and connectionProviders
-- Added new configuration options 'connectionCallbacks' and 'streamCallbacks'. Both accept an Array of event names as a value.
- When these events get fired on the connection or stream object, corresponding Clip events will be fired by the player.
- This can be used for example when firing custom events from RTMP server apps
-- Added new clip event types: 'onConnectionEvent' and 'onStreamEvent' these get fired when the predefined events happen on the connection and stream objects.
-- Added Security.allowDomain() to allow loaded plugins to script the player
-- Added addClip(clip, index) to the API, index is optional
-- Possibility to view videos without metadata, using clip.metaData: false
-- Now the player's preloader uses the rotating animation instead of a percent text to indicate the progress
- of loading the player SWF. You can disable the aninamtion by setting buffering: false
-- calling close() now does not send the onStop event
-- Clip's custom properties are now present in the root of the clip argument in all clip events that are sent to JS.
-Bug fixes:
-- The preloader sometimes failed to initialize the player
-- Allow seeking while in buffering state:
-- Replay of a RTMP stream was failing after the connection had expired
-- Security error when clicking on the screen if there is an image in the playlist loaded from a foreign domain
-- loadPlugin() was not working
-- now fullscreen works with Flash versions older than 9.0.115, in versions that do not support hardware scaling
-- replaying a RTMP stream with an image in front of the stream in the playlist was not working (video stayed hidden). Happened
- because the server does not send metadata if replaying the same stream.
-- the scrubber is disabled if the clip is not seekable in the first frame:
- By default if the clip has one of following extensions (the typical flash video extensions) it is seekable
- in the first frame: 'f4b', 'f4p', 'f4v', 'flv'. Added new clip property seekableOnBegin that can be used to override the default.
-- added possibility to associate a linkUrl and linkWindow to the canvas
-- fix for entering fullscreen for Flash versions that don't support the hardware scaled fullscreen-mode
-- when showing images the duration tracking starts only after the image has been completely loaded:
-- fix for verifying license keys for domains that have more than 4 labels in them
-- if plugin loading failis because of a IO error, the plugin will be discarded and the player initialization continues:
-- The "play" pseudo-plugin now supports fadeIn(), fadeOut(), showPlugin(), hidePlugin() and
- additionally you can configure it like this:
- // make only the play button invisible (buffering animation is still used)
- play: { display: 'none' }
- // disable the play button and the buffering animation
- play: null
- // disable the buffering animation
- buffering: null
-- Added possibility to seek when in the buffering state:
-- Added copyright notices and other GPL required entries to the user interface
-- clip urls were not resolved correctly if the HTML page URL had a query string starting with a question mark (
-- Fixed context menu for with IE (commercial version)
-- a cuepoint at time zero was fired several times
-- screen is now arranged correctly even when only bottom or top is defined for it in the configuration
-- Fixed context menu for with IE (commercial version)
-- a cuepoint at time zero was fired several times
-- screen is now arranged correctly even when only bottom or top is defined for it in the configuration
-- Now possible to call play() in an onError handler:
-- Does not throw an error if the player cannot persist the volume on the client computer:
-- Triggering fullscreen does not pause the player in IE
-- The play button overlay no longer has a gap between it's pieces when a label is used:
-- clip.update() JS call now resets the duration
-- a label configured for the play button overlay did not work in the commercial version
-- fixed cuepoint firing: Does not skip cuepoints any more
-- Plugins can now be loaded from a different domain to the flowplayer.swf
-- Specifying a clip to play by just using the 'clip' node in the configuration was not working, a playlist definition was required. This is now fixed.
-- Fixed: A playlist with different providers caused the onMetadata event to fire events with metadata from the previous clip in the playlist. Occurred when moving in the playlist with next() and prev()
-- the opacity setting now works with the logo
-- fadeOut() call to the "screen" plugin was sending the listenerId and pluginName arguments in wrong order
-- stop(), pause(), resume(), close() no longer return the flowplayer object to JS
-- changing the size of the screen in a onFullscreen listener now always works, there was a bug that caused this to fail occasionally
-- fixed using arbitrary SWFs as plugins
-- the API method setPlaylist() no longer starts playing if autoPlay: true, neither it starts buffering if autoBuffering: true
-- the API method play() now accepts an array of clip objects as an argument, the playlist is replaced with the specified clips and playback starts from the 1st clip
-- setting play: null now works again
-- pressing the play again button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
-- now displays a live feed even when the RTMP server does not send any metadata and the onStart method is not therefore dispatched
-- added onMetaData clip event
-- fixed 'orig' scaling: the player went to 'fit' scaling after coming back from fullscreen. This is now fixed and the original dimensions are preserved in non-fullscreen mode.
-- cuepoint times are now given in milliseconds, the firing precision is 100 ms. All cuepoint times are rounded to the nearest 100 ms value (for example 1120 rounds to 1100)
-- backgroundGradient was drawn over the background image in the canvas and in the content and controlbar plugins. Now it's drawn below the image.
-- added cuepointMultiplier property to clips. This can be used to multiply the time values read from cuepoint metadata embedded into video files.
-- the player's framerate was increased to 24 FPS, makes all animations smoother
-- Fixed negative cuepoints from common clip. Now these are properly propagated to the clips in playlist.
-- buffering animation is now the same size as the play button overlay
-- commercial version now supports license keys that allows the use of subdomains
-- error messages are now automatically hidden after a 4 second delay. They are also hidden when a new clips
- starts playing (when onBeforeBegin is fired)
-- added possibility to disable the buffering animation like so: buffering: false
-- pressing the play button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
-- license key verification failed if a port number was used in the URL (like in this url:
-- added audio support, clip has a new "image" property
-- workaround for missing "NetStream.Play.Start" notfication that was happending with Red5. Because of this issue the video was not shown.
-- commercial version has the possibility to change the zIndex of the logo
-- Removed security errors that happened when loading images from foreign domains (domains other than the domain of the core SWF).
- Using a backgroundImage on canvas, in the content plugin, and for the controls is also possible to be loaded
- from a foreign domain - BUT backgroundRepeat cannot be used for foreign images.
-- Now allows the embedding HTML to script the player even if the player is loaded from another domain.
-- Added a 'live' property to Clips, used for live streams.
-- A player embedded to a foreign domain now loads images, css files and other resources from the domain where the palyer SWF was loaded from. This is to generate shorter embed-codes.
-- Added linkUrl and linkWindow properties to the logo, in commercial version you can set these to point to a linked page. The linked page gets opened
- when the logo is clicked. Possible values for linkWindow:
- * "_self" specifies the current frame in the current window.
- * "_blank" specifies a new window.
- * "_parent" specifies the parent of the current frame.
- * "_top" specifies the top-level frame in the current window.
-- Added linkUrl and linkWindow properties to clips. The linked page is opened when the video are is clicked and the corresponding clip has a linkUrl specified.
-- Made the play button overlay and the "Play again" button slightly bigger.
-- Now shows a "Play again" button at the end of the video/playlist
-- Commercial version shows a Flowplayer logo if invalidKey was supplied, but the otherwise the player works
-- setting play: null in configuration will disable the play button overlay
-- setting opacity for "play" also sets it for the buffering animation
-- Fixed firing of cuepoints too early. Cuepoint firing is now based on stream time and does not rely on timers
-- added onXMPData event listener
-- Should not stop playback too early before the clip is really completed
-- The START event is now delayed so that the metadata is available when the event is fired, METADATA event was removed,
- new event BEGIN that is dispatched when the playback has been successfully started. Metadata is not normally
- available when BEGIN is fired.
-- stopBuffering() now dispatches the onStop event first if the player is playing/paused/buffering at the time of calling it
-- fixed detection of images based on file extensions
-- fixed some issues with having images in the playlist
-- made it possible to autoBuffer next video while showing an image (image without a duration)
-- fixed: setting the screen height in configuration did not have any effect
-- better error message if plugin loading fails, shows the URL used
-- validates our redesigned multidomain license key correctly
-- fix to prevent the play button going visible when the onBufferEmpty event occurs
-- the commercial swf now correctly loads the controls using version information
-- fixed: the play button overlay became invisible with long fadeOutSpeeds
-- removed the onFirstFramePause event
-- playing a clip for the second time caused a doubled sound
-- pausing on first frame did not work on some FLV files
-- logo only uses percentage scaling if it's a SWF file (there is ".swf" in it's url)
-- context menu now correctly builds up from string entries in configuration
--always closes the previous connection before starting a new clip
-- now it's possible to load a plugin into the panel without specifying any position/dimensions
- information, the plugin is placed to left: "50%", top: "50%" and using the plugin DisplayObject's width & height
-- The Flowplayer API was not fully initialized when onLoad was invoked on Flash plugins
-- tweaking logo placement
-- "play" did not show up after repeated pause/resume
-- player now loads the latest controls SWF version, right now the latest SWF is called 'flowplayer.controls-3.0.0-beta2.swf'
-- fixed support for RTMP stream groups
-- changed to loop through available fonts in order to find a suitable font also in IE
-- Preloader was broken on IE: When the player SWf was in browser's cache it did not initialize properly
-- Context menu now correctly handles menu items that are configured by their string labels only (not using json objects)
-- fixed custom logo positioning (was moved to the left edge of screen in fullscreen)
-- "play" now always follows the position and size of the screen
-- video was stretched below the controls in fullscreen when autoHide: 'never'
-- logo now takes 6.5% of the screen height, width is scaled so that the aspect ratio is preserved
-- First public beta release