path: root/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/Debian.yml b/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a1ed0387..00000000
--- a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-- name: install dkms
- import_role:
- name: prepare-dkms
-- name: check if contrib apt component is enabled
- assert:
- msg: "Debian zfs packages are in contrib - please enable it using 'apt_repo_components'"
- that:
- - apt_repo_components is defined
- - "'contrib' in apt_repo_components"
-- name: enable backports and force ZFS packages from backports for buster
- when: (ansible_distribution_major_version | int) == 10
- block:
- - name: add backports repo
- include_role:
- name: apt-repo/backports
- - name: pin zfs packages to buster-backports
- copy:
- content: |
- Package: libnvpair1linux libuutil1linux libzfs2linux libzpool2linux spl-dkms zfs-dkms zfs-test zfsutils-linux zfsutils-linux-dev zfs-zed
- Pin: release n=buster-backports
- Pin-Priority: 990
- dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/zfs-from-buster-backports
-- name: install zfs modules via dkms
- apt:
- name: zfs-dkms
- state: present
-- name: check if module is available for the currently running kernel
- command: modprobe --dry-run zfs
- check_mode: no
- register: zfs_module_available
- failed_when: false
- changed_when: false
-- name: rebuild zfs module
- when: zfs_module_available.rc != 0
- command: dpkg-reconfigure zfs-dkms
diff --git a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/Ubuntu.yml b/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/Ubuntu.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9745d716..00000000
--- a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/Ubuntu.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-## nothing to do here - zfs modules are part of ubuntu core already
diff --git a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/enable-systemd-mount-generator.yml b/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/enable-systemd-mount-generator.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d50c873..00000000
--- a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/enable-systemd-mount-generator.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-- name: enable zfs-list-cacher zlet
- file:
- src: /usr/lib/zfs-linux/zed.d/
- dest: /etc/zfs/zed.d/
- state: link
-- name: create base-directory for zfs-list.cache
- file:
- path: /etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/
- state: directory
-- name: create zfs-list.cache file for all pools
- loop: "{{ zfs_pools | dict2items }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- copy:
- content: ""
- dest: "/etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/{{ item.key }}"
- force: no
-## TODO: if this is installed after the zpool has already been created zed needs to be triggered
-## using something like: zfs set canmount=on DATASET
diff --git a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/main.yml b/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 99b8e228..00000000
--- a/roles/storage/zfs/pools/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-- name: configure arc size
- when: zfs_arc_size is defined
- copy:
- content: |
- options zfs zfs_arc_min={{ zfs_arc_size.min | human_to_bytes }}
- options zfs zfs_arc_max={{ zfs_arc_size.max | human_to_bytes }}
- dest: /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf
-- name: install zfs modules
- include_tasks: "{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml"
-- name: load zfs kernel module
- modprobe:
- name: zfs
- state: present
-- name: install zed and zfs file system utilities
- apt:
- name:
- - zfsutils-linux
- - zfs-zed
- state: present
-- name: enable systemd mount-generator
- when: zfs_use_systemd_mount_generator
- import_tasks: enable-systemd-mount-generator.yml
-- name: gather zpool facts
- zpool_facts:
-- name: generate list of existing pools
- set_fact:
- zfs_existing_pools: "{{ ansible_zfs_pools | map(attribute='name') | list }}"
-- name: try to import existing pools
- loop: "{{ zfs_pools | dict2items }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- when: item.key not in zfs_existing_pools
- command: "zpool import{% for dev in (item.value.create_vdevs.split(' ') | select('match', '^/dev/') ) %} -d {{ dev }}{% endfor %} -f {{ item.key }}"
- register: zfs_import_result
- failed_when:
- - zfs_import_result.rc == 0
- - (zfs_import_result.stderr_lines | reject("regex", " no such pool available$") | list | length) > 0
- changed_when:
- - (zfs_import_result.stderr_lines | length) == 0
-- name: gather zpool facts (again)
- zpool_facts:
-- name: generate list of existing pools (again)
- set_fact:
- zfs_existing_pools: "{{ ansible_zfs_pools | map(attribute='name') | list }}"
-- name: create pools
- loop: "{{ zfs_pools | dict2items }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- when: item.key not in zfs_existing_pools
- command: "zpool create -m {{ item.value.mountpoint }} {% for prop, value in ( | default(zfs_pool_default_properties)).items() %}-o {{ prop }}={{ value }} {% endfor %}{{ item.key }} {{ item.value.create_vdevs }}"