path: root/roles/vm/guest/define/templates
diff options
authorChristian Pointner <>2020-07-11 02:58:28 +0200
committerChristian Pointner <>2020-07-11 02:58:28 +0200
commit49c58d575f420165f7d8341bccb8b4ba4629e735 (patch)
treedfbfe6a937ec04fa7d48de8c1d08a1596ba837b2 /roles/vm/guest/define/templates
parentMerge branch 'topic/debian-installer-verification' (diff)
parentch-gnocchi: remove temporary interface config (diff)
Merge branch 'topic/vm-host-network'
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/vm/guest/define/templates')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/vm/guest/define/templates/libvirt-domain.xml.j2 b/roles/vm/guest/define/templates/libvirt-domain.xml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba0dcd5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/vm/guest/define/templates/libvirt-domain.xml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+<domain type='kvm'>
+ <name>{{ install_hostname }}</name>
+ <memory>{{ ((hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.vm.memory | human_to_bytes) / 1024) | int }}</memory>
+ <currentMemory>{{ ((hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.vm.memory | human_to_bytes) / 1024) | int }}</currentMemory>
+ <vcpu>{{ hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.vm.numcpus }}</vcpu>
+ <os>
+ <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-0.12'>hvm</type>
+{% if vm_define_installer %}
+{% if install_distro == 'debian' or install_distro == 'ubuntu' %}
+ <kernel>{{ installer_base_path }}/{{ install_distro }}-{{ install_codename }}/{{ hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.arch | default('amd64') }}-netboot/linux</kernel>
+ <initrd>{{ installer_tmpdir }}/initrd.{{ install_hostname }}.gz</initrd>
+ <cmdline>console=ttyS0,115200n8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5</cmdline>
+ <boot dev='hd'/>
+{% elif install_distro == 'openbsd' %}
+ <boot dev='cdrom'/>
+{% endif %}
+{% else %}
+ <boot dev='hd'/>
+{% endif %}
+ </os>
+ <features>
+ <acpi/>
+ <apic/>
+ <pae/>
+ </features>
+ <clock offset='utc'/>
+ <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>
+{% if vm_define_installer %}
+ <on_reboot>destroy</on_reboot>
+ <on_crash>destroy</on_crash>
+{% else %}
+ <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>
+ <on_crash>restart</on_crash>
+{% endif %}
+ <devices>
+ <emulator>/usr/bin/kvm</emulator>
+ <!-- Provide a virtualized RNG to the guest -->
+ <rng model='virtio'>
+ <!-- Allow consuming up to 10kb/s, measured over 2s -->
+ <rate period="2000" bytes="20480"/>
+ <backend model='random'>/dev/random</backend>
+ </rng>
+{% if vm_define_installer and install_distro == 'openbsd' %}
+ <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
+ <driver name='qemu'/>
+ <source file='{{ installer_tmpdir }}/{{ install_hostname }}.iso'/>
+ <target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/>
+ <readonly/>
+ </disk>
+{% endif %}
+{% if 'virtio' in hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.disks %}
+{% for device, src in hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.disks.virtio.items() %}
+ <disk type='block' device='disk'>
+ <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none' discard='unmap'/>
+{% if src.type == 'lvm' %}
+ <source dev='/dev/mapper/{{ | replace('-', '--') }}-{{ | replace('-', '--') }}'/>
+{% elif src.type == 'zfs' %}
+ <source dev='/dev/zvol/{{ vm_host_cooked.zfs[src.backend | default('default')].pool }}/{{ vm_host_cooked.zfs[src.backend | default('default')].name }}/{{ install_hostname }}/{{ }}'/>
+{% endif %}
+ <target dev='{{ device }}' bus='virtio'/>
+ </disk>
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if 'scsi' in hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.disks %}
+ <controller type='scsi' index='0' model='virtio-scsi'/>
+{% for device, src in hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.disks.scsi.items() %}
+ <disk type='block' device='disk'>
+ <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none' discard='unmap'/>
+{% if src.type == 'lvm' %}
+ <source dev='/dev/mapper/{{ | replace('-', '--') }}-{{ | replace('-', '--') }}'/>
+{% elif src.type == 'zfs' %}
+ <source dev='/dev/zvol/{{ vm_host_cooked.zfs[src.backend | default('default')].pool }}/{{ vm_host_cooked.zfs[src.backend | default('default')].name }}/{{ install_hostname }}/{{ }}'/>
+{% endif %}
+ <target dev='{{ device }}' bus='scsi'/>
+ </disk>
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.interfaces %}
+{% for if in hostvars[install_hostname].install_cooked.interfaces %}
+ <interface type='bridge'>
+{% if 'mac' in if %}
+ <mac address='{{ if.mac }}'/>
+{% endif %}
+ <source bridge='{{ if.bridge }}'/>
+ <model type='virtio'/>
+ <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x0{{ loop.index }}' function='0x0'/>
+ </interface>
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+ <serial type='pty'>
+ <target port='0'/>
+ </serial>
+ <console type='pty'>
+ <target type='serial' port='0'/>
+ </console>
+ </devices>