/* * tcpproxy * * tcpproxy is a simple tcp connection proxy which combines the * features of rinetd and 6tunnel. tcpproxy supports IPv4 and * IPv6 and also supports connections from IPv6 to IPv4 * endpoints and vice versa. * * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Christian Pointner * * This file is part of tcpproxy. * * tcpproxy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * tcpproxy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with tcpproxy. If not, see . */ #include "datatypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "clients.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "log.h" void clients_delete_element(void* e) { if(!e) return; client_t* element = (client_t*)e; close(element->fd_[0]); close(element->fd_[1]); if(element->write_buf_[0].buf_) free(element->write_buf_[0].buf_); if(element->write_buf_[1].buf_) free(element->write_buf_[1].buf_); free(e); } int clients_init(clients_t* list, int32_t buffer_size) { list->buffer_size_ = buffer_size; return slist_init(&(list->list_), &clients_delete_element); } void clients_clear(clients_t* list) { slist_clear(&(list->list_)); } static int handle_connect(client_t* c, int32_t buffer_size_) { if(!c || c->state_ != CONNECTING) return -1; int error = 0; socklen_t len = sizeof(error); if(getsockopt(c->fd_[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len)==-1) { log_printf(ERROR, "Error on getsockopt(): %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(error) { log_printf(ERROR, "Error on connect(): %s, not adding client %d", strerror(error), c->fd_[0]); return -1; } int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { c->write_buf_[i].buf_ = malloc(buffer_size_); if(!c->write_buf_[i].buf_) return -2; c->write_buf_[i].length_ = buffer_size_; c->write_buf_offset_[i] = 0; c->transferred_[i] = 0; } log_printf(INFO, "successfully added client %d", c->fd_[0]); c->state_ = CONNECTED; return 0; } int clients_add(clients_t* list, int fd, const tcp_endpoint_t remote_end, const tcp_endpoint_t source_end) { if(!list) return -1; client_t* element = malloc(sizeof(client_t)); if(!element) { close(fd); return -2; } int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { element->write_buf_[i].buf_ = NULL; element->write_buf_[i].length_ = 0; element->write_buf_offset_[i] = 0; } element->state_ = CONNECTING; element->fd_[0] = fd; element->fd_[1] = socket(remote_end.addr_.ss_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(element->fd_[1] < 0) { log_printf(INFO, "Error on socket(): %s, not adding client %d", strerror(errno), element->fd_[0]); close(element->fd_[0]); free(element); return -1; } int on = 1; if(setsockopt(element->fd_[0], IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &on, sizeof(on)) || setsockopt(element->fd_[1], IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &on, sizeof(on))) { log_printf(ERROR, "Error on setsockopt(): %s", strerror(errno)); close(element->fd_[0]); close(element->fd_[1]); free(element); return -1; } if(fcntl(element->fd_[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) || fcntl(element->fd_[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) { log_printf(ERROR, "Error on fcntl(): %s", strerror(errno)); close(element->fd_[0]); close(element->fd_[1]); free(element); return -1; } if(source_end.addr_.ss_family != AF_UNSPEC) { if(bind(element->fd_[1], (struct sockaddr *)&(source_end.addr_), source_end.len_)==-1) { log_printf(INFO, "Error on bind(): %s, not adding client %d", strerror(errno), element->fd_[0]); close(element->fd_[0]); close(element->fd_[1]); free(element); return -1; } } if(slist_add(&(list->list_), element) == NULL) { close(element->fd_[0]); close(element->fd_[1]); free(element); return -2; } if(connect(element->fd_[1], (struct sockaddr *)&(remote_end.addr_), remote_end.len_)==-1) { if(errno == EINPROGRESS) return 0; log_printf(INFO, "Error on connect(): %s, not adding client %d", strerror(errno), element->fd_[0]); slist_remove(&(list->list_), element); return -1; } log_printf(DEBUG, "connect() for client %d returned immediatly", element->fd_[0]); int ret = handle_connect(element, list->buffer_size_); if(ret) slist_remove(&(list->list_), element); return ret; } void clients_remove(clients_t* list, int fd) { slist_remove(&(list->list_), clients_find(list, fd)); } client_t* clients_find(clients_t* list, int fd) { if(!list) return NULL; slist_element_t* tmp = list->list_.first_; while(tmp) { client_t* c = (client_t*)tmp->data_; if(c && (c->fd_[0] == fd || c->fd_[1] == fd)) return c; tmp = tmp->next_; } return NULL; } void clients_print(clients_t* list) { if(!list) return; slist_element_t* tmp = list->list_.first_; while(tmp) { client_t* c = (client_t*)tmp->data_; if(c) { char state = '?'; switch(c->state_) { case CONNECTING: state = '>'; break; case CONNECTED: state = 'c'; break; } log_printf(NOTICE, "[%c] client #%d/%d: %lld bytes received, %lld bytes sent", state, c->fd_[0], c->fd_[1], c->transferred_[0], c->transferred_[1]); } tmp = tmp->next_; } } void clients_read_fds(clients_t* list, fd_set* set, int* max_fd) { if(!list) return; slist_element_t* tmp = list->list_.first_; while(tmp) { client_t* c = (client_t*)tmp->data_; if(c && c->state_ == CONNECTED) { if(c->write_buf_offset_[1] < c->write_buf_[1].length_) { FD_SET(c->fd_[0], set); *max_fd = *max_fd > c->fd_[0] ? *max_fd : c->fd_[0]; } if(c->write_buf_offset_[0] < c->write_buf_[0].length_) { FD_SET(c->fd_[1], set); *max_fd = *max_fd > c->fd_[1] ? *max_fd : c->fd_[1]; } } tmp = tmp->next_; } } void clients_write_fds(clients_t* list, fd_set* set, int* max_fd) { if(!list) return; slist_element_t* tmp = list->list_.first_; while(tmp) { client_t* c = (client_t*)tmp->data_; if(c && c->state_ == CONNECTED) { if(c->write_buf_offset_[0]) { FD_SET(c->fd_[0], set); *max_fd = *max_fd > c->fd_[0] ? *max_fd : c->fd_[0]; } if(c->write_buf_offset_[1]) { FD_SET(c->fd_[1], set); *max_fd = *max_fd > c->fd_[1] ? *max_fd : c->fd_[1]; } } else if(c && c->state_ == CONNECTING) { FD_SET(c->fd_[1], set); *max_fd = *max_fd > c->fd_[1] ? *max_fd : c->fd_[1]; } tmp = tmp->next_; } } int clients_read(clients_t* list, fd_set* set) { if(!list) return -1; slist_element_t* tmp = list->list_.first_; while(tmp) { client_t* c = (client_t*)tmp->data_; tmp = tmp->next_; if(c && c->state_ == CONNECTED) { int i; for(i=0; i<2; ++i) { int in, out; if(FD_ISSET(c->fd_[i], set)) { in = i; out = i ^ 1; } else continue; int len = recv(c->fd_[in], &(c->write_buf_[out].buf_[c->write_buf_offset_[out]]), c->write_buf_[out].length_ - c->write_buf_offset_[out], 0); if(len < 0) { log_printf(INFO, "Error on recv(): %s, removing client %d", strerror(errno), c->fd_[0]); slist_remove(&(list->list_), c); break; } else if(!len) { log_printf(INFO, "client %d closed connection, removing it", c->fd_[0]); slist_remove(&(list->list_), c); break; } else c->write_buf_offset_[out] += len; } } } return 0; } int clients_write(clients_t* list, fd_set* set) { if(!list) return -1; slist_element_t* tmp = list->list_.first_; while(tmp) { client_t* c = (client_t*)tmp->data_; tmp = tmp->next_; if(c && c->state_ == CONNECTED) { int i; for(i=0; i<2; ++i) { if(FD_ISSET(c->fd_[i], set)) { int len = send(c->fd_[i], c->write_buf_[i].buf_, c->write_buf_offset_[i], 0); if(len < 0) { log_printf(INFO, "Error on send(): %s, removing client %d", strerror(errno), c->fd_[0]); slist_remove(&(list->list_), c); break; } else { c->transferred_[i] += len; if(c->write_buf_offset_[i] > len) { memmove(c->write_buf_[i].buf_, &c->write_buf_[i].buf_[len], c->write_buf_offset_[i] - len); c->write_buf_offset_[i] -= len; } else c->write_buf_offset_[i] = 0; } } } } else if(c && c->state_ == CONNECTING && FD_ISSET(c->fd_[1], set)) { int ret = handle_connect(c, list->buffer_size_); if(ret) slist_remove(&(list->list_), c); } } return 0; }