%{ /* * tcpproxy * * tcpproxy is a simple tcp connection proxy which combines the * features of rinetd and 6tunnel. tcpproxy supports IPv4 and * IPv6 and also supports connections from IPv6 to IPv4 * endpoints and vice versa. * * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Christian Pointner * * This file is part of tcpproxy. * * tcpproxy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * tcpproxy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with tcpproxy. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "datatypes.h" #include "log.h" #include "options.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "listener.h" void yyerror(const char *); int yylex(void); int line_cnt = 1; const char* config_file_; listeners_t* glisteners; struct listener { char* la_; resolv_type_t lrt_; char* lp_; char* ra_; resolv_type_t rrt_; char* rp_; char* sa_; }; static struct listener* new_listener_struct() { struct listener* l = malloc(sizeof(struct listener)); l->la_ = NULL; l->lrt_ = ANY; l->lp_ = NULL; l->ra_ = NULL; l->rrt_ = ANY; l->rp_ = NULL; l->sa_ = NULL; } static void clear_listener_struct(struct listener* l) { if(l->la_) free(l->la_); if(l->lp_) free(l->lp_); if(l->ra_) free(l->ra_); if(l->rp_) free(l->rp_); if(l->sa_) free(l->sa_); free(l); } static void merge_listener_struct(struct listener* dest, struct listener* src) { if(src->la_) { if(dest->la_) free(dest->la_); dest->la_ = src->la_; } if(src->lrt_ != ANY) dest->lrt_ = src->lrt_; if(src->lp_) { if(dest->lp_) free(dest->lp_); dest->lp_ = src->lp_; } if(src->ra_) { if(dest->ra_) free(dest->ra_); dest->ra_ = src->ra_; } if(src->rrt_ != ANY) dest->rrt_ = src->rrt_; if(src->rp_) { if(dest->rp_) free(dest->rp_); dest->rp_ = src->rp_; } if(src->sa_) { if(dest->sa_) free(dest->sa_); dest->sa_ = src->sa_; } free(src); } void yyinit(const char* config_file, listeners_t* listeners) { config_file_ = config_file; glisteners = listeners; } %} %union { char null; char *string; int rtype; struct listener* listener; } %token TOK_OPEN; %token TOK_CLOSE; %token TOK_COLON; %token TOK_SEMICOLON; %token TOK_ASTERISK; %token TOK_LISTEN; %token TOK_RESOLV; %token TOK_REMOTE; %token TOK_REMOTE_RESOLV; %token TOK_SOURCE; %token TOK_IPV4; %token TOK_IPV6; %token TOK_NUMBER; %token TOK_IPV4_ADDR; %token TOK_IPV6_ADDR; %token TOK_NAME; %token TOK_HOSTNAME; %type listen %type listen_head %type listen_body %type listen_body_element %type remote %type source %type resolv %type remote_resolv %type resolv_type %type service %type host_or_addr %error-verbose %% cfg: | cfg listen ; listen: listen_head TOK_OPEN listen_body TOK_CLOSE TOK_SEMICOLON { merge_listener_struct($1, $3); int ret = listener_add(glisteners, $1->la_, $1->lrt_, $1->lp_, $1->ra_, $1->rrt_, $1->rp_, $1->sa_); clear_listener_struct($1); if(ret) { YYABORT; } } ; listen_head: TOK_LISTEN host_or_addr service { struct listener* l = new_listener_struct(); l->la_ = $2; l->lp_ = $3; $$ = l; } | TOK_LISTEN TOK_ASTERISK service { struct listener* l = new_listener_struct(); l->lp_ = $3; $$ = l; } ; listen_body: listen_body_element | listen_body listen_body_element { merge_listener_struct($1, $2); $$ = $1; } ; listen_body_element: resolv TOK_SEMICOLON | remote TOK_SEMICOLON | remote_resolv TOK_SEMICOLON | source TOK_SEMICOLON ; remote: TOK_REMOTE TOK_COLON host_or_addr service { struct listener* l = new_listener_struct(); l->ra_ = $3; l->rp_ = $4; $$ = l; } ; source: TOK_SOURCE TOK_COLON host_or_addr { struct listener* l = new_listener_struct(); l->sa_ = $3; $$ = l; } ; resolv: TOK_RESOLV TOK_COLON resolv_type { struct listener* l = new_listener_struct(); l->lrt_ = $3; $$ = l; } ; remote_resolv: TOK_REMOTE_RESOLV TOK_COLON resolv_type { struct listener* l = new_listener_struct(); l->rrt_ = $3; $$ = l; } ; resolv_type: TOK_IPV4 | TOK_IPV6 ; service: TOK_NUMBER | TOK_NAME ; host_or_addr: TOK_NUMBER | TOK_NAME | TOK_HOSTNAME | TOK_IPV4_ADDR | TOK_IPV6_ADDR ; %% void yyerror (const char *string) { log_printf(ERROR, "%s:%d %s\n", config_file_, line_cnt, string); }