tcpproxy(8) =========== NAME ---- tcpproxy - IPv4/IPv6 tcp connection proxy SYNOPSIS -------- .... tcpproxy [ -h|--help ] [ -D|--nodaemonize ] [ -u|--username ] [ -g|--groupname ] [ -C|--chroot ] [ -P|--write-pid ] [ -L|--log :[,[,[..]]] ] [ -U|--debug ] .... DESCRIPTION ----------- *tcpproxy* is a simple tcp connection proxy which combines the features of rinetd and 6tunnel. *tcpproxy* supports IPv4 and IPv6 and also supports connections from IPv6 to IPv4 endpoints and vice versa. OPTIONS ------- The following options can be passed to the *tcpproxy* daemon: *-D, --nodaemonize*:: This option instructs *tcpproxy* to run in foreground instead of becoming a daemon which is the default. *-u, --username *:: run as this user. If no group is specified (*-g*) the default group of the user is used. The default is to not drop privileges. *-g, --groupname *:: run as this group. If no username is specified (*-u*) this gets ignored. The default is to not drop privileges. *-C, --chroot *:: Instruct *tcpproxy* to run in a chroot jail. The default is to not run in chroot. *-P, --write-pid *:: Instruct *tcpproxy* to write it's pid to this file. The default is to not create a pid file. *-L, --log :[,[,[..]]]*:: add log target to logging system. This can be invoked several times in order to log to different targets at the same time. Every target hast its own log level which is a number between 0 and 5. Where 0 means disabling log and 5 means debug messages are enabled. + The file target can be used more the once with different levels. If no target is provided at the command line a single target with the config *syslog:3,tcpproxy,daemon* is added. + The following targets are supported: *syslog*;; log to syslog daemon, parameters [,[,]] *file*;; log to file, parameters [,] *stdout*;; log to standard output, parameters *stderr*;; log to standard error, parameters *-U, --debug*:: This option instructs *tcpproxy* to run in debug mode. It implicits *-D* (don't daemonize) and adds a log target with the configuration *stdout:5* (logging with maximum level). In future releases there might be additional output when this option is supplied. EXAMPLES -------- nothing yet.. BUGS ---- Most likely there are some bugs in *tcpproxy*. If you find a bug, please let the developers know at Of course, patches are preferred. SEE ALSO -------- nothing yet.. AUTHORS ------- Christian Pointner RESOURCES --------- Main web site: COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2010 Christian Pointner. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.