sydra(8) ======== NAME ---- sydra - toolbox for RTP based streams SYNOPSIS -------- .... sydra [ -h|--help ] [ -D|--nodaemonize ] [ -u|--username ] [ -g|--groupname ] [ -C|--chroot ] [ -P|--write-pid ] [ -L|--log :[,[,[..]]] ] [ -U|--debug ] [ -n|--appname ] [ -m|--mode (sender|reciever) ] [ --source ] [ --video-encoder ] [ --video-payloader ] [ --previewsink ] [ --audio-encoder ] [ --audio-payloader ] [ --video-caps ] [ --video-depayloader ] [ --video-decoder ] [ --audio-caps ] [ --audio-depayloader ] [ --audio-decoder ] [ --sink ] [ -a|--rtp-host ] [ -o|--rtp-port-base ] [ -A|--rtp-addr-local
] [ -O|--rtp-port-base-local ] [ -c|--no-auto-client ] [ -t|--timeout ] [ -k|--keepalive-interval ] [ --rec-video-encoder ] [ --rec-audio-encoder ] [ --rec-mux ] [ --rec-name-format ] .... DESCRIPTION ----------- *sydra* is a toolbox which allows you to set up multiple bidirectional Video/Audio streams from external locations. *sydra* has been written to be used for the Elevate Festival in Graz Austria in order to involve external locations to present themselves at the festival. *Sydra* is based on GStreamer and is written in C. OPTIONS ------- The following options can be passed to the *sydra* daemon: *global options* *-D, --nodaemonize*:: This option instructs *sydra* to run in foreground instead of becoming a daemon which is the default. *-u, --username *:: run as this user. If no group is specified (*-g*) the default group of the user is used. The default is to not drop privileges. *-g, --groupname *:: run as this group. If no username is specified (*-u*) this gets ignored. The default is to not drop privileges. *-C, --chroot *:: Instruct *sydra* to run in a chroot jail. The default is to not run in chroot. *-P, --write-pid *:: Instruct *sydra* to write it's pid to this file. The default is to not create a pid file. *-L, --log :[,[,[..]]]*:: add log target to logging system. This can be invoked several times in order to log to different targets at the same time. Every target has its own log level which is a number between 0 and 5. Where 0 means disabling log and 5 means debug messages are enabled. + The file target can be used more than once with different levels. If no target is provided at the command line a single target with the config *syslog:3,sydra,daemon* is added. + The following targets are supported: *syslog*;; log to syslog daemon, parameters [,[,]] *file*;; log to file, parameters [,] *stdout*;; log to standard output, parameters *stderr*;; log to standard error, parameters *-U, --debug*:: This option instructs *sydra* to run in debug mode. It implicits *-D* (don't daemonize) and adds a log target with the configuration *stdout:5* (logging with maximum level). In future releases there might be additional output when this option is supplied. *-n, --appname *:: This set the application name using 'g_set_prgname()'. It will be used for example by xvimagesink for window title. *-m, --mode (sender|reciever)*:: This sets the main mode of *sydra*. The sender will read raw video and audio from the source bin and send it via RTP to one or more receivers. *sender-mode only options* *--source *:: A gst-launch-style description for the raw video and audio bin. This bin must contain an element called 'videosrc' and an element called 'audiosrc' which should each contain a pad called 'src'. Theses pads will get connected to the encoder bins. Example: 'v4l2src ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,format=I420,width=864,height=480 ! identity name="videosrc" autoaudiosrc ! audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,channels=1,rate=48000 ! identity name="audiosrc"' *--video-encoder *:: Bin description for the video encoder. Example: 'videoconvert ! vp8enc' *--video-payloader *:: A RTP payloader element for the video codec in use. Example: 'rtpvp8pay' *--previewsink *:: A video sink element for local preview. Example: 'videoconvert ! textoverlay test="preview" ! xvimagesink' *--audio-encoder *:: Bin description for the audio encoder. Example: 'audioconveert ! opusenc' *--audio-payloader *:: A RTP payloader element for the audio codec in use. Example: 'rtpopuspay' *receiver-mode only options* *--video-caps *:: These caps will get assigned to incoming RTP packets for video. Example: 'application/x-rtp,media=video,clock-rate=90000,encoding-name=VP8-DRAFT-IETF-01,caps="video/x-vp8"' *--video-depayloader *:: A RTP depayloader element for the video codec in use. Example: 'rtpvp8depay' *--video-decoder *:: Bin description for the video decoder. Example: 'vp8dec' *--audio-caps *:: These caps will get assigned to incoming RTP packets for audio. Example: 'application/x-rtp,media=audio,clock-rate=48000,payload=96,encoding-name=X-GST-OPUS-DRAFT-SPITTKA-00,caps="audio/x-opus"' *--audio-depayloader *:: A RTP depayloader element for the audio codec in use. Example: 'rtpopusdepay' *--audio-decoder *:: Bin description for the audio decoder. Example: 'opusdec' *--sink *:: A gst-launch-style description for the raw video and audio bin. This bin must contain an element called 'videosink' and an element called 'audiosink' which should each contain a pad called 'sink'. Theses pads will get connected to the decoder bins. Example: 'videoconvert name="videosink" ! videoscale add-borders=true ! xvimagesink audioconvert name="audiosink" ! autoaudiosink' *options for RTP* *-a, --rtp-host *:: In 'sender' mode this sets the address or hostname of the remote RTP receiver. Please mind that the remote RTP host is always added as a receiver and it shouldn't be configured to send keepalives. This would re-add the receiver to the list of clients and as a result duplicate packages will be sent. Also the remote RTP host is excluded from client timeout handling and remove requests from it will get ignored. When you omit this in sender mode the automatic client detection will be used to add receivers. In 'receiver' mode keepalive messages will be sent to this host. Leave empty to disable keepalive messages. *-o, --rtp-port-base *:: The base number for remote ports. *sydra* will send the RTP/RTCP packets using the following mapping: * rtp-port-base + 0: RTP Video * rtp-port-base + 1: RTCP Video * rtp-port-base + 2: RTP Audio * rtp-port-base + 3: RTCP Audio *-A, --rtp-addr-local
*:: The local address to wait for incoming UDP messages. Leave empty to listen on any address. *-O, --rtp-port-base-local *:: The base number for local ports to bind to. The same mapping as for the remote port-base is used to map incoming RTP packets to the RTP bin. *-c, --no-auto-client*:: This disables auto-detection for clients in 'sender' mode. Mind that if you disable the automatic client detection and also omit the rtp-host option *sydra* won't send any RTP messages. If configured recording will work but this is most probably not what you want. *-t, --timeout *:: This sets the client timeout in seconds in 'sender' mode. A value of 0 disables client timeouts. This is not recommended. *-k, --keepalive-interval *:: This sets the interval in seconds for sending out keepalive messages in 'receiver' mode. A value of 0 disables keepalive messages and therefor the client auto detection won't work for this client. *options for recording* *--rec-video-encoder *:: A bin description for the video encoder used for recording. If you leave this empty the output from the RTP video encoder is used. Example: 'videoconvert ! jpegenc' *--rec-audio-encoder *:: A bin description for the audio encoder used for recording. If you leave this empty the output from the RTP audio encoder is used. Example: 'audioconvert ! vorbisenc' *--rec-mux *:: A gstreamer muxer element used for recording. If you leave this empty recording will be disabled. Example: 'matroskamux' *--rec-name-format *:: A 'strftime' based format string which will be used to create the name for the recorded file. Example: ./recordings/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.mkv BUGS ---- Most likely there are some bugs in *sydra*. If you find a bug, please let the developers know at Of course, patches are preferred. SEE ALSO -------- *strftime*(3), *gst-launch*(1) AUTHORS ------- Christian Pointner COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2014 Christian Pointner. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.