-- -- sfive -- -- sfive - spreadspace streaming statistics suite is a generic -- statistic collection tool for streaming server infrastuctures. -- The system collects and stores meta data like number of views -- and throughput from a number of streaming servers and stores -- it in a global data store. -- The data acquisition is designed to be generic and extensible in -- order to support different streaming software. -- sfive also contains tools and applications to filter and visualize -- live and recorded data. -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Pointner -- Markus Grueneis -- -- This file is part of sfive. -- -- sfive is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 -- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- sfive is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with sfive. If not, see . -- -- -- Install this by adding the following to your nginx.conf -- -- http { -- ..... -- -- lua_shared_dict sfive 64k; -- lua_shared_dict sfive_locks 64k; -- lua_shared_dict sfive_data 64m; -- init_by_lua 's5 = require "s5-nginx.lua"'; -- init_worker_by_lua 's5.init_worker(5)'; -- -- ..... -- -- server { -- -- ..... -- -- location /path/to/hls { -- log_by_lua 's5.log()'; -- } -- -- location /sfive { -- allow; -- allow ::1; -- deny all; -- -- content_by_lua 's5.fetch()'; -- } -- -- ..... -- -- } -- locks = require "resty.lock" local _SFIVE = {} ----------------------------------------------- -- this will only be shared within one worker local config = { log_exptime = 30, log_max_index = 1000000 } local sfive = ngx.shared.sfive local sfive_data = ngx.shared.sfive_data ----------------------------------------------- function _SFIVE.log() local status = ngx.var.status if status == '200' or status == '206' then local idx, err = sfive:incr("log:idx", 1) if not idx then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "SFive(log): incrementing log index failed: " .. err) else local json = '{' json = json .. '"time": "' .. string.gsub(ngx.utctime(), " ", "T", 1) .. 'Z",' json = json .. '"client": "' .. ngx.var.remote_addr .. '",' json = json .. '"port": ' .. ngx.var.remote_port .. ',' json = json .. '"ua": "' .. ngx.var.http_user_agent .. '",' json = json .. '"uri": "' .. ngx.var.uri .. '",' json = json .. '"status": ' .. status .. ',' json = json .. '"bytes_sent": ' .. ngx.var.bytes_sent json = json .. '}' local ok, err, force = sfive_data:add(idx, json, config.log_exptime) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "SFive(log): adding log line (".. idx .. ") to log store failed: " .. err) elseif force then ngx.log(ngx.WARN, "SFive(log): adding log line has overwritten other log lines - consider increasing the log store!") end end end end function _SFIVE.fetch() local lock = locks:new("sfive_locks", { exptime = nil, timeout = 0.001 }) local ok, err = lock:lock("fetch") if not ok then if err == "timeout" then ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) else ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "SFive(fetch): failed to acquire fetch lock: " .. err) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) end else ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "SFive(fetch): client connected") while true do logs = sfive_data:get_keys() for i, k in ipairs(logs) do local ok, err = ngx.say(sfive_data:get(k)) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "SFive(fetch): failed to send data set (" .. err .. ") - disconnecting client") lock:unlock("fetch") return end sfive_data:delete(k) end ngx.flush() local idx, err = sfive:get("log:idx") if not idx then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "SFive(fetch): failed to get log index: " .. err) else if idx >= config.log_max_index then local ok, err = sfive:replace("log:idx", 0) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "SFive(init): reseting log index counter failed: " .. err) end end end ngx.sleep(0.1) end lock:unlock("fetch") end end function _SFIVE.init_worker(duration) config.log_exptime = duration config.log_max_index = 1000000 end ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "SFive: loaded successfully") sfive:flush_all() sfive:flush_expired() sfive_data:flush_all() sfive_data:flush_expired() local ok, err = sfive:set("log:idx", 0) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "SFive(init): creating log index counter failed: " .. err) else ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "SFive(init): initialized successfully!") end return _SFIVE