Messages ======== init ---- The streamer-id and tags are optional. All other fields are mandatory. If the streamer-id is not defined all data-update messages must contain a streamer-id. { "version": 1, "hostname": "myhostname", "streamer-id": { "content-id": "av-orig", "format": "flash", "quality": "medium" }, "tags": [ "elevate", "2014", "discourse" ] } data-update ----------- All elements inside data are optional. The update must contain all data gathered between start-time and start-time + duration-ms. If defined by the init message the streamer-id is optional as well and when present it's values override the values of the init message. { "start-time": "2014-08-03T12:34:56.123Z", "duration-ms": 5000, "streamer-id": { "content-id": "av-orig", "format": "flash", "quality": "medium" }, "data": { "clients": [ { "ip": "", "port": 1234, "bytes-sent": 12094, "user-agent": "Mozilla Version 28", .... }, ..... ], "client-count": 12, "bytes-received": 12345, "bytes-sent": 921734098, .... } }