package local::netmask; require Exporter; use strict; use local::db; use base "Exporter"; sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; # my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); my $self=bless {}, $class; return $self; } sub check_ip_in_subnet { my $self=shift; my ($ip,$subnet_ip,$netmask) = @_; # example,, 24 -> returns true (1) if ($ip =~ /\./ and $subnet_ip =~ /\./) { #ipv4 my $ip_int = $self->v4_array_to_int(split(/\./,$ip)); my $subnet_ip_int = $self->v4_array_to_int(split(/\./,$subnet_ip)); my @netmask_ary; for my $i (0..3) { my $bits = $netmask - $i*8; $bits = 8 if $bits >8; $bits = 0 if $bits <0; my $unset = 8-$bits; push @netmask_ary,256- (2** $unset ) ; } my $netmask_int = $self->v4_array_to_int(@netmask_ary); return 1 if ( ($ip_int & $netmask_int) == ($subnet_ip_int & $netmask_int)); return 0; } elsif ($ip =~ /\:/ and $subnet_ip =~ /\:/) { #ipv6 die "Only Subnet lengths of a multiple of 16 are currently supported" if $netmask % 16; my @ip = split(/\:/,$ip); my @netmask = split(/\:/,$subnet_ip); for my $i (1..$netmask /16) { my $ip_part = shift @ip; $ip_part = 0 if not $ip_part; my $netmask_part = shift @netmask; $netmask_part = 0 if not $netmask_part; return 0 if $netmask_part != $ip_part; } return 1; } else { return; # not matching or unknown } } sub v4_array_to_int { my $self=shift; my @array=@_; return unpack( "N", pack( "C4",@array ) ); }