/**************************************************************************** * PredictLib: A satellite tracking/orbital prediction library * * Copyright Andrew T. West, 2008 * * Based on PREDICT, Copyright John A. Magliacane, KD2BD 1991-2002 * * Last update: 07-Jun-2008 * ***************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or any later * * version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * General Public License for more details. * * * *****************************************************************************/ var PLib = { deg2rad: 1.745329251994330E-2, pi: 3.14159265358979323846, pio2: 1.57079632679489656, twopi: 6.28318530717958623, e6a: 1.0E-6, tothrd: 6.6666666666666666E-1, xj3: -2.53881E-6, xke: 7.43669161E-2, xkmper: 6.378137E3, xmnpda: 1.44E3, ae: 1.0, ck2: 5.413079E-4, ck4: 6.209887E-7, f: 3.35281066474748E-3, s: 1.012229, qoms2t: 1.880279E-09, secday: 8.6400E4, omega_E: 1.00273790934, zns: 1.19459E-5, c1ss: 2.9864797E-6, zes: 1.675E-2, znl: 1.5835218E-4, c1l: 4.7968065E-7, zel: 5.490E-2, zcosis: 9.1744867E-1, zsinis: 3.9785416E-1, zsings: -9.8088458E-1, zcosgs: 1.945905E-1, q22: 1.7891679E-6, q31: 2.1460748E-6, q33: 2.2123015E-7, g22: 5.7686396, g32: 9.5240898E-1, g44: 1.8014998, g52: 1.0508330, g54: 4.4108898, root22: 1.7891679E-6, root32: 3.7393792E-7, root44: 7.3636953E-9, root52: 1.1428639E-7, root54: 2.1765803E-9, thdt: 4.3752691E-3, mfactor: 7.292115E-5, sr: 6.96000E5, AU: 1.49597870691E8, dpinit: 1, dpsec: 2, dpper: 3, ALL_FLAGS: -1, SGP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG: 0x000002, SDP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG: 0x000004, SIMPLE_FLAG: 0x000020, DEEP_SPACE_EPHEM_FLAG: 0x000040, LUNAR_TERMS_DONE_FLAG: 0x000080, DO_LOOP_FLAG: 0x000200, RESONANCE_FLAG: 0x000400, SYNCHRONOUS_FLAG: 0x000800, EPOCH_RESTART_FLAG: 0x001000, VISIBLE_FLAG: 0x002000, SAT_ECLIPSED_FLAG: 0x004000, sat_t: function() { this.line1 = ""; this.line2 = ""; this.name = ""; this.catnum = 0; this.setnum = 0; this.designator = ""; this.year = 0; this.refepoch = 0.0; this.incl = 0.0; this.raan = 0.0; this.eccn = 0.0; this.argper = 0.0; this.meanan = 0.0; this.meanmo = 0.0; this.drag = 0.0; this.nddot6 = 0.0; this.bstar = 0.0; this.orbitnum = 0.0; this.refepoch = 0; }, // sat: new Array(), sat: "", qth: { callsign: "HOME", name: "", stnlat: 0.0, stnlong: 0.0, stnalt: 1000, utc_offset: new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60 }, tempstr: "", output: "", tsince: 0.0, jul_epoch: 0.0, jul_utc: 0.0, eclipse_depth: 0.0, sat_azi: 0.0, sat_ele: 0.0, sat_range: 0.0, sat_range_rate: 0.0, sat_lat: 0.0, sat_lon: 0.0, sat_alt: 0.0, sat_vel: 0.0, phase: 0.0, sun_azi: 0.0, sun_ele: 0.0, daynum: 0.0, fm: 0.0, fk: 0.0, age: 0.0, aostime: 0.0, lostime: 0.0, ax: 0.0, ay: 0.0, az: 0.0, rx: 0.0, ry: 0.0, rz: 0.0, squint: 0.0, alat: 0.0, alon: 0.0, ephem: "", sat_sun_status: "", findsun: "", indx: 0, iaz: 0, iel: 0, ma256: 0, isplat: 0, isplong: 0, Flags: 0, rv: 0, irk: 0, tle_t: function() { this.epoch = 0.0; this.xndt2o = 0.0; this.xndd6o = 0.0; this.bstar = 0.0; this.xincl = 0.0; this.xnodeo = 0.0; this.eo = 0.0; this.omegao = 0.0; this.xmo = 0.0; this.xno = 0.0; this.catnr = 0; this.elset = 0; this.revnum = 0; this.sat_name = ""; this.idesg = ""; }, geodetic_t: function() { this.lat = 0.0; this.lon = 0.0; this.alt = 0.0; this.theta = 0.0; }, vector_t: function() { this.x = 0.0; this.y = 0.0; this.z = 0.0; this.w = 0.0; }, deep_arg_t: function() { this.eosq = 0.0; this.sinio = 0.0; this.cosio = 0.0; this.betao = 0.0; this.aodp = 0.0; this.theta2 = 0.0; this.sing = 0.0; this.cosg = 0.0; this.betao2 = 0.0; this.xmdot = 0.0; this.omgdot = 0.0; this.xnodot = 0.0; this.xnodp = 0.0; this.xll = 0.0; this.omgadf = 0.0; this.xnode = 0.0; this.em = 0.0; this.xinc = 0.0; this.xn = 0.0; this.t = 0.0; this.ds50 = 0.0; }, obs_geodetic: new Object(), tle: new Object(), tleData: new Array(), isFlagSet: function(flag) { return (PLib.Flags & flag); }, isFlagClear: function(flag) { return (~PLib.Flags & flag); }, SetFlag: function(flag) { PLib.Flags |= flag; }, ClearFlag: function (flag) { PLib.Flags &= ~flag; }, Sqr: function(arg) { return (arg * arg); }, Radians: function(arg) { return (arg * PLib.deg2rad); }, Degrees: function(arg) { return (arg / PLib.deg2rad); }, Magnitude: function(v) { v.w = Math.sqrt(PLib.Sqr(v.x) + PLib.Sqr(v.y) + PLib.Sqr(v.z)); }, Vec_Sub: function(v1, v2, v3) { v3.x = v1.x - v2.x; v3.y = v1.y - v2.y; v3.z = v1.z - v2.z; PLib.Magnitude(v3); }, Scalar_Multiply: function(k, v1, v2) { v2.x = k * v1.x; v2.y = k * v1.y; v2.z = k * v1.z; v2.w = Math.abs(k) * v1.w; }, Scale_Vector: function(k, v) { v.x *= k; v.y *= k; v.z *= k; PLib.Magnitude(v); }, Dot: function(v1, v2) { return (v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y + v1.z * v2.z); }, Angle: function(v1, v2) { PLib.Magnitude(v1); PLib.Magnitude(v2); return (Math.acos(PLib.Dot(v1, v2) / (v1.w * v2.w))); }, FMod2p: function(x) { var i = 0; var ret_val = 0.0; ret_val = x; i = parseInt(ret_val / PLib.twopi); ret_val -= i * PLib.twopi; if (ret_val < 0.0) ret_val += PLib.twopi; return ret_val; }, Modulus: function(arg1, arg2) { return arg1 - (parseInt(arg1 / arg2)) * arg2; }, Frac: function(arg) { return(arg - Math.floor(arg)); }, Convert_Sat_State: function(pos, vel) { PLib.Scale_Vector(PLib.xkmper, pos); PLib.Scale_Vector(PLib.xkmper * PLib.xmnpda / PLib.secday, vel); }, Julian_Date_of_Year: function(year) { var A = 0, B = 0, i = 0; var jdoy = 0.0; year = year - 1; i = parseInt(year / 100); A = i; i = parseInt(A / 4); B = 2 - A + i; i = parseInt(365.25 * year); i += parseInt(30.6001 * 14); jdoy = i + 1720994.5 + B; return jdoy; }, Julian_Date_of_Epoch: function(epoch) { var year = 0.0, day = 0.0; year = parseInt(epoch * 1E-3); day = ((epoch * 1E-3) - year) * 1E3; if (year < 57) year = year + 2000; else year = year + 1900; return (PLib.Julian_Date_of_Year(year) + day); }, Delta_ET: function(year) { var delta_et = 0.0; delta_et = 26.465 + 0.747622 * (year - 1950) + 1.886913 * Math.sin(PLib.twopi * (year - 1975) / 33); return delta_et; }, ThetaG: function(epoch, deep_arg) { var year = 0.0, day = 0.0, UT = 0.0, jd = 0.0, TU = 0.0, GMST = 0.0, ThetaG = 0.0; year = parseInt(epoch * 1E-3); day = ((epoch * 1E-3) - year) * 1E3; if (year < 57) year += 2000; else year += 1900; UT = (day - parseInt(day)); day = parseInt(day); jd = PLib.Julian_Date_of_Year(year) + day; TU = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525; GMST = 24110.54841 + TU * (8640184.812866 + TU * (0.093104 - TU * 6.2E-6)); GMST = PLib.Modulus(GMST + PLib.secday * PLib.omega_E * UT, PLib.secday); ThetaG = twopi * GMST / PLib.secday; deep_arg.ds50 = jd - 2433281.5 + UT; ThetaG = PLib.FMod2p(6.3003880987 * deep_arg.ds50 + 1.72944494); return ThetaG; }, ThetaG_JD: function(jd) { var UT = 0.0, TU = 0.0, GMST = 0.0; UT = PLib.Frac(jd + 0.5); jd = jd - UT; TU = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525; GMST = 24110.54841 + TU * (8640184.812866 + TU * (0.093104 - TU * 6.2E-6)); GMST = PLib.Modulus(GMST + PLib.secday * PLib.omega_E * UT, PLib.secday); return (PLib.twopi * GMST / PLib.secday); }, Calculate_Solar_Position: function(time, solar_vector) { var mjd = 0.0, year = 0.0, T = 0.0, M = 0.0, L = 0.0, e = 0.0, C = 0.0, O = 0.0, Lsa = 0.0, nu = 0.0, R = 0.0, eps = 0.0; mjd = time - 2415020.0; year = 1900 + mjd / 365.25; T = (mjd + PLib.Delta_ET(year) / PLib.secday) / 36525.0; M = PLib.Radians(PLib.Modulus(358.47583 + PLib.Modulus(35999.04975 * T, 360.0) - (0.000150 + 0.0000033 * T) * PLib.Sqr(T), 360.0)); L = PLib.Radians(PLib.Modulus(279.69668 + PLib.Modulus(36000.76892 * T, 360.0) + 0.0003025 * PLib.Sqr(T),360.0)); e = 0.01675104 - (0.0000418 + 0.000000126 * T) * T; C = PLib.Radians((1.919460 - (0.004789 + 0.000014 * T) * T) * Math.sin(M) + (0.020094 - 0.000100 * T) * Math.sin(2 * M) + 0.000293 * Math.sin(3 * M)); O = PLib.Radians(PLib.Modulus(259.18-1934.142 * T, 360.0)); Lsa = PLib.Modulus(L + C - PLib.Radians(0.00569-0.00479 * Math.sin(O)), PLib.twopi); nu = PLib.Modulus(M + C, PLib.twopi); R = 1.0000002 * (1.0 - PLib.Sqr(e)) / (1.0 + e * Math.cos(nu)); eps = PLib.Radians(23.452294 - (0.0130125 + (0.00000164 - 0.000000503 * T) * T) * T + 0.00256 * Math.cos(O)); R = PLib.AU * R; solar_vector.x = R * Math.cos(Lsa); solar_vector.y = R * Math.sin(Lsa) * Math.cos(eps); solar_vector.z = R * Math.sin(Lsa) * Math.sin(eps); solar_vector.w = R; }, Sat_Eclipsed: function(pos, sol) { var sd_sun = 0.0, sd_earth = 0.0, delta = 0.0; var Rho = new PLib.vector_t(); var earth = new PLib.vector_t();; sd_earth = Math.asin(PLib.xkmper / pos.w); PLib.Vec_Sub(sol, pos, Rho); sd_sun = Math.asin(PLib.sr / Rho.w); PLib.Scalar_Multiply(-1, pos, earth); delta = PLib.Angle(sol, earth); PLib.eclipse_depth = sd_earth - sd_sun - delta; if (sd_earth < sd_sun) return 0; else if (PLib.eclipse_depth >= 0) return 1; else return 0; }, select_ephemeris: function(tle) { var ao = 0.0, xnodp = 0.0, dd1 = 0.0, dd2 = 0.0, delo = 0.0, temp = 0.0, a1 = 0.0, del1 = 0.0, r1 = 0.0; tle.xnodeo *= PLib.deg2rad; tle.omegao *= PLib.deg2rad; tle.xmo *= PLib.deg2rad; tle.xincl *= PLib.deg2rad; temp = PLib.twopi / PLib.xmnpda / PLib.xmnpda; tle.xno = tle.xno * temp * PLib.xmnpda; tle.xndt2o *= temp; tle.xndd6o = tle.xndd6o * temp / PLib.xmnpda; tle.bstar /= PLib.ae; dd1 = (PLib.xke / tle.xno); dd2 = PLib.tothrd; a1 = Math.pow(dd1, dd2); r1 = Math.cos(tle.xincl); dd1 = (1.0 - tle.eo * tle.eo); temp = PLib.ck2 * 1.5 * (r1 * r1 * 3.0 - 1.0) / Math.pow(dd1, 1.5); del1 = temp / (a1 * a1); ao = a1 * (1.0 - del1 * (PLib.tothrd * 0.5 + del1 * (del1 * 1.654320987654321 + 1.0))); delo = temp / (ao * ao); xnodp = tle.xno / (delo + 1.0); if (PLib.twopi / PLib.xnodp / PLib.xmnpda >= 0.15625) PLib.SetFlag(PLib.DEEP_SPACE_EPHEM_FLAG); else PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.DEEP_SPACE_EPHEM_FLAG); }, SGP4: function(tsince, tle, pos, vel) { var cosuk = 0.0, sinuk = 0.0, rfdotk = 0.0, vx = 0.0, vy = 0.0, vz = 0.0, ux = 0.0, uy = 0.0, uz = 0.0, xmy = 0.0, xmx = 0.0, cosnok = 0.0, sinnok = 0.0, cosik = 0.0, sinik = 0.0, rdotk = 0.0, xinck = 0.0, xnodek = 0.0, uk = 0.0, rk = 0.0, cos2u = 0.0, sin2u = 0.0, u = 0.0, sinu = 0.0, cosu = 0.0, betal = 0.0, rfdot = 0.0, rdot = 0.0, r = 0.0, pl = 0.0, elsq = 0.0, esine = 0.0, ecose = 0.0, epw = 0.0, cosepw = 0.0, x1m5th = 0.0, xhdot1 = 0.0, tfour = 0.0, sinepw = 0.0, capu = 0.0, ayn = 0.0, xlt = 0.0, aynl = 0.0, xll = 0.0, axn = 0.0, xn = 0.0, beta = 0.0, xl = 0.0, e = 0.0, a = 0.0, tcube = 0.0, delm = 0.0, delomg = 0.0, templ = 0.0, tempe = 0.0, tempa = 0.0, xnode = 0.0, tsq = 0.0, xmp = 0.0, omega = 0.0, xnoddf = 0.0, omgadf = 0.0, xmdf = 0.0, a1 = 0.0, a3ovk2 = 0.0, ao = 0.0, betao = 0.0, betao2 = 0.0, c1sq = 0.0, c2 = 0.0, c3 = 0.0, coef = 0.0, coef1 = 0.0, del1 = 0.0, delo = 0.0, eeta = 0.0, eosq = 0.0, etasq = 0.0, perigee = 0.0, pinvsq = 0.0, psisq = 0.0, qoms24 = 0.0, s4 = 0.0, temp = 0.0, temp1 = 0.0, temp2 = 0.0, temp3 = 0.0, temp4 = 0.0, temp5 = 0.0, temp6 = 0.0, theta2 = 0.0, theta4 = 0.0, tsi = 0.0; var i = 0; if (PLib.isFlagClear(PLib.SGP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG)) { PLib.SetFlag(PLib.SGP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG); a1 = Math.pow(PLib.xke / tle.xno, PLib.tothrd); PLib.SGP4.cosio = Math.cos(tle.xincl); theta2 = PLib.SGP4.cosio * PLib.SGP4.cosio; PLib.SGP4.x3thm1 = 3 * theta2 - 1.0; eosq = tle.eo * tle.eo; betao2 = 1.0 - eosq; betao = Math.sqrt(betao2); del1 = 1.5 * PLib.ck2 * PLib.SGP4.x3thm1 / (a1 * a1 * betao * betao2); ao = a1 * (1.0 - del1 * (0.5 * PLib.tothrd + del1 * (1.0 + 134.0 / 81.0 * del1))); delo = 1.5 * PLib.ck2 * PLib.SGP4.x3thm1 / (ao * ao * betao * betao2); PLib.SGP4.xnodp = tle.xno / (1.0 + delo); PLib.SGP4.aodp = ao / (1.0 - delo); if ((PLib.SGP4.aodp * (1 - tle.eo) / PLib.ae) < (220 / PLib.xkmper + PLib.ae)) PLib.SetFlag(PLib.SIMPLE_FLAG); else PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.SIMPLE_FLAG); s4 = PLib.s; PLib.qoms24 = PLib.qoms2t; PLib.perigee = (PLib.SGP4.aodp * (1 - tle.eo) - PLib.ae) * PLib.xkmper; if (PLib.perigee < 156.0) { if (PLib.perigee <= 98.0) s4 = 20; else s4 = PLib.perigee - 78.0; PLib.qoms24 = Math.pow((120 - s4) * PLib.ae / PLib.xkmper, 4); s4 = s4 / PLib.xkmper + PLib.ae; } pinvsq = 1 / (PLib.SGP4.aodp * PLib.SGP4.aodp * betao2 * betao2); tsi = 1 / (PLib.SGP4.aodp - s4); PLib.SGP4.eta = PLib.SGP4.aodp * tle.eo * tsi; etasq = PLib.SGP4.eta * PLib.SGP4.eta; eeta = tle.eo * PLib.SGP4.eta; psisq = Math.abs(1 - etasq); coef = qoms24 * Math.pow(tsi, 4); coef1 = coef / Math.pow(psisq, 3.5); c2 = coef1 * PLib.SGP4.xnodp * (PLib.SGP4.aodp * (1 + 1.5 * etasq + eeta * (4 + etasq)) + 0.75 * PLib.ck2 * tsi / psisq * PLib.SGP4.x3thm1 * (8 + 3 * etasq * (8 + etasq))); PLib.SGP4.c1 = tle.bstar * c2; PLib.SGP4.sinio = Math.sin(tle.xincl); a3ovk2 = -PLib.xj3 / PLib.ck2 * Math.pow(PLib.ae, 3); c3 = coef * tsi * a3ovk2 * PLib.SGP4.xnodp * PLib.ae * PLib.SGP4.sinio / tle.eo; PLib.SGP4.x1mth2 = 1 - theta2; PLib.SGP4.c4 = 2 * PLib.SGP4.xnodp * coef1 * PLib.SGP4.aodp * betao2 * (PLib.SGP4.eta * (2 + 0.5 * etasq)+tle.eo * (0.5 + 2 * etasq) - 2 * PLib.ck2 * tsi / (PLib.SGP4.aodp * psisq) * (-3 * PLib.SGP4.x3thm1 * (1 - 2 * eeta + etasq * (1.5 - 0.5 * eeta)) + 0.75 * PLib.SGP4.x1mth2 * (2 * etasq-eeta * (1 + etasq)) * Math.cos(2 * tle.omegao))); PLib.SGP4.c5 = 2 * coef1 * PLib.SGP4.aodp * betao2 * (1 + 2.75 * (etasq + eeta) + eeta * etasq); theta4 = theta2 * theta2; temp1 = 3 * PLib.ck2 * pinvsq * PLib.SGP4.xnodp; temp2 = temp1 * PLib.ck2 * pinvsq; temp3 = 1.25 * PLib.ck4 * pinvsq * pinvsq * PLib.SGP4.xnodp; PLib.SGP4.xmdot = PLib.SGP4.xnodp + 0.5 * temp1 * betao * PLib.SGP4.x3thm1 + 0.0625 * temp2 * betao * (13 - 78 * theta2 + 137 * theta4); x1m5th = 1 - 5 * theta2; PLib.SGP4.omgdot = -0.5 * temp1 * x1m5th + 0.0625 * temp2 * (7 - 114 * theta2 + 395 * theta4) + temp3 * (3 - 36 * theta2 + 49 * theta4); xhdot1 = -temp1 * PLib.SGP4.cosio; PLib.SGP4.xnodot = xhdot1 + (0.5 * temp2 * (4 - 19 * theta2) + 2 * temp3 * (3 - 7 * theta2)) * PLib.SGP4.cosio; PLib.SGP4.omgcof = tle.bstar * c3 * Math.cos(tle.omegao); PLib.SGP4.xmcof = -PLib.tothrd * coef * tle.bstar * PLib.ae / eeta; PLib.SGP4.xnodcf = 3.5 * betao2 * xhdot1 * PLib.SGP4.c1; PLib.SGP4.t2cof = 1.5 * PLib.SGP4.c1; PLib.SGP4.xlcof = 0.125 * a3ovk2 * PLib.SGP4.sinio * (3 + 5 * PLib.SGP4.cosio) / (1 + PLib.SGP4.cosio); PLib.SGP4.aycof = 0.25 * a3ovk2 * PLib.SGP4.sinio; PLib.SGP4.delmo = Math.pow(1 + PLib.SGP4.eta * Math.cos(tle.xmo), 3); PLib.SGP4.sinmo = Math.sin(tle.xmo); PLib.SGP4.x7thm1 = 7 * theta2 - 1; if (PLib.isFlagClear(PLib.SIMPLE_FLAG)) { c1sq = PLib.SGP4.c1 * PLib.SGP4.c1; PLib.SGP4.d2 = 4 * PLib.SGP4.aodp * tsi * c1sq; temp = PLib.SGP4.d2 * tsi * PLib.SGP4.c1/3; PLib.SGP4.d3 = (17 * PLib.SGP4.aodp + s4) * temp; PLib.SGP4.d4 = 0.5 * temp * PLib.SGP4.aodp * tsi * (221 * PLib.SGP4.aodp + 31 * s4) * PLib.SGP4.c1; PLib.SGP4.t3cof = PLib.SGP4.d2 + 2 * c1sq; PLib.SGP4.t4cof = 0.25 * (3 * PLib.SGP4.d3 + PLib.SGP4.c1 * (12 * PLib.SGP4.d2 + 10 * c1sq)); PLib.SGP4.t5cof = 0.2 * (3 * PLib.SGP4.d4 + 12 * PLib.SGP4.c1 * PLib.SGP4.d3 + 6 * PLib.SGP4.d2 * PLib.SGP4.d2 + 15 * c1sq * (2 * PLib.SGP4.d2 + c1sq)); } } xmdf = tle.xmo + PLib.SGP4.xmdot * tsince; omgadf = tle.omegao + PLib.SGP4.omgdot * tsince; xnoddf = tle.xnodeo + PLib.SGP4.xnodot * tsince; omega = omgadf; xmp = xmdf; tsq = tsince * tsince; xnode = xnoddf + PLib.SGP4.xnodcf * tsq; tempa = 1 - PLib.SGP4.c1 * tsince; tempe = tle.bstar * PLib.SGP4.c4 * tsince; templ = PLib.SGP4.t2cof * tsq; if (PLib.isFlagClear(PLib.SIMPLE_FLAG)) { delomg = PLib.SGP4.omgcof * tsince; delm = PLib.SGP4.xmcof * (Math.pow(1 + PLib.SGP4.eta * Math.cos(xmdf), 3) - PLib.SGP4.delmo); temp = delomg + delm; xmp = xmdf + temp; omega = omgadf - temp; tcube = tsq * tsince; tfour = tsince * tcube; tempa = tempa - PLib.SGP4.d2 * tsq - PLib.SGP4.d3 * tcube - PLib.SGP4.d4 * tfour; tempe = tempe + tle.bstar * PLib.SGP4.c5 * (Math.sin(xmp) - PLib.SGP4.sinmo); templ = templ + PLib.SGP4.t3cof * tcube + tfour * (PLib.SGP4.t4cof + tsince * PLib.SGP4.t5cof); } a = PLib.SGP4.aodp * Math.pow(tempa, 2); e = tle.eo - tempe; xl = xmp + omega + xnode + PLib.SGP4.xnodp * templ; beta = Math.sqrt(1 - e * e); xn = PLib.xke / Math.pow(a, 1.5); axn = e * Math.cos(omega); temp = 1 / (a * beta * beta); xll = temp * PLib.SGP4.xlcof * axn; aynl = temp * PLib.SGP4.aycof; xlt = xl + xll; ayn = e * Math.sin(omega) + aynl; capu = PLib.FMod2p(xlt - xnode); temp2 = capu; i = 0; do { sinepw = Math.sin(temp2); cosepw = Math.cos(temp2); temp3 = axn * sinepw; temp4 = ayn * cosepw; temp5 = axn * cosepw; temp6 = ayn * sinepw; epw = (capu - temp4 + temp3 - temp2) / (1 - temp5 - temp6) + temp2; if (Math.abs(epw - temp2) <= PLib.e6a) break; temp2 = epw; } while (i++ < 10); ecose = temp5 + temp6; esine = temp3 - temp4; elsq = axn * axn + ayn * ayn; temp = 1 - elsq; pl = a * temp; r = a * (1 - ecose); temp1 = 1 / r; rdot = PLib.xke * Math.sqrt(a) * esine * temp1; rfdot = PLib.xke * Math.sqrt(pl) * temp1; temp2 = a * temp1; betal = Math.sqrt(temp); temp3 = 1 / (1 + betal); cosu = temp2 * (cosepw - axn + ayn * esine * temp3); sinu = temp2 * (sinepw - ayn - axn * esine * temp3); u = Math.atan2(sinu, cosu); sin2u = 2 * sinu * cosu; cos2u = 2 * cosu * cosu - 1; temp = 1 / pl; temp1 = PLib.ck2 * temp; temp2 = temp1 * temp; rk = r * (1 - 1.5 * temp2 * betal * PLib.SGP4.x3thm1) + 0.5 * temp1 * PLib.SGP4.x1mth2 * cos2u; uk = u - 0.25 * temp2 * PLib.SGP4.x7thm1 * sin2u; xnodek = xnode + 1.5 * temp2 * PLib.SGP4.cosio * sin2u; xinck = tle.xincl + 1.5 * temp2 * PLib.SGP4.cosio * PLib.SGP4.sinio * cos2u; rdotk = rdot - xn * temp1 * PLib.SGP4.x1mth2 * sin2u; rfdotk = rfdot + xn * temp1 * (PLib.SGP4.x1mth2 * cos2u + 1.5 * PLib.SGP4.x3thm1); sinuk = Math.sin(uk); cosuk = Math.cos(uk); sinik = Math.sin(xinck); cosik = Math.cos(xinck); sinnok = Math.sin(xnodek); cosnok = Math.cos(xnodek); xmx = -sinnok * cosik; xmy = cosnok * cosik; ux = xmx * sinuk+cosnok * cosuk; uy = xmy * sinuk+sinnok * cosuk; uz = sinik * sinuk; vx = xmx * cosuk-cosnok * sinuk; vy = xmy * cosuk-sinnok * sinuk; vz = sinik * cosuk; pos.x = rk * ux; pos.y = rk * uy; pos.z = rk * uz; vel.x = rdotk * ux + rfdotk * vx; vel.y = rdotk * uy + rfdotk * vy; vel.z = rdotk * uz + rfdotk * vz; PLib.phase = xlt - xnode - omgadf + PLib.twopi; if (PLib.phase < 0.0) PLib.phase += PLib.twopi; PLib.phase = PLib.FMod2p(PLib.phase); }, Deep: function(ientry, tle, deep_arg) { var a1 = 0.0, a2 = 0.0, a3 = 0.0, a4 = 0.0, a5 = 0.0, a6 = 0.0, a7 = 0.0, a8 = 0.0, a9 = 0.0, a10 = 0.0, ainv2 = 0.0, alfdp = 0.0, aqnv = 0.0, sgh = 0.0, sini2 = 0.0, sinis = 0.0, sinok = 0.0, sh = 0.0, si = 0.0, sil = 0.0, day = 0.0, betdp = 0.0, dalf = 0.0, bfact = 0.0, c = 0.0, cc = 0.0, cosis = 0.0, cosok = 0.0, cosq = 0.0, ctem = 0.0, f322 = 0.0, zx = 0.0, zy = 0.0, dbet = 0.0, dls = 0.0, eoc = 0.0, eq = 0.0, f2 = 0.0, f220 = 0.0, f221 = 0.0, f3 = 0.0, f311 = 0.0, f321 = 0.0, xnoh = 0.0, f330 = 0.0, f441 = 0.0, f442 = 0.0, f522 = 0.0, f523 = 0.0, f542 = 0.0, f543 = 0.0, g200 = 0.0, g201 = 0.0, g211 = 0.0, pgh = 0.0, ph = 0.0, s1 = 0.0, s2 = 0.0, s3 = 0.0, s4 = 0.0, s5 = 0.0, s6 = 0.0, s7 = 0.0, se = 0.0, sel = 0.0, ses = 0.0, xls = 0.0, g300 = 0.0, g310 = 0.0, g322 = 0.0, g410 = 0.0, g422 = 0.0, g520 = 0.0, g521 = 0.0, g532 = 0.0, g533 = 0.0, gam = 0.0, sinq = 0.0, sinzf = 0.0, sis = 0.0, sl = 0.0, sll = 0.0, sls = 0.0, stem = 0.0, temp = 0.0, temp1 = 0.0, x1 = 0.0, x2 = 0.0, x2li = 0.0, x2omi = 0.0, x3 = 0.0, x4 = 0.0, x5 = 0.0, x6 = 0.0, x7 = 0.0, x8 = 0.0, xl = 0.0, xldot = 0.0, xmao = 0.0, xnddt = 0.0, xndot = 0.0, xno2 = 0.0, xnodce = 0.0, xnoi = 0.0, xomi = 0.0, xpidot = 0.0, z1 = 0.0, z11 = 0.0, z12 = 0.0, z13 = 0.0, z2 = 0.0, z21 = 0.0, z22 = 0.0, z23 = 0.0, z3 = 0.0, z31 = 0.0, z32 = 0.0, z33 = 0.0, ze = 0.0, zf = 0.0, zm = 0.0, zmo = 0.0, zn = 0.0, zsing = 0.0, zsinh = 0.0, zsini = 0.0, zcosg = 0.0, zcosh = 0.0, zcosi = 0.0, delt = 0.0, ft = 0.0; switch (ientry) { case dpinit: PLib.Deep.thgr = PLib.ThetaG(tle.epoch, deep_arg); eq = tle.eo; PLib.Deep.xnq = deep_arg.xnodp; aqnv = 1 / deep_arg.aodp; PLib.Deep.xqncl = tle.xincl; xmao = tle.xmo; xpidot = deep_arg.omgdot + deep_arg.xnodot; sinq = Math.sin(tle.xnodeo); cosq = Math.cos(tle.xnodeo); PLib.Deep.omegaq = tle.omegao; day = deep_arg.ds50 + 18261.5; if (day != PLib.Deep.preep) { PLib.Deep.preep = day; xnodce = 4.5236020 - 9.2422029E-4 * day; stem = Math.sin(xnodce); ctem = Math.cos(xnodce); PLib.Deep.zcosil = 0.91375164 - 0.03568096 * ctem; PLib.Deep.zsinil = Math.sqrt(1 - PLib.Deep.zcosil * PLib.Deep.zcosil); PLib.Deep.zsinhl = 0.089683511 * stem / PLib.Deep.zsinil; PLib.Deep.zcoshl = Math.sqrt(1 - PLib.Deep.zsinhl * PLib.Deep.zsinhl); c = 4.7199672 + 0.22997150 * day; gam = 5.8351514 + 0.0019443680 * day; PLib.Deep.zmol = PLib.FMod2p(c - gam); zx = 0.39785416 * stem / PLib.Deep.zsinil; zy = PLib.Deep.zcoshl * ctem + 0.91744867 * PLib.Deep.zsinhl * stem; zx = Math.atan2(zx, zy); zx = gam + zx - xnodce; PLib.Deep.zcosgl = Math.cos(zx); PLib.Deep.zsingl = Math.sin(zx); PLib.Deep.zmos = 6.2565837 + 0.017201977 * day; PLib.Deep.zmos = PLib.FMod2p(PLib.Deep.zmos); } PLib.Deep.savtsn = 1E20; zcosg = PLib.zcosgs; zsing = PLib.zsings; zcosi = PLib.zcosis; zsini = PLib.zsinis; zcosh = cosq; zsinh = sinq; cc = PLib.c1ss; zn = PLib.zns; ze = PLib.zes; zmo = PLib.Deep.zmos; xnoi = 1 / PLib.Deep.xnq; for (;;) { a1 = zcosg * zcosh + zsing * zcosi * zsinh; a3 = -zsing * zcosh + zcosg * zcosi * zsinh; a7 = -zcosg * zsinh + zsing * zcosi * zcosh; a8 = zsing * zsini; a9 = zsing * zsinh + zcosg * zcosi * zcosh; a10 = zcosg * zsini; a2 = deep_arg.cosio * a7 + deep_arg.sinio * a8; a4 = deep_arg.cosio * a9 + deep_arg.sinio * a10; a5 = -deep_arg.sinio * a7 + deep_arg.cosio * a8; a6 = -deep_arg.sinio * a9 + deep_arg.cosio * a10; x1 = a1 * deep_arg.cosg + a2 * deep_arg.sing; x2 = a3 * deep_arg.cosg + a4 * deep_arg.sing; x3 = -a1 * deep_arg.sing + a2 * deep_arg.cosg; x4 = -a3 * deep_arg.sing + a4 * deep_arg.cosg; x5 = a5 * deep_arg.sing; x6 = a6 * deep_arg.sing; x7 = a5 * deep_arg.cosg; x8 = a6 * deep_arg.cosg; z31 = 12 * x1 * x1 - 3 * x3 * x3; z32 = 24 * x1 * x2 - 6 * x3 * x4; z33 = 12 * x2 * x2 - 3 * x4 * x4; z1 = 3 * (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) + z31 * deep_arg.eosq; z2 = 6 * (a1 * a3 + a2 * a4) + z32 * deep_arg.eosq; z3 = 3 * (a3 * a3 + a4 * a4) + z33 * deep_arg.eosq; z11 = -6 * a1 * a5 + deep_arg.eosq * (-24 * x1 * x7 - 6 * x3 * x5); z12 = -6 * (a1 * a6 + a3 * a5) + deep_arg.eosq * (-24 * (x2 * x7 + x1 * x8) - 6 * (x3 * x6 + x4 * x5)); z13 = -6 * a3 * a6 + deep_arg.eosq * (-24 * x2 * x8 - 6 * x4 * x6); z21 = 6 * a2 * a5 + deep_arg.eosq * (24 * x1 * x5 - 6 * x3 * x7); z22 = 6 * (a4 * a5 + a2 * a6) + deep_arg.eosq * (24 * (x2 * x5 + x1 * x6) - 6 * (x4 * x7 + x3 * x8)); z23 = 6 * a4 * a6 + deep_arg.eosq * (24 * x2 * x6 - 6 * x4 * x8); z1 = z1 + z1 + deep_arg.betao2 * z31; z2 = z2 + z2 + deep_arg.betao2 * z32; z3 = z3 + z3 + deep_arg.betao2 * z33; s3 = cc * xnoi; s2 = -0.5 * s3 / deep_arg.betao; s4 = s3 * deep_arg.betao; s1 = -15 * eq * s4; s5 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4; s6 = x2 * x3 + x1 * x4; s7 = x2 * x4 - x1 * x3; se = s1 * zn * s5; si = s2 * zn * (z11 + z13); sl = -zn * s3 * (z1 + z3 - 14 - 6 * deep_arg.eosq); sgh = s4 * zn * (z31 + z33 - 6); sh = -zn * s2 * (z21 + z23); if (PLib.Deep.xqncl < 5.2359877E-2) sh = 0; PLib.Deep.ee2 = 2 * s1 * s6; PLib.Deep.e3 = 2 * s1 * s7; PLib.Deep.xi2 = 2 * s2 * z12; PLib.Deep.xi3 = 2 * s2 * (z13 - z11); PLib.Deep.xl2 = -2 * s3 * z2; PLib.Deep.xl3 = -2 * s3 * (z3 - z1); PLib.Deep.xl4 = -2 * s3 * (-21 - 9 * deep_arg.eosq) * ze; PLib.Deep.xgh2 = 2 * s4 * z32; PLib.Deep.xgh3 = 2 * s4 * (z33 - z31); PLib.Deep.xgh4 = -18 * s4 * ze; PLib.Deep.xh2 = -2 * s2 * z22; PLib.Deep.xh3 = -2 * s2 * (z23 - z21); if (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.LUNAR_TERMS_DONE_FLAG)) break; PLib.Deep.sse = se; PLib.Deep.ssi = si; PLib.Deep.ssl = sl; PLib.Deep.ssh = sh / deep_arg.sinio; PLib.Deep.ssg = sgh - deep_arg.cosio * PLib.Deep.ssh; PLib.Deep.se2 = PLib.Deep.ee2; PLib.Deep.si2 = PLib.Deep.xi2; PLib.Deep.sl2 = PLib.Deep.xl2; PLib.Deep.sgh2 = PLib.Deep.xgh2; PLib.Deep.sh2 = PLib.Deep.xh2; PLib.Deep.se3 = PLib.Deep.e3; PLib.Deep.si3 = PLib.Deep.xi3; PLib.Deep.sl3 = PLib.Deep.xl3; PLib.Deep.sgh3 = PLib.Deep.xgh3; PLib.Deep.sh3 = PLib.Deep.xh3; PLib.Deep.sl4 = PLib.Deep.xl4; PLib.Deep.sgh4 = PLib.Deep.xgh4; zcosg = PLib.Deep.zcosgl; zsing = PLib.Deep.zsingl; zcosi = PLib.Deep.zcosil; zsini = PLib.Deep.zsinil; zcosh = PLib.Deep.zcoshl * cosq + PLib.Deep.zsinhl * sinq; zsinh = sinq * PLib.Deep.zcoshl - cosq * PLib.Deep.zsinhl; zn = PLib.znl; cc = PLib.c1l; ze = PLib.zel; zmo = PLib.Deep.zmol; PLib.SetFlag(PLib.LUNAR_TERMS_DONE_FLAG); } PLib.Deep.sse = PLib.Deep.sse + se; PLib.Deep.ssi = PLib.Deep.ssi + si; PLib.Deep.ssl = PLib.Deep.ssl + sl; PLib.Deep.ssg = PLib.Deep.ssg + sgh - deep_arg.cosio / deep_arg.sinio * sh; PLib.Deep.ssh = PLib.Deep.ssh + sh / deep_arg.sinio; PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.RESONANCE_FLAG); PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.SYNCHRONOUS_FLAG); if (!((PLib.Deep.xnq < 0.0052359877) && (PLib.Deep.xnq > 0.0034906585))) { if ((PLib.Deep.xnq < 0.00826) || (PLib.Deep.xnq > 0.00924)) return; if (eq < 0.5) return; PLib.SetFlag(PLib.RESONANCE_FLAG); eoc = eq * deep_arg.eosq; g201 = -0.306 - (eq - 0.64) * 0.440; if (eq <= 0.65) { g211 = 3.616 - 13.247 * eq + 16.290 * deep_arg.eosq; g310 = -19.302 + 117.390 * eq - 228.419 * deep_arg.eosq + 156.591 * eoc; g322 = -18.9068 + 109.7927 * eq - 214.6334 * deep_arg.eosq + 146.5816 * eoc; g410 = -41.122 + 242.694 * eq - 471.094 * deep_arg.eosq + 313.953 * eoc; g422 = -146.407 + 841.880 * eq - 1629.014 * deep_arg.eosq + 1083.435 * eoc; g520 = -532.114 + 3017.977 * eq - 5740 * deep_arg.eosq + 3708.276 * eoc; } else { g211 = -72.099 + 331.819 * eq - 508.738 * deep_arg.eosq + 266.724 * eoc; g310 = -346.844 + 1582.851 * eq - 2415.925 * deep_arg.eosq + 1246.113 * eoc; g322 = -342.585 + 1554.908 * eq - 2366.899 * deep_arg.eosq + 1215.972 * eoc; g410 = -1052.797 + 4758.686 * eq - 7193.992 * deep_arg.eosq + 3651.957 * eoc; g422 = -3581.69 + 16178.11 * eq - 24462.77 * deep_arg.eosq + 12422.52 * eoc; if (eq <= 0.715) g520 = 1464.74 - 4664.75 * eq + 3763.64 * deep_arg.eosq; else g520 = -5149.66 + 29936.92 * eq - 54087.36 * deep_arg.eosq + 31324.56 * eoc; } if (eq < 0.7) { g533 = -919.2277 + 4988.61 * eq - 9064.77 * deep_arg.eosq + 5542.21 * eoc; g521 = -822.71072 + 4568.6173 * eq - 8491.4146 * deep_arg.eosq + 5337.524 * eoc; g532 = -853.666 + 4690.25 * eq - 8624.77 * deep_arg.eosq + 5341.4 * eoc; } else { g533 = -37995.78 + 161616.52 * eq - 229838.2 * deep_arg.eosq + 109377.94 * eoc; g521 = -51752.104 + 218913.95 * eq - 309468.16 * deep_arg.eosq + 146349.42 * eoc; g532 = -40023.88 + 170470.89 * eq - 242699.48 * deep_arg.eosq + 115605.82 * eoc; } sini2 = deep_arg.sinio * deep_arg.sinio; f220 = 0.75 * (1 + 2 * deep_arg.cosio + deep_arg.theta2); f221 = 1.5 * sini2; f321 = 1.875 * deep_arg.sinio * (1 - 2 * deep_arg.cosio - 3 * deep_arg.theta2); f322 = -1.875 * deep_arg.sinio * (1 + 2 * deep_arg.cosio - 3 * deep_arg.theta2); f441 = 35 * sini2 * f220; f442 = 39.3750 * sini2 * sini2; f522 = 9.84375 * deep_arg.sinio * (sini2 * (1 - 2 * deep_arg.cosio - 5 * deep_arg.theta2) + 0.33333333 * (-2 + 4 * deep_arg.cosio + 6 * deep_arg.theta2)); f523 = deep_arg.sinio * (4.92187512 * sini2 * (-2 - 4 * deep_arg.cosio + 10 * deep_arg.theta2) + 6.56250012 * (1 + 2 * deep_arg.cosio-3 * deep_arg.theta2)); f542 = 29.53125 * deep_arg.sinio * (2 - 8 * deep_arg.cosio + deep_arg.theta2 * (-12 + 8 * deep_arg.cosio+10 * deep_arg.theta2)); f543 = 29.53125 * deep_arg.sinio * (-2 - 8 * deep_arg.cosio + deep_arg.theta2 * (12 + 8 * deep_arg.cosio-10 * deep_arg.theta2)); xno2 = PLib.Deep.xnq * PLib.Deep.xnq; ainv2 = aqnv * aqnv; temp1 = 3 * xno2 * ainv2; temp = temp1 * PLib.root22; PLib.Deep.d2201 = temp * f220 * g201; PLib.Deep.d2211 = temp * f221 * g211; temp1 = temp1 * aqnv; temp = temp1 * PLib.root32; PLib.Deep.d3210 = temp * f321 * g310; PLib.Deep.d3222 = temp * f322 * g322; temp1 = temp1 * aqnv; temp = 2 * temp1 * PLib.root44; PLib.Deep.d4410 = temp * f441 * g410; PLib.Deep.d4422 = temp * f442 * g422; temp1 = temp1 * aqnv; temp = temp1 * PLib.root52; PLib.Deep.d5220 = temp * f522 * g520; PLib.Deep.d5232 = temp * f523 * g532; temp = 2 * temp1 * PLib.root54; PLib.Deep.d5421 = temp * f542 * g521; PLib.Deep.d5433 = temp * f543 * g533; PLib.Deep.xlamo = xmao + tle.xnodeo + tle.xnodeo - PLib.Deep.thgr - PLib.Deep.thgr; bfact = deep_arg.xmdot + deep_arg.xnodot + deep_arg.xnodot - PLib.thdt - PLib.thdt; bfact = bfact + PLib.Deep.ssl + PLib.Deep.ssh + PLib.Deep.ssh; } else { PLib.SetFlag(PLib.RESONANCE_FLAG); PLib.SetFlag(PLib.SYNCHRONOUS_FLAG); g200 = 1 + deep_arg.eosq * (-2.5 + 0.8125 * deep_arg.eosq); g310 = 1 + 2 * deep_arg.eosq; g300 = 1 + deep_arg.eosq * (-6 + 6.60937 * deep_arg.eosq); f220 = 0.75 * (1 + deep_arg.cosio) * (1 + deep_arg.cosio); f311 = 0.9375 * deep_arg.sinio * deep_arg.sinio * (1 + 3 * deep_arg.cosio) - 0.75 * (1 + deep_arg.cosio); f330 = 1 + deep_arg.cosio; f330 = 1.875 * f330 * f330 * f330; PLib.Deep.del1 = 3 * PLib.Deep.xnq * PLib.Deep.xnq * aqnv * aqnv; PLib.Deep.del2 = 2 * PLib.Deep.del1 * f220 * g200 * q22; PLib.Deep.del3 = 3 * PLib.Deep.del1 * f330 * g300 * q33 * aqnv; PLib.Deep.del1 = PLib.Deep.del1 * f311 * g310 * q31 * aqnv; PLib.Deep.fasx2 = 0.13130908; PLib.Deep.fasx4 = 2.8843198; PLib.Deep.fasx6 = 0.37448087; PLib.Deep.xlamo = xmao + tle.xnodeo + tle.omegao - PLib.Deep.thgr; bfact = deep_arg.xmdot + xpidot - PLib.thdt; bfact = bfact + PLib.Deep.ssl + PLib.Deep.ssg + PLib.Deep.ssh; } PLib.Deep.xfact = bfact - PLib.Deep.xnq; PLib.Deep.xli = PLib.Deep.xlamo; PLib.Deep.xni = PLib.Deep.xnq; PLib.Deep.atime = 0; PLib.Deep.stepp = 720; PLib.Deep.stepn = -720; PLib.Deep.step2 = 259200; return; case dpsec: /* Entrance for deep space secular effects */ deep_arg.xll = deep_arg.xll + PLib.Deep.ssl * deep_arg.t; deep_arg.omgadf = deep_arg.omgadf + PLib.Deep.ssg * deep_arg.t; deep_arg.xnode = deep_arg.xnode + PLib.Deep.ssh * deep_arg.t; deep_arg.em = tle.eo + PLib.Deep.sse * deep_arg.t; deep_arg.xinc = tle.xincl + PLib.Deep.ssi * deep_arg.t; if (deep_arg.xinc < 0) { deep_arg.xinc = -deep_arg.xinc; deep_arg.xnode = deep_arg.xnode + pi; deep_arg.omgadf = deep_arg.omgadf - pi; } if (PLib.isFlagClear(PLib.RESONANCE_FLAG)) return; do { if ((PLib.Deep.atime == 0) || ((deep_arg.t >= 0) && (PLib.Deep.atime < 0)) || ((deep_arg.t < 0) && (PLib.Deep.atime >= 0))) { if (deep_arg.t >= 0) delt = PLib.Deep.stepp; else delt = PLib.Deep.stepn; PLib.Deep.atime = 0; PLib.Deep.xni = PLib.Deep.xnq; PLib.Deep.xli = PLib.Deep.xlamo; } else { if (Math.abs(deep_arg.t) >= Math.abs(PLib.Deep.atime)) { if (deep_arg.t > 0) delt = PLib.Deep.stepp; else delt = PLib.Deep.stepn; } } do { if (Math.abs(deep_arg.t - PLib.Deep.atime) >= PLib.Deep.stepp) { PLib.SetFlag(PLib.DO_LOOP_FLAG); PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.EPOCH_RESTART_FLAG); } else { ft = deep_arg.t - PLib.Deep.atime; PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.DO_LOOP_FLAG); } if (Math.abs(deep_arg.t) < Math.abs(PLib.Deep.atime)) { if (deep_arg.t >= 0) delt = PLib.Deep.stepn; else delt = PLib.Deep.stepp; PLib.SetFlag(PLib.DO_LOOP_FLAG | PLib.EPOCH_RESTART_FLAG); } if (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.SYNCHRONOUS_FLAG)) { xndot = PLib.Deep.del1 * Math.sin(PLib.Deep.xli - PLib.Deep.fasx2) + PLib.Deep.del2 * Math.sin(2 * (PLib.Deep.xli - PLib.Deep.fasx4)) + PLib.Deep.del3 * Math.sin(3 * (PLib.Deep.xli - PLib.Deep.fasx6)); xnddt = PLib.Deep.del1 * Math.cos(PLib.Deep.xli - PLib.Deep.fasx2) + 2 * PLib.Deep.del2 * Math.cos(2 * (PLib.Deep.xli - PLib.Deep.fasx4)) + 3 * PLib.Deep.del3 * Math.cos(3 * (PLib.Deep.xli - PLib.Deep.fasx6)); } else { xomi = PLib.Deep.omegaq + deep_arg.omgdot * PLib.Deep.atime; x2omi = xomi + xomi; x2li = PLib.Deep.xli + PLib.Deep.xli; xndot = PLib.Deep.d2201 * Math.sin(x2omi + PLib.Deep.xli - g22) + PLib.Deep.d2211 * Math.sin(PLib.Deep.xli - g22) + PLib.Deep.d3210 * Math.sin(xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g32) + PLib.Deep.d3222 * Math.sin(-xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g32) + PLib.Deep.d4410 * sin(x2omi + x2li - g44) + PLib.Deep.d4422 * sin(x2li - g44) + PLib.Deep.d5220 * sin(xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g52) + PLib.Deep.d5232 * sin(-xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g52) + PLib.Deep.d5421 * sin(xomi + x2li - g54) + PLib.Deep.d5433 * sin(-xomi + x2li - g54); xnddt = PLib.Deep.d2201 * Math.cos(x2omi + PLib.Deep.xli - g22) + PLib.Deep.d2211 * Math.cos(PLib.Deep.xli - g22) + PLib.Deep.d3210 * Math.cos(xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g32) + PLib.Deep.d3222 * Math.cos(-xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g32) + PLib.Deep.d5220 * cos(xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g52) + PLib.Deep.d5232 * cos(-xomi + PLib.Deep.xli - g52) + 2 * (PLib.Deep.d4410 * cos(x2omi + x2li - g44) + PLib.Deep.d4422 * cos(x2li - g44) + PLib.Deep.d5421 * cos(xomi + x2li - g54) + PLib.Deep.d5433 * cos(-xomi + x2li - g54)); } xldot = PLib.Deep.xni + PLib.Deep.xfact; xnddt = xnddt * xldot; if (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.DO_LOOP_FLAG)) { PLib.Deep.xli = PLib.Deep.xli + xldot * delt + xndot * PLib.Deep.step2; PLib.Deep.xni = PLib.Deep.xni + xndot * delt + xnddt * PLib.Deep.step2; PLib.Deep.atime = PLib.Deep.atime + delt; } } while (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.DO_LOOP_FLAG) && PLib.isFlagClear(PLib.EPOCH_RESTART_FLAG)); } while (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.DO_LOOP_FLAG) && PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.EPOCH_RESTART_FLAG)); deep_arg.xn = PLib.Deep.xni + xndot * ft + xnddt * ft * ft * 0.5; xl = PLib.Deep.xli + xldot * ft + xndot * ft * ft * 0.5; temp = -deep_arg.xnode + PLib.Deep.thgr + deep_arg.t * PLib.thdt; if (PLib.isFlagClear(PLib.SYNCHRONOUS_FLAG)) deep_arg.xll = xl + temp + temp; else deep_arg.xll = xl - deep_arg.omgadf + temp; return; case dpper: sinis = Math.sin(deep_arg.xinc); cosis = Math.cos(deep_arg.xinc); if (Math.abs(PLib.Deep.savtsn - deep_arg.t) >= 30) { PLib.Deep.savtsn = deep_arg.t; zm = PLib.Deep.zmos + PLib.zns * deep_arg.t; zf = zm + 2 * PLib.zes * Math.sin(zm); sinzf = Math.sin(zf); f2 = 0.5 * sinzf * sinzf-0.25; f3 = -0.5 * sinzf * Math.cos(zf); ses = PLib.Deep.se2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.se3 * f3; sis = PLib.Deep.si2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.si3 * f3; sls = PLib.Deep.sl2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.sl3 * f3 + PLib.Deep.sl4 * sinzf; PLib.Deep.sghs = PLib.Deep.sgh2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.sgh3 * f3 + PLib.Deep.sgh4 * sinzf; PLib.Deep.shs = PLib.Deep.sh2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.sh3 * f3; zm = PLib.Deep.zmol + PLib.znl * deep_arg.t; zf = zm + 2 * zel * Math.sin(zm); sinzf = Math.sin(zf); f2 = 0.5 * sinzf * sinzf - 0.25; f3 = -0.5 * sinzf * Math.cos(zf); sel = PLib.Deep.ee2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.e3 * f3; sil = PLib.Deep.xi2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.xi3 * f3; sll = PLib.Deep.xl2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.xl3 * f3 + PLib.Deep.xl4 * sinzf; PLib.Deep.sghl = PLib.Deep.xgh2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.xgh3 * f3 + PLib.Deep.xgh4 * sinzf; PLib.Deep.sh1 = PLib.Deep.xh2 * f2 + PLib.Deep.xh3 * f3; PLib.Deep.pe = ses + sel; PLib.Deep.pinc = sis + sil; PLib.Deep.pl = sls + sll; } pgh = PLib.Deep.sghs + PLib.Deep.sghl; ph = PLib.Deep.shs + PLib.Deep.sh1; deep_arg.xinc = deep_arg.xinc + PLib.Deep.pinc; deep_arg.em = deep_arg.em + PLib.Deep.pe; if (PLib.Deep.xqncl >= 0.2) { ph = ph / deep_arg.sinio; pgh = pgh - deep_arg.cosio * ph; deep_arg.omgadf = deep_arg.omgadf + pgh; deep_arg.xnode = deep_arg.xnode + ph; deep_arg.xll = deep_arg.xll + PLib.Deep.pl; } else { sinok = Math.sin(deep_arg.xnode); cosok = Math.cos(deep_arg.xnode); alfdp = sinis * sinok; betdp = sinis * cosok; dalf = ph * cosok + PLib.Deep.pinc * cosis * sinok; dbet = -ph * sinok + PLib.Deep.pinc * cosis * cosok; alfdp = alfdp + dalf; betdp = betdp + dbet; deep_arg.xnode = FMod2p(deep_arg.xnode); xls = deep_arg.xll + deep_arg.omgadf + cosis * deep_arg.xnode; dls = PLib.Deep.pl + pgh - PLib.Deep.pinc * deep_arg.xnode * sinis; xls = xls + dls; xnoh = deep_arg.xnode; deep_arg.xnode = Math.atan2(alfdp, betdp); if (Math.abs(xnoh - deep_arg.xnode) > PLib.pi) { if (deep_arg.xnode < xnoh) deep_arg.xnode += PLib.twopi; else deep_arg.xnode -= PLib.twopi; } deep_arg.xll = deep_arg.xll + PLib.Deep.pl; deep_arg.omgadf = xls - deep_arg.xll - Math.cos(deep_arg.xinc) * deep_arg.xnode; } return; } }, SDP4: function(tsince, tle, pos, vel) { var i = 0; var a = 0.0, axn = 0.0, ayn = 0.0, aynl = 0.0, beta = 0.0, betal = 0.0, capu = 0.0, cos2u = 0.0, cosepw = 0.0, cosik = 0.0, cosnok = 0.0, cosu = 0.0, cosuk = 0.0, ecose = 0.0, elsq = 0.0, epw = 0.0, esine = 0.0, pl = 0.0, theta4 = 0.0, rdot = 0.0, rdotk = 0.0, rfdot = 0.0, rfdotk = 0.0, rk = 0.0, sin2u = 0.0, sinepw = 0.0, sinik = 0.0, sinnok = 0.0, sinu = 0.0, sinuk = 0.0, tempe = 0.0, templ = 0.0, tsq = 0.0, u = 0.0, uk = 0.0, ux = 0.0, uy = 0.0, uz = 0.0, vx = 0.0, vy = 0.0, vz = 0.0, xinck = 0.0, xl = 0.0, xlt = 0.0, xmam = 0.0, xmdf = 0.0, xmx = 0.0, xmy = 0.0, xnoddf = 0.0, xnodek = 0.0, xll = 0.0, a1 = 0.0, a3ovk2 = 0.0, ao = 0.0, c2 = 0.0, coef = 0.0, coef1 = 0.0, x1m5th = 0.0, xhdot1 = 0.0, del1 = 0.0, r = 0.0, delo = 0.0, eeta = 0.0, eta = 0.0, etasq = 0.0, perigee = 0.0, psisq = 0.0, tsi = 0.0, qoms24 = 0.0, s4 = 0.0, pinvsq = 0.0, temp = 0.0, tempa = 0.0, temp1 = 0.0, temp2 = 0.0, temp3 = 0.0, temp4 = 0.0, temp5 = 0.0, temp6 = 0.0, bx = 0.0, by = 0.0, bz = 0.0, cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0, cz = 0.0; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg || new PLib.deep_arg_t(); if (PLib.isFlagClear(PLib.SDP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG)) { PLib.SetFlag(PLib.SDP4_INITIALIZED_FLAG); a1 = Math.pow(PLib.xke / tle.xno, PLib.tothrd); PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio = Math.cos(tle.xincl); PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2 = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio; PLib.SDP4.x3thm1 = 3 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2 - 1; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.eosq = tle.eo * tle.eo; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2 = 1 - PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.eosq; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao = Math.sqrt(PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2); del1 = 1.5 * PLib.ck2 * PLib.SDP4.x3thm1 / (a1 * a1 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2); ao = a1 * (1 - del1 * (0.5 * PLib.tothrd + del1 * (1 + 134 / 81 * del1))); delo = 1.5 * PLib.ck2 * PLib.SDP4.x3thm1 / (ao * ao * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2); PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp = tle.xno / (1 + delo); PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp = ao / (1 - delo); s4 = s; qoms24 = PLib.qoms2t; perigee = (PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp * (1 - tle.eo) - PLib.ae) * PLib.xkmper; if (perigee < 156.0) { if (perigee <= 98.0) s4 = 20.0; else s4 = perigee - 78.0; qoms24 = Math.pow((120 - s4) * PLib.ae / xkmper,4); s4 = s4 / PLib.xkmper + PLib.ae; } pinvsq = 1 / (PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2); PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.sing = Math.sin(tle.omegao); PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosg = Math.cos(tle.omegao); tsi = 1 / (PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp - s4); eta = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp * tle.eo * tsi; etasq = eta * eta; eeta = tle.eo * eta; psisq = Math.abs(1 - etasq); coef = qoms24 * Math.pow(tsi, 4); coef1 = coef / Math.pow(psisq, 3.5); c2 = coef1 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp * (PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp * (1 + 1.5 * etasq + eeta * (4 + etasq)) + 0.75 * PLib.ck2 * tsi / psisq * PLib.SDP4.x3thm1 * (8 + 3 * etasq * (8 + etasq))); PLib.SDP4.c1 = tle.bstar * c2; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.sinio = Math.sin(tle.xincl); a3ovk2 = -xj3 / ck2 * Math.pow(ae, 3); PLib.SDP4.x1mth2 = 1 -PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2; PLib.SDP4.c4 = 2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp * coef1 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2 * (eta * (2 + 0.5 * etasq) + tle.eo * (0.5 + 2 * etasq) - 2 * PLib.ck2 * tsi / (PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.aodp * psisq) * (-3 * PLib.SDP4.x3thm1 * (1 - 2 * eeta + etasq * (1.5 - 0.5 * eeta)) + 0.75 * PLib.SDP4.x1mth2 * (2 * etasq - eeta * (1 + etasq)) * Math.cos(2 * tle.omegao))); theta4 = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2; temp1 = 3 * PLib.ck2 * pinvsq * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp; temp2 = temp1 * PLib.ck2 * pinvsq; temp3 = 1.25 * PLib.ck4 * pinvsq * pinvsq * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xmdot = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp + 0.5 * temp1 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao * PLib.SDP4.x3thm1 + 0.0625 * temp2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao * (13 - 78 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2 + 137 * theta4); x1m5th = 1 - 5 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.omgdot = -0.5 * temp1 * x1m5th + 0.0625 * temp2 * (7 - 114 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2 + 395 * theta4) + temp3 * (3 - 36 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2 + 49 * theta4); xhdot1 = -temp1 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodot = xhdot1 + (0.5 * temp2 * (4 - 19 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2) + 2 * temp3 * (3 - 7 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2)) * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio; PLib.SDP4.xnodcf = 3.5 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.betao2 * xhdot1 * PLib.SDP4.c1; PLib.SDP4.t2cof = 1.5 * PLib.SDP4.c1; PLib.SDP4.xlcof = 0.125 * a3ovk2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.sinio * (3 + 5 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio) / (1 + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio); PLib.SDP4.aycof = 0.25 * a3ovk2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.sinio; PLib.SDP4.x7thm1 = 7 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.theta2 - 1; Deep(dpinit, tle, PLib.SDP4.deep_arg); } xmdf = tle.xmo + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xmdot * tsince; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.omgadf = tle.omegao + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.omgdot * tsince; xnoddf = tle.xnodeo + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodot * tsince; tsq = tsince * tsince; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnode = xnoddf + PLib.SDP4.xnodcf * tsq; tempa = 1 - PLib.SDP4.c1 * tsince; tempe = tle.bstar * PLib.SDP4.c4 * tsince; templ = PLib.SDP4.t2cof * tsq; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xn = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xll = xmdf; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.t = tsince; Deep(dpsec, tle, PLib.SDP4.deep_arg); xmdf = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xll; a = Math.pow(PLib.xke / PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xn, PLib.tothrd) * tempa * tempa; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.em = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.em - tempe; xmam = xmdf + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnodp * templ; PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xll = xmam; Deep(PLib.dpper, tle, PLib.SDP4.deep_arg); xmam = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xll; xl = xmam + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.omgadf + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnode; beta = Math.sqrt(1 - PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.em * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.em); PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xn = PLib.xke / Math.pow(a, 1.5); axn = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.em * Math.cos(PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.omgadf); temp = 1 / (a * beta * beta); xll = temp * PLib.SDP4.xlcof * axn; aynl = temp * PLib.SDP4.aycof; xlt = xl + xll; ayn = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.em * Math.sin(PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.omgadf) + aynl; capu = FMod2p(xlt - PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnode); temp2 = capu; i = 0; do { sinepw = Math.sin(temp2); cosepw = Math.cos(temp2); temp3 = axn * sinepw; temp4 = ayn * cosepw; temp5 = axn * cosepw; temp6 = ayn * sinepw; epw = (capu - temp4 + temp3 - temp2) / (1 - temp5 - temp6) + temp2; if (Math.abs(epw - temp2) <= e6a) break; temp2 = epw; } while (i++ < 10); ecose = temp5 + temp6; esine = temp3 - temp4; elsq = axn * axn + ayn * ayn; temp = 1 - elsq; pl = a * temp; r = a * (1 - ecose); temp1 = 1 / r; rdot = PLib.xke * Math.sqrt(a) * esine * temp1; rfdot = PLib.xke * Math.sqrt(pl) * temp1; temp2 = a * temp1; betal = Math.sqrt(temp); temp3 = 1 / (1 + betal); cosu = temp2 * (cosepw - axn + ayn * esine * temp3); sinu = temp2 * (sinepw - ayn - axn * esine * temp3); u = Math.atan2(sinu, cosu); sin2u = 2 * sinu * cosu; cos2u = 2 * cosu * cosu - 1; temp = 1 / pl; temp1 = PLib.ck2 * temp; temp2 = temp1 * temp; rk = r * (1 - 1.5 * temp2 * betal * PLib.SDP4.x3thm1) + 0.5 * temp1 * PLib.SDP4.x1mth2 * cos2u; uk = u - 0.25 * temp2 * PLib.SDP4.x7thm1 * sin2u; xnodek = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnode + 1.5 * temp2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio * sin2u; xinck = PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xinc + 1.5 * temp2 * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.cosio * PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.sinio * cos2u; rdotk = rdot - PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xn * temp1 * PLib.SDP4.x1mth2 * sin2u; rfdotk = rfdot + PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xn * temp1 * (PLib.SDP4.x1mth2 * cos2u + 1.5 * PLib.SDP4.x3thm1); sinuk = Math.sin(uk); cosuk = Math.cos(uk); sinik = Math.sin(xinck); cosik = Math.cos(xinck); sinnok = Math.sin(xnodek); cosnok = Math.cos(xnodek); xmx = -sinnok * cosik; xmy = cosnok * cosik; ux = xmx * sinuk + cosnok * cosuk; uy = xmy * sinuk + sinnok * cosuk; uz = sinik * sinuk; vx = xmx * cosuk - cosnok * sinuk; vy = xmy * cosuk - sinnok * sinuk; vz = sinik * cosuk; pos.x = rk * ux; pos.y = rk * uy; pos.z = rk * uz; vel.x = rdotk * ux + rfdotk * vx; vel.y = rdotk * uy + rfdotk * vy; vel.z = rdotk * uz + rfdotk * vz; PLib.phase = xlt - PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.xnode - PLib.SDP4.deep_arg.omgadf + PLib.twopi; if (PLib.phase < 0.0) PLib.phase += PLib.twopi; PLib.phase = PLib.FMod2p(PLib.phase); }, Calculate_User_PosVel: function(time, geodetic, obs_pos, obs_vel) { var c = 0.0, sq = 0.0, achcp = 0.0; geodetic.theta = PLib.FMod2p(PLib.ThetaG_JD(time) + geodetic.lon); c = 1 / Math.sqrt(1 + PLib.f * (PLib.f - 2) * PLib.Sqr(Math.sin(geodetic.lat))); sq = PLib.Sqr(1 - PLib.f) * c; achcp = (PLib.xkmper * c + geodetic.alt) * Math.cos(geodetic.lat); obs_pos.x = achcp * Math.cos(geodetic.theta); obs_pos.y = achcp * Math.sin(geodetic.theta); obs_pos.z = (PLib.xkmper * sq + geodetic.alt) * Math.sin(geodetic.lat); obs_vel.x = -PLib.mfactor * obs_pos.y; obs_vel.y = PLib.mfactor * obs_pos.x; obs_vel.z = 0; PLib.Magnitude(obs_pos); PLib.Magnitude(obs_vel); }, Calculate_LatLonAlt: function(time, pos, geodetic) { var r = 0.0, e2 = 0.0, phi = 0.0, c = 0.0; geodetic.theta = Math.atan2(pos.y, pos.x); geodetic.lon = PLib.FMod2p(geodetic.theta - PLib.ThetaG_JD(time)); r = Math.sqrt(PLib.Sqr(pos.x) + PLib.Sqr(pos.y)); e2 = PLib.f * (2 - PLib.f); geodetic.lat = Math.atan2(pos.z, r); do { phi = geodetic.lat; c = 1 / Math.sqrt(1 - e2 * PLib.Sqr(Math.sin(phi))); geodetic.lat = Math.atan2(pos.z + PLib.xkmper * c * e2 * Math.sin(phi), r); } while (Math.abs(geodetic.lat - phi) >= 1E-10); geodetic.alt = r / Math.cos(geodetic.lat) - PLib.xkmper * c; if (geodetic.lat > PLib.pio2) geodetic.lat -= PLib.twopi; }, Calculate_Obs: function(time, pos, vel, geodetic, obs_set) { var sin_lat = 0.0, cos_lat = 0.0, sin_theta = 0.0, cos_theta = 0.0, el = 0.0, azim = 0.0, top_s = 0.0, top_e = 0.0, top_z = 0.0; var obs_pos = new PLib.vector_t(); var obs_vel = new PLib.vector_t(); var range = new PLib.vector_t(); var rgvel = new PLib.vector_t(); PLib.Calculate_User_PosVel(time, geodetic, obs_pos, obs_vel); range.x = pos.x - obs_pos.x; range.y = pos.y - obs_pos.y; range.z = pos.z - obs_pos.z; rx = range.x; ry = range.y; rz = range.z; rgvel.x = vel.x - obs_vel.x; rgvel.y = vel.y - obs_vel.y; rgvel.z = vel.z - obs_vel.z; PLib.Magnitude(range); sin_lat = Math.sin(geodetic.lat); cos_lat = Math.cos(geodetic.lat); sin_theta = Math.sin(geodetic.theta); cos_theta = Math.cos(geodetic.theta); top_s = sin_lat * cos_theta * range.x + sin_lat * sin_theta * range.y - cos_lat * range.z; top_e = -sin_theta * range.x + cos_theta * range.y; top_z = cos_lat * cos_theta * range.x+cos_lat * sin_theta * range.y + sin_lat * range.z; azim = Math.atan(-top_e / top_s); if (top_s > 0.0) azim = azim + PLib.pi; if (azim < 0.0) azim = azim + PLib.twopi; el = Math.asin(top_z / range.w); obs_set.x = azim; obs_set.y = el; obs_set.z = range.w; obs_set.w = PLib.Dot(range, rgvel) / range.w; obs_set.y = el; if (obs_set.y >= 0.0) PLib.SetFlag(PLib.VISIBLE_FLAG); else { obs_set.y = el; PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.VISIBLE_FLAG); } }, InternalUpdate: function() { var tempnum; PLib.sat.designator = PLib.sat.line1.substring(9, 17); PLib.sat.catnum = PLib.sat.line1.substring(2, 7); PLib.sat.year = PLib.sat.line1.substring(18, 20); PLib.sat.refepoch = PLib.sat.line1.substring(20, 32); tempnum = 1.0e-5 * PLib.sat.line1.substring(44, 50); PLib.sat.nddot6 = tempnum / Math.pow(10.0, PLib.sat.line1.charAt(51)); tempnum = 1.0e-5 * PLib.sat.line1.substring(53, 59); PLib.sat.bstar = tempnum / Math.pow(10.0, PLib.sat.line1.charAt(60)); PLib.sat.setnum = PLib.sat.line1.substring(64, 68); PLib.sat.incl = PLib.sat.line2.substring(8, 16); PLib.sat.raan = PLib.sat.line2.substring(17, 25); PLib.sat.eccn = 1.0e-07 * PLib.sat.line2.substring(26,33); PLib.sat.argper = PLib.sat.line2.substring(34, 42); PLib.sat.meanan = PLib.sat.line2.substring(43, 51); PLib.sat.meanmo = PLib.sat.line2.substring(52, 63); PLib.sat.drag = PLib.sat.line1.substring(33, 43); PLib.sat.orbitnum = PLib.sat.line2.substring(63, 68); }, InitializeData: function() { PLib.sat = new PLib.sat_t(); PLib.sat.name = PLib.tleData[0]; PLib.sat.line1 = PLib.tleData[1]; PLib.sat.line2 = PLib.tleData[2]; PLib.InternalUpdate(); }, DayNum: function(m, d, y) { var dn = 0; var mm = 0.0, yy = 0.0; if (m < 3) { y--; m += 12; } if (y <= 50) y += 100; yy = y; mm = m; dn = (Math.floor(365.25 * (yy - 80.0)) - Math.floor(19.0 + yy / 100.0) + Math.floor(4.75 + yy / 400.0) - 16.0); dn += d + 30 * m + Math.floor(0.6 * mm - 0.3); return dn; }, CurrentDaynum: function() { var d = new Date(); return (d.getTime() - 315446400000) / 86400000; }, FutureDaynum: function (minutes) { var d = new Date (); return (d.getTime() - 315446400000 + minutes * 1000 * 60) / 86400000; }, Daynum2Date: function(daynum) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(daynum * 86400000 + 315446400000); var x = d + 1; return d; }, PreCalc: function() { PLib.tle.sat_name = PLib.sat.name PLib.tle.idesg = PLib.sat.designator; PLib.tle.catnr = PLib.sat.catnum; PLib.tle.epoch = (1000.0 * PLib.sat.year) + PLib.sat.refepoch * 1; PLib.tle.xndt2o = PLib.sat.drag; PLib.tle.xndd6o = PLib.sat.nddot6; PLib.tle.bstar = PLib.sat.bstar; PLib.tle.xincl = PLib.sat.incl; PLib.tle.xnodeo = PLib.sat.raan; PLib.tle.eo = PLib.sat.eccn; PLib.tle.omegao = PLib.sat.argper; PLib.tle.xmo = PLib.sat.meanan; PLib.tle.xno = PLib.sat.meanmo; PLib.tle.revnum = PLib.sat.orbitnum; PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.ALL_FLAGS); PLib.select_ephemeris(PLib.tle); }, Calc: function() { var zero_vector = new PLib.vector_t(); var vel = new PLib.vector_t(); var pos = new PLib.vector_t(); var obs_set = new PLib.vector_t(); var solar_vector = new PLib.vector_t(); var solar_set = new PLib.vector_t(); var sat_geodetic = new PLib.geodetic_t(); PLib.jul_utc = PLib.daynum + 2444238.5; PLib.jul_epoch = PLib.Julian_Date_of_Epoch(PLib.tle.epoch); PLib.tsince = (PLib.jul_utc - PLib.jul_epoch) * PLib.xmnpda; PLib.age = PLib.jul_utc - PLib.jul_epoch; if (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.DEEP_SPACE_EPHEM_FLAG)) PLib.ephem = "SDP4"; else PLib.ephem = "SGP4"; if (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.DEEP_SPACE_EPHEM_FLAG)) PLib.SDP4(PLib.tsince, PLib.tle, pos, vel); else PLib.SGP4(PLib.tsince, PLib.tle, pos, vel); PLib.Convert_Sat_State(pos, vel); PLib.Magnitude(vel); PLib.sat_vel = vel.w; PLib.Calculate_Obs(PLib.jul_utc, pos, vel, PLib.obs_geodetic, obs_set); PLib.Calculate_LatLonAlt(PLib.jul_utc, pos, sat_geodetic); PLib.Calculate_Solar_Position(PLib.jul_utc, solar_vector); PLib.Calculate_Obs(PLib.jul_utc, solar_vector, zero_vector, PLib.obs_geodetic, solar_set); if (PLib.Sat_Eclipsed(pos, solar_vector)) PLib.SetFlag(PLib.SAT_ECLIPSED_FLAG); else PLib.ClearFlag(PLib.SAT_ECLIPSED_FLAG); if (PLib.isFlagSet(PLib.SAT_ECLIPSED_FLAG)) PLib.sat_sun_status = 0; else PLib.sat_sun_status = 1; PLib.sat_azi = PLib.Degrees(obs_set.x); PLib.sat_ele = PLib.Degrees(obs_set.y); PLib.sat_range = obs_set.z; PLib.sat_range_rate = obs_set.w; PLib.sat_lat = PLib.Degrees(sat_geodetic.lat); PLib.sat_lon = PLib.Degrees(sat_geodetic.lon); PLib.sat_alt = sat_geodetic.alt; PLib.fk = 12756.33 * Math.acos(PLib.xkmper / (PLib.xkmper + PLib.sat_alt)); PLib.fm = PLib.fk / 1.609344; PLib.rv = Math.floor((PLib.tle.xno * PLib.xmnpda / PLib.twopi + PLib.age * PLib.tle.bstar * PLib.ae) * PLib.age + PLib.tle.xmo / PLib.twopi) + parseInt(PLib.tle.revnum); PLib.sun_azi = PLib.Degrees(solar_set.x); PLib.sun_ele = PLib.Degrees(solar_set.y); PLib.irk = PLib.roundTo (PLib.sat_range, 2); PLib.isplat = PLib.roundTo (PLib.sat_lat, 2); PLib.isplong = PLib.roundTo (360.0 - PLib.sat_lon, 2); PLib.iaz = PLib.roundTo (PLib.sat_azi, 2); PLib.iel = PLib.roundTo (PLib.sat_ele, 2); PLib.ma256 = Math.round(256.0 * (PLib.phase / PLib.twopi)); if (PLib.sat_sun_status) { if (PLib.sun_ele <= -12.0 && PLib.sat_ele >= 0.0) PLib.findsun = '+'; else PLib.findsun = '*'; } else PLib.findsun = ' '; }, AosHappens: function() { var lin = 0.0, sma = 0.0, apogee = 0.0; if (PLib.sat.meanmo == 0.0) return 0; else { lin = PLib.sat.incl; if (lin >= 90.0) lin = 180.0 - lin; sma = 331.25 * Math.exp(Math.log(1440.0 / PLib.sat.meanmo) * (2.0 / 3.0)); apogee = sma * (1.0 + PLib.sat.eccn) - PLib.xkmper; if ((Math.acos(PLib.xkmper / (apogee + PLib.xkmper)) + (lin * PLib.deg2rad)) > Math.abs(PLib.qth.stnlat * PLib.deg2rad)) return 1; else return 0; } }, Decayed: function(time) { var satepoch = 0.0; if (time == 0.0) time = PLib.CurrentDaynum(); satepoch = PLib.DayNum(1, 0, PLib.sat.year) + PLib.sat.refepoch; if (satepoch + ((16.666666 - PLib.sat.meanmo) / (10.0 * Math.abs(PLib.sat.drag))) < time) return 1; else return 0; }, Geostationary: function() { if (Math.abs(PLib.sat.meanmo - 1.0027) < 0.0002) return 1; else return 0; }, FindAOS: function() { PLib.aostime = 0.0; if (PLib.AosHappens() && PLib.Geostationary() == 0 && PLib.Decayed(indx, PLib.daynum) == 0) { PLib.Calc(); while (PLib.sat_ele < -1.0) { PLib.daynum -= 0.00035 * (PLib.sat_ele * (((PLib.sat_alt / 8400.0) + 0.46)) - 2.0); PLib.Calc(); } while (PLib.aostime == 0.0) { if (Math.abs(PLib.sat_ele) < 0.03) PLib.aostime = PLib.daynum; else { PLib.daynum -= PLib.sat_ele * Math.sqrt(PLib.sat_alt) / 530000.0; PLib.Calc(); } } } return PLib.aostime; }, FindLOS: function() { PLib.lostime = 0.0; if (PLib.Geostationary() == 0 && PLib.AosHappens() == 1 && PLib.Decayed(indx, PLib.daynum) == 0) { PLib.Calc(); do { PLib.daynum += PLib.sat_ele * Math.sqrt(PLib.sat_alt) / 502500.0; PLib.Calc(); if (Math.abs(PLib.sat_ele) < 0.03) PLib.lostime = PLib.daynum; } while (PLib.lostime == 0.0); } return PLib.lostime; }, // calculate preview for the next minutes in orbit // @return: array with [longitude, latitude] value calculateTrack: function (minutes) { var points = new Array (); var longitude; PLib.PreCalc (); for (var i = 0; i < minutes; i++) { PLib.daynum = PLib.FutureDaynum (i); PLib.Calc (); longitude = 360 - PLib.isplong; if (longitude > 180) longitude = -PLib.isplong; points.push ([longitude, PLib.isplat]); } // document.getElementById ("debug").innerHTML = PLib.Daynum2Date (PLib.daynum); return points; }, QuickFind: function(satname) { var satInfo = new Object(); if ((PLib.sat.name == satname) || (satname == PLib.sat.catnum)) { PLib.daynum = PLib.CurrentDaynum(); PLib.PreCalc(); PLib.Calc(); if (PLib.Decayed(PLib.daynum) == 0) { satInfo.dateTime = PLib.Daynum2Date(PLib.daynum); satInfo.elevation = PLib.iel; satInfo.azimuth = PLib.iaz; satInfo.orbitalPhase = PLib.ma256; satInfo.latitude = PLib.isplat; satInfo.altitude = Math.round (PLib.sat_alt); var lng = 360 - PLib.isplong; if (lng > 180) lng = -PLib.isplong; satInfo.longitude = lng; satInfo.slantRange = PLib.irk; satInfo.orbitNumber = PLib.rv; satInfo.visibility = PLib.findsun; } } return satInfo; }, formatDateOnly: function(dt) { var months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]; return months[dt.getMonth()] + " " + dt.getDate(); }, formatTimeOnly: function(dt) { var h = dt.getHours(); var m = dt.getMinutes(); var amPm = h < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" h = h > 12 ? h - 12 : h; h = h == 0 ? h = 12 : h; m = m < 10 ? "0" + m : m; return h + ":" + m + amPm; }, extractDate: function(dt) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(dt.valueOf()); d.setHours(0); d.setMinutes(0); d.setSeconds(0); d.setMilliseconds(0); return d; }, addDay: function(dt) { var d = new Date(dt.getTime() + 86400000); return d; }, getTodaysPasses: function() { var satInfoColl = new Array(); var arrIdx = 0; var x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, lastel = 0; var start = 0, now = 0; now = (3651.0 + PLib.CurrentDaynum()) * 86400.0; if (start == 0) start = now; if ((start >= now - 31557600) && (start <= now + 31557600)) { PLib.daynum = (start / 86400.0) - 3651.0; PLib.PreCalc(); PLib.Calc(); var d = new Date(); var passNo = 1; if (PLib.AosHappens() && PLib.Geostationary() == 0 && PLib.Decayed(PLib.daynum) == 0) { PLib.daynum = PLib.FindAOS(); while (PLib.Daynum2Date(PLib.daynum) < PLib.addDay(d)) { var satInfo = new Object(); satInfo.number = z + 1; satInfo.name = PLib.sat.name; satInfo.passNo = passNo++; satInfo.dateTimeStart = PLib.Daynum2Date(PLib.daynum); satInfo.peakElevation = PLib.iel; satInfo.riseAzimuth = satInfo.peakAzimuth = PLib.iaz; satInfo.orbitalPhase = PLib.ma256; satInfo.latitude = PLib.isplat; var lng = 360 - PLib.isplong; if (lng > 180) lng = -PLib.isplong; satInfo.longitude = lng; satInfo.riseRange = satInfo.peakRange = PLib.irk; satInfo.orbitNumber = PLib.rv; var plusCount = 0; var asteriskCount = 0; while (PLib.iel >= 0) { if (PLib.iel > satInfo.peakElevation) { satInfo.peakElevation = PLib.iel; satInfo.peakAzimuth = PLib.iaz; satInfo.peakRange = PLib.irk; } if (PLib.findsun == '+') plusCount++; else if (PLib.findsun == '*') asteriskCount++; lastel = PLib.iel; PLib.daynum += Math.cos((PLib.sat_ele - 1.0) * PLib.deg2rad) * Math.sqrt(PLib.sat_alt) / 25000.0; PLib.Calc(); } if (lastel != 0) { PLib.daynum = PLib.FindLOS(); PLib.Calc(); } satInfo.dateTimeEnd = PLib.Daynum2Date(PLib.daynum); satInfo.decayAzimuth = PLib.iaz; satInfo.decayRange = PLib.irk; if ((plusCount > 3) || (plusCount > 2 && asteriskCount > 2)) { satInfo.visibility = '+'; } else if (asteriskCount > 2) { satInfo.visibility = '*'; } satInfoColl[arrIdx++] = satInfo; PLib.daynum += (1 / 24 / 6); PLib.daynum = PLib.FindAOS(); } } } return satInfoColl; }, configureGroundStation: function(lat, lng, alt, name) { PLib.qth.stnlat = lat; PLib.qth.stnalt = alt; PLib.qth.name = name; if (lng < 0) PLib.qth.stnlong = -lng; else PLib.qth.stnlong = 360 - lng; PLib.obs_geodetic.lat = PLib.qth.stnlat * PLib.deg2rad; PLib.obs_geodetic.lon = -PLib.qth.stnlong * PLib.deg2rad; PLib.obs_geodetic.alt = PLib.qth.stnalt / 1000.0; PLib.obs_geodetic.theta = 0.0; }, // FIXME: find a better way to round roundTo: function (num, dec) { return Math.round (Math.round (num * Math.pow (10, dec + 1) / 10.0)) / Math.pow (10, dec); } }; PLib.obs_geodetic = new PLib.geodetic_t(); PLib.tle = new PLib.tle_t(); // vim: ts=2 tw=0 expandtab