""" web widgets for MURSAT1 Dashboard """ import time def loginFormWidget (): html = ''' Please enter your email/callsign and your password in the form below.
Don't have an account yet? Register here! ''' return html def loginWidget (email): html = ''' login request for {0} '''.format (email) return html def registerFormWidget (): html = ''' Please fill in the form below an click on Register. You will receive a confirmation email.
Confirm Password*:
Fields marked with a * are mandatory. ''' return html def registerWidget (): html = ''' you could be registered iff I had finished this code ''' return html def submitFormWidget (): html = ''' sorry, no form yet! ''' return html def submitWidget (): html = ''' need processing of data ''' return html def logWidget (): html = ''' Log data, lot's of log data ... ''' return html def osmWidget (longitude = 15.4426, latitude = 47.06576): html = '''
'''.format (longitude, latitude) return html def statusWidget (ip, user = 'Anonymous'): html = ''' mur.sat logo MURSAT1 Mission Dashboard
Hello {0} with session id '{1}'! Local time is {2}
'''.format (user, ip, time.strftime ('%c')) return html def indexWidget (lcol, rcol, status): html = ''' MURSAT1 Dashboard
Development version!
'''.format (status, lcol, rcol) return html def dataWidget (longitude = 15.44226, latitude = 47.06576): html = '''
Current Data
Time: 00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Longitude: {0}
Latitude: {1}

Submit a report
Login to your personal account
View Log of reports

Checkout the project page!
'''.format (longitude, latitude) return html if __name__ == "__main__": pass # vim: ft=html tw=0 ts=2 expandtab # EOF