Protocol Definition between IHU and TTX ======================================= Bitstream --------- IHU and TTX communicate using a simple serial synchronous bus (SDA,SCL). The IHU is the master and drives the clock. On idle the SCL and SDA are both at logic 0. When the IHU want's to communicate it has to generate a wakeup pulse with a minimun length of 1µs. After this it has to wait at least 3ms for the TTX to wake up and switch to a higher oscillator frequency. The data is transferred MSB first in groups of 8bits (1 Octet). SDA must be stable before the clock goes high. A Clock pulse must be at least 4µs long and the data has to stay valid for at least 17µs. After each octet there must be a break of 50µs. | wake up | 1st octet | break | 2nd octet _________________ _________________ SDA | | | | -----------//-+ +---------//--+ +----//------------ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ SCL | | | | | | | | | | -----+ +---//--+ +------------+ +---//---+ +----------------//--+ +---- | 3ms | 4µs| 13µs | | 50µs | Frames ------ Every frame starts with 4 bit command code and a 4 bit length field. After this follow len octets of data. When all the data has been transferred the master (IHU) switches SDA to input and clocks in on byte as acknowledge. The aknowledge is a one byte XOR checksum over all octets (including the command/len octet). Field-length: 1 LEN 1 +---------+----------------+--------+ Name | CMD/LEN | DATA | CS | +---------+----------------+--------+ Commands -------- Hex '0' ~~~~~~~ This tells the TTX to shut up. The TTX will send out one aknowledge over cw and after that disables any further broadcasts. (Safe mode) Hex '1' ~~~~~~~ This is the reverse of the '0' command. The TTX will send out an aknowledge over cw and reenables broadcasting of beacons. Hex '2' ~~~~~~~ The command sets a new beacon interval. The data is one octet containing the new beacon interval in seconds. Hex '3' ~~~~~~~ This sets a new cw speed. It is followed by four octets representing the dot, dash, word space and tune times. Hex 'A' ~~~~~~~ This instructs the TTX to send out an aknowledge frame over cw. The command has 1 octet of data containing the ASCII Code of the aknowledge to send out. Hex 'B' ~~~~~~~ This inscructs the TTX to send out a beacon immediately. It also resets the timer so that the next beacon will follow after the normal beacon period. This command has no data. Hex 'F' ~~~~~~~ This transmits a new format string for the standard beacon. The data is a variable length string containing ASCII characters each standing for a beacon element to send out.