#+STARTUP: content hideblocks #+STARTUP: logdone logreschedule logredeadline logrefile #+STARTUP: hidestars indent oddeven entitiespretty #+TODO: TODO(t) NEXT(n) STARTED(s@/!) HOLD(h@/!) | DONE(d@/!) CANCELED(c@/!) OBSOLETED(o@/!) #+DRAWERS: LOGBOOK PROPERTIES #+PROPERTY: LOG_INTO_DRAWER t #+PROPERTY: CLOCK_INTO_DRAWER t #+TAGS: { design feature enhancement task bug } * MPU Features ** TODO Capture Alien N-Counter Events :feature: ** TODO Capture Photos from Webcam :feature: ** TODO Capture Audio from Microphone :feature: ** TODO Capture Light-Sensor (Photodiode) Values :feature: ** TODO Capture Temperature Data :feature: ** TODO Store captured data on SD Card :feature: ** TODO Read captured data from SD Card :feature: ** TODO Provide a simple index of data on SD Card :feature: ** TODO Automatically trigger capturing photos :feature: ** TODO Handle Commands from IHU :feature: *** TODO MPU-Command: Prepare-Shutdown :feature: *** TODO MPU-Command: Save energy :feature: ** TODO Send parameters to IHU :feature: ** TODO Handle Commands from Radio-Transceiver :feature: *** TODO Radio-Command: Give page of object index :feature: *** TODO Radio-Command: Give page of data object :feature: *** TODO Radio-Command: Set some parameters of whatever :feature: **** Examples: - speed of morse code - sensitivity of (e.g. photodiodes) - parameters for MPU/IHU algorithms *** TODO Radio-Command: Give address/length from SD Card :feature: * General Todo-List ** TODO Data-Format for SD Card ** TODO Task and Protocol Design Rev. 1 ** TODO Clarify License Issues of 3rd Party Code ** TODO MPU Program States: e.g. which function may be used in which state ** TODO Definition of "interesting" photos, i.e. when to take a photo ** TODO Definition of IHU Commands ** TODO Define Priorities of different commands/interrupts * Implementation Todo-List ** DONE Read values from ADC ** DONE Read/Write RS232 CLOSED: [2012-05-29 Tue 22:24] :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2012-05-29 Tue 22:24] :END: ** TODO [#C] Common header format for source files (license etc.) ** TODO Write to SD Card (raw) ** TODO Read from SD Card (raw) ** TODO Write to SD Card (object) ** TODO Read from SD Card (object) ** TODO Read from SD Card (part of object) ** TODO Read out temperature sensors (by one-wire bus) (requires: temperature sensors) ** TODO Read out light sensors (by ADC) ** TODO Read out microphone (by SPI) ** STARTED Understand IHU (by RS232) :LOGBOOK: - State "STARTED" from "TODO" [2012-05-29 Tue 22:24] :END: * Open Questions ** TODO Map light intensity to photodiode and Webcam values i.e.: given some photodiode ADC read-out, what is the expected histogram for the Webcam picture * SD Card FS ** Note: Take care of crashing SD Card firmware/controller * RTOS Task / (Message-)Protocol Design ** Tasks