### $Id: Makefile.Debian.conf.sample 1398 2009-11-13 21:10:12Z gareuselesinge $ ### mandatory fields PKG_NAME=mq ### things relative to the C library part CLIB_CFLAGS=-Isrc/ CLIB_LDFLAGS= CLIB_LDFLAGS_STATIC= CLIB_OBJS=src/lua-mq.lo VERSION_INFO=0:1:0 ### things relative to the lua library part LUA_HEADER= LUA_SOURCES= LUA_MODNAME=mq LUA_TEST= ### this part is relative to pkg-config PKG_VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog|grep ^Ver|cut -d ' ' -f 2|cut -d '-' -f 1) PKG_LIBS_PRIVATE= PKG_URL= PKG_REQUIRES= PKG_CONFLICTS= ### this part is relative to debian libs naming policy DEB_EXTRA_DASH= ### In addition, to gather flexibility, you can set these hooks ### (called in this order) pre-all-hook:: post-all-hook:: pre-test-hook:: pre-lua-dynamic-test-hook:: pre-dynamic-link-hook:: pre-app-dynamic-test-hook:: pre-static-link-hook:: pre-app-static-test-hook:: pre-install-hook:: post-install-hook:: pre-clean-hook:: post-clean-hook::