/* * spreadspace avr utils - usb-bmp180 example * * * Copyright (C) 2016 Bernhard Tittelbach * basically this is refactored and enhanced code from: * https://github.com/sparkfun/BMP180_Breakout_Arduino_Library * Please buy the sparkfun people Beer when you see them!!!! * * This file is part of spreadspace avr utils. * * spreadspace avr utils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * spreadspace avr utils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with spreadspace avr utils. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "led.h" #include "usbio.h" #include "bmp280.h" #define ALTITUDE 353.0 // Altitude of Graz in Austria #define PIN_CS_S0 PD1 #define REG_CS_S0 PIND #define PIN_CS_S1 PD0 #define REG_CS_S1 PIND #define OP_SETBIT |= #define OP_CLEARBIT &= ~ #define OP_CHECK & #define PIN_SW(PORTDDRREG, PIN, OP) PORTDDRREG OP (1 << PIN) #define PINREG(x) x #define DDRREG(x) *(&x+1) #define PORTREG(x) *(&x+2) #define HIGHv OP_SETBIT #define LOWv OP_CLEARBIT #define CS_SENSOR_0(LOWHIGH) (PIN_SW(PORTREG(REG_CS_S0),PIN_CS_S0,LOWHIGH)) #define CS_SENSOR_1(LOWHIGH) (PIN_SW(PORTREG(REG_CS_S1),PIN_CS_S1,LOWHIGH)) #define CS_SENSOR(x,LOWHIGH) CS_SENSOR_##x(LOWHIGH) void printCoeffs(bmp280_sensor *sensor) { printf("Coeffients\r\n"); printf("T1: %d, T2: %d, T3: %d\r\n", sensor->dig_T1, sensor->dig_T2, sensor->dig_T3); printf("P1: %d, P2: %d, P3: %d, P4: %d, P5: %d, P6: %d, P7: %d, P8: %d, P9: %d\r\n",sensor->dig_P1,sensor->dig_P2,sensor->dig_P3,sensor->dig_P4,sensor->dig_P5,sensor->dig_P6,sensor->dig_P7,sensor->dig_P8,sensor->dig_P9); printf("H1: %d, H2: %d, H3: %d, H4: %d, H5: %d, H6: %d\r\n",sensor->dig_H1,sensor->dig_H2,sensor->dig_H3 ,sensor->dig_H4,sensor->dig_H5,sensor->dig_H6); } int main(void) { MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF); wdt_disable(); cpu_init(); led_init(); usbio_init(); sei(); bmp280_sensor sensor0; bmp280_sensor sensor1; CS_SENSOR(0,HIGHv); CS_SENSOR(1,HIGHv); SPI_Init(BMP280_LUFA_SPIO_OPTIONS); bmp280_init(&sensor0, &PORTREG(REG_CS_S0), PIN_CS_S0); bmp280_init(&sensor1, &PORTREG(REG_CS_S1), PIN_CS_S1); printf("BMP280 initialized"); for(;;) { printf("\r\n== Sensor 0 ==\r\n"); printCoeffs(&sensor0); float temp = bmp280_readTemp(&sensor0); float pressure = bmp280_readPressure(&sensor0); printf("\r\nPressure: %.2f Pa @ %.2f degC\r\n", pressure, temp); printf("\r\n== Sensor 1 ==\r\n"); printCoeffs(&sensor1); temp = bmp280_readTemp(&sensor1); pressure = bmp280_readPressure(&sensor1); printf("\r\nPressure: %.2f Pa @ %.2f degC\r\n", pressure, temp); usbio_task(); int16_t BytesReceived = usbio_bytes_received(); while(BytesReceived > 0) { int ReceivedByte = fgetc(stdin); if(ReceivedByte != EOF) { if (ReceivedByte == '!') reset2bootloader(); } BytesReceived--; } _delay_ms(2000); // Pause for 5 seconds. } }