/* * r3PCR Teensy Controller Code * * * Copyright (C) 2013 Bernhard Tittelbach * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with spreadspace avr utils. If not, see . */ #include "temp_curve.h" #include #include extern uint8_t debug_; const int16_t temp_margin_ = 16; // 1 °C typedef struct tc_entry tc_entry; struct tc_entry { int16_t target_temp; uint16_t hold_for_timeticks; tc_entry *next; }; tc_entry *temp_curve_ = 0; //pointer to start of curve (so we can free it by going through the list) tc_entry *temp_curve_end_ = 0; //pointer to last added entry in curve (so we know can quickly append new entries) tc_entry *temp_curve_current_ = 0; //pointer to currently active entry (temp we currently hold) tc_entry *temp_curve_loop_first_ = 0; //pointer to start of loop (loop is a subset of curve list) tc_entry *temp_curve_loop_last_ = 0; //pointer to end of loop (loop is a subset of curve list) uint16_t temp_stable_time_ = 0; uint8_t temp_curve_original_num_repeats_ = 0; uint8_t curve_loop_num_repeats_ = 0; // number of times the loop still needs to be reapeated before finishing the rest of the curve void tcurve_reset(void) { tc_entry *curr = temp_curve_; tc_entry *next = 0; while (curr != 0) { next = curr->next; if (debug_) printf("tcreset: curr: 0x%x, next: 0x%x, end: 0x%x\r\n",(uint16_t)curr,(uint16_t)next,(uint16_t)temp_curve_end_); free(curr); if (curr == temp_curve_end_) break; //just to be sure curr = next; } temp_curve_ = 0; temp_curve_end_ = 0; temp_curve_current_ = 0; temp_curve_original_num_repeats_ = 0; curve_loop_num_repeats_ = 0; temp_curve_loop_first_ = temp_curve_; temp_curve_loop_last_ = 0; if (debug_) printf("tcreset: done\n\n"); } uint16_t tcurve_getTimeElapsed(void) { return temp_stable_time_; } uint8_t tcurve_getRepeatsLeft(void) { return curve_loop_num_repeats_; } uint8_t tcurve_isSet(void) { return temp_curve_ != 0; } void tcurve_setRepeats(uint8_t r) { curve_loop_num_repeats_ = r; temp_curve_original_num_repeats_ = r; } void tcurve_add(int16_t temp, uint16_t hold_for_ticks) { tc_entry *new_entry = malloc(sizeof(tc_entry)); new_entry->target_temp = temp; new_entry->hold_for_timeticks = hold_for_ticks; new_entry->next = 0; if (temp_curve_end_ == 0) { temp_curve_end_ = new_entry; temp_curve_ = new_entry; temp_curve_current_ = new_entry; temp_curve_loop_first_ = new_entry; } else { temp_curve_end_->next = new_entry; temp_curve_end_ = new_entry; } } void tcurve_setRepeatStartPosToLatestEntry(void) { //calling this again, overwrites last set loop start entry temp_curve_loop_first_= temp_curve_end_; //no loop_last_ before loop_first_ temp_curve_loop_last_ = 0; } void tcurve_setRepeatEndPosToLatestEntry(void) { //calling this again, overwrites last set loop stop entry temp_curve_loop_last_ = temp_curve_end_; } void tcurve_printCurve(uint8_t cmd) { if (temp_curve_ == 0) { printf("{\"cmd\":\"%c\",\"cmd_ok\":false,\"error\":\"No curve set\"}\r\n",cmd); return; } printf("{\"cmd\":\"%c\",\"curve\":[",cmd); for (tc_entry *ce = temp_curve_; ; ce=ce->next) { printf("{\"temp\":%d,\"duration\":%u,\"is_curr\":%d,\"is_loop_start\":%d,\"is_loop_end\":%d},", ce->target_temp, ce->hold_for_timeticks, ce == temp_curve_current_, ce == temp_curve_loop_first_, ce == temp_curve_loop_last_); if (ce == temp_curve_end_) break; } printf("0],\"loop_repeats\":%d}\r\n", temp_curve_original_num_repeats_); } int16_t tcurve_getTempToSet(int16_t current_temp, uint16_t ticks_elapsed) { if (temp_curve_current_ == 0) return TCURVE_ERROR; if (current_temp > temp_curve_current_->target_temp - temp_margin_ && current_temp < temp_curve_current_->target_temp + temp_margin_) { temp_stable_time_ += ticks_elapsed; } // else: ignore the case of temp falling temporarily outside of temp_margin_ //if temp has been stable for the set amount of timeticks in current curve element if (temp_stable_time_ >= temp_curve_current_->hold_for_timeticks) { temp_stable_time_ = 0; if (curve_loop_num_repeats_ && //if repetitions left ( (temp_curve_loop_last_ != 0 && temp_curve_current_ == temp_curve_loop_last_) //and we have reached a set loop endpoint || temp_curve_current_->next == 0 //or the end of the list )) { //go back to first point in loop curve_loop_num_repeats_--; temp_curve_current_ = temp_curve_loop_first_; } else if (temp_curve_current_->next != 0) //else if elements left in curve list { // go to next element temp_curve_current_ = temp_curve_current_->next; } //else stay on temperature of last element forever (until reset is called or new elements are added) } return temp_curve_current_->target_temp; }