/* * r3PCR Teensy Controller Code * * * Copyright (C) 2013 Bernhard Tittelbach * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with spreadspace avr utils. If not, see . */ #include "pid_control.h" #include EEMEM int32_t pid_p_eeprom_; EEMEM int32_t pid_i_eeprom_; EEMEM int32_t pid_d_eeprom_; EEMEM int32_t crc_eeprom_; #define PID_SCALE 1024L int32_t pid_outlimit_min_ = -255 * PID_SCALE; int32_t pid_outlimit_max_ = 255 * PID_SCALE; int32_t pid_p_ = 8192; int32_t pid_i_ = 512; int32_t pid_d_ = 24576; int32_t pid_i_integralsum_ = 0; int32_t pid_last_input_ = 0; int16_t pid_target_value_ = PID_DISABLED; void pid_setP(int16_t p) { pid_p_ = (int32_t) p; pid_saveToEEPROM(); } void pid_setI(int16_t i) { pid_i_ = (int32_t) i; pid_saveToEEPROM(); } void pid_setD(int16_t d) { pid_d_ = (int32_t) d; pid_saveToEEPROM(); } void pid_printVars(void) { printf("{\"PID_P\":%d, \"PID_I\":%d, \"PID_D\":%d, \"PID_SCALE\":%d}\r\n", (int16_t) (pid_p_), (int16_t) (pid_i_), (int16_t) (pid_d_), (int16_t) PID_SCALE); } void pid_setTargetValue(int16_t v) { pid_target_value_ = v; } int16_t pid_getTargetValue(void) { return pid_target_value_; } int pid_isEnabled(void) { return pid_target_value_ != PID_DISABLED; } // PRE-CONDITION: call pid_calc at exactly regular intervals !! int16_t pid_calc(int16_t current_value) { if (pid_target_value_ == PID_DISABLED) return PID_DISABLED; int32_t error = pid_target_value_ - current_value; // derivative // instead of derivative of error we take derivative on measurement // since dError/dt = - dInput/dt (note the - ) int32_t d_measure = current_value - pid_last_input_; pid_last_input_ = current_value; // integral (bring pid_i_ into integral, so we get smooth transfer if pid_i_ suddenly changes) pid_i_integralsum_ += pid_i_ * error; // prevent integrator wind-up if (pid_i_integralsum_ > pid_outlimit_max_) pid_i_integralsum_ = pid_outlimit_max_; else if (pid_i_integralsum_ < pid_outlimit_min_) pid_i_integralsum_ = pid_outlimit_min_; // combine factors (insofar as we did not already do it above) int32_t pid_output_preclamp = ( (error * pid_p_) + (pid_i_integralsum_) - (d_measure * pid_d_) ); // limit output if (pid_output_preclamp > pid_outlimit_max_) return (int16_t) (pid_outlimit_max_ / PID_SCALE); else if (pid_output_preclamp < pid_outlimit_min_) return (int16_t) (pid_outlimit_min_ / PID_SCALE); else return (int16_t) (pid_output_preclamp / PID_SCALE); } void pid_loadFromEEPROM(void) { int32_t p = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t *) &pid_p_eeprom_); int32_t i = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t *) &pid_i_eeprom_); int32_t d = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t *) &pid_d_eeprom_); int32_t crc = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t *) &crc_eeprom_); if (crc == (p ^ i ^ d)) { pid_p_ = p; pid_i_ = i; pid_d_ = d; } } void pid_saveToEEPROM(void) { eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t *) &pid_p_eeprom_, pid_p_); eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t *) &pid_i_eeprom_, pid_i_); eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t *) &pid_d_eeprom_, pid_d_); eeprom_write_word((uint16_t *) &crc_eeprom_, pid_p_ ^ pid_i_ ^ pid_d_); }