path: root/pcr-controller/protocol_uc.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'pcr-controller/protocol_uc.txt')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/pcr-controller/protocol_uc.txt b/pcr-controller/protocol_uc.txt
index 68c4c90..18a2465 100644
--- a/pcr-controller/protocol_uc.txt
+++ b/pcr-controller/protocol_uc.txt
@@ -1,72 +1,110 @@
-Command bytes:
-'s' Temperatursensor lesen -> parse_float(string("%3.2f")) + \r\n
-'T' Temperatursoll setzen <- string (int(float(temp)*16))
-'t' Temperatursoll lesen -> parse_float(string("%3.2f")) + \r\n
-'P' P-Wert setzen <- string (uint16_t x * 1024)
-'p' Alle PID Werte ausgeben -> string (uint16_t) + \r\n
-'I' I-Wert setzen <- string (uint16_t x * 1024)
-'i' Alle PID Werte ausgeben -> string (uint16_t) + \r\n
-'D' D-Wert setzen <- string (uint16_t x * 1024)
-'d' Alle PID Werte ausgeben -> string (uint16_t p / 1024, i / 1024, d / 1024) + \r\n
-'A' Pumpe on
-'a' Pumpe off
-'B' Deckelheizung on
-'b' Deckelheizung off
-'L' Toggle LED (Debug)
-'l' Toggle LED by using queuing system (Debug)
-'R' Reset (Alle Register zurücksetzen und neu initialisieren)
-'=' Halte aktuelle Temperatur (PID Ziel gleich aktuelle Temp messen)
-'-' Lösche gesetzte Temperaturkurve
-'+' Füge einen Punkt zur Temperaturkurve hinzu. erwartet Zieltemperatur und zeit (in10tel sekunden) für wie lange die temperatur gehalten werden soll bevor zur nächsten gesprungen wird. <- string(int(float(temp)*16)) \n <- string(int(seconds*10)) \n
-'Z' setzte Anzahl Zyklen in denen die Temperaturkurve wiederholt wird (0 == default == keine Wiederholung == 1 Zyklus, 1 == 1 Wiederholung == 2 Zyklen) <- string(int(repeats))
-'E' Temperatursoll das nach Ende des Temperaturkurvenzyklus gesetzt werden soll <- string (int(float(temp)*16))
-'m' Schalte ständige Ausgabe der aktuellen Temperatur ein/aus
-Nach jedem Setz-Command: Bestätigung mit "OK\r\n" (oder so)
-Das folgende Beispiel
-fragt die Temperatur ab,
-löscht eine evtl gesetzte Temperaturkurve
-Hält für's Erste die aktuelle Temperatur
-Schaltet die Pumpe ein
-Programmiert eine Kurve von 95°C (15min) -> 65°C (1s) -> 60°C (30s) -> 70°C (30s)
-Wiederholt die Kurve 30 mal
-Kühlt die Proben nach dem Ende auf 5°C
-Gibt periodisch die aktuelle Temperatur aus.
-Example PCR:
+==== Command bytes ====
+'s' Temperatursensor lesen -> parse_float(string("%3.2f")) + \r\n
+'t' Same as above
+'T' Set PID target temperature. <-TempValue
+ (Only works if no temperature curve is set.)
+'P' Set PID value P <-PIDValue
+'I' Set PID value I <-PIDValue
+'D' Set PID value D <-PIDValue
+'p' Print all PID values as JSON string
+'i' Same as above
+'d' Same as above
+'A' Switch on pump.
+'a' Switch pump off.
+'B' Switch on top heater.
+'b' Switch top heater off.
+'L' Toggle LED (Debug)
+'l' Toggle LED by using queuing system (Debug)
+'R' Reset microcontroller
+'r' Same as above
+'=' Set PID target temperature to current temperature.
+'-' Clear temperature curve.
+'.' Print out currently programmed temperature curve as JSON string.
+'+' Add a temperature curve point. <-TempValue <-Duration
+ Excpects 2 arguments: Targettemperature and duration for which that temperature is to be held after it has been reached.
+'!' Set the last added (with '+') temperature curve point to be the cycle start point.
+ E.g. if >0 curve repetitions are set (with 'Z') the repetitions will start here, instead of at the first added curve point.
+'Z' Set number of cycle repetitions <-IntValue
+ E.g: 0 == default == no repetitions == 1 cycle
+ 1 == 1 repetitions == 2 cycles)
+ ....
+'E' Program a final hold temperature. PID will try to hold this value after all cycles have finished. <-TempValue
+'m' Toggle periodic status output as JSON string.
+'?' Toggle Debug Output.
+'#' Disable PID (i.e. set PID target temperature to -2048.00)
+ (Only works if no temperature curve is set. If needed use '-' first.)
+==== Command arguments ====
+If arguments are required they are to be given as numeric string.
+Temperature is given in degrees celcsius multiplied by 16, thus allowing us to set decimal degrees by storing and transmitting integer values.
+Negative temperatures are prepended by '-'.
+E.g. a temperature of -20 °C would be input as -320.
+PID parpameters are multiplied by 1024 (or whatever PID_SCALE is set to).
+E.g. an I value of 0.5 would be input as 512.
+Duration or time values are input as 100ms (1/10th second) integer values.
+E.g. a duration of 2 seconds would be input as 20.
+If multiple arguments are required, they are to be separated by the comma character ','.
+<-IntValue ...means: string(uint16_t x)
+<-TempValue ...means: string(int16_t(float temp * 16))
+<-PIDValue ...means: string(uint16_t x * 1024)
+<-Duration ...means: string(uint16_t s * 10)
+==== Command responses ====
+are formated as JSON values.
+PID Values are output just like they are expected to be input.
+Temperatures are output as formated float values in °C, expect when printing the current temperature curve when temperatures are printed as internal integer values (see TempValue)
+A value of -2048.00 or -32768 generally means something is DISABLED or inapplicable in the current state.
+==== Example uc Answers ====
+Responses to "t" or "s":
+{"t":503, "currtemp":20.34, "targettemp":-2048.00, "curve":false, "curve_t_elapsed":0, "cycles_left":0} //curve and pid disabled (pid disabel when targettemp == -2048.00
+{"t":97000, "currtemp":40.34, "targettemp":70.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":14, "cycles_left":11}
+{"t":97200, "currtemp":69.72, "targettemp":70.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":214, "cycles_left":11}
+{"t":110123, "currtemp":30.14, "targettemp":30.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":10, "cycles_left":9}
+{"t":9999999, "currtemp":5.02, "targettemp":5.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":65535, "cycles_left":0} //we know all is finished because targettemp is hold-temp
+Response to "."
+Response to other commands:
+{"cmd_ok":false,"error": "No DS1820 sensors on 1wire bus, thus no temperature"}
+{"cmd_ok":false,"error":"talking to DS18b20, no valid temperature!"}
+==== Example Program ====
+The sequence of above commands
+- prints current temperature
+- deletes any currenlty set temperature curve
+- instructs the PID controller to hold the current temperature
+- enables the pump
+- programms the following temperature curve: 95°C (15min) -> [ -> 65°C (1s) -> 60°C (30s) -> 70°C (30s) ]
+- sets the curve to repeat the items in [] brackets 30 times
+- programms final holding temperature of 5°C (after temperature curve and all cylces have finished).
+- activates periodic status output.
-Example uc Answers:
-{"cmd_ok":false,"error": "No DS1820 sensors on 1wire bus, thus no temperature"}
-{"cmd_ok":false,"error":"talking to DS18b20, no valid temperature!"}
-{"t":503, "currtemp":20.34, "targettemp":-2048.00, "curve":false, "curve_t_elapsed":0, "cycles_left":0} //curve and pid disabled (pid disabel when targettemp == -2048.00
-{"t":97000, "currtemp":40.34, "targettemp":70.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":14, "cycles_left":11}
-{"t":97200, "currtemp":69.72, "targettemp":70.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":214, "cycles_left":11}
-{"t":110123, "currtemp":30.14, "targettemp":30.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":10, "cycles_left":9}
-{"t":9999999, "currtemp":5.02, "targettemp":5.00, "curve":true, "curve_t_elapsed":65535, "cycles_left":0} //we know all is finished because targettemp is hold-temp
+(c) Bernhard Tittelbach, 2013