/* * uAnytun * * uAnytun is a tiny implementation of SATP. Unlike Anytun which is a full * featured implementation uAnytun has no support for multiple connections * or synchronisation. It is a small single threaded implementation intended * to act as a client on small platforms. * The secure anycast tunneling protocol (satp) defines a protocol used * for communication between any combination of unicast and anycast * tunnel endpoints. It has less protocol overhead than IPSec in Tunnel * mode and allows tunneling of every ETHER TYPE protocol (e.g. * ethernet, ip, arp ...). satp directly includes cryptography and * message authentication based on the methodes used by SRTP. It is * intended to deliver a generic, scaleable and secure solution for * tunneling and relaying of packets of any protocol. * * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Christian Pointner * * This file is part of uAnytun. * * uAnytun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * uAnytun is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with uAnytun. If not, see . */ #include "datatypes.h" #include "version.h" #include "options.h" #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #ifndef NO_CRYPT #include "auth_algo.h" #endif #define PARSE_BOOL_PARAM(SHORT, LONG, VALUE) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ VALUE = 1; #define PARSE_INVERSE_BOOL_PARAM(SHORT, LONG, VALUE) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ VALUE = 0; #define PARSE_INT_PARAM(SHORT, LONG, VALUE) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ { \ if(argc < 1) \ return i; \ VALUE = atoi(argv[i+1]); \ argc--; \ i++; \ } #define PARSE_STRING_PARAM(SHORT, LONG, VALUE) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ { \ if(argc < 1 || argv[i+1][0] == '-') \ return i; \ if(VALUE) free(VALUE); \ VALUE = strdup(argv[i+1]); \ if(!VALUE) \ return -2; \ argc--; \ i++; \ } #define PARSE_STRING_PARAM_SEC(SHORT, LONG, VALUE) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ { \ if(argc < 1 || argv[i+1][0] == '-') \ return i; \ if(VALUE) free(VALUE); \ VALUE = strdup(argv[i+1]); \ if(!VALUE) \ return -2; \ size_t j; \ for(j=0; j < strlen(argv[i+1]); ++j) \ argv[i+1][j] = '#'; \ argc--; \ i++; \ } #define PARSE_IFCONFIG_PARAM(SHORT, LONG, VALUE) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ { \ if(argc < 1 || argv[i+1][0] == '-') \ return i; \ int ret; \ ret = options_parse_ifconfig(argv[i+1], &VALUE); \ if(ret > 0) \ return i+1; \ if(ret < 0) \ return ret; \ argc--; \ i++; \ } #define PARSE_HEXSTRING_PARAM_SEC(SHORT, LONG, VALUE) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ { \ if(argc < 1 || argv[i+1][0] == '-') \ return i; \ int ret; \ ret = options_parse_hex_string(argv[i+1], &VALUE); \ if(ret > 0) \ return i+1; \ else if(ret < 0) \ return ret; \ size_t j; \ for(j=0; j < strlen(argv[i+1]); ++j) \ argv[i+1][j] = '#'; \ argc--; \ i++; \ } #define PARSE_STRING_LIST(SHORT, LONG, LIST) \ else if(!strcmp(str,SHORT) || !strcmp(str,LONG)) \ { \ if(argc < 1 || argv[i+1][0] == '-') \ return i; \ int ret = string_list_add(&LIST, argv[i+1]); \ if(ret == -2) \ return ret; \ else if(ret) \ return i+1; \ argc--; \ i++; \ } int options_parse_hex_string(const char* hex, buffer_t* buffer) { if(!hex || !buffer) return -1; u_int32_t hex_len = strlen(hex); if(hex_len%2) return 1; if(buffer->buf_) free(buffer->buf_); buffer->length_ = hex_len/2; buffer->buf_ = malloc(buffer->length_); if(!buffer->buf_) { buffer->length_ = 0; return -2; } const char* ptr = hex; int i; for(i=0;ilength_;++i) { u_int32_t tmp; sscanf(ptr, "%2X", &tmp); buffer->buf_[i] = (u_int8_t)tmp; ptr += 2; } return 0; } int options_parse_ifconfig(const char* arg, ifconfig_param_t* ifcfg) { char* str = strdup(arg); if(!str) return -2; char* ptr = str; for(;*ptr;++ptr) { if(*ptr == '/') { *ptr = 0; ptr++; if(!(*ptr)) { free(str); return 1; } ifcfg->prefix_length_ = atoi(ptr); ifcfg->net_addr_ = strdup(str); free(str); if(!ifcfg->net_addr_) return -2; return 0; } if(!isdigit(*ptr) && *ptr != '.') { free(str); return 1; } } free(str); return 1; } int options_parse(options_t* opt, int argc, char* argv[]) { if(!opt) return -1; options_default(opt); if(opt->progname_) free(opt->progname_); opt->progname_ = strdup(argv[0]); if(!opt->progname_) return -2; argc--; char* role = NULL; int i, ipv4_only = 0, ipv6_only = 0; for(i=1; argc > 0; ++i) { char* str = argv[i]; argc--; if(!strcmp(str,"-h") || !strcmp(str,"--help")) return -1; else if(!strcmp(str,"-v") || !strcmp(str,"--version")) return -5; PARSE_INVERSE_BOOL_PARAM("-D","--nodaemonize", opt->daemonize_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-u","--username", opt->username_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-g","--groupname", opt->groupname_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-C","--chroot", opt->chroot_dir_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-P","--write-pid", opt->pid_file_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-i","--interface", opt->local_addr_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-p","--port", opt->local_port_) PARSE_INT_PARAM("-s","--sender-id", opt->sender_id_) PARSE_STRING_LIST("-L","--log", opt->log_targets_) PARSE_BOOL_PARAM("-U", "--debug", opt->debug_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-r","--remote-host", opt->remote_addr_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-o","--remote-port", opt->remote_port_) PARSE_BOOL_PARAM("-4","--ipv4-only", ipv4_only) PARSE_BOOL_PARAM("-6","--ipv6-only", ipv6_only) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-d","--dev", opt->dev_name_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-t","--type", opt->dev_type_) PARSE_IFCONFIG_PARAM("-n","--ifconfig", opt->ifconfig_param_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-x","--post-up-script", opt->post_up_script_) PARSE_INT_PARAM("-m","--mux", opt->mux_) PARSE_INT_PARAM("-w","--window-size", opt->seq_window_size_) #ifndef NO_CRYPT PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-k","--kd-prf", opt->kd_prf_) #ifndef NO_PASSPHRASE PARSE_STRING_PARAM_SEC("-E","--passphrase", opt->passphrase_) #endif PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-e","--role", role) PARSE_HEXSTRING_PARAM_SEC("-K","--key", opt->key_) PARSE_HEXSTRING_PARAM_SEC("-A","--salt", opt->salt_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-c","--cipher", opt->cipher_) PARSE_STRING_PARAM("-a","--auth-algo", opt->auth_algo_) PARSE_INT_PARAM("-b","--auth-tag-length", opt->auth_tag_length_) #endif else return i; } if(ipv4_only && ipv6_only) return -3; if(ipv4_only) opt->resolv_addr_type_ = IPV4_ONLY; if(ipv6_only) opt->resolv_addr_type_ = IPV6_ONLY; if(opt->debug_) { string_list_add(&opt->log_targets_, "stdout:5"); opt->daemonize_ = 0; } if(!opt->log_targets_.first_) string_list_add(&opt->log_targets_, "syslog:3,uanytun,daemon"); #ifndef NO_CRYPT if(role) { if(!strcmp(role, "alice") || !strcmp(role, "server") || !strcmp(role, "left")) opt->role_ = ROLE_LEFT; else if(!strcmp(role, "bob") || !strcmp(role, "client") || !strcmp(role, "right")) opt->role_ = ROLE_RIGHT; else { free(role); return -4; } free(role); } #endif return 0; } void options_parse_post(options_t* opt) { if(!opt) return; #ifndef NO_CRYPT if(!strcmp(opt->cipher_, "null") && !strcmp(opt->auth_algo_, "null") && strcmp(opt->kd_prf_, "null")) { if(opt->kd_prf_) free(opt->kd_prf_); opt->kd_prf_ = strdup("null"); } if((strcmp(opt->cipher_, "null") || strcmp(opt->auth_algo_, "null")) && !strcmp(opt->kd_prf_, "null")) { log_printf(WARNING, "using NULL key derivation with encryption and or authentication enabled!"); } u_int32_t tag_len_max = auth_algo_get_max_length(opt->auth_algo_); if(!tag_len_max) opt->auth_tag_length_ = 0; else if(tag_len_max < opt->auth_tag_length_) { log_printf(WARNING, "%s auth algo can't generate tags of length %d, using maximum tag length(%d)", opt->auth_algo_, opt->auth_tag_length_, tag_len_max); opt->auth_tag_length_ = tag_len_max; } #endif if(!(opt->dev_name_) && !(opt->dev_type_)) opt->dev_type_ = strdup("tun"); } void options_default(options_t* opt) { if(!opt) return; opt->progname_ = strdup("uanytun"); opt->daemonize_ = 1; opt->username_ = NULL; opt->groupname_ = NULL; opt->chroot_dir_ = NULL; opt->pid_file_ = NULL; string_list_init(&opt->log_targets_); opt->debug_ = 0; opt->local_addr_ = NULL; opt->local_port_ = strdup("4444"); opt->sender_id_ = 0; opt->remote_addr_ = NULL; opt->remote_port_ = strdup("4444"); opt->resolv_addr_type_ = ANY; opt->dev_name_ = NULL; opt->dev_type_ = NULL; opt->ifconfig_param_.net_addr_ = NULL; opt->ifconfig_param_.prefix_length_ = 0; opt->post_up_script_ = NULL; opt->mux_ = 0; opt->seq_window_size_ = 0; #ifndef NO_CRYPT opt->kd_prf_ = strdup("aes-ctr"); opt->passphrase_ = NULL; opt->role_ = ROLE_LEFT; opt->cipher_ = strdup("aes-ctr"); opt->auth_algo_ = strdup("sha1"); opt->auth_tag_length_ = 10; #else opt->cipher_ = strdup("null"); opt->auth_tag_length_ = 0; #endif opt->key_.buf_ = NULL; opt->key_.length_ = 0; opt->salt_.buf_ = NULL; opt->salt_.length_ = 0; } void options_clear(options_t* opt) { if(!opt) return; if(opt->progname_) free(opt->progname_); if(opt->username_) free(opt->username_); if(opt->groupname_) free(opt->groupname_); if(opt->chroot_dir_) free(opt->chroot_dir_); if(opt->pid_file_) free(opt->pid_file_); string_list_clear(&opt->log_targets_); if(opt->local_addr_) free(opt->local_addr_); if(opt->local_port_) free(opt->local_port_); if(opt->remote_addr_) free(opt->remote_addr_); if(opt->remote_port_) free(opt->remote_port_); if(opt->dev_name_) free(opt->dev_name_); if(opt->dev_type_) free(opt->dev_type_); if(opt->ifconfig_param_.net_addr_) free(opt->ifconfig_param_.net_addr_); if(opt->post_up_script_) free(opt->post_up_script_); if(opt->cipher_) free(opt->cipher_); #ifndef NO_CRYPT if(opt->auth_algo_) free(opt->auth_algo_); if(opt->kd_prf_) free(opt->kd_prf_); if(opt->passphrase_) free(opt->passphrase_); #endif if(opt->key_.buf_) free(opt->key_.buf_); if(opt->salt_.buf_) free(opt->salt_.buf_); } void options_print_usage() { printf("USAGE:\n"); printf("uanytun [-h|--help] prints this...\n"); printf(" [-v|--version] print version info and exit\n"); printf(" [-D|--nodaemonize] don't run in background\n"); printf(" [-u|--username] change to this user\n"); printf(" [-g|--groupname] change to this group\n"); printf(" [-C|--chroot] chroot to this directory\n"); printf(" [-P|--write-pid] write pid to this file\n"); printf(" [-i|--interface] local ip address to bind to\n"); printf(" [-p|--port] local port to bind to (use port:port for range - RAIL)\n"); printf(" [-s|--sender-id ] the sender id to use\n"); printf(" [-L|--log] :[,[,..]]\n"); printf(" add a log target, can be invoked several times\n"); printf(" [-U|--debug] don't daemonize and log to stdout with maximum log level\n"); printf(" [-r|--remote-host] remote host\n"); printf(" [-o|--remote-port] remote port (use port:port for range - RAIL)\n"); printf(" [-4|--ipv4-only] always resolv IPv4 addresses\n"); printf(" [-6|--ipv6-only] always resolv IPv6 addresses\n"); printf(" [-d|--dev] device name\n"); printf(" [-t|--type] device type\n"); printf(" [-n|--ifconfig] / the local address for the tun/tap device and the used prefix length\n"); printf(" [-x|--post-up-script]