post_install() { echo "" echo "===============================================================================" echo "Don't forget to create configuration directories unter /etc/anytun/" echo "and to add them to /etc/anytun/autostart" echo "You will find example configuration files in /usr/share/anytun-$1/etc-example/" echo "" echo "You might want to add a user/group for anytun:" echo "> sudo groupadd -r anytun" echo "> useradd -g anytun -r -d /var/run/anytun -s /bin/false anytun" echo "" echo "You can disect anytun traffic using wireshark by plugging the script" echo " /usr/share/anytun-$1/wireshark-lua/satp.lua into wireshark" echo "===============================================================================" echo "" } post_upgrade() { return 0 } pre_remove() { /etc/rc.d/anytun stop }