/* * anytun * * The secure anycast tunneling protocol (satp) defines a protocol used * for communication between any combination of unicast and anycast * tunnel endpoints. It has less protocol overhead than IPSec in Tunnel * mode and allows tunneling of every ETHER TYPE protocol (e.g. * ethernet, ip, arp ...). satp directly includes cryptography and * message authentication based on the methods used by SRTP. It is * intended to deliver a generic, scaleable and secure solution for * tunneling and relaying of packets of any protocol. * * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Markus Grüneis, Othmar Gsenger, Erwin Nindl, * Christian Pointner * * This file is part of Anytun. * * Anytun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * Anytun is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Anytun. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations * including the two. * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source * files in the program, then also delete it here. */ #include #include #include "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp" #include #include #include #include "datatypes.h" #include "log.h" #include "resolver.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "plainPacket.h" #include "encryptedPacket.h" #include "cipher.h" #include "keyDerivation.h" #include "authAlgo.h" #include "cipherFactory.h" #include "authAlgoFactory.h" #include "keyDerivationFactory.h" #include "signalController.h" #if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(MINGW) # include "daemonService.h" #else # ifdef WIN_SERVICE # include "win32/winService.h" # else # include "nullDaemon.h" # endif #endif #include "packetSource.h" #include "tunDevice.h" #include "options.h" #include "seqWindow.h" #include "connectionList.h" #ifndef NO_ROUTING #include "routingTable.h" #include "networkAddress.h" #endif #ifndef ANYTUN_NOSYNC #include "syncQueue.h" #include "syncCommand.h" #include "syncServer.h" #include "syncClient.h" #include "syncOnConnect.hpp" #endif #include "cryptinit.hpp" #include "sysExec.h" #ifdef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD #include "channel.hpp" #include "queuePusher.hpp" #endif bool disableRouting = false; void createConnection(const PacketSourceEndpoint& remote_end, window_size_t seqSize, mux_t mux) { SeqWindow* seq = new SeqWindow(seqSize); seq_nr_t seq_nr_=0; KeyDerivation* kd = KeyDerivationFactory::create(gOpt.getKdPrf()); kd->init(gOpt.getKey(), gOpt.getSalt(), gOpt.getPassphrase()); kd->setRole(gOpt.getRole()); cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "added connection remote host " << remote_end; ConnectionParam connparam((*kd), (*seq), seq_nr_, remote_end); gConnectionList.addConnection(connparam,mux); #ifndef ANYTUN_NOSYNC SyncCommand sc(gConnectionList,mux); gSyncQueue.push(sc); #endif } void createConnectionResolver(PacketSourceResolverIt& it, window_size_t seqSize, mux_t mux) { createConnection(*it, seqSize, mux); } void createConnectionError(const std::exception& e) { gSignalController.inject(SIGERROR, e.what()); } #ifndef ANYTUN_NOSYNC void syncConnector(const OptionHost& connto) { SyncClient sc(connto.addr, connto.port); sc.run(); } void syncListener() { try { SyncServer server(gOpt.getLocalSyncAddr(), gOpt.getLocalSyncPort(), boost::bind(syncOnConnect, _1)); gSyncQueue.setSyncServerPtr(&server); server.run(); } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "sync listener thread died due to an uncaught runtime_error: " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "sync listener thread died due to an uncaught exception: " << e.what(); } } #endif #ifndef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD void sender(TunDevice* dev, PacketSource* src) { if(!dev || !src) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "sender died because either dev or src is null"; return; } PlainPacket * plain_packet = new PlainPacket(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); EncryptedPacket * encrypted_packet = new EncryptedPacket(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH, gOpt.getAuthTagLength()); cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_DEBUG) << "started sender"; std::auto_ptr c(CipherFactory::create(gOpt.getCipher(), KD_OUTBOUND)); std::auto_ptr a(AuthAlgoFactory::create(gOpt.getAuthAlgo(), KD_OUTBOUND)); uint16_t mux = gOpt.getMux(); PacketSourceEndpoint emptyEndpoint; #else // Start 1 Thread per Tun device void threadReadTunDeviceAndWriteToPlainInQueue(TunDevice* dev, Channel* plain_in_queue, Channel* plain_memory_pool ) { if(!dev || !plain_in_queue || ! plain_memory_pool) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadTunDeviceAndWriteToEncryptedQueue died because either dev or plain_in_queue or plain_memory_pool, pointer is null"; return; } cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_DEBUG) << "started threadReadTunDeviceAndWriteToPlainInQueue"; #endif try { for(;;) { #ifdef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD PlainPacket * plain_packet = NULL; plain_memory_pool->pop(&plain_packet); QueuePusher qp_plain(plain_packet,plain_memory_pool); #endif plain_packet->setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); // read packet from device int len = dev->read(plain_packet->getPayload(), plain_packet->getPayloadLength()); if(len < 0) { continue; // silently ignore device read errors, this is probably no good idea... } if(static_cast(len) < PlainPacket::getHeaderLength()) { continue; // ignore short packets } plain_packet->setPayloadLength(len); // set payload type if(dev->getType() == TYPE_TUN) { plain_packet->setPayloadType(PAYLOAD_TYPE_TUN); } else if(dev->getType() == TYPE_TAP) { plain_packet->setPayloadType(PAYLOAD_TYPE_TAP); } else { plain_packet->setPayloadType(0); } #ifdef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD qp_plain.changeQueue(plain_in_queue); } } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadTunDeviceAndWriteToPlainInQueue died due to an uncaught runtime_error: " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadTunDeviceAndWriteToPlainInQueue died due to an uncaught exception: " << e.what(); } } void threadReadPlainInQueueAndWriteEncryptedOutQueue(Channel* plain_in_queue, Channel* plain_memory_pool, Channel* encrypted_out_queue, Channel* encrypted_memory_pool) { if(!plain_in_queue || !plain_memory_pool || !encrypted_out_queue || !encrypted_memory_pool) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "sender thread died because either plain_in_queue or plain_memory_pool or encrypted_out_queue or encrypted_memory_pool pointer is null"; return; } cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_DEBUG) << "started threadReadPlainInQueueAndWriteEncryptedOutQueue"; try { std::auto_ptr c(CipherFactory::create(gOpt.getCipher(), KD_OUTBOUND)); std::auto_ptr a(AuthAlgoFactory::create(gOpt.getAuthAlgo(), KD_OUTBOUND)); uint16_t mux = gOpt.getMux(); PacketSourceEndpoint emptyEndpoint; for(;;) { PlainPacket * plain_packet = NULL; plain_in_queue->pop(&plain_packet); QueuePusher qp_plain(plain_packet,plain_memory_pool); EncryptedPacket * encrypted_packet = NULL; encrypted_memory_pool->pop(&encrypted_packet); QueuePusher qp_encrypted(encrypted_packet,encrypted_memory_pool); #endif encrypted_packet->withAuthTag(false); encrypted_packet->setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); if(gConnectionList.empty()) { continue; } //std::cout << "got Packet for plain "<getDstAddr()); //std::cout << " -> "<second; if(conn.remote_end_ == emptyEndpoint) { //cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_INFO) << "no remote address set"; continue; } // encrypt packet c->encrypt(conn.kd_, *plain_packet, *encrypted_packet, conn.seq_nr_, gOpt.getSenderId(), mux); encrypted_packet->setHeader(conn.seq_nr_, gOpt.getSenderId(), mux); conn.seq_nr_++; // add authentication tag a->generate(conn.kd_, *encrypted_packet); encrypted_packet->setEndpoint(conn.remote_end_); #ifdef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD qp_encrypted.changeQueue(encrypted_out_queue); } } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadPlainInQueueAndWriteEncryptedOutQueue died due to an uncaught runtime_error: " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadPlainInQueueAndWriteEncryptedOutQueue died due to an uncaught exception: " << e.what(); } } void threadWriteToSocket(Channel* encrypted_out_queue, Channel* encrypted_memory_pool, PacketSource* src) { if(!encrypted_out_queue || !encrypted_memory_pool || !src) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "sender thread died because either encrypted_out_queue or encrypted_memory_pool, or src pointer is null"; return; } cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_DEBUG) << "started threadWriteToSocket"; try { for(;;) { EncryptedPacket * encrypted_packet = NULL; encrypted_out_queue->pop(&encrypted_packet); QueuePusher qp_encrypted(encrypted_packet,encrypted_memory_pool); #endif try { src->send(encrypted_packet->getBuf(), encrypted_packet->getLength(), encrypted_packet->getEndpoint()); } catch(std::exception& /*e*/) { //TODO: do something here //cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "could not send data: " << e.what(); } } } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadWriteToSocket died due to an uncaught runtime_error: " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadWriteToSocket died due to an uncaught exception: " << e.what(); } } #ifndef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD void receiver(TunDevice* dev, PacketSource* src) { if(!dev || !src) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "receiver thread died because either dev or src pointer is null"; return; } try { std::auto_ptr c(CipherFactory::create(gOpt.getCipher(), KD_INBOUND)); std::auto_ptr a(AuthAlgoFactory::create(gOpt.getAuthAlgo(), KD_INBOUND)); uint32_t auth_tag_length = gOpt.getAuthTagLength(); EncryptedPacket * encrypted_packet = new EncryptedPacket(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH, auth_tag_length); PlainPacket * plain_packet= new PlainPacket(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); for(;;) { PacketSourceEndpoint remote_end; #else void threadReadSocketAndWriteToEncryptedInQueue( PacketSource*src, Channel* encrypted_in_queue, Channel* encrypted_memory_pool) { if(!src || ! encrypted_in_queue || ! encrypted_memory_pool) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "receiver thread died because either src or encrypted_in_queue encrypted_memory_pool pointer is null"; return; } try { uint32_t auth_tag_length = gOpt.getAuthTagLength(); for(;;) { EncryptedPacket * encrypted_packet = NULL; encrypted_memory_pool->pop(&encrypted_packet); QueuePusher qp_encrypted(encrypted_packet,encrypted_memory_pool); encrypted_packet->setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); PacketSourceEndpoint remote_end; #endif encrypted_packet->withAuthTag(false); encrypted_packet->setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); // read packet from socket int len; try { len = src->recv(encrypted_packet->getBuf(), encrypted_packet->getLength(), remote_end); } catch(std::exception& /*e*/) { //TODO: do something here //cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "could not recive packet "<< e.what(); continue; } if(len < 0) { continue; // silently ignore socket recv errors, this is probably no good idea... } if(static_cast(len) < (EncryptedPacket::getHeaderLength() + auth_tag_length)) { continue; // ignore short packets } encrypted_packet->setLength(len); encrypted_packet->setEndpoint(remote_end); #ifdef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD qp_encrypted.changeQueue(encrypted_in_queue); } } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadSocketAndWriteToEncryptedInQueue thread died due to an uncaught runtime_error: " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadSocketAndWriteToEncryptedInQueue thread died due to an uncaught exception: " << e.what(); } } void threadReadEncryptedInQueueAndWritePlainOutQueue(Channel* encrypted_in_queue, Channel* encrypted_memory_pool, Channel* plain_out_queue, Channel* plain_memory_pool) { if(!encrypted_in_queue || !encrypted_memory_pool || !plain_out_queue || !plain_memory_pool) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "receiver thread died because either encrypted_in_queue or encrypted_memory_pool or plain_out_queue or plain_memory_pool pointer is null"; return; } try { std::auto_ptr c(CipherFactory::create(gOpt.getCipher(), KD_INBOUND)); std::auto_ptr a(AuthAlgoFactory::create(gOpt.getAuthAlgo(), KD_INBOUND)); for(;;) { PlainPacket * plain_packet = NULL; plain_memory_pool->pop(&plain_packet); QueuePusher qp_plain(plain_packet,plain_memory_pool); plain_packet->setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); EncryptedPacket * encrypted_packet = NULL; encrypted_in_queue->pop(&encrypted_packet); QueuePusher qp_encrypted(encrypted_packet,encrypted_memory_pool); #endif PacketSourceEndpoint remote_end = encrypted_packet->getEndpoint(); mux_t mux = encrypted_packet->getMux(); // autodetect peer if(gConnectionList.empty() && gOpt.getRemoteAddr() == "") { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "autodetected remote host " << remote_end; createConnection(remote_end, gOpt.getSeqWindowSize(),mux); } ConnectionMap::iterator cit = gConnectionList.getConnection(mux); if(cit == gConnectionList.getEnd()) { continue; } ConnectionParam& conn = cit->second; // check whether auth tag is ok or not if(!a->checkTag(conn.kd_, *encrypted_packet)) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "wrong Authentication Tag!"; continue; } // Replay Protection if(conn.seq_window_.checkAndAdd(encrypted_packet->getSenderId(), encrypted_packet->getSeqNr())) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "Replay attack from " << conn.remote_end_ << " seq:"<< encrypted_packet->getSeqNr() << " sid: "<< encrypted_packet->getSenderId(); continue; } //Allow dynamic IP changes //TODO: add command line option to turn this off if(remote_end != conn.remote_end_) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "connection "<< mux << " autodetected remote host ip changed " << remote_end; conn.remote_end_=remote_end; #ifndef ANYTUN_NOSYNC SyncCommand sc(gConnectionList,mux); gSyncQueue.push(sc); #endif } // ignore zero length packets if(encrypted_packet->getPayloadLength() <= PlainPacket::getHeaderLength()) { continue; } // decrypt packet c->decrypt(conn.kd_, *encrypted_packet, *plain_packet); #ifdef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD qp_plain.changeQueue(plain_out_queue); } } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadEncryptedInQueueAndWritePlainOutQueue thread died due to an uncaught runtime_error: " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadReadEncryptedInQueueAndWritePlainOutQueue thread died due to an uncaught exception: " << e.what(); } } void threadWriteToTunDevice( Channel* plain_out_queue, Channel* plain_memory_pool, TunDevice* dev) { try { for(;;) { PlainPacket * plain_packet = NULL; plain_out_queue->pop(&plain_packet); QueuePusher qp_plain(plain_packet,plain_memory_pool); #endif if((dev->getType() == TYPE_TUN && plain_packet->getPayloadType() != PAYLOAD_TYPE_TUN4 && plain_packet->getPayloadType() != PAYLOAD_TYPE_TUN6) || (dev->getType() == TYPE_TAP && plain_packet->getPayloadType() != PAYLOAD_TYPE_TAP)) { plain_memory_pool->push(plain_packet); continue; } // write it on the device dev->write(plain_packet->getPayload(), plain_packet->getLength()); } } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadWriteToTunDevice thread died due to an uncaught runtime_error: " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "threadWriteToTunDevice thread died due to an uncaught exception: " << e.what(); } } void startSendRecvThreads(TunDevice* dev, PacketSource* src) { unsigned int nthreads = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); if (!nthreads) nthreads = 4; src->waitUntilReady(); #ifdef ANYTUN_MULTITHREAD uint16_t plain_in_queue_length = 2 * nthreads + 4; Channel* plain_in_queue = new Channel(plain_in_queue_length); uint16_t plain_out_queue_length = 2 * nthreads + 4; Channel* plain_out_queue = new Channel(plain_out_queue_length); uint16_t plain_memory_pool_length = plain_in_queue_length + plain_out_queue_length + 1; Channel* plain_memory_pool = new Channel(plain_memory_pool_length); for(uint16_t cnt=0; cnt < plain_memory_pool_length; cnt++) { plain_memory_pool->push(new PlainPacket(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH)); } uint16_t encrypted_out_queue_length = plain_in_queue_length; Channel* encrypted_out_queue = new Channel(encrypted_out_queue_length); uint16_t encrypted_in_queue_length = plain_in_queue_length; Channel* encrypted_in_queue = new Channel(encrypted_in_queue_length); uint16_t encrypted_memory_pool_length = encrypted_out_queue_length + encrypted_in_queue_length + 1; Channel* encrypted_memory_pool = new Channel(encrypted_memory_pool_length); uint32_t auth_tag_length = gOpt.getAuthTagLength(); for(uint16_t cnt=0; cnt < encrypted_memory_pool_length; cnt++) { encrypted_memory_pool->push(new EncryptedPacket(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH, auth_tag_length)); } boost::thread(boost::bind(threadReadTunDeviceAndWriteToPlainInQueue, dev, plain_in_queue, plain_memory_pool)); // for(uint16_t cnt=0; cnt < nthreads; cnt++) { boost::thread(boost::bind(threadReadPlainInQueueAndWriteEncryptedOutQueue, plain_in_queue, plain_memory_pool, encrypted_out_queue, encrypted_memory_pool)); // } boost::thread(boost::bind(threadWriteToSocket, encrypted_out_queue, encrypted_memory_pool, src)); boost::thread(boost::bind(threadReadSocketAndWriteToEncryptedInQueue, src, encrypted_in_queue, encrypted_memory_pool)); // for(uint16_t cnt=0; cnt < nthreads; cnt++) { boost::thread(boost::bind(threadReadEncryptedInQueueAndWritePlainOutQueue, encrypted_in_queue, encrypted_memory_pool, plain_out_queue, plain_memory_pool)); // } boost::thread(boost::bind(threadWriteToTunDevice, plain_out_queue, plain_memory_pool, dev)); #else boost::thread(boost::bind(sender, dev, src)); boost::thread(boost::bind(receiver, dev, src)); #endif } #ifdef WIN_SERVICE int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { if(argc > 1) { if(std::string(argv[1]) == "install") { WinService::install(); return 0; } else if(std::string(argv[1]) == "uninstall") { WinService::uninstall(); return 0; } } WinService::start(); return 0; } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { std::cout << "caught runtime error, exiting: " << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << "caught exception, exiting: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } int real_main(int argc, char* argv[], WinService& service) { #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DaemonService service; #endif try { try { if(!gOpt.parse(argc, argv)) { exit(0); } StringList targets = gOpt.getLogTargets(); for(StringList::const_iterator it = targets.begin(); it != targets.end(); ++it) { cLog.addTarget(*it); } } catch(syntax_error& e) { std::cerr << e << std::endl; gOpt.printUsage(); exit(-1); } cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "anytun started..."; gOpt.parse_post(); // print warnings // daemonizing has to done before any thread gets started service.initPrivs(gOpt.getUsername(), gOpt.getGroupname()); if(gOpt.getDaemonize()) { service.daemonize(); } OptionNetwork net = gOpt.getIfconfigParam(); TunDevice dev(gOpt.getDevName(), gOpt.getDevType(), net.net_addr, net.prefix_length); cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "dev opened - name '" << dev.getActualName() << "', node '" << dev.getActualNode() << "'"; cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "dev type is '" << dev.getTypeString() << "'"; SysExec* postup_script = NULL; if(gOpt.getPostUpScript() != "") { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "executing post-up script '" << gOpt.getPostUpScript() << "'"; StringVector args = boost::assign::list_of(dev.getActualName())(dev.getActualNode()); postup_script = new SysExec(gOpt.getPostUpScript(), args); } if(gOpt.getChrootDir() != "") { try { service.chroot(gOpt.getChrootDir()); } catch(const std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_WARNING) << "ignoring chroot error: " << e.what(); } } service.dropPrivs(); // this has to be called before the first thread is started gSignalController.init(service); gResolver.init(); boost::thread(boost::bind(&TunDevice::waitUntilReady,&dev)); if(postup_script) { boost::thread(boost::bind(&SysExec::waitAndDestroy,postup_script)); } initCrypto(); PacketSource* src = new UDPPacketSource(gOpt.getLocalAddr(), gOpt.getLocalPort()); if(gOpt.getRemoteAddr() != "") { gResolver.resolveUdp(gOpt.getRemoteAddr(), gOpt.getRemotePort(), boost::bind(createConnectionResolver, _1, gOpt.getSeqWindowSize(), gOpt.getMux()), boost::bind(createConnectionError, _1), gOpt.getResolvAddrType()); } HostList connect_to = gOpt.getRemoteSyncHosts(); #ifndef NO_ROUTING NetworkList routes = gOpt.getRoutes(); NetworkList::const_iterator rit; for(rit = routes.begin(); rit != routes.end(); ++rit) { NetworkAddress addr(rit->net_addr); NetworkPrefix prefix(addr, static_cast(rit->prefix_length)); gRoutingTable.addRoute(prefix, gOpt.getMux()); } if(connect_to.begin() == connect_to.end() || gOpt.getDevType()!="tun") { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "No sync/control host defined or not a tun device. Disabling multi connection support (routing)"; disableRouting=true; } #endif #ifndef ANYTUN_NOSYNC boost::thread* syncListenerThread = NULL; if(gOpt.getLocalSyncPort() != "") { syncListenerThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(syncListener)); if(syncListenerThread) syncListenerThread->detach(); } boost::thread_group connectThreads; for(HostList::const_iterator it = connect_to.begin() ; it != connect_to.end(); ++it) { connectThreads.create_thread(boost::bind(syncConnector, *it)); } #endif // wait for packet source to finish in a seperate thread in order // to be still able to process signals while waiting boost::thread(boost::bind(startSendRecvThreads, &dev, src)); int ret = gSignalController.run(); // TODO: stop all threads and cleanup // // if(src) // delete src; // if(connTo) // delete connTo; return ret; } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "uncaught runtime error, exiting: " << e.what(); if(!service.isDaemonized()) { std::cout << "uncaught runtime error, exiting: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } catch(std::exception& e) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_ERROR) << "uncaught exception, exiting: " << e.what(); if(!service.isDaemonized()) { std::cout << "uncaught exception, exiting: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } return -1; }