#ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning(disable:4786) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SOCKETS_NAMESPACE using namespace SOCKETS_NAMESPACE; #endif class MyHandler : public SocketHandler { public: MyHandler(StdLog *p) : SocketHandler(p),m_done(false),m_quit(false) {} ~MyHandler() {} void List(TcpSocket *p) { for (socket_m::iterator it = m_sockets.begin(); it != m_sockets.end(); it++) { Socket *p0 = (*it).second; #ifdef ENABLE_POOL if (dynamic_cast(p0)) { p -> Send("PoolSocket\n"); } else #endif if (dynamic_cast(p0)) { p -> Send("HttpGetSocket\n"); } else if (dynamic_cast(p0)) { p -> Send("TcpSocket\n"); } else { p -> Send("Some kind of Socket\n"); } bool r; bool w; bool e; Get(p -> GetSocket(), r, w, e); char slask[1000]; sprintf(slask," Read: %s Write: %s Exception: %s\n", r ? "SET" : "not set", w ? "SET" : "not set", e ? "SET" : "not set"); p -> Send( slask ); } } void SetQuit() { m_quit = true; } bool Quit() { return m_quit; } void CheckHtml() { if (m_done) { if (m_ok) printf("Html OK:\n%s\n", m_html.c_str()); else printf("Html Failed\n"); m_done = false; } } std::string m_html; bool m_ok; bool m_done; private: bool m_quit; }; class MySocket : public TcpSocket { public: MySocket(ISocketHandler& h) : TcpSocket(h) { } void OnAccept() { int port = GetParent() -> GetPort(); Send("I'm the server at port " + Utility::l2string(port) + "\n"); SetCloseAndDelete(); } }; class hSocket : public HttpGetSocket { public: hSocket(ISocketHandler& h,const std::string& x,const std::string& y) : HttpGetSocket(h,x,y) {} void OnConnect() { printf("hSocket::OnConnect\n"); HttpGetSocket::OnConnect(); } }; class OrderSocket : public TcpSocket { public: OrderSocket(ISocketHandler& h) : TcpSocket(h) { SetLineProtocol(); } Socket *Create() { Handler().LogError(this, "Create", 0, "OrderSocket", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); return new OrderSocket(Handler()); } void OnAccept() { Send("Cmd (get,quit,list,stop,detach,count,resolve )>"); } void OnLine(const std::string& line) { Parse pa(line); std::string cmd = pa.getword(); std::string arg = pa.getrest(); if (cmd == "get") { HttpGetSocket *p = new hSocket(Handler(), arg, "tmpfile.html"); p -> SetHttpVersion("HTTP/1.1"); p -> AddResponseHeader("Connection", "keep-alive"); p -> SetDeleteByHandler(); Handler().Add( p ); Send("Reading url '" + arg + "'\n"); } else if (cmd == "quit") { Send("Goodbye!\n"); SetCloseAndDelete(); } else if (cmd == "list") { static_cast(Handler()).List( this ); } else if (cmd == "stop") { static_cast(Handler()).SetQuit(); } else if (cmd == "resolve") { //Resolve( arg ); ipaddr_t a; if (Utility::u2ip(arg, a)) { std::string tmp; Utility::l2ip(a, tmp); Send("Resolved: " + tmp + "\n"); } else { Send("Resolve failed: " + arg + "\n"); } } else /* if (cmd == "reverse") { ipaddr_t a; Utility::u2ip(arg, a); // ip -> ipaddr_t int id = Socket::Resolve(a, 0); Send("Resolve id = " + Utility::l2string(id) + "\n"); } else */ #ifdef ENABLE_DETACH if (cmd == "detach") { if (!Detach()) { Send("Detach() call failed\n"); } else { Send("Ok.\n"); } } else #endif if (cmd == "count") { Send("Socket count: " + Utility::l2string( (long)Handler().GetCount()) + "\n"); } else { Send("Huh?\n"); } Send("Cmd>"); } void OnDelete() { printf("OrderSocket::OnDelete()\n"); } #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER void OnResolved(int id,ipaddr_t a,port_t port) { } void OnResolved(int id,const std::string& name,port_t port) { Send("Resolve id " + Utility::l2string(id) + " = " + name + "\n"); } /* void OnResolved(const char *p,size_t l) { printf("OnResolved, %d bytes:\n", l); for (size_t i = 0; i < l; i++) { unsigned char c = p[i]; if (isprint(c)) printf("%c",c); else printf("<%02X>",c); } printf("\n"); } */ #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DETACH void OnDetached() { Send("\nDetached.\nCmd>"); } #endif }; class TestSocket : public TcpSocket { public: TestSocket(ISocketHandler& h) : TcpSocket(h) { SetLineProtocol(); } void OnConnect() { printf("TestSocket connected, sending QUIT\n"); Send( "quit\n" ); } void OnConnectFailed() { printf("TestSocket::OnConnectFailed\n"); SetCloseAndDelete(); } void OnLine(const std::string& line) { printf("TestSocket: %s\n", line.c_str()); } void OnDelete() { printf("TestSocket::OnDelete()\n"); } #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER void OnResolved(int id,ipaddr_t a,port_t port) { printf("TestSocket::OnResolved(): %d, %08x:%d\n", id, a, port); TcpSocket::OnResolved(id,a,port); } #endif }; int main() { StdoutLog log; MyHandler h(&log); #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER h.EnableResolver(9999); #endif // Utility::ResolveLocal(); printf(" *** My hostname: %s\n", Utility::GetLocalHostname().c_str()); printf(" *** My local IP: %s\n", Utility::GetLocalAddress().c_str()); // socks4 options /* h.SetSocks4Host(""); h.SetSocks4Port(1080); h.SetSocks4Userid("www.alhem.net"); h.SetSocks4TryDirect( true ); printf("Socks4Host: %x\n", h.GetSocks4Host()); */ // first server ListenSocket l1(h); if (l1.Bind(1024)) { printf("Bind 1024 failed\n"); exit(-1); } h.Add(&l1); // second server ListenSocket l2(h); if (l2.Bind(1025)) { printf("Bind 1025 failed\n"); exit(-1); } h.Add(&l2); // line server ListenSocket l3(h); if (l3.Bind(1027)) { printf("Bind 1027 failed\n"); exit(-1); } h.Add(&l3); // http debug ListenSocket l4(h); if (l4.Bind(8080)) { printf("Bind 8080 failed\n"); exit(-1); } h.Add(&l4); // wait for resolver to really start #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER printf("Waiting for resolver ..."); while (!h.ResolverReady()) ; printf(" resolver ready!\n"); #endif TestSocket ts(h); printf(">>> TestSocket.Open\n"); ts.Open("localhost", 1027); printf(">>> Adding TestSocket\n"); h.Add(&ts); printf(">>> mainloop\n"); h.Select(0,0); while (!h.Quit()) { h.Select(1,0); h.CheckSanity(); } return 0; }