/** \file TcpSocket.cpp ** \date 2004-02-13 ** \author grymse@alhem.net **/ /* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Anders Hedstrom This library is made available under the terms of the GNU GPL. If you would like to use this library in a closed-source application, a separate license agreement is available. For information about the closed-source license agreement for the C++ sockets library, please visit http://www.alhem.net/Sockets/license.html and/or email license@alhem.net. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4786) #endif #include #else #include #endif #include "ISocketHandler.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL #include #include #endif #include "TcpSocket.h" #include "Utility.h" #include "Ipv4Address.h" #include "Ipv6Address.h" #include "Mutex.h" #include "IFile.h" #ifdef SOCKETS_NAMESPACE namespace SOCKETS_NAMESPACE { #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #define DEB(x) x #else #define DEB(x) #endif // statics #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL SSLInitializer TcpSocket::m_ssl_init; #endif // thanks, q #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4355) #endif TcpSocket::TcpSocket(ISocketHandler& h) : StreamSocket(h) ,ibuf(TCP_BUFSIZE_READ) ,m_b_input_buffer_disabled(false) ,m_bytes_sent(0) ,m_bytes_received(0) ,m_skip_c(false) #ifdef SOCKETS_DYNAMIC_TEMP ,m_buf(new char[TCP_BUFSIZE_READ + 1]) #endif ,m_obuf_top(NULL) ,m_transfer_limit(0) ,m_output_length(0) #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL ,m_ssl_ctx(NULL) ,m_ssl(NULL) ,m_sbio(NULL) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 ,m_socks4_state(0) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER ,m_resolver_id(0) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RECONNECT ,m_b_reconnect(false) ,m_b_is_reconnect(false) #endif { } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default:4355) #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4355) #endif TcpSocket::TcpSocket(ISocketHandler& h,size_t isize,size_t osize) : StreamSocket(h) ,ibuf(isize) ,m_b_input_buffer_disabled(false) ,m_bytes_sent(0) ,m_bytes_received(0) ,m_skip_c(false) #ifdef SOCKETS_DYNAMIC_TEMP ,m_buf(new char[TCP_BUFSIZE_READ + 1]) #endif ,m_obuf_top(NULL) ,m_transfer_limit(0) ,m_output_length(0) #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL ,m_ssl_ctx(NULL) ,m_ssl(NULL) ,m_sbio(NULL) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 ,m_socks4_state(0) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER ,m_resolver_id(0) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RECONNECT ,m_b_reconnect(false) ,m_b_is_reconnect(false) #endif { } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default:4355) #endif TcpSocket::~TcpSocket() { #ifdef SOCKETS_DYNAMIC_TEMP delete[] m_buf; #endif // %! empty m_obuf #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (m_ssl) { SSL_free(m_ssl); } #endif } bool TcpSocket::Open(ipaddr_t ip,port_t port,bool skip_socks) { Ipv4Address ad(ip, port); Ipv4Address local; return Open(ad, local, skip_socks); } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 #ifdef IPPROTO_IPV6 bool TcpSocket::Open(in6_addr ip,port_t port,bool skip_socks) { Ipv6Address ad(ip, port); return Open(ad, skip_socks); } #endif #endif bool TcpSocket::Open(SocketAddress& ad,bool skip_socks) { Ipv4Address bind_ad("", 0); return Open(ad, bind_ad, skip_socks); } bool TcpSocket::Open(SocketAddress& ad,SocketAddress& bind_ad,bool skip_socks) { if (!ad.IsValid()) { Handler().LogError(this, "Open", 0, "Invalid SocketAddress", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); return false; } if (Handler().GetCount() >= FD_SETSIZE) { Handler().LogError(this, "Open", 0, "no space left in fd_set", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); return false; } SetConnecting(false); #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 SetSocks4(false); #endif // check for pooling #ifdef ENABLE_POOL if (Handler().PoolEnabled()) { ISocketHandler::PoolSocket *pools = Handler().FindConnection(SOCK_STREAM, "tcp", ad); if (pools) { CopyConnection( pools ); delete pools; SetIsClient(); SetCallOnConnect(); // ISocketHandler must call OnConnect Handler().LogError(this, "SetCallOnConnect", 0, "Found pooled connection", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); return true; } } #endif // if not, create new connection SOCKET s = CreateSocket(ad.GetFamily(), SOCK_STREAM, "tcp"); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { return false; } // socket must be nonblocking for async connect if (!SetNonblocking(true, s)) { SetCloseAndDelete(); closesocket(s); return false; } #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetIsClient(); // client because we connect #endif SetClientRemoteAddress(ad); int n = 0; if (bind_ad.GetPort() != 0) { bind(s, bind_ad, bind_ad); } #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 if (!skip_socks && GetSocks4Host() && GetSocks4Port()) { Ipv4Address sa(GetSocks4Host(), GetSocks4Port()); { std::string sockshost; Utility::l2ip(GetSocks4Host(), sockshost); Handler().LogError(this, "Open", 0, "Connecting to socks4 server @ " + sockshost + ":" + Utility::l2string(GetSocks4Port()), LOG_LEVEL_INFO); } SetSocks4(); n = connect(s, sa, sa); SetRemoteAddress(sa); } else #endif { n = connect(s, ad, ad); SetRemoteAddress(ad); } if (n == -1) { // check error code that means a connect is in progress #ifdef _WIN32 if (Errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) #else if (Errno == EINPROGRESS) #endif { Attach(s); SetConnecting( true ); // this flag will control fd_set's } else #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 if (Socks4() && Handler().Socks4TryDirect() ) // retry { closesocket(s); return Open(ad, true); } else #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RECONNECT if (Reconnect()) { Handler().LogError(this, "connect: failed, reconnect pending", Errno, StrError(Errno), LOG_LEVEL_INFO); Attach(s); SetConnecting( true ); // this flag will control fd_set's } else #endif { Handler().LogError(this, "connect: failed", Errno, StrError(Errno), LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); closesocket(s); return false; } } else { Attach(s); SetCallOnConnect(); // ISocketHandler must call OnConnect } // 'true' means connected or connecting(not yet connected) // 'false' means something failed return true; //!Connecting(); } bool TcpSocket::Open(const std::string &host,port_t port) { #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 #ifdef IPPROTO_IPV6 if (IsIpv6()) { #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER if (!Handler().ResolverEnabled() || Utility::isipv6(host) ) { #endif in6_addr a; if (!Utility::u2ip(host, a)) { SetCloseAndDelete(); return false; } Ipv6Address ad(a, port); Ipv6Address local; return Open(ad, local); #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER } m_resolver_id = Resolve6(host, port); return true; #endif } #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER if (!Handler().ResolverEnabled() || Utility::isipv4(host) ) { #endif ipaddr_t l; if (!Utility::u2ip(host,l)) { SetCloseAndDelete(); return false; } Ipv4Address ad(l, port); Ipv4Address local; return Open(ad, local); #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER } // resolve using async resolver thread m_resolver_id = Resolve(host, port); return true; #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER void TcpSocket::OnResolved(int id,ipaddr_t a,port_t port) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, "TcpSocket::OnResolved id %d addr %x port %d\n", id, a, port);) if (id == m_resolver_id) { if (a && port) { Ipv4Address ad(a, port); Ipv4Address local; if (Open(ad, local)) { if (!Handler().Valid(this)) { Handler().Add(this); } } } else { Handler().LogError(this, "OnResolved", 0, "Resolver failed", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); } } else { Handler().LogError(this, "OnResolved", id, "Resolver returned wrong job id", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); } } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 void TcpSocket::OnResolved(int id,in6_addr& a,port_t port) { if (id == m_resolver_id) { Ipv6Address ad(a, port); if (ad.IsValid()) { Ipv6Address local; if (Open(ad, local)) { if (!Handler().Valid(this)) { Handler().Add(this); } } } } else { Handler().LogError(this, "OnResolved", id, "Resolver returned wrong job id", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); } } #endif #endif void TcpSocket::OnRead() { int n = 0; #ifdef SOCKETS_DYNAMIC_TEMP char *buf = m_buf; #else char buf[TCP_BUFSIZE_READ]; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (IsSSL()) { if (!Ready()) return; n = SSL_read(m_ssl, buf, TCP_BUFSIZE_READ); if (n == -1) { n = SSL_get_error(m_ssl, n); switch (n) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: break; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: DEB( fprintf(stderr, "SSL_read() returns zero - closing socket\n");) OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif break; default: DEB( fprintf(stderr, "SSL read problem, errcode = %d\n",n);) OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif } return; } else if (!n) { OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif SetShutdown(SHUT_WR); return; } else if (n > 0 && n <= TCP_BUFSIZE_READ) { m_bytes_received += n; if (GetTrafficMonitor()) { GetTrafficMonitor() -> fwrite(buf, 1, n); } if (!m_b_input_buffer_disabled && !ibuf.Write(buf,n)) { Handler().LogError(this, "OnRead(ssl)", 0, "ibuf overflow", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); } } else { Handler().LogError(this, "OnRead(ssl)", n, "abnormal value from SSL_read", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); } } else #endif // HAVE_OPENSSL { n = recv(GetSocket(), buf, TCP_BUFSIZE_READ, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (n == -1) { Handler().LogError(this, "read", Errno, StrError(Errno), LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif return; } else if (!n) { OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif SetShutdown(SHUT_WR); return; } else if (n > 0 && n <= TCP_BUFSIZE_READ) { m_bytes_received += n; if (GetTrafficMonitor()) { GetTrafficMonitor() -> fwrite(buf, 1, n); } if (!m_b_input_buffer_disabled && !ibuf.Write(buf,n)) { Handler().LogError(this, "OnRead", 0, "ibuf overflow", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); } } else { Handler().LogError(this, "OnRead", n, "abnormal value from recv", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); } } // OnRead( buf, n ); } void TcpSocket::OnRead( char *buf, size_t n ) { // unbuffered if (n > 0 && n <= TCP_BUFSIZE_READ) { if (LineProtocol()) { buf[n] = 0; size_t i = 0; if (m_skip_c && (buf[i] == 13 || buf[i] == 10) && buf[i] != m_c) { m_skip_c = false; i++; } size_t x = i; for (; i < n && LineProtocol(); i++) { while ((buf[i] == 13 || buf[i] == 10) && LineProtocol()) { char c = buf[i]; buf[i] = 0; if (buf[x]) { m_line += (buf + x); } OnLine( m_line ); i++; m_skip_c = true; m_c = c; if (i < n && (buf[i] == 13 || buf[i] == 10) && buf[i] != c) { m_skip_c = false; i++; } x = i; m_line = ""; } if (!LineProtocol()) { break; } } if (!LineProtocol()) { if (i < n) { OnRawData(buf + i, n - i); } } else if (buf[x]) { m_line += (buf + x); } } else { OnRawData(buf, n); } } if (m_b_input_buffer_disabled) { return; } // further processing: socks4 #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 if (Socks4()) { bool need_more = false; while (GetInputLength() && !need_more && !CloseAndDelete()) { need_more = OnSocks4Read(); } } #endif } void TcpSocket::OnWriteComplete() { } void TcpSocket::OnWrite() { if (Connecting()) { int err = SoError(); // don't reset connecting flag on error here, we want the OnConnectFailed timeout later on if (!err) // ok { Set(!IsDisableRead(), false); SetConnecting(false); SetCallOnConnect(); return; } Handler().LogError(this, "tcp: connect failed", err, StrError(err), LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); Set(false, false); // no more monitoring because connection failed // failed #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 if (Socks4()) { // %! leave 'Connecting' flag set? OnSocks4ConnectFailed(); return; } #endif if (GetConnectionRetry() == -1 || (GetConnectionRetry() && GetConnectionRetries() < GetConnectionRetry()) ) { // even though the connection failed at once, only retry after // the connection timeout. // should we even try to connect again, when CheckConnect returns // false it's because of a connection error - not a timeout... return; } SetConnecting(false); SetCloseAndDelete( true ); /// \todo state reason why connect failed OnConnectFailed(); return; } // try send next block in buffer // if full block is sent, repeat // if all blocks are sent, reset m_wfds bool repeat = false; size_t sz = m_transfer_limit ? GetOutputLength() : 0; do { output_l::iterator it = m_obuf.begin(); OUTPUT *p = *it; repeat = false; int n = TryWrite(p -> Buf(), p -> Len()); if (n > 0) { size_t left = p -> Remove(n); m_output_length -= n; if (!left) { delete p; m_obuf.erase(it); if (!m_obuf.size()) { m_obuf_top = NULL; OnWriteComplete(); } else { repeat = true; } } } } while (repeat); if (m_transfer_limit && sz > m_transfer_limit && GetOutputLength() < m_transfer_limit) { OnTransferLimit(); } // check output buffer set, set/reset m_wfds accordingly { bool br; bool bw; bool bx; Handler().Get(GetSocket(), br, bw, bx); if (m_obuf.size()) Set(br, true); else Set(br, false); } } int TcpSocket::TryWrite(const char *buf, size_t len) { int n = 0; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (IsSSL()) { n = SSL_write(m_ssl, buf, (int)len); if (n == -1) { int errnr = SSL_get_error(m_ssl, n); if ( errnr != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && errnr != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE ) { OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif const char *errbuf = ERR_error_string(errnr, NULL); Handler().LogError(this, "OnWrite/SSL_write", errnr, errbuf, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); } return 0; } else if (!n) { OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif DEB( int errnr = SSL_get_error(m_ssl, n); const char *errbuf = ERR_error_string(errnr, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "SSL_write() returns 0: %d : %s\n",errnr, errbuf);) } } else #endif // HAVE_OPENSSL { n = send(GetSocket(), buf, (int)len, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (n == -1) { // normal error codes: // WSAEWOULDBLOCK // EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK #ifdef _WIN32 if (Errno != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) #else if (Errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #endif { Handler().LogError(this, "send", Errno, StrError(Errno), LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); OnDisconnect(); SetCloseAndDelete(true); SetFlushBeforeClose(false); #ifdef ENABLE_POOL SetLost(); #endif } return 0; } } if (n > 0) { m_bytes_sent += n; if (GetTrafficMonitor()) { GetTrafficMonitor() -> fwrite(buf, 1, n); } } return n; } void TcpSocket::Buffer(const char *buf, size_t len) { size_t ptr = 0; m_output_length += len; while (ptr < len) { // buf/len => pbuf/sz size_t space = 0; if (m_obuf_top && (space = m_obuf_top -> Space()) > 0) { const char *pbuf = buf + ptr; size_t sz = len - ptr; if (space >= sz) { m_obuf_top -> Add(pbuf, sz); ptr += sz; } else { m_obuf_top -> Add(pbuf, space); ptr += space; } } else { m_obuf_top = new OUTPUT; m_obuf.push_back( m_obuf_top ); } } } void TcpSocket::Send(const std::string &str,int i) { SendBuf(str.c_str(),str.size(),i); } void TcpSocket::SendBuf(const char *buf,size_t len,int) { if (!Ready() && !Connecting()) { Handler().LogError(this, "SendBuf", -1, "Attempt to write to a non-ready socket" ); // warning if (GetSocket() == INVALID_SOCKET) Handler().LogError(this, "SendBuf", 0, " * GetSocket() == INVALID_SOCKET", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); if (Connecting()) Handler().LogError(this, "SendBuf", 0, " * Connecting()", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); if (CloseAndDelete()) Handler().LogError(this, "SendBuf", 0, " * CloseAndDelete()", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); return; } if (!IsConnected()) { Handler().LogError(this, "SendBuf", -1, "Attempt to write to a non-connected socket, will be sent on connect" ); // warning Buffer(buf, len); return; } if (m_obuf_top) { Buffer(buf, len); return; } int n = TryWrite(buf, len); if (n >= 0 && n < (int)len) { Buffer(buf + n, len - n); } // if ( data in buffer || !IsConnected ) // { // add to buffer // } // else // try_send // if any data is unsent, buffer it and set m_wfds // check output buffer set, set/reset m_wfds accordingly { bool br; bool bw; bool bx; Handler().Get(GetSocket(), br, bw, bx); if (m_obuf.size()) Set(br, true); else Set(br, false); } } void TcpSocket::OnLine(const std::string& ) { } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4355) #endif TcpSocket::TcpSocket(const TcpSocket& s) :StreamSocket(s) ,ibuf(0) { } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default:4355) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 void TcpSocket::OnSocks4Connect() { char request[1000]; memset(request, 0, sizeof(request)); request[0] = 4; // socks v4 request[1] = 1; // command code: CONNECT { std::auto_ptr ad = GetClientRemoteAddress(); if (ad.get()) { struct sockaddr *p0 = (struct sockaddr *)*ad; struct sockaddr_in *p = (struct sockaddr_in *)p0; if (p -> sin_family == AF_INET) { memcpy(request + 2, &p -> sin_port, 2); // nwbo is ok here memcpy(request + 4, &p -> sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); } else { /// \todo warn } } else { /// \todo warn } } strcpy(request + 8, GetSocks4Userid().c_str()); size_t length = GetSocks4Userid().size() + 8 + 1; SendBuf(request, length); m_socks4_state = 0; } void TcpSocket::OnSocks4ConnectFailed() { Handler().LogError(this,"OnSocks4ConnectFailed",0,"connection to socks4 server failed, trying direct connection",LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); if (!Handler().Socks4TryDirect()) { SetConnecting(false); SetCloseAndDelete(); OnConnectFailed(); // just in case } else { SetRetryClientConnect(); } } bool TcpSocket::OnSocks4Read() { switch (m_socks4_state) { case 0: ibuf.Read(&m_socks4_vn, 1); m_socks4_state = 1; break; case 1: ibuf.Read(&m_socks4_cd, 1); m_socks4_state = 2; break; case 2: if (GetInputLength() > 1) { ibuf.Read( (char *)&m_socks4_dstport, 2); m_socks4_state = 3; } else { return true; } break; case 3: if (GetInputLength() > 3) { ibuf.Read( (char *)&m_socks4_dstip, 4); SetSocks4(false); switch (m_socks4_cd) { case 90: OnConnect(); Handler().LogError(this, "OnSocks4Read", 0, "Connection established", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); break; case 91: case 92: case 93: Handler().LogError(this,"OnSocks4Read",m_socks4_cd,"socks4 server reports connect failed",LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetConnecting(false); SetCloseAndDelete(); OnConnectFailed(); break; default: Handler().LogError(this,"OnSocks4Read",m_socks4_cd,"socks4 server unrecognized response",LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); break; } } else { return true; } break; } return false; } #endif void TcpSocket::Sendf(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); char slask[5000]; // vsprintf / vsnprintf temporary #ifdef _WIN32 vsprintf(slask, format, ap); #else vsnprintf(slask, 5000, format, ap); #endif va_end(ap); Send( slask ); } #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL void TcpSocket::OnSSLConnect() { SetNonblocking(true); { if (m_ssl_ctx) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, "SSL Context already initialized - closing socket\n");) SetCloseAndDelete(true); return; } InitSSLClient(); } if (m_ssl_ctx) { /* Connect the SSL socket */ m_ssl = SSL_new(m_ssl_ctx); if (!m_ssl) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, " m_ssl is NULL\n");) SetCloseAndDelete(true); return; } SSL_set_mode(m_ssl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); m_sbio = BIO_new_socket((int)GetSocket(), BIO_NOCLOSE); if (!m_sbio) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, " m_sbio is NULL\n");) SetCloseAndDelete(true); return; } SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, m_sbio, m_sbio); if (!SSLNegotiate()) { SetSSLNegotiate(); } } else { SetCloseAndDelete(); } } void TcpSocket::OnSSLAccept() { SetNonblocking(true); { if (m_ssl_ctx) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, "SSL Context already initialized - closing socket\n");) SetCloseAndDelete(true); return; } InitSSLServer(); SetSSLServer(); } if (m_ssl_ctx) { m_ssl = SSL_new(m_ssl_ctx); if (!m_ssl) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, " m_ssl is NULL\n");) SetCloseAndDelete(true); return; } SSL_set_mode(m_ssl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); m_sbio = BIO_new_socket((int)GetSocket(), BIO_NOCLOSE); if (!m_sbio) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, " m_sbio is NULL\n");) SetCloseAndDelete(true); return; } SSL_set_bio(m_ssl, m_sbio, m_sbio); // if (!SSLNegotiate()) { SetSSLNegotiate(); } } } bool TcpSocket::SSLNegotiate() { if (!IsSSLServer()) // client { int r = SSL_connect(m_ssl); if (r > 0) { SetSSLNegotiate(false); /// \todo: resurrect certificate check... client // CheckCertificateChain( "");//ServerHOST); SetNonblocking(false); // { SetConnected(); if (GetOutputLength()) { OnWrite(); } } #ifdef ENABLE_RECONNECT if (IsReconnect()) OnReconnect(); else #endif { OnConnect(); } Handler().LogError(this, "SSLNegotiate/SSL_connect", 0, "Connection established", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); return true; } else if (!r) { Handler().LogError(this, "SSLNegotiate/SSL_connect", 0, "Connection failed", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); SetSSLNegotiate(false); SetCloseAndDelete(); OnSSLConnectFailed(); } else { r = SSL_get_error(m_ssl, r); if (r != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && r != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { Handler().LogError(this, "SSLNegotiate/SSL_connect", -1, "Connection failed", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); DEB( fprintf(stderr, "SSL_connect() failed - closing socket, return code: %d\n",r);) SetSSLNegotiate(false); SetCloseAndDelete(true); OnSSLConnectFailed(); } } } else // server { int r = SSL_accept(m_ssl); if (r > 0) { SetSSLNegotiate(false); /// \todo: resurrect certificate check... server // CheckCertificateChain( "");//ClientHOST); SetNonblocking(false); // { SetConnected(); if (GetOutputLength()) { OnWrite(); } } OnAccept(); Handler().LogError(this, "SSLNegotiate/SSL_accept", 0, "Connection established", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); return true; } else if (!r) { Handler().LogError(this, "SSLNegotiate/SSL_accept", 0, "Connection failed", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); SetSSLNegotiate(false); SetCloseAndDelete(); OnSSLAcceptFailed(); } else { r = SSL_get_error(m_ssl, r); if (r != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && r != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { Handler().LogError(this, "SSLNegotiate/SSL_accept", -1, "Connection failed", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); DEB( fprintf(stderr, "SSL_accept() failed - closing socket, return code: %d\n",r);) SetSSLNegotiate(false); SetCloseAndDelete(true); OnSSLAcceptFailed(); } } } return false; } void TcpSocket::InitSSLClient() { InitializeContext("", SSLv23_method()); } void TcpSocket::InitSSLServer() { Handler().LogError(this, "InitSSLServer", 0, "You MUST implement your own InitSSLServer method", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); } void TcpSocket::InitializeContext(const std::string& context, SSL_METHOD *meth_in) { /* Create our context*/ static std::map client_contexts; if (client_contexts.find(context) == client_contexts.end()) { SSL_METHOD *meth = meth_in ? meth_in : SSLv3_method(); m_ssl_ctx = client_contexts[context] = SSL_CTX_new(meth); SSL_CTX_set_mode(m_ssl_ctx, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); } else { m_ssl_ctx = client_contexts[context]; } } void TcpSocket::InitializeContext(const std::string& context,const std::string& keyfile,const std::string& password,SSL_METHOD *meth_in) { /* Create our context*/ static std::map server_contexts; if (server_contexts.find(context) == server_contexts.end()) { SSL_METHOD *meth = meth_in ? meth_in : SSLv3_method(); m_ssl_ctx = server_contexts[context] = SSL_CTX_new(meth); SSL_CTX_set_mode(m_ssl_ctx, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); // session id if (context.size()) SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(m_ssl_ctx, (const unsigned char *)context.c_str(), (unsigned int)context.size()); else SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(m_ssl_ctx, (const unsigned char *)"--empty--", 9); } else { m_ssl_ctx = server_contexts[context]; } /* Load our keys and certificates*/ if (!(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(m_ssl_ctx, keyfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM))) { Handler().LogError(this, "TcpSocket InitializeContext", 0, "Couldn't read certificate file " + keyfile, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); } m_password = password; SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(m_ssl_ctx, SSL_password_cb); SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(m_ssl_ctx, this); if (!(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(m_ssl_ctx, keyfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM))) { Handler().LogError(this, "TcpSocket InitializeContext", 0, "Couldn't read private key file " + keyfile, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); } } void TcpSocket::InitializeContext(const std::string& context,const std::string& certfile,const std::string& keyfile,const std::string& password,SSL_METHOD *meth_in) { /* Create our context*/ static std::map server_contexts; if (server_contexts.find(context) == server_contexts.end()) { SSL_METHOD *meth = meth_in ? meth_in : SSLv3_method(); m_ssl_ctx = server_contexts[context] = SSL_CTX_new(meth); SSL_CTX_set_mode(m_ssl_ctx, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); // session id if (context.size()) SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(m_ssl_ctx, (const unsigned char *)context.c_str(), (unsigned int)context.size()); else SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(m_ssl_ctx, (const unsigned char *)"--empty--", 9); } else { m_ssl_ctx = server_contexts[context]; } /* Load our keys and certificates*/ if (!(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(m_ssl_ctx, certfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM))) { Handler().LogError(this, "TcpSocket InitializeContext", 0, "Couldn't read certificate file " + keyfile, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); } m_password = password; SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(m_ssl_ctx, SSL_password_cb); SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(m_ssl_ctx, this); if (!(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(m_ssl_ctx, keyfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM))) { Handler().LogError(this, "TcpSocket InitializeContext", 0, "Couldn't read private key file " + keyfile, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); } } int TcpSocket::SSL_password_cb(char *buf,int num,int rwflag,void *userdata) { Socket *p0 = static_cast(userdata); TcpSocket *p = dynamic_cast(p0); std::string pw = p ? p -> GetPassword() : ""; if ( (size_t)num < pw.size() + 1) { return 0; } strcpy(buf,pw.c_str()); return (int)pw.size(); } #endif // HAVE_OPENSSL int TcpSocket::Close() { if (GetSocket() == INVALID_SOCKET) // this could happen { Handler().LogError(this, "Socket::Close", 0, "file descriptor invalid", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); return 0; } int n; SetNonblocking(true); if (IsConnected() && !(GetShutdown() & SHUT_WR)) { if (shutdown(GetSocket(), SHUT_WR) == -1) { // failed... Handler().LogError(this, "shutdown", Errno, StrError(Errno), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); } } // char tmp[1000]; if ((n = recv(GetSocket(),tmp,1000,0)) >= 0) { if (n) { Handler().LogError(this, "read() after shutdown", n, "bytes read", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); } } #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (IsSSL() && m_ssl) SSL_shutdown(m_ssl); if (m_ssl) { SSL_free(m_ssl); m_ssl = NULL; } #endif return Socket::Close(); } #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL SSL_CTX *TcpSocket::GetSslContext() { if (!m_ssl_ctx) Handler().LogError(this, "GetSslContext", 0, "SSL Context is NULL; check InitSSLServer/InitSSLClient", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); return m_ssl_ctx; } SSL *TcpSocket::GetSsl() { if (!m_ssl) Handler().LogError(this, "GetSsl", 0, "SSL is NULL; check InitSSLServer/InitSSLClient", LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); return m_ssl; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RECONNECT void TcpSocket::SetReconnect(bool x) { m_b_reconnect = x; } #endif void TcpSocket::OnRawData(const char *buf_in,size_t len) { } size_t TcpSocket::GetInputLength() { return ibuf.GetLength(); } size_t TcpSocket::GetOutputLength() { return m_output_length; } uint64_t TcpSocket::GetBytesReceived(bool clear) { uint64_t z = m_bytes_received; if (clear) m_bytes_received = 0; return z; } uint64_t TcpSocket::GetBytesSent(bool clear) { uint64_t z = m_bytes_sent; if (clear) m_bytes_sent = 0; return z; } #ifdef ENABLE_RECONNECT bool TcpSocket::Reconnect() { return m_b_reconnect; } void TcpSocket::SetIsReconnect(bool x) { m_b_is_reconnect = x; } bool TcpSocket::IsReconnect() { return m_b_is_reconnect; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL const std::string& TcpSocket::GetPassword() { return m_password; } #endif void TcpSocket::DisableInputBuffer(bool x) { m_b_input_buffer_disabled = x; } void TcpSocket::OnOptions(int family,int type,int protocol,SOCKET s) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, "Socket::OnOptions()\n");) #ifdef SO_NOSIGPIPE SetSoNosigpipe(true); #endif SetSoReuseaddr(true); SetSoKeepalive(true); } void TcpSocket::SetLineProtocol(bool x) { StreamSocket::SetLineProtocol(x); DisableInputBuffer(x); } bool TcpSocket::SetTcpNodelay(bool x) { #ifdef TCP_NODELAY int optval = x ? 1 : 0; if (setsockopt(GetSocket(), IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) { Handler().LogError(this, "setsockopt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY)", Errno, StrError(Errno), LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); return false; } return true; #else Handler().LogError(this, "socket option not available", 0, "TCP_NODELAY", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); return false; #endif } TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::CircularBuffer(size_t size) :buf(new char[2 * size]) ,m_max(size) ,m_q(0) ,m_b(0) ,m_t(0) ,m_count(0) { } TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::~CircularBuffer() { delete[] buf; } bool TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::Write(const char *s,size_t l) { if (m_q + l > m_max) { return false; // overflow } m_count += (unsigned long)l; if (m_t + l > m_max) // block crosses circular border { size_t l1 = m_max - m_t; // size left until circular border crossing // always copy full block to buffer(buf) + top pointer(m_t) // because we have doubled the buffer size for performance reasons memcpy(buf + m_t, s, l); memcpy(buf, s + l1, l - l1); m_t = l - l1; m_q += l; } else { memcpy(buf + m_t, s, l); memcpy(buf + m_max + m_t, s, l); m_t += l; if (m_t >= m_max) m_t -= m_max; m_q += l; } return true; } bool TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::Read(char *s,size_t l) { if (l > m_q) { return false; // not enough chars } if (m_b + l > m_max) // block crosses circular border { size_t l1 = m_max - m_b; if (s) { memcpy(s, buf + m_b, l1); memcpy(s + l1, buf, l - l1); } m_b = l - l1; m_q -= l; } else { if (s) { memcpy(s, buf + m_b, l); } m_b += l; if (m_b >= m_max) m_b -= m_max; m_q -= l; } if (!m_q) { m_b = m_t = 0; } return true; } bool TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::Remove(size_t l) { return Read(NULL, l); } size_t TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::GetLength() { return m_q; } const char *TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::GetStart() { return buf + m_b; } size_t TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::GetL() { return (m_b + m_q > m_max) ? m_max - m_b : m_q; } size_t TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::Space() { return m_max - m_q; } unsigned long TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::ByteCounter(bool clear) { if (clear) { unsigned long x = m_count; m_count = 0; return x; } return m_count; } std::string TcpSocket::CircularBuffer::ReadString(size_t l) { char *sz = new char[l + 1]; if (!Read(sz, l)) // failed, debug printout in Read() method { delete[] sz; return ""; } sz[l] = 0; std::string tmp = sz; delete[] sz; return tmp; } void TcpSocket::OnConnectTimeout() { Handler().LogError(this, "connect", -1, "connect timeout", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 if (Socks4()) { OnSocks4ConnectFailed(); // retry direct connection } else #endif if (GetConnectionRetry() == -1 || (GetConnectionRetry() && GetConnectionRetries() < GetConnectionRetry()) ) { IncreaseConnectionRetries(); // ask socket via OnConnectRetry callback if we should continue trying if (OnConnectRetry()) { SetRetryClientConnect(); } else { SetCloseAndDelete( true ); /// \todo state reason why connect failed OnConnectFailed(); } } else { SetCloseAndDelete(true); /// \todo state reason why connect failed OnConnectFailed(); } // SetConnecting(false); } #ifdef _WIN32 void TcpSocket::OnException() { if (Connecting()) { #ifdef ENABLE_SOCKS4 if (Socks4()) OnSocks4ConnectFailed(); else #endif if (GetConnectionRetry() == -1 || (GetConnectionRetry() && GetConnectionRetries() < GetConnectionRetry() )) { // even though the connection failed at once, only retry after // the connection timeout // should we even try to connect again, when CheckConnect returns // false it's because of a connection error - not a timeout... } else { SetConnecting(false); // tnx snibbe SetCloseAndDelete(); OnConnectFailed(); } return; } // %! exception doesn't always mean something bad happened, this code should be reworked // errno valid here? int err = SoError(); Handler().LogError(this, "exception on select", err, StrError(err), LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); SetCloseAndDelete(); } #endif // _WIN32 int TcpSocket::Protocol() { return IPPROTO_TCP; } void TcpSocket::SetTransferLimit(size_t sz) { m_transfer_limit = sz; } void TcpSocket::OnTransferLimit() { } #ifdef SOCKETS_NAMESPACE } #endif