# platforms: # linux-x86-32 # win32-cygwin # solaris9-sparc-64 # macosx # solaris8 PLATFORM = linux-x86-32 IPPROTO_IPV6 = yes # .h files installed to $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets # static lib .a files installed to $(PREFIX)/lib PREFIX = /usr/local # include paths INCLUDE = include Makefile.version # CXX, CFLAGS, LIBS include Makefile.Defines.$(PLATFORM) # uncomment these lines if the library should be in its own namespace CFLAGS += -DSOCKETS_NAMESPACE=sockets CFLAGS += -DSOCKETS_NAMESPACE_STR='"sockets"' # Enable insane amounts of debug output to stdout/stderr: #CFLAGS += -D_DEBUG #CFLAGS += -DIPPROTO_IPV6 CPPFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) PROGS = Sockets-config all: libSockets.a $(PROGS) libSockets.a: $(OBJS) ar cru $@ $(OBJS) ranlib $@ Sockets-config: Sockets-config.o $(CXX) -o $@ $^ clean: rm -f *.o *~ slask *.d $(PROGS) *.a */*~ -include *.d # everything which follows is www.alhem.net/Sockets website maintenance stuff, please ignore HTDOCS = /usr/local/apache/www.alhem.net/htdocs diff: diff -b -B -C 3 /usr/src/Sockets-$(DIFF_VERSION) . | \ /usr/local/bin/d2html > \ $(HTDOCS)/Sockets/latest_diff.html install: all @mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/lib cp libSockets.a $(PREFIX)/lib @mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets cp -a *.h $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/SSLSocket.* @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/HttpsGetSocket.* @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/HttpsSocket.* @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/EventSocket.* @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/PoolSocket.* @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/SocketThread.* @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/CircularBuffer.* @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/*Crypt.h @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/CTcpSocket.h @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/Min*Socket.h @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/Min*Handler.h @rm -f $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets/Uid.h @mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin install Sockets-config $(PREFIX)/bin # no binary files, zip will translate lf to cr lf FILES = *.h *.cpp Makefile Makefile.* Project/*.ds* \ README.macosx gpl.txt mkdot.sh \ Project.net/Sockets/*.vcproj Project.net/Sockets/*.sln \ Project.net/Test/*.vcproj \ DevCpp/*.dev tests/Makefile tests/*.cpp \ OSX.zip tar: clean rm -f MinderSocket_T.h rm -f uuid.h rm -f Stdin.* rm -f sockets_test.cpp rm -f ListenSocketBase.* rm -f CircularBuffer.* rm -f ICrypt.* NullCrypt.* CTcpSocket.* rm -f Min*Socket.* Min*Handler.* rm -f Uid.* tar czf Sockets-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(FILES) /usr/local/bin/tarfix.sh Sockets-$(VERSION) cp Sockets-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(HTDOCS)/Sockets cp Sockets-$(VERSION).zip $(HTDOCS)/Sockets cp tests/sockets_test.cpp /usr/local/apache/www.alhem.net/htdocs/Sockets/ # $(MAKE) -C ../SocketsLite tar tmptar: clean rm -f MinderSocket_T.h rm -f uuid.h rm -f Stdin.* rm -f sockets_test.cpp rm -f ListenSocketBase.* rm -f CircularBuffer.* rm -f ICrypt.* NullCrypt.* CTcpSocket.* rm -f Min*Socket.* Min*Handler.* rm -f Uid.* tar czf Sockets-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(FILES) /usr/local/bin/tarfix.sh Sockets-$(VERSION) cp Sockets-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(HTDOCS)/Sockets-tmp cp Sockets-$(VERSION).zip $(HTDOCS)/Sockets-tmp cp tests/sockets_test.cpp /usr/local/apache/www.alhem.net/htdocs/Sockets-tmp $(MAKE) -C ../SocketsLite tmptar docs: clean doxygen dox2.cfg rm -f MinderSocket_T.h rm -f uuid.h rm -f Stdin.* rm -f sockets_test.cpp rm -f ListenSocketBase.* rm -f CircularBuffer.* rm -f ICrypt.* NullCrypt.* CTcpSocket.* rm -f Min*Socket.* Min*Handler.* rm -f Uid.* rm -f tests/*.cpp ./mkdot.sh rm -rf /usr/local/apache/www.alhem.net/htdocs/Sockets/html doxygen doxygen.cfg ./packdocs.sh Sockets-$(VERSION)-doxygendocs cvs up # $(MAKE) -C ../SocketsLite docs tmpdocs: clean rm -f MinderSocket_T.h rm -f uuid.h rm -f Stdin.* rm -f sockets_test.cpp rm -f ListenSocketBase.* rm -f CircularBuffer.* rm -f ICrypt.* NullCrypt.* CTcpSocket.* rm -f Min*Socket.* Min*Handler.* rm -f Uid.* rm -f tests/*.cpp ./mkdot-tmp.sh rm -rf /usr/local/apache/www.alhem.net/htdocs/Sockets-tmp/html doxygen doxygen-tmp.cfg cvs up $(MAKE) -C ../SocketsLite tmpdocs