/* * anytun * * The secure anycast tunneling protocol (satp) defines a protocol used * for communication between any combination of unicast and anycast * tunnel endpoints. It has less protocol overhead than IPSec in Tunnel * mode and allows tunneling of every ETHER TYPE protocol (e.g. * ethernet, ip, arp ...). satp directly includes cryptography and * message authentication based on the methodes used by SRTP. It is * intended to deliver a generic, scaleable and secure solution for * tunneling and relaying of packets of any protocol. * * * Copyright (C) 2007 anytun.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include // for ENOMEM #include "datatypes.h" #include "log.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "plainPacket.h" #include "encryptedPacket.h" #include "cipher.h" #include "keyDerivation.h" #include "authAlgo.h" #include "authTag.h" #include "cipherFactory.h" #include "authAlgoFactory.h" #include "keyDerivationFactory.h" #include "signalController.h" #include "packetSource.h" #include "tunDevice.h" #include "options.h" #include "seqWindow.h" #include "connectionList.h" #include "routingTable.h" #include "networkAddress.h" #include "syncQueue.h" #include "syncSocketHandler.h" #include "syncListenSocket.h" #include "syncSocket.h" #include "syncClientSocket.h" #include "syncCommand.h" #include "threadParam.h" #define MAX_PACKET_LENGTH 1600 #define SESSION_KEYLEN_AUTH 20 // TODO: hardcoded size #define SESSION_KEYLEN_ENCR 16 // TODO: hardcoded size #define SESSION_KEYLEN_SALT 14 // TODO: hardcoded size void createConnection(const std::string & remote_host, u_int16_t remote_port, ConnectionList & cl, u_int16_t seqSize, SyncQueue & queue, mux_t mux) { SeqWindow * seq= new SeqWindow(seqSize); seq_nr_t seq_nr_=0; KeyDerivation * kd = KeyDerivationFactory::create(gOpt.getKdPrf()); kd->init(gOpt.getKey(), gOpt.getSalt()); cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "added connection remote host " << remote_host << ":" << remote_port; ConnectionParam connparam ( (*kd), (*seq), seq_nr_, remote_host, remote_port); cl.addConnection(connparam,mux); NetworkAddress addr(ipv4,gOpt.getIfconfigParamRemoteNetmask().c_str()); NetworkPrefix prefix(addr,32); gRoutingTable.addRoute(prefix,mux); SyncCommand sc (cl,mux); queue.push(sc); SyncCommand sc2 (prefix); queue.push(sc2); } void addPacketAuthTag(EncryptedPacket& pack, AuthAlgo* a, ConnectionParam& conn) { AuthTag at = a->calc(pack); pack.setAuthTag( at ); } bool checkPacketAuthTag(EncryptedPacket& pack, AuthAlgo* a, ConnectionParam & conn) { // check auth_tag and remove it AuthTag at = pack.getAuthTag(); return (at == a->calc(pack)); } bool checkPacketSeqNr(EncryptedPacket& pack,ConnectionParam& conn) { // compare sender_id and seq with window if(conn.seq_window_.hasSeqNr(pack.getSenderId(), pack.getSeqNr())) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "Replay attack from " << conn.remote_host_<<":"<< conn.remote_port_ << " seq:"<(p); std::auto_ptr c(CipherFactory::create(gOpt.getCipher())); // std::auto_ptr a(AuthAlgoFactory::create(gOpt.getAuthAlgo()) ); PlainPacket plain_packet(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); EncryptedPacket encrypted_packet(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); Buffer session_key(u_int32_t(SESSION_KEYLEN_ENCR)); // TODO: hardcoded size Buffer session_salt(u_int32_t(SESSION_KEYLEN_SALT)); // TODO: hardcoded size Buffer session_auth_key(u_int32_t(SESSION_KEYLEN_AUTH)); // TODO: hardcoded size //TODO replace mux u_int16_t mux = gOpt.getMux(); while(1) { plain_packet.setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); encrypted_packet.setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); // read packet from device u_int32_t len = param->dev.read(plain_packet.getPayload(), plain_packet.getPayloadLength()); plain_packet.setPayloadLength(len); if(param->cl.empty()) continue; std::cout << "got Packet for plain "< "<cl.getConnection(mux); if(cit==param->cl.getEnd()) continue; ConnectionParam & conn = cit->second; // set payload type if(param->dev.getType() == TunDevice::TYPE_TUN) plain_packet.setPayloadType(PAYLOAD_TYPE_TUN); else if(param->dev.getType() == TunDevice::TYPE_TAP) plain_packet.setPayloadType(PAYLOAD_TYPE_TAP); else plain_packet.setPayloadType(0); // generate packet-key conn.kd_.generate(LABEL_SATP_ENCRYPTION, conn.seq_nr_, session_key); conn.kd_.generate(LABEL_SATP_SALT, conn.seq_nr_, session_salt); c->setKey(session_key); c->setSalt(session_salt); // encrypt packet c->encrypt(plain_packet, encrypted_packet, conn.seq_nr_, gOpt.getSenderId()); encrypted_packet.setHeader(conn.seq_nr_, gOpt.getSenderId(), mux); conn.seq_nr_++; // TODO: activate authentication // conn.kd_.generate(LABEL_SATP_MSG_AUTH, encrypted_packet.getSeqNr(), session_auth_key); // a->setKey(session_auth_key); // addPacketAuthTag(encrypted_packet, a.get(), conn); param->src.send(encrypted_packet.getBuf(), encrypted_packet.getLength(), conn.remote_host_, conn.remote_port_); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void* syncConnector(void* p ) { ThreadParam* param = reinterpret_cast(p); SocketHandler h; SyncClientSocket sock(h,param->cl); // sock.EnableSSL(); sock.Open( param->connto.host, param->connto.port); h.Add(&sock); while (h.GetCount()) { h.Select(); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void* syncListener(void* p ) { ThreadParam* param = reinterpret_cast(p); SyncSocketHandler h(param->queue); SyncListenSocket l(h,param->cl); if (l.Bind(gOpt.getLocalSyncPort())) pthread_exit(NULL); Utility::ResolveLocal(); // resolve local hostname h.Add(&l); h.Select(1,0); while (1) { h.Select(1,0); } } void* receiver(void* p) { ThreadParam* param = reinterpret_cast(p); std::auto_ptr c( CipherFactory::create(gOpt.getCipher()) ); // std::auto_ptr a( AuthAlgoFactory::create(gOpt.getAuthAlgo()) ); EncryptedPacket encrypted_packet(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); PlainPacket plain_packet(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); Buffer session_key(u_int32_t(SESSION_KEYLEN_ENCR)); // TODO: hardcoded size Buffer session_salt(u_int32_t(SESSION_KEYLEN_SALT)); // TODO: hardcoded size Buffer session_auth_key(u_int32_t(SESSION_KEYLEN_AUTH)); // TODO: hardcoded size while(1) { string remote_host; u_int16_t remote_port; plain_packet.setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); encrypted_packet.setLength(MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); // read packet from socket u_int32_t len = param->src.recv(encrypted_packet.getBuf(), encrypted_packet.getLength(), remote_host, remote_port); encrypted_packet.setLength(len); // TODO: check auth tag first // conn.kd_.generate(LABEL_SATP_MSG_AUTH, encrypted_packet.getSeqNr(), session_auth_key); // a->setKey( session_auth_key ); // if(!checkPacketAuthTag(encrypted_packet, a.get(), conn)) // continue; mux_t mux = encrypted_packet.getMux(); // autodetect peer if(gOpt.getRemoteAddr() == "" && param->cl.empty()) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "autodetected remote host " << remote_host << ":" << remote_port; createConnection(remote_host, remote_port, param->cl, gOpt.getSeqWindowSize(),param->queue,mux); } ConnectionMap::iterator cit = param->cl.getConnection(mux); if (cit == param->cl.getEnd()) continue; ConnectionParam & conn = cit->second; //Allow dynamic IP changes //TODO: add command line option to turn this off if (remote_host != conn.remote_host_ || remote_port != conn.remote_port_) { cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "connection "<< mux << " autodetected remote host ip changed " << remote_host << ":" << remote_port; conn.remote_host_=remote_host; conn.remote_port_=remote_port; SyncCommand sc (param->cl,mux); param->queue.push(sc); } // Replay Protection if (!checkPacketSeqNr(encrypted_packet, conn)) continue; // generate packet-key conn.kd_.generate(LABEL_SATP_ENCRYPTION, encrypted_packet.getSeqNr(), session_key); conn.kd_.generate(LABEL_SATP_SALT, encrypted_packet.getSeqNr(), session_salt); c->setKey(session_key); c->setSalt(session_salt); // decrypt packet c->decrypt(encrypted_packet, plain_packet); // check payload_type if((param->dev.getType() == TunDevice::TYPE_TUN && plain_packet.getPayloadType() != PAYLOAD_TYPE_TUN) || (param->dev.getType() == TunDevice::TYPE_TAP && plain_packet.getPayloadType() != PAYLOAD_TYPE_TAP)) continue; // write it on the device param->dev.write(plain_packet.getPayload(), plain_packet.getLength()); } pthread_exit(NULL); } #define MIN_GCRYPT_VERSION "1.2.3" // make libgcrypt thread safe extern "C" { GCRY_THREAD_OPTION_PTHREAD_IMPL; } bool initLibGCrypt() { // make libgcrypt thread safe // this must be called before any other libgcrypt call gcry_control( GCRYCTL_SET_THREAD_CBS, &gcry_threads_pthread ); // this must be called right after the GCRYCTL_SET_THREAD_CBS command // no other function must be called till now if( !gcry_check_version( MIN_GCRYPT_VERSION ) ) { std::cout << "initLibGCrypt: Invalid Version of libgcrypt, should be >= " << MIN_GCRYPT_VERSION << std::endl; return false; } // Tell Libgcrypt that initialization has completed. gcry_error_t err = gcry_control(GCRYCTL_INITIALIZATION_FINISHED); if( err ) { std::cout << "initLibGCrypt: Failed to finish the initialization of libgcrypt: " << gpg_strerror( err ) << std::endl; return false; } cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "initLibGCrypt: libgcrypt init finished"; return true; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::cout << "anytun - secure anycast tunneling protocol" << std::endl; if(!gOpt.parse(argc, argv)) { gOpt.printUsage(); exit(-1); } cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "anytun started..."; SignalController sig; sig.init(); std::string dev_type(gOpt.getDevType()); TunDevice dev(gOpt.getDevName().c_str(), dev_type=="" ? NULL : dev_type.c_str(), gOpt.getIfconfigParamLocal().c_str(), gOpt.getIfconfigParamRemoteNetmask().c_str()); PacketSource* src; if(gOpt.getLocalAddr() == "") src = new UDPPacketSource(gOpt.getLocalPort()); else src = new UDPPacketSource(gOpt.getLocalAddr(), gOpt.getLocalPort()); ConnectionList cl; ConnectToList connect_to = gOpt.getConnectTo(); SyncQueue queue; if(gOpt.getRemoteAddr() != "") createConnection(gOpt.getRemoteAddr(),gOpt.getRemotePort(),cl,gOpt.getSeqWindowSize(), queue, gOpt.getMux()); ThreadParam p(dev, *src, cl, queue,*(new OptionConnectTo())); cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "dev created (opened)"; cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "dev opened - actual name is '" << p.dev.getActualName() << "'"; cLog.msg(Log::PRIO_NOTICE) << "dev type is '" << p.dev.getTypeString() << "'"; // this must be called before any other libgcrypt call if(!initLibGCrypt()) return -1; pthread_t senderThread; pthread_create(&senderThread, NULL, sender, &p); pthread_t receiverThread; pthread_create(&receiverThread, NULL, receiver, &p); pthread_t syncListenerThread; if ( gOpt.getLocalSyncPort()) pthread_create(&syncListenerThread, NULL, syncListener, &p); std::list connectThreads; for(ConnectToList::iterator it = connect_to.begin() ;it != connect_to.end(); ++it) { connectThreads.push_back(pthread_t()); ThreadParam * point = new ThreadParam(dev, *src, cl, queue,*it); pthread_create(& connectThreads.back(), NULL, syncConnector, point); } int ret = sig.run(); pthread_cancel(senderThread); pthread_cancel(receiverThread); if ( gOpt.getLocalSyncPort()) pthread_cancel(syncListenerThread); for( std::list::iterator it = connectThreads.begin() ;it != connectThreads.end(); ++it) pthread_cancel(*it); pthread_join(senderThread, NULL); pthread_join(receiverThread, NULL); if ( gOpt.getLocalSyncPort()) pthread_join(syncListenerThread, NULL); for( std::list::iterator it = connectThreads.begin() ;it != connectThreads.end(); ++it) pthread_join(*it, NULL); delete src; delete &p.connto; return ret; }