/** \file ResolvSocket.cpp ** \date 2005-03-24 ** \author grymse@alhem.net **/ /* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Anders Hedstrom This library is made available under the terms of the GNU GPL. If you would like to use this library in a closed-source application, a separate license agreement is available. For information about the closed-source license agreement for the C++ sockets library, please visit http://www.alhem.net/Sockets/license.html and/or email license@alhem.net. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4786) #pragma warning(disable:4503) #endif #else #include #endif #include "ResolvSocket.h" #ifdef ENABLE_RESOLVER #include "Utility.h" #include "Parse.h" #include "ISocketHandler.h" #include "Lock.h" #include "Mutex.h" #ifdef SOCKETS_NAMESPACE namespace SOCKETS_NAMESPACE { #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #define DEB(x) x #else #define DEB(x) #endif // static ResolvSocket::cache_t ResolvSocket::m_cache; ResolvSocket::timeout_t ResolvSocket::m_cache_to; Mutex ResolvSocket::m_cache_mutex; ResolvSocket::ResolvSocket(ISocketHandler& h) :TcpSocket(h) ,m_bServer(false) ,m_parent(NULL) #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 ,m_resolve_ipv6(false) #endif ,m_cached(false) { SetLineProtocol(); } ResolvSocket::ResolvSocket(ISocketHandler& h, Socket *parent, const std::string& host, port_t port, bool ipv6) :TcpSocket(h) ,m_bServer(false) ,m_parent(parent) ,m_resolv_host(host) ,m_resolv_port(port) #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 ,m_resolve_ipv6(ipv6) #endif ,m_cached(false) { SetLineProtocol(); } ResolvSocket::ResolvSocket(ISocketHandler& h, Socket *parent, ipaddr_t a) :TcpSocket(h) ,m_bServer(false) ,m_parent(parent) ,m_resolv_port(0) ,m_resolv_address(a) #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 ,m_resolve_ipv6(false) #endif ,m_cached(false) { SetLineProtocol(); } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 ResolvSocket::ResolvSocket(ISocketHandler& h, Socket *parent, in6_addr& a) :TcpSocket(h) ,m_bServer(false) ,m_parent(parent) ,m_resolv_port(0) ,m_resolve_ipv6(true) ,m_resolv_address6(a) ,m_cached(false) { SetLineProtocol(); } #endif ResolvSocket::~ResolvSocket() { } void ResolvSocket::OnLine(const std::string& line) { Parse pa(line, ":"); if (m_bServer) { m_query = pa.getword(); m_data = pa.getrest(); DEB( fprintf(stderr, " *** ResolvSocket server; query=%s, data=%s\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str());) // %! check cache { Lock lock(m_cache_mutex); if (m_cache[m_query].find(m_data) != m_cache[m_query].end()) { if (time(NULL) - m_cache_to[m_query][m_data] < 3600) // ttl { std::string result = m_cache[m_query][m_data]; DEB(fprintf(stderr, " *** Returning cache for [%s][%s] = '%s'\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str(), result.c_str());) Send("Cached\n"); if (!result.size()) /* failed */ { Send("Failed\n\n"); SetCloseAndDelete(); return; } else if (m_query == "gethostbyname") { Send("A: " + result + "\n\n"); SetCloseAndDelete(); return; } else #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 #ifdef IPPROTO_IPV6 if (m_query == "gethostbyname2") { Send("AAAA: " + result + "\n\n"); SetCloseAndDelete(); return; } else #endif #endif if (m_query == "gethostbyaddr") { Send("Name: " + result + "\n\n"); SetCloseAndDelete(); return; } } } } if (!Detach()) // detach failed? { SetCloseAndDelete(); } return; } std::string key = pa.getword(); std::string value = pa.getrest(); DEB( fprintf(stderr, " *** ResolvSocket response; %s: %s\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str());) if (key == "Cached") { m_cached = true; } else if (key == "Failed" && m_parent) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, " ************ Resolve failed\n");) if (Handler().Resolving(m_parent) || Handler().Valid(m_parent)) { m_parent -> OnResolveFailed(m_resolv_id); } // update cache if (!m_cached) { Lock lock(m_cache_mutex); DEB(fprintf(stderr, " *** Update cache for [%s][%s] = '%s'\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str(), value.c_str());) m_cache[m_query][m_data] = value; m_cache_to[m_query][m_data] = time(NULL); } m_parent = NULL; } else if (key == "Name" && !m_resolv_host.size() && m_parent) { if (Handler().Resolving(m_parent) || Handler().Valid(m_parent)) { m_parent -> OnReverseResolved(m_resolv_id, value); } // update cache if (!m_cached) { Lock lock(m_cache_mutex); DEB(fprintf(stderr, " *** Update cache for [%s][%s] = '%s'\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str(), value.c_str());) m_cache[m_query][m_data] = value; m_cache_to[m_query][m_data] = time(NULL); } m_parent = NULL; } else if (key == "A" && m_parent) { if (Handler().Resolving(m_parent) || Handler().Valid(m_parent)) { ipaddr_t l; Utility::u2ip(value, l); // ip2ipaddr_t m_parent -> OnResolved(m_resolv_id, l, m_resolv_port); } // update cache if (!m_cached) { Lock lock(m_cache_mutex); DEB(fprintf(stderr, " *** Update cache for [%s][%s] = '%s'\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str(), value.c_str());) m_cache[m_query][m_data] = value; m_cache_to[m_query][m_data] = time(NULL); } m_parent = NULL; // always use first ip in case there are several } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 #ifdef IPPROTO_IPV6 else if (key == "AAAA" && m_parent) { if (Handler().Resolving(m_parent) || Handler().Valid(m_parent)) { in6_addr a; Utility::u2ip(value, a); m_parent -> OnResolved(m_resolv_id, a, m_resolv_port); } // update cache if (!m_cached) { Lock lock(m_cache_mutex); DEB(fprintf(stderr, " *** Update cache for [%s][%s] = '%s'\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str(), value.c_str());) m_cache[m_query][m_data] = value; m_cache_to[m_query][m_data] = time(NULL); } m_parent = NULL; } #endif #endif } void ResolvSocket::OnDetached() { DEB( fprintf(stderr, " *** ResolvSocket::OnDetached(); query=%s, data=%s\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str());) if (m_query == "gethostbyname") { struct sockaddr_in sa; if (Utility::u2ip(m_data, sa)) { std::string ip; Utility::l2ip(sa.sin_addr, ip); Send("A: " + ip + "\n"); } else { Send("Failed\n"); } Send("\n"); } else #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 #ifdef IPPROTO_IPV6 if (m_query == "gethostbyname2") { struct sockaddr_in6 sa; if (Utility::u2ip(m_data, sa)) { std::string ip; Utility::l2ip(sa.sin6_addr, ip); Send("AAAA: " + ip + "\n"); } else { Send("Failed\n"); } Send("\n"); } else #endif #endif if (m_query == "gethostbyaddr") { if (Utility::isipv4( m_data )) { struct sockaddr_in sa; if (!Utility::u2ip(m_data, sa, AI_NUMERICHOST)) { Send("Failed: convert to sockaddr_in failed\n"); } else { std::string name; if (!Utility::reverse( (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa), name)) { Send("Failed: ipv4 reverse lookup of " + m_data + "\n"); } else { Send("Name: " + name + "\n"); } } } else #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 #ifdef IPPROTO_IPV6 if (Utility::isipv6( m_data )) { struct sockaddr_in6 sa; if (!Utility::u2ip(m_data, sa, AI_NUMERICHOST)) { Send("Failed: convert to sockaddr_in6 failed\n"); } else { std::string name; if (!Utility::reverse( (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa), name)) { Send("Failed: ipv6 reverse lookup of " + m_data + "\n"); } else { Send("Name: " + name + "\n"); } } } else #endif #endif { Send("Failed: malformed address\n"); } Send("\n"); } else { std::string msg = "Unknown query type: " + m_query; Handler().LogError(this, "OnDetached", 0, msg); Send("Unknown\n\n"); } SetCloseAndDelete(); } void ResolvSocket::OnConnect() { if (m_resolv_host.size()) { #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 std::string msg = (m_resolve_ipv6 ? "gethostbyname2 " : "gethostbyname ") + m_resolv_host + "\n"; m_query = m_resolve_ipv6 ? "gethostbyname2" : "gethostbyname"; #else std::string msg = "gethostbyname " + m_resolv_host + "\n"; m_query = "gethostbyname"; #endif m_data = m_resolv_host; Send( msg ); return; } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 if (m_resolve_ipv6) { std::string tmp; Utility::l2ip(m_resolv_address6, tmp); m_query = "gethostbyaddr"; m_data = tmp; std::string msg = "gethostbyaddr " + tmp + "\n"; Send( msg ); } #endif std::string tmp; Utility::l2ip(m_resolv_address, tmp); m_query = "gethostbyaddr"; m_data = tmp; std::string msg = "gethostbyaddr " + tmp + "\n"; Send( msg ); } void ResolvSocket::OnDelete() { if (m_parent) { if (Handler().Resolving(m_parent) || Handler().Valid(m_parent)) { m_parent -> OnResolveFailed(m_resolv_id); } // update cache if (!m_cached) { Lock lock(m_cache_mutex); std::string value; DEB(fprintf(stderr, " *** Update cache for [%s][%s] = '%s'\n", m_query.c_str(), m_data.c_str(), value.c_str());) m_cache[m_query][m_data] = value; m_cache_to[m_query][m_data] = time(NULL); } m_parent = NULL; } } #ifdef SOCKETS_NAMESPACE } #endif #endif // ENABLE_RESOLVER