include Makefile.version INCLUDE = # .h files installed to $(PREFIX)/include/Sockets # static lib .a files installed to $(PREFIX)/lib PREFIX = /usr/local CXX = /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC CFLAGS = -g $(INCLUDE) -MD -D_VERSION='"$(VERSION)"' CFLAGS += -features=rtti -mt # turn off optimization if compiling with gcc 2.9.x: #CFLAGS += -O0 CFLAGS += -O2 # uncomment depending on your operating system #CFLAGS += -DLINUX #CFLAGS += -DMACOSX # solaris > 8 CFLAGS += -DSOLARIS # solaris 8 #CFLAGS += -DSOLARIS8 # windows and/or cygwin #CFLAGS += -D_WIN32 # cygwin #CFLAGS += -D__CYGWIN__ # uncomment these three lines if the library should be in its own namespace #CFLAGS += -DSOCKETS_NAMESPACE=sockets #CFLAGS += -DSOCKETS_NAMESPACE_STR='"sockets"' # Enable insane amounts of debug output to stdout/stderr: #CFLAGS += -D_DEBUG CPPFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) LIBS = -lSockets -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto PROGS = Sockets-config all: libSockets.a $(PROGS) Sockets-config: Sockets-config.o $(CXX) -o $@ $^ libSockets.a: $(OBJS) ar cru $@ $(OBJS) ranlib $@ stressclient: stressclient.o libSockets.a g++ -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) echoserver: echoserver.o libSockets.a g++ -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) clean: rm -f *.o *~ slask *.d $(PROGS) *.a */*~ .cpp.o: @echo Compiling $< @$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< -include *.d