path: root/src/man/anytun.8.txt
diff options
authorChristian Pointner <>2009-11-11 06:17:40 +0000
committerChristian Pointner <>2009-11-11 06:17:40 +0000
commit3ff9b7f1f056317e4291473b8f96a0621fd7bb06 (patch)
tree8d7493f1608fcdd205410f6d33c5d48639950522 /src/man/anytun.8.txt
parentupdated Readme (diff)
updated manpages
Diffstat (limited to 'src/man/anytun.8.txt')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 355 deletions
diff --git a/src/man/anytun.8.txt b/src/man/anytun.8.txt
index 38dd187..21c469e 100644
--- a/src/man/anytun.8.txt
+++ b/src/man/anytun.8.txt
@@ -8,40 +8,42 @@ anytun - anycast tunneling daemon
-[ *-h|--help* ]
-[ *-D|--nodaemonize* ]
-[ *-u|--username* <username> ]
-[ *-g|--groupname* <groupname> ]
-[ *-C|--chroot* <path> ]
-[ *-P|--write-pid* <filename> ]
-[ *-L|--log* <target>:<level>[,<param1>[,<param2>[..]]] ]
-[ *-i|--interface* <ip-address> ]
-[ *-p|--port* <port> ]
-[ *-r|--remote-host* <hostname|ip> ]
-[ *-o|--remote-port* <port> ]
-[ *-4|--ipv4-only* ]
-[ *-6|--ipv6-only* ]
-[ *-I|--sync-interface* <ip-address> ]
-[ *-S|--sync-port* port> ]
-[ *-M|--sync-hosts* <hostname|ip>[:<port>][,<hostname|ip>[:<port>][...]] ]
-[ *-X|--control-host* <hostname|ip>[:<port>]
-[ *-d|--dev* <name> ]
-[ *-t|--type* <tun|tap> ]
-[ *-n|--ifconfig* <local>/<prefix> ]
-[ *-x|--post-up-script* <script> ]
-[ *-R|--route* <net>/<prefix length> ]
-[ *-m|--mux* <mux-id> ]
-[ *-s|--sender-id* <sender id> ]
-[ *-w|--window-size* <window size> ]
-[ *-k|--kd-prf* <kd-prf type> ]
-[ *-e|--role <role>* ]
-[ *-E|--passphrase* <pass phrase> ]
-[ *-K|--key* <master key> ]
-[ *-A|--salt* <master salt> ]
-[ *-c|--cipher* <cipher type> ]
-[ *-a|--auth-algo* <algo type> ]
-[ *-b|--auth-tag-length* <length> ]
+ [ -h|--help ]
+ [ -D|--nodaemonize ]
+ [ -u|--username <username> ]
+ [ -g|--groupname <groupname> ]
+ [ -C|--chroot <path> ]
+ [ -P|--write-pid <filename> ]
+ [ -L|--log <target>:<level>[,<param1>[,<param2>[..]]] ]
+ [ -i|--interface <ip-address> ]
+ [ -p|--port <port> ]
+ [ -r|--remote-host <hostname|ip> ]
+ [ -o|--remote-port <port> ]
+ [ -4|--ipv4-only ]
+ [ -6|--ipv6-only ]
+ [ -I|--sync-interface <ip-address> ]
+ [ -S|--sync-port port> ]
+ [ -M|--sync-hosts <hostname|ip>[:<port>][,<hostname|ip>[:<port>][...]] ]
+ [ -X|--control-host <hostname|ip>[:<port>]
+ [ -d|--dev <name> ]
+ [ -t|--type <tun|tap> ]
+ [ -n|--ifconfig <local>/<prefix> ]
+ [ -x|--post-up-script <script> ]
+ [ -R|--route <net>/<prefix length> ]
+ [ -m|--mux <mux-id> ]
+ [ -s|--sender-id <sender id> ]
+ [ -w|--window-size <window size> ]
+ [ -k|--kd-prf <kd-prf type> ]
+ [ -e|--role <role> ]
+ [ -E|--passphrase <pass phrase> ]
+ [ -K|--key <master key> ]
+ [ -A|--salt <master salt> ]
+ [ -c|--cipher <cipher type> ]
+ [ -a|--auth-algo <algo type> ]
+ [ -b|--auth-tag-length <length> ]
@@ -59,318 +61,229 @@ OPTIONS
no difference between client and server. The following options can be
passed to the daemon:
-This option instructs *anytun* to run in foreground
-instead of becoming a daemon which is the default.
--u|--username <username>
-run as this user. If no group is specified (*-g*) the default group of
-the user is used. The default is to not drop privileges.
--g|--groupname <groupname>
-run as this group. If no username is specified (*-u*) this gets ignored.
-The default is to not drop privileges.
--C|--chroot <path>
-Instruct *anytun* to run in a chroot jail. The default is
-to not run in chroot.
--P|--write-pid <filename>
-Instruct *anytun* to write it's pid to this file. The default is
-to not create a pid file.
--L|--log <target>:<level>[,<param1>[,<param2>[..]]]
-add log target to logging system. This can be invoked several times
-in order to log to different targets at the same time. Every target
-hast its own log level which is a number between 0 and 5. Where 0 means
-disabling log and 5 means debug messages are enabled.
-The following targets are supported:
-* *syslog* - log to syslog daemon, parameters <level>[,<logname>[,<facility>]]
-* *file* - log to file, parameters <level>[,<path>]
-* *stdout* - log to standard output, parameters <level>
-* *stderr* - log to standard error, parameters <level>
-The file target can be used more the once with different levels.
-If no target is provided at the command line a single target with the
-following config is added:
--i|--interface <ip address>
-This IP address is used as the sender address for outgoing
-packets. In case of anycast tunnel endpoints, the anycast
-IP has to be used. In case of unicast endpoints, the
-address is usually derived correctly from the routing
-table. The default is to not use a special inteface and just
-bind on all interfaces.
--p|--port <port>
-local anycast(data) port to bind to
-The local UDP port that is used to send and receive the
-payload data. The two tunnel endpoints can use different
-ports. If a tunnel endpoint consists of multiple anycast
-hosts, all hosts have to use the same port. default: 4444
--r|--remote-host <hostname|ip>
-remote host
-This option can be used to specify the remote tunnel
-endpoint. In case of anycast tunnel endpoints, the
-anycast IP address has to be used. If you do not specify
-an address, it is automatically determined after receiving
-the first data packet.
--o|--remote-port <port>
-remote port
-The UDP port used for payload data by the remote host
-(specified with -p on the remote host). If you do not specify
-a port, it is automatically determined after receiving
-the first data packet.
-Resolv to IPv4 addresses only. The default is to resolv both
-IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
-Resolv to IPv6 addresses only. The default is to resolv both
-IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
--I|--sync-interface <ip-address>
-local unicast(sync) ip address to bind to
-This option is only needed for tunnel endpoints consisting
-of multiple anycast hosts. The unicast IP address of
-the anycast host can be used here. This is needed for
-communication with the other anycast hosts. The default is to
-not use a special inteface and just bind on all interfaces. However
-this is only the case if synchronisation is active see *--sync-port*.
--S|--sync-port <port>
-local unicast(sync) port to bind to
-This option is only needed for tunnel endpoints
-consisting of multiple anycast hosts. This port is used
-by anycast hosts to synchronize information about tunnel
-endpoints. No payload data is transmitted via this port.
-By default the synchronisation is disabled an therefore the
-port is kept empty.
-It is possible to obtain a list of active connections
-by telnetting into this port. This port is read-only
-and unprotected by default. It is advised to protect
-this port using firewall rules and, eventually, IPsec.
--M|--sync-hosts <hostname|ip>[:<port>],[<hostname|ip>[:<port>][...]]
-remote hosts to sync with
-This option is only needed for tunnel endpoints consisting
-of multiple anycast hosts. Here, one has to specify all
-unicast IP addresses of all other anycast hosts that
-comprise the anycast tunnel endpoint. By default synchronisation is
-disabled and therefore this is empty. Mind that the port can be
-omitted in which case port 2323 is used. If you want to specify an
-ipv6 address and a port you have to use [ and ] to seperate the address
-from the port, eg.: [::1]:1234. If you want to use the default port
-[ and ] can be omitted.
--X|--control-host <hostname|ip>[:<port>]
-fetch the config from this host. The default is not to use a control
-host and therefore this is empty. Mind that the port can be omitted
-in which case port 2323 is used. If you want to specify an
-ipv6 address and a port you have to use [ and ] to seperate the address
-from the port, eg.: [::1]:1234. If you want to use the default port
-[ and ] can be omitted.
--d|--dev <name>
-device name
-By default, tapN is used for Ethernet tunnel interfaces,
-and tunN for IP tunnels, respectively. This option can
-be used to manually override these defaults.
--t|--type <tun|tap>
-device type
-Type of the tunnels to create. Use tap for Ethernet
-tunnels, tun for IP tunnels.
--n|--ifconfig <local>/<prefix>
-*<local>* the local IP address for the tun/tap device
-*<prefix>* the prefix length of the network
-The local IP address and prefix length. The remote tunnel endpoint
-has to use a different IP address in the same subnet
--x|--post-up-script <script>
-This option instructs *anytun* to run this script after the interface
-is created. By default no script will be executed.
--R|--route <net>/<prefix length>
-add a route to connection. This can be invoked several times.
--m|--mux <mux-id>
-the multiplex id to use. default: 0
--s|--sender-id <sender id>
-Each anycast tunnel endpoint needs a uniqe sender id
-(1, 2, 3, ...). It is needed to distinguish the senders
-in case of replay attacks. This option can be ignored on
-unicast endpoints. default: 0
--w|--window-size <window size>
-seqence window size
-Sometimes, packets arrive out of order on the receiver
-side. This option defines the size of a list of received
-packets' sequence numbers. If, according to this list,
-a received packet has been previously received or has
-been transmitted in the past, and is therefore not in
-the list anymore, this is interpreted as a replay attack
-and the packet is dropped. A value of 0 deactivates this
-list and, as a consequence, the replay protection employed
-by filtering packets according to their secuence number.
-By default the sequence window is disabled and therefore a
-window size of 0 is used.
--k|--kd--prf <kd-prf type>
-key derivation pseudo random function.
-The pseudo random function which is used for calculating the
-session keys and session salt.
-Possible values:
-* *null* - no random function, keys and salt are set to 0..00
-* *aes-ctr* - AES in counter mode with 128 Bits, default value
-* *aes-ctr-128* - AES in counter mode with 128 Bits
-* *aes-ctr-192* - AES in counter mode with 192 Bits
-* *aes-ctr-256* - AES in counter mode with 256 Bits
--e|--role <role>
-SATP uses different session keys for inbound and outbound traffic. The
-role parameter is used to determine which keys to use for outbound or
-inbound packets. On both sides of a vpn connection different roles have
-to be used. Possible values are *left* and *right*. You may also use
-*alice* or *server* as a replacement for *left* and *bob* or *client* as
-a replacement for *right*. By default *left* is used.
--E|--passphrase <pass phrase>
-This passphrase is used to generate the master key and master salt.
-For the master key the last n bits of the SHA256 digest of the
-passphrase (where n is the length of the master key in bits) is used.
-The master salt gets generated with the SHA1 digest.
-You may force a specific key and or salt by using *--key* and *--salt*.
--K|--key <master key>
-master key to use for key derivation
-Master key in hexadecimal notation, eg
-01a2b3c4d5e6f708a9b0cadbecfd0fa1, with a mandatory length
-of 32, 48 or 64 characters (128, 192 or 256 bits).
--A|--salt <master salt>
-master salt to use for key derivation
-Master salt in hexadecimal notation, eg
-01a2b3c4d5e6f708a9b0cadbecfd, with a mandatory length
-of 28 characters (14 bytes).
--c|--cipher <cipher type>
-payload encryption algorithm
-Encryption algorithm used for encrypting the payload
-Possible values:
-* *null* - no encryption
-* *aes-ctr* - AES in counter mode with 128 Bits, default value
-* *aes-ctr-128* - AES in counter mode with 128 Bits
-* *aes-ctr-192* - AES in counter mode with 192 Bits
-* *aes-ctr-256* - AES in counter mode with 256 Bits
--a|--auth-algo <algo type>
-message authentication algorithm
-This option sets the message authentication algorithm.
-Possible values:
-* *null* - no message authentication
-* *sha1* - HMAC-SHA1, default value
-If HMAC-SHA1 is used, the packet length is increased. The additional bytes
-contain the authentication data. see *-b|--auth-tag-length* for more info.
--b|--auth-tag-length <length>
-The number of bytes to use for the auth tag. This value defaults to 10 bytes
-unless the *null* auth algo is used in which case it defaults to 0.
+*-D, --nodaemonize*::
+ This option instructs *Anytun* to run in foreground
+ instead of becoming a daemon which is the default.
+*-u, --username <username>*::
+ run as this user. If no group is specified (*-g*) the default group of
+ the user is used. The default is to not drop privileges.
+*-g, --groupname <groupname>*::
+ run as this group. If no username is specified (*-u*) this gets ignored.
+ The default is to not drop privileges.
+*-C, --chroot <path>*::
+ Instruct *Anytun* to run in a chroot jail. The default is
+ to not run in chroot.
+*-P, --write-pid <filename>*::
+ Instruct *Anytun* to write it's pid to this file. The default is
+ to not create a pid file.
+*-L, --log <target>:<level>[,<param1>[,<param2>[..]]]*::
+ add log target to logging system. This can be invoked several times
+ in order to log to different targets at the same time. Every target
+ hast its own log level which is a number between 0 and 5. Where 0 means
+ disabling log and 5 means debug messages are enabled. +
+ The file target can be used more the once with different levels.
+ If no target is provided at the command line a single target with the
+ config *syslog:3,anytun,daemon* is added. +
+ The following targets are supported:
+ *syslog*;; log to syslog daemon, parameters <level>[,<logname>[,<facility>]]
+ *file*;; log to file, parameters <level>[,<path>]
+ *stdout*;; log to standard output, parameters <level>
+ *stderr*;; log to standard error, parameters <level>
+*-i, --interface <ip address>*::
+ This IP address is used as the sender address for outgoing
+ packets. In case of anycast tunnel endpoints, the anycast
+ IP has to be used. In case of unicast endpoints, the
+ address is usually derived correctly from the routing
+ table. The default is to not use a special inteface and just
+ bind on all interfaces.
+*-p, --port <port>*::
+ The local UDP port that is used to send and receive the
+ payload data. The two tunnel endpoints can use different
+ ports. If a tunnel endpoint consists of multiple anycast
+ hosts, all hosts have to use the same port. default: 4444
+*-r, --remote-host <hostname|ip>*::
+ This option can be used to specify the remote tunnel
+ endpoint. In case of anycast tunnel endpoints, the
+ anycast IP address has to be used. If you do not specify
+ an address, it is automatically determined after receiving
+ the first data packet.
+*-o, --remote-port <port>*::
+ The UDP port used for payload data by the remote host
+ (specified with -p on the remote host). If you do not specify
+ a port, it is automatically determined after receiving
+ the first data packet.
+*-4, --ipv4-only*::
+ Resolv to IPv4 addresses only. The default is to resolv both
+ IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+*-6, --ipv6-only*::
+ Resolv to IPv6 addresses only. The default is to resolv both
+ IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+*-I, --sync-interface <ip-address>*::
+ local unicast(sync) ip address to bind to +
+ This option is only needed for tunnel endpoints consisting
+ of multiple anycast hosts. The unicast IP address of
+ the anycast host can be used here. This is needed for
+ communication with the other anycast hosts. The default is to
+ not use a special inteface and just bind on all interfaces. However
+ this is only the case if synchronisation is active see *--sync-port*.
+*-S, --sync-port <port>*::
+ local unicast(sync) port to bind to +
+ This option is only needed for tunnel endpoints
+ consisting of multiple anycast hosts. This port is used
+ by anycast hosts to synchronize information about tunnel
+ endpoints. No payload data is transmitted via this port.
+ By default the synchronisation is disabled an therefore the
+ port is kept empty. +
+ It is possible to obtain a list of active connections
+ by telnetting into this port. This port is read-only
+ and unprotected by default. It is advised to protect
+ this port using firewall rules and, eventually, IPsec.
+*-M, --sync-hosts <hostname|ip>[:<port>],[<hostname|ip>[:<port>][...]]*::
+ remote hosts to sync with +
+ This option is only needed for tunnel endpoints consisting
+ of multiple anycast hosts. Here, one has to specify all
+ unicast IP addresses of all other anycast hosts that
+ comprise the anycast tunnel endpoint. By default synchronisation is
+ disabled and therefore this is empty. Mind that the port can be
+ omitted in which case port 2323 is used. If you want to specify an
+ ipv6 address and a port you have to use [ and ] to seperate the address
+ from the port, eg.: [::1]:1234. If you want to use the default port
+ [ and ] can be omitted.
+*-X, --control-host <hostname|ip>[:<port>]*::
+ fetch the config from this host. The default is not to use a control
+ host and therefore this is empty. Mind that the port can be omitted
+ in which case port 2323 is used. If you want to specify an
+ ipv6 address and a port you have to use [ and ] to seperate the address
+ from the port, eg.: [::1]:1234. If you want to use the default port
+ [ and ] can be omitted.
+*-d, --dev <name>*::
+ device name +
+ By default, tapN is used for Ethernet tunnel interfaces,
+ and tunN for IP tunnels, respectively. This option can
+ be used to manually override these defaults.
+*-t, --type <tun|tap>*::
+ device type +
+ Type of the tunnels to create. Use tap for Ethernet
+ tunnels, tun for IP tunnels.
+*-n, --ifconfig <local>/<prefix>*::
+ The local IP address and prefix length. The remote tunnel endpoint
+ has to use a different IP address in the same subnet.
+ *<local>*;; the local IP address for the tun/tap device
+ *<prefix>*;; the prefix length of the network
+*-x, --post-up-script <script>*::
+ This option instructs *Anytun* to run this script after the interface
+ is created. By default no script will be executed.
+*-R, --route <net>/<prefix length>*::
+ add a route to connection. This can be invoked several times.
+*-m, --mux <mux-id>*::
+ the multiplex id to use. default: 0
+*-s, --sender-id <sender id>*::
+ Each anycast tunnel endpoint needs a uniqe sender id
+ (1, 2, 3, ...). It is needed to distinguish the senders
+ in case of replay attacks. This option can be ignored on
+ unicast endpoints. default: 0
+*-w, --window-size <window size>*::
+ seqence window size +
+ Sometimes, packets arrive out of order on the receiver
+ side. This option defines the size of a list of received
+ packets' sequence numbers. If, according to this list,
+ a received packet has been previously received or has
+ been transmitted in the past, and is therefore not in
+ the list anymore, this is interpreted as a replay attack
+ and the packet is dropped. A value of 0 deactivates this
+ list and, as a consequence, the replay protection employed
+ by filtering packets according to their secuence number.
+ By default the sequence window is disabled and therefore a
+ window size of 0 is used.
+*-k, --kd--prf <kd-prf type>*::
+ key derivation pseudo random function +
+ The pseudo random function which is used for calculating the
+ session keys and session salt. +
+ Possible values:
+ *null*;; no random function, keys and salt are set to 0..00
+ *aes-ctr*;; AES in counter mode with 128 Bits, default value
+ *aes-ctr-128*;; AES in counter mode with 128 Bits
+ *aes-ctr-192*;; AES in counter mode with 192 Bits
+ *aes-ctr-256*;; AES in counter mode with 256 Bits
+*-e, --role <role>*::
+ SATP uses different session keys for inbound and outbound traffic. The
+ role parameter is used to determine which keys to use for outbound or
+ inbound packets. On both sides of a vpn connection different roles have
+ to be used. Possible values are *left* and *right*. You may also use
+ *alice* or *server* as a replacement for *left* and *bob* or *client* as
+ a replacement for *right*. By default *left* is used.
+*-E, --passphrase <pass phrase>*::
+ This passphrase is used to generate the master key and master salt.
+ For the master key the last n bits of the SHA256 digest of the
+ passphrase (where n is the length of the master key in bits) is used.
+ The master salt gets generated with the SHA1 digest.
+ You may force a specific key and or salt by using *--key* and *--salt*.
+*-K, --key <master key>*::
+ master key to use for key derivation +
+ Master key in hexadecimal notation, e.g.
+ 01a2b3c4d5e6f708a9b0cadbecfd0fa1, with a mandatory length
+ of 32, 48 or 64 characters (128, 192 or 256 bits).
+*-A, --salt <master salt>*::
+ master salt to use for key derivation +
+ Master salt in hexadecimal notation, e.g.
+ 01a2b3c4d5e6f708a9b0cadbecfd, with a mandatory length
+ of 28 characters (14 bytes).
+*-c, --cipher <cipher type>*::
+ payload encryption algorithm +
+ Encryption algorithm used for encrypting the payload +
+ Possible values:
+ *null*;; no encryption
+ *aes-ctr*;; AES in counter mode with 128 Bits, default value
+ *aes-ctr-128*;; AES in counter mode with 128 Bits
+ *aes-ctr-192*;; AES in counter mode with 192 Bits
+ *aes-ctr-256*;; AES in counter mode with 256 Bits
+*-a, --auth-algo <algo type>*::
+ message authentication algorithm +
+ This option sets the message authentication algorithm. +
+ If HMAC-SHA1 is used, the packet length is increased. The additional bytes
+ contain the authentication data. see *--auth-tag-length* for more info. +
+ Possible values:
+ *null*;; no message authentication
+ *sha1*;; HMAC-SHA1, default value
+*-b, --auth-tag-length <length>*::
+ The number of bytes to use for the auth tag. This value defaults to 10 bytes
+ unless the *null* auth algo is used in which case it defaults to 0.
@@ -429,7 +342,7 @@ anycast tunnel endpoint) please consult the man page of anytun-config(8).
-Most likely there are some bugs in *anytun*. If you find a bug, please let
+Most likely there are some bugs in *Anytun*. If you find a bug, please let
the developers know at Of course, patches are preferred.
@@ -438,19 +351,11 @@ anytun-config(8), anytun-controld(8), anytun-showtables(8)
-Design of SATP and wizards of this implementation:
Othmar Gsenger <>
Erwin Nindl <>
Christian Pointner <>
-Debian packaging:
-Andreas Hirczy <>
-Manual page:
-Alexander List <>