path: root/internet-draft-anytun.txt
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authorOthmar Gsenger <>2007-04-16 16:51:34 +0000
committerOthmar Gsenger <>2007-04-16 16:51:34 +0000
commit6ce415c7445d778670755c8919ec77553fc8414e (patch)
tree10f792754fe6e74007ad4e16b66e17b620b2e1d4 /internet-draft-anytun.txt
parentnew frag (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'internet-draft-anytun.txt')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/internet-draft-anytun.txt b/internet-draft-anytun.txt
index 588d4d6..2c96b37 100644
--- a/internet-draft-anytun.txt
+++ b/internet-draft-anytun.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Internet-Draft March 2007
Expires: September 2, 2007
- Anycast stream relaying
+ anycast tunneling and relay protocol
Status of this Memo
@@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ Copyright Notice
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 1]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
- The anycast tunneling (anytun) protocol defines a protocol used for
- communication between unicast clients and anycast servers. It can be
- used for tunneling information between 2 clients over the servers or
- in relay mode to transmit data form the client over the servers to a
- third party not using the protocol and vice versa.
+ The anycast tunneling and relay protocol (anytun) defines a protocol
+ used for communication between unicast clients and anycast servers.
+ It can be used for tunneling information between 2 clients over the
+ anycast servers or in relay mode to transmit data form the client
+ over the anycast servers to a third party not using the protocol and
+ vice versa. Unlike other tunneling protocols like GRE or IPIP
+ tunnels which indeed will work with anycast as well, anytun directly
+ includes cryptography and authentication. In relay mode it also
+ supports source NAT with integrated NAT transversal. It is intended
+ to deliver a high performance and reliability solution for tunneling
+ and relaying of data over servers, where direct client to client
+ connections are not possible or not wanted.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Abstract
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 2]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
1. Introduction
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 3]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
2. Operation modes
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Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 4]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
2.1.2. Open tunnel mode
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 5]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
2.1.3. relay mode
@@ -315,12 +315,12 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
2.2. Transport modes
+2.2.1. anycast udp mode
+ Anytun does not define wich lower layer protocols HAVE TO be used,
+ but it's most likely used on top of udp. This section should only
+ discuss some issues on udp in combination with anycasting and
+ tunnels.
@@ -334,12 +334,12 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 6]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
-2.2.1. anycast udp mode
+2.2.2. Using UDP
- An example of anytun used with udp transport
+ An example of anytun used with udp as transport
----------- -----------
| RTP | ---------- | RTP |
@@ -358,12 +358,13 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
Figure 4
- In anycast udp mode the data between clients and anycast serveres is
- carried by udp packets. Packets are routed by the serveres from one
- client to another. Because udp is stateless no inforamtion has to be
- syncronised
+ When using UDP no flow controll or retransmission is done, neigther
+ by UDP nor anytun. The encapsulated protocol HAS TO take care of
+ this tasks if needed. UDP however has a checksum of the complete udp
+ datagram, so a packet gets discarded if there is a biterror in the
+ payload
-2.2.2. anycast light udp mode
+2.2.3. Using lightUDP
An example of anytun used with udp transport
@@ -384,27 +385,39 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
Figure 5
- The light UDP mode is neerly the same as the normal UDP mode, the
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 7]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
- only difference is, that the udp size is set to the udp header lenght
- and not to the length of the full packet and therefor the checksum is
- only calculated for the udp header itself. So there is no error
- correction or detection done on the payload. This can be usefull if
- realtime data is beeing transimittet or the tunneled protocol does
- error correction/detection by itself.
+ The difference between normal UDP and lightUDP is, that the udp size
+ is not set to the length of the full packet, but to the lenght of the
+ data used for the checksum and therefor the checksum is only
+ calculated for that part. When using lightUDP, the lenght HAS tO be
+ set to the udp header length + the anytun header lenght. So there is
+ no error correction or detection done on the payload. This can be
+ usefull if realtime data is beeing transimittet or the tunneled
+ protocol does error correction/detection by itself.
-2.2.3. Protocol specification
+2.2.4. Fragmentation
- Header format
+ The only way of fully supporting fragmentation would be to syncronise
+ fragments between all anycast servers. This is considered to be to
+ much overhead, so there are two non perfect solutions for this
+ problems. Either fragmentation HAS TO be disabled or if not all
+ fragments arrive at the same server the ip datagramm HAS TO be
+ discarded. As routing changes are not expected to occure very
+ frequently, the encapsulated protocol can do a retransmission and all
+ fragments will arrive at the new server.
- Protocol field
+2.3. Protocol specification
+2.3.1. Header format
+2.3.2. Protocol field
The protocol field defines the payload protocol. ETHER TYPE protocol
numerbers are used.
@@ -431,22 +444,9 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 8]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
Appendix A. The appan
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ Appendix A. The appan
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 9]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
3. References
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 10]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
Author's Address
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ Author's Address
Gsenger Expires September 2, 2007 [Page 11]
-Internet-Draft Anycast stream relaying March 2007
+Internet-Draft anycast tunneling and relay protocol March 2007
Full Copyright Statement