--- - name: check if acme certs already exist loop: "{{ acmetool_cert_hostnames }}" loop_control: loop_var: acme_hostname stat: path: "/var/lib/acme/live/{{ acme_hostname }}" register: acme_cert_stat - name: set acmecert_missing_hostnames variable set_fact: acmecert_missing_hostnames: "{{ acme_cert_stat.results | acme_cert_nonexistent(acmetool_cert_hostnames) }}" - name: link nonexistent hostnames to self-signed interim cert when: acmecert_missing_hostnames | length > 0 block: - name: get id of existing selfsigned interim certificate command: cat /var/lib/acme/.selfsigned-interim-cert changed_when: false check_mode: false register: selfsigned_interim_cert_id - name: set selfsigned_interim_cert_id variable set_fact: selfsigned_interim_cert_id: "{{ selfsigned_interim_cert_id.stdout }}" - name: link to snakeoil cert for nonexistent hostnames loop: "{{ acmecert_missing_hostnames }}" loop_control: loop_var: acme_missing_hostname file: src: "../certs/{{ selfsigned_interim_cert_id }}" dest: "/var/lib/acme/live/{{ acme_missing_hostname }}" state: link notify: reload services for x509 certificates - name: export paths to certificate files set_fact: x509_certificate_path_key: "/var/lib/acme/live/{{ acmetool_cert_hostnames[0] }}/privkey" x509_certificate_path_cert: "/var/lib/acme/live/{{ acmetool_cert_hostnames[0] }}/cert" x509_certificate_path_chain: "/var/lib/acme/live/{{ acmetool_cert_hostnames[0] }}/chain" x509_certificate_path_fullchain: "/var/lib/acme/live/{{ acmetool_cert_hostnames[0] }}/fullchain" - name: setup custom renewal script when: x509_certificate_renewal is defined block: - name: install custom hook script template: src: reload.sh.j2 dest: "/etc/acme/hooks/{{ x509_certificate_name }}" mode: 0755 - name: install acmetool systemd unit snippet when: "'install' in x509_certificate_renewal" copy: dest: "/etc/systemd/system/acmetool.service.d/{{ x509_certificate_name }}.conf" content: | [Service] {% for path in (x509_certificate_renewal.install | map(attribute='dest') | map('dirname') | unique | list) %} ReadWritePaths={{ path }} {% endfor %} notify: reload systemd - name: remove acmetool systemd unit snippet when: "'install' not in x509_certificate_renewal" file: path: "/etc/systemd/system/acmetool.service.d/{{ x509_certificate_name }}.conf" state: absent notify: reload systemd - name: remove custom renewal script when: x509_certificate_renewal is not defined loop: - "/etc/systemd/system/acmetool.service.d/{{ x509_certificate_name }}.conf" - "/etc/acme/hooks/{{ x509_certificate_name }}" file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent notify: reload systemd