--- # ws_base_home_zfs: {} # ws_base_hide_ntfs_disks: # - /dev/disk/by-id/ata-blub_foo-part1 # ws_base_cleanup_tmp: 1d ws_base_superflous_packages: - gnome-keyring - gnome-software - gnome-software-common - software-properties-gtk - software-properties-common - "{{ python_basename }}-software-properties" - flashplugin-installer - network-manager - network-manager-gnome - network-manager-pptp - network-manager-pptp-gnome - ufw - unattended-upgrades ws_base_extra_packages: [] ### mind that lightdm is case sensitive when it comes to booleans ### and since ansible/jinja2 is stupid it is not easy to print ### boolean values in lowercase true and false without mangeling ### string type variables (...no test named 'boolean'...) # ws_base_lightdm_defaults: # allow-guest: 'false' # greeter-hide-users: 'true' # greeter-show-manual-login: 'true' # ws_base_xrandr_setup_script: | # #!/bin/bash # xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --primary # exit 0