--- - name: create disks for vm with_dict: "{{ hostvars[hostname].install_cooked.disks.virtio | default({}) | combine(hostvars[hostname].install_cooked.disks.scsi | default({})) }}" lvol: vg: "{{ item.value.vg }}" lv: "{{ item.value.lv }}" size: "{{ item.value.size }}" - name: check if vm already exists virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" command: info register: vmhost_info - block: - name: destroy exisiting vm virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" state: destroyed - name: wait for vm to be destroyed wait_for_virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" states: shutdown,crashed timeout: 5 - name: undefining exisiting vm virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" command: undefine when: hostname in vmhost_info - block: - name: create a temporary workdir tempfile: state: directory register: tmpdir - import_role: name: preseed vars: ssh_keys_root: "{{ hostvars[hostname].ssh_keys_root }}" install_interface: enp1s1 preseed_tmpdir: "{{ tmpdir.path }}" - name: Make preseed workdir readable by qemu acl: path: "{{ tmpdir.path }}" state: present entity: libvirt-qemu etype: user permissions: rx - name: define new installer vm virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" command: define xml: "{{ lookup('template', 'libvirt-domain.xml.j2') }}" vars: run_installer: yes preseed_tmpdir: "{{ tmpdir.path }}" - name: start vm virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" state: running - name: wait for installer to start wait_for_virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" states: running timeout: 10 - debug: msg: "you can check on the status of the installer running this command 'virsh console {{ hostname }}' on host {{ inventory_hostname }}." - name: wait for installer to finish or crash wait_for_virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" states: shutdown,crashed timeout: 900 register: installer_result failed_when: installer_result.failed or installer_result.state == "crashed" - name: undefining installer vm virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" command: undefine always: - name: cleanup temporary workdir file: path: "{{ tmpdir.path }}" state: absent - name: define new production vm virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" command: define xml: "{{ lookup('template', 'libvirt-domain.xml.j2') }}" vars: run_installer: no - name: start vm virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" state: running - name: mark vm as autostarted virt: name: "{{ hostname }}" autostart: "{{ hostvars[hostname].install_cooked.autostart }}" command: info ## virt module needs either command or state when: hostvars[hostname].install_cooked.autostart is defined