#!/bin/bash {% if zfs_syncoid_autosuspend %} echo "running sanoid --prune to cleanup old snapshots" sleep 5 echo systemctl start --wait sanoid-prune.service echo "wait 30s (autosuspend cooldown period)" sleep 30 echo "done." {% endif %} if [ -z "$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY" ]; then exit 0 fi ret=0 for line in $(cat "$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY/exit_codes"); do if [[ $line =~ [^[:digit:]] ]]; then ret=-1 echo "invalid exit_code from pull script: $line" else ret=$line fi if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then break fi done cat <> "$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY/metrics" syncoid_pull_last_run{backup_server="{{ inventory_hostname }}"} $(date +"%s") EOF if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ "$1" == "--" ] || [ "$2" == "--" ]; then echo "$0 [ -- ]" exit -2 fi report_to=$1 textfile_collector_path=$2 shift 2 if [ -n "$1" ]; then if [ "$1" != "--" ]; then echo "additional arguments must be separated using '--'" exit -2 fi shift fi echo "transfering prometheus metrics to: $report_to:$textfile_collector_path" cat "$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY/metrics" | ssh -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/var/lib/syncoid/ssh.knownhosts" -o "HashKnownHosts=no" -i "/var/lib/syncoid/id_ssh_ed25519" "$@" "$report_to" "cat > '$textfile_collector_path/syncoid-pull-{{ inventory_hostname }}.prom'" exit $ret