--- - name: check if host is member of the raspios group assert: msg: "please add the host to the group 'raspios'" that: - "'raspios' in group_names" - name: fetch os list from download server check_mode: no uri: url: "{{ raspios_download_url }}/os_list_v3.json" body_format: json register: raspios_os_list - set_fact: raspios_download_base_url: "{{ raspios_os_list.json.os_list | raspios_extract_download_base_url(raspios_variant, raspios_codename, raspios_arch) }}" - name: fetch base image run_once: true import_tasks: fetch.yml - name: build the image block: - name: create the output directory for built images file: path: "{{ raspios_output_dir }}" state: directory - name: extract image decompress: src: "{{ raspios_download_dir }}/{{ raspios_download_image_base_name }}" dest: "{{ raspios_output_dir }}" force: yes register: raspios_image_extract - set_fact: raspios_output_image_base_name: "{{ raspios_image_extract.files | first | basename }}" - name: read partition layout from image command: "sfdisk -q -r -J '{{ raspios_output_dir }}/{{ raspios_output_image_base_name }}'" register: raspios_image_sfdisk - set_fact: raspios_image_partitions: "{{ (raspios_image_sfdisk.stdout | from_json)['partitiontable']['partitions'] }}" - name: bind loop device for boot partition command: "udisksctl loop-setup --no-user-interaction -o {{ raspios_image_partitions[0].start * 512 }} -s {{ raspios_image_partitions[0].size * 512 }} -f '{{ raspios_output_dir }}/{{ raspios_output_image_base_name }}'" register: raspios_image_loop_setup - set_fact: raspios_image_loop_device: "{{ raspios_image_loop_setup.stdout | regex_search('as (/dev/loop[0-9]+)\\.$', '\\1') | first }}" - name: mount boot partition command: "udisksctl mount --no-user-interaction -b '{{ raspios_image_loop_device }}'" register: raspios_image_mount - set_fact: raspios_image_mount_point: "{{ raspios_image_mount.stdout | regex_search('at (/media/.+)\\.?$', '\\1') | first }}" - name: edit boot/config.txt when: raspios_boot_config is defined loop: "{{ raspios_boot_config }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.line }}" lineinfile: path: "{{ raspios_image_mount_point }}/config.txt" regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" - name: Generate authorized_keys file authorized_key: user: root manage_dir: no path: "{{ raspios_image_mount_point }}/firstrun.authorized_keys" key: "{{ ssh_keys_root | join('\n') }}" - name: install firstrun.sh script template: src: firstrun.sh.j2 dest: "{{ raspios_image_mount_point }}/firstrun.sh" mode: 0755 - name: edit boot/cmdline.txt lineinfile: path: "{{ raspios_image_mount_point }}/cmdline.txt" regexp: '^(.*)( systemd.run=/boot/firstrun.sh systemd.run_success_action=reboot systemd.unit=kernel-command-line.target)?(.*?)$' backrefs: yes line: '\1 systemd.run=/boot/firstrun.sh systemd.run_success_action=reboot systemd.unit=kernel-command-line.target \3' always: - name: unmount image when: - not raspios_keep_boot_dir_mounted - raspios_image_mount_point is defined - raspios_image_mount_point is mount command: "udisksctl unmount --no-user-interaction -b '{{ raspios_image_loop_device }}'" - name: delete loop_device when: - not raspios_keep_boot_dir_mounted - raspios_image_loop_device is defined command: "udisksctl loop-delete --no-user-interaction -b '{{ raspios_image_loop_device }}'" - name: print temporary build directory information when: - raspios_keep_boot_dir_mounted debug: msg: "As per request the boot partition of the image is still mounted to: {{ raspios_image_mount_point }}" - name: set output image names set_fact: output_images: - "{{ (raspios_output_dir, raspios_output_image_base_name) | path_join | realpath }}"