server { listen 80{% if 'default' in nginx_vhost and nginx_vhost.default %} default_server{% endif %}; listen [::]:80{% if 'default' in nginx_vhost and nginx_vhost.default %} default_server{% endif %}; server_name {{ nginx_vhost.hostnames | join(' ') }}; include snippets/acmetool.conf; location / { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } } server { listen 443 ssl http2{% if 'default' in nginx_vhost and nginx_vhost.default %} default_server{% endif %}; listen [::]:443 ssl http2{% if 'default' in nginx_vhost and nginx_vhost.default %} default_server{% endif %}; server_name {{ nginx_vhost.hostnames | join(' ') }}; include snippets/acmetool.conf; include snippets/tls{% if 'tls_variant' in nginx_vhost %}-{{ nginx_vhost.tls_variant }}{% endif %}.conf; ssl_certificate /var/lib/acme/live/{{ nginx_vhost.hostnames[0] }}/fullchain; ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/acme/live/{{ nginx_vhost.hostnames[0] }}/privkey; include snippets/hsts.conf; {% if 'directives_extra' in nginx_vhost and 'server' in nginx_vhost.directives_extra %} {{ nginx_vhost.directives_extra.server | indent(4) }} {% endif %} location / { root {{ nginx_vhost.root }}; {% if 'index' in nginx_vhost %} index {{ nginx_vhost.index }}; {% endif %} {% if 'autoindex' in nginx_vhost %} autoindex on; {% if 'format' in nginx_vhost.autoindex %} autoindex_format {{ nginx_vhost.autoindex.format }}; {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'directives_extra' in nginx_vhost and 'location' in nginx_vhost.directives_extra %} {{ nginx_vhost.directives_extra.location | indent(8) }} {% endif %} } }