--- - name: create configuration directory file: path: /etc/nginx/auth/whawty-sso state: directory - name: generate htpasswd files for static backends loop: "{{ whawty_nginx_sso_logins | dict2items | selectattr('value.config.auth.static', 'defined') | selectattr('value.config.auth.static.htpasswd', 'undefined') }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" copy: content: | {% for user,password in lookup('vars', 'whawty_nginx_sso_login_static_credentials__'~item.key).items() %} {{ user }}:{{ password | password_hash('bcrypt', (user~'@whawty-nginx-sso_'~item.key) | bcrypt_salt) }} {% endfor %} dest: "/etc/nginx/auth/whawty-sso/{{ item.key }}.htpasswd" mode: 0400 - name: make sure store backend directories exist loop: "{{ whawty_nginx_sso_logins | dict2items | selectattr('value.config.cookie.backend.bolt', 'defined') }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" file: path: "{{ item.value.config.cookie.backend.bolt.path | default('/var/lib/whawty/nginx-sso/'~item.key~'.bolt') | dirname }}" state: directory mode: 0700 - name: make sure prometheus directories exist when: "(whawty_nginx_sso_logins | dict2items | selectattr('value.config.prometheus', 'defined') | length) > 0" file: path: /etc/prometheus/exporter state: directory - name: register prometheus exporter loop: "{{ whawty_nginx_sso_logins | dict2items | selectattr('value.config.prometheus', 'defined') }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" copy: content: | {% if 'listen' in item.value.config.prometheus %} {% set listen = item.value.config.prometheus.listen %} {% else %} {% set listen = item.value.config.web.listen %} {% endif %} location = /whawty-nginx-sso/{{ item.key }} { proxy_pass{{ listen | split(':') | last }}{{ item.value.config.prometheus.path | default('/metrics') }}; } dest: "/etc/prometheus/exporter/whawty-nginx-sso-{{ item.key }}.locations" notify: reload nginx - name: generate configuration file loop: "{{ whawty_nginx_sso_logins | dict2items }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" copy: content: | # ansible generated {% set ssoconf = item.value.config %} {% if 'static' in ssoconf.auth and 'htpasswd' not in ssoconf.auth.static %} {% set _dummy = ssoconf.auth.static.update({'htpasswd': '/etc/nginx/auth/whawty-sso/'~item.key~'.htpasswd'}) %} {% endif %} {% if 'bolt' in ssoconf.cookie.backend and 'path' not in ssoconf.cookie.backend.bolt %} {% set _dummy = ssoconf.cookie.backend.bolt.update({'path': '/var/lib/whawty/nginx-sso/'~item.key~'.bolt'}) %} {% endif %} {{ ssoconf | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) }} dest: "/etc/nginx/auth/whawty-sso/{{ item.key }}.yml" mode: 0400 notify: restart whawty-nginx-sso - name: make sure nginx-sso services are enabled and started loop: "{{ whawty_nginx_sso_logins | list }}" systemd: name: "whawty-nginx-sso@{{ item }}.service" daemon_reload: yes state: started enabled: yes - name: configure vhost for whawty nginx-sso login loop: "{{ whawty_nginx_sso_logins | dict2items }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" vars: nginx_vhost: name: "whawty-nginx-sso-{{ item.key }}" template: generic hostnames: - "{{ item.value.hostname }}" tls: "{{ item.value.tls }}" locations: '/': proxy_pass: "http://{{ item.value.config.web.listen }}/" include_role: name: nginx/vhost