--- - name: check if prometheus apt component of spreadspace repo is enabled assert: msg: "please enable the 'prometheus' component of spreadspace repo using 'spreadspace_apt_repo_components'" that: - spreadspace_apt_repo_components is defined - "'prometheus' in spreadspace_apt_repo_components" - name: prepare storage volume for /var/lib/prometheus when: prometheus_server_storage is defined vars: storage_volume: "{{ prometheus_server_storage | combine({'dest': '/var/lib/prometheus'}) }}" include_role: name: "storage/{{ prometheus_server_storage.type }}/volume" - name: generate apt pin file for prometheus package when: prometheus_server_version is defined copy: dest: "/etc/apt/preferences.d/prom-server.pref" content: | Package: prom-server Pin: version {{ prometheus_server_version }}-1 Pin-Priority: 1001 - name: remove apt pin file for prometheus package when: prometheus_server_version is not defined file: path: "/etc/apt/preferences.d/prom-server.pref" state: absent - name: install apt packages apt: name: "prom-server{% if prometheus_server_version is defined %}={{ prometheus_server_version }}-1{% endif %}" state: present allow_downgrade: yes notify: restart prometheus - name: add user for server user: name: prometheus system: yes home: /var/lib/prometheus create_home: no - name: create data directory file: path: /var/lib/prometheus/metrics2 state: directory owner: prometheus group: prometheus - name: create TLS CA and certificates import_tasks: tls.yml - name: create configuration directories loop: - rules - targets file: path: "/etc/prometheus/{{ item }}" state: directory - name: create sub-directories for all jobs in targets directory loop: "{{ prometheus_server_jobs }}" file: path: "/etc/prometheus/targets/{{ item }}" state: directory - name: create sub-directories for all jobs in rules directory loop: "{{ prometheus_server_jobs | union(prometheus_server_federation | default({}) | dict2items | map(attribute='value.jobs') | flatten | unique) | select('match', '.*/.*') | map('dirname') | unique }}" file: path: "/etc/prometheus/rules/{{ item }}" state: directory - name: generate rules files for all jobs loop: "{{ prometheus_server_jobs | union(prometheus_server_federation | default({}) | dict2items | map(attribute='value.jobs') | flatten | unique) | union(['prometheus']) }}" template: src: rules.yml.j2 dest: "/etc/prometheus/rules/{{ item }}.yml" validate: "promtool check rules %s" notify: reload prometheus - name: generate configuration file template: src: prometheus.yml.j2 dest: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml validate: "promtool check config %s" notify: reload prometheus - name: generate web configuration file when: prometheus_server_auth_users is defined copy: content: | # Ansible managed basic_auth_users: {% for user,password in prometheus_server_auth_users.items() %} {{ user }}: {{ password | password_hash('bcrypt', (user~'@'~inventory_hostname~'/prometheus/server') | bcrypt_salt) }} {% endfor %} dest: /etc/prometheus/prometheus-web.yml mode: 0640 owner: root group: prometheus validate: "promtool check web-config %s" notify: reload prometheus - name: generate password file prometheus server to scrape itself when: prometheus_server_selfscraping_auth is defined copy: content: "{{ prometheus_server_selfscraping_auth.password }}\n" dest: /etc/prometheus/prometheus-selfscraping.password mode: 0640 owner: root group: prometheus no_log: yes notify: reload prometheus - name: generate password file prometheus server to access alertmanager when: - prometheus_server_alertmanager is defined - "'basic_auth' in prometheus_server_alertmanager" copy: content: "{{ prometheus_server_alertmanager.basic_auth.password }}\n" dest: /etc/prometheus/prometheus-alertmanager.password mode: 0640 owner: root group: prometheus no_log: yes notify: reload prometheus - name: generate password file prometheus server to access federation loop: "{{ prometheus_server_federation | default({}) | dict2items | selectattr('value.basic_auth', 'defined') }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" copy: content: "{{ item.value.basic_auth.password }}\n" dest: "/etc/prometheus/prometheus-federation-{{ item.key }}.password" mode: 0640 owner: root group: prometheus no_log: yes notify: reload prometheus - name: generate systemd service unit template: src: prometheus.service.j2 dest: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service notify: restart prometheus - name: make sure prometheus is enabled and started systemd: name: prometheus.service daemon_reload: yes state: started enabled: yes