--- prometheus_server_rules_whawty_nginx_sso_extra: [] prometheus_server_rules_whawty_nginx_sso: - alert: WhawtyNginxSSOAuthStaticReloadFailed expr: whawty_nginx_sso_auth_static_reload_failed != 0 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: whawty-nginx-sso reloading static auth backend failed (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "Reloading database for the static auth backend of whawty-nginx-sso has failed.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}" - alert: WhawtyNginxSSOAuthWhawtyReloadFailed expr: whawty_nginx_sso_auth_whawty_reload_failed != 0 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: whawty-nginx-sso reloading whawty auth backend failed (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "Reloading database for the whawty auth backend of whawty-nginx-sso has failed.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}"