--- prometheus_server_rules_nut__ups_extra: [] prometheus_server_rules_nut__ups: - alert: UPSLoadHigh expr: network_ups_tools_ups_load > 82 for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: UPS load is high (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "The load of UPS {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }} is > 82 %.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}" - alert: UPSLoadVeryHigh expr: network_ups_tools_ups_load > 92 for: 1m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: UPS load is very high (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "The load of UPS {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }} is > 92 %.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}" - alert: UPSStatusOverload expr: network_ups_tools_ups_status{flag="OVER"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: UPS is overloaded (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "UPS {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }} is overloaded.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}" - alert: UPSStatusOnBattery expr: network_ups_tools_ups_status{flag="OB"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: UPS is running on battery (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "UPS {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }} lost wall power and is running on battery.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}" - alert: UPSStatusLowBattery expr: network_ups_tools_ups_status{flag="LB"} == 1 for: 0m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: UPS battery is low (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "UPS {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }} reports low battery.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}" - alert: UPSStatusReplaceBattery expr: network_ups_tools_ups_status{flag="RB"} == 1 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: UPS battery needs to be replaced (instance {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }}) description: "The battery of UPS {{ '{{' }} $labels.instance {{ '}}' }} needs to be replaced.\n VALUE = {{ '{{' }} $value {{ '}}' }}\n LABELS = {{ '{{' }} $labels {{ '}}' }}"