System hostname = {{ host_name }} Which network interface do you wish to configure = {{ install_interface | default( }} {% if (install_dhcp | default(false)) %} IPv4 address = dhcp {% else %} IPv4 address = {{ network.primary.address | ansible.utils.ipaddr('address') }} Netmask = {{ network.primary.address | ansible.utils.ipaddr('netmask') }} Default IPv4 route = {{ network.primary.gateway }} {% endif %} DNS domain name = {{ network.domain }} DNS nameservers = {{ network.nameservers | join(' ') }} {% if obsd_autoinstall_serial_device is defined %} Change the default console to {{ obsd_autoinstall_serial_device }} = yes Which speed should {{ obsd_autoinstall_serial_device }} use = {{ obsd_autoinstall_serial_baudrate | default(115200) }} {% endif %} {# we will install only one key for now, will install the rest #} Public ssh key for root account = {{ ssh_keys_root[0] }} Password for root = Setup a user = no Start sshd(8) by default = yes Allow root ssh login = prohibit-password What timezone are you in = Europe/Vienna Location of sets = cd0 Pathname to the sets = / Set name(s) = all {# iso-images don't contain the SHA256.sig file but have been verified after downloading them #} Directory does not contain SHA256.sig. Continue without verification = yes