--- - name: create temporary directories loop: - files/etc - site/ file: path: "{{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/{{ item }}" state: directory - name: generate bootloader and installer configuration loop: - auto_install.conf - boot.conf template: src: "{{ item }}.j2" dest: "{{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/files/etc/{{ item }}" - name: generate random seed shell: "head -c512 < /dev/random > {{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/files/etc/random.seed" - name: extract installer files from iso vars: installer_files: - cdbr - cdboot - bsd - bsd.mp - bsd.rd - "INSTALL.{{ obsd_autoinstall_arch }}" - "{{ obsd_autoinstall_file_sets | product([obsd_autoinstall_version_short+'.tgz']) | map('join') | list }}" iso_extract: image: "{{ installer_base_path }}/openbsd-{{ obsd_autoinstall_version }}/{{ obsd_autoinstall_arch }}/install{{ obsd_autoinstall_version | replace('.', '') }}.iso" dest: "{{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/files" files: "{{ [obsd_autoinstall_version+'/'+obsd_autoinstall_arch+'/'] | product(installer_files | flatten) | map('join') | list }}" - name: generate install.site script template: src: install.site.j2 dest: "{{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/site/install.site" mode: 0755 - name: generate site tarball archive: path: "{{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/site/" dest: "{{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/files/site{{ obsd_autoinstall_version_short }}.tgz" - name: generate host specific installer image command: 'genisoimage -RTLldDN -o "install.iso" -no-emul-boot -b "cdbr" -c "boot.catalog" files/' args: chdir: "{{ obsd_autoinstall_tmpdir }}/" - name: set additional installer info set_fact: installer_manual_steps_msg: | * at the installer prompt select: (S)hell * # mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mnt && cp /mnt/etc/auto_install.conf / && autoinstall