--- ## containerd from ubuntu doesn't support zfs directly ## we need to create a volume create an ext4 fs on top of that... - name: create zfs volume zfs: name: "{{ containerd_zfs.pool }}/{{ containerd_zfs.name }}" state: present extra_zfs_properties: volsize: "{{ containerd_zfs.size }}" - name: create and ext4 filesystem on the zfs volume filesystem: fstype: ext4 dev: "/dev/zvol/{{ containerd_zfs.pool }}/{{ containerd_zfs.name }}" - name: mount filesytem mount: src: "/dev/zvol/{{ containerd_zfs.pool }}/{{ containerd_zfs.name }}" path: /var/lib/containerd fstype: ext4 opts: defaults,x-systemd.automount,nofail state: mounted