--- etherpad_lite_zfs: pool: storage name: etherpad-lite size: 20G etherpad_lite_instances: pad.elevate.at: version: 1.7.5 port: 8300 hostnames: # - pad.elevate.at - wolke.elev8.at quota: 5G settings: title: Elevate Etherpad users: admin: is_admin: true password: admin user: is_admin: false password: user defaultPadText: "Welcome to the ELEVATE - Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized\ \ as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows\ \ you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at http://etherpad.org\n\ \n IMPORTANT: THIS PAD IS PRIVIDED FOR FREE TO THE PUBLIC! There is no guarantee\ \ for your data - please take care of backups yourself! This is usually intended\ \ only for the Elevate Team and it might get access control in the future! If you\ \ are interested in having a PAD for your project, please get back to dan@elevate.at\ \ for information. It can be made available!" favicon: favicon.ico maxAge: 21600 editOnly: false minify: true requireSession: false requireAuthentication: false requireAuthorization: false socketTransportProtocols: [xhr-polling, jsonp-polling, htmlfile] abiword: null loglevel: INFO logconfig: appenders: - type: console credentials: dbType: "mysql" dbSettings: host: "" user: "etherpad-lite" password: "{{ vault_etherpad_lite_database_passwords['pad.elevate.at'] }}" database: "etherpad-lite" charset: "utf8mb4" database: type: mariadb version: 10.4.8 password: "{{ vault_etherpad_lite_database_passwords['pad.elevate.at'] }}"