All secrets are stored inside encrypted ansible vault files which live inside the secrets directory. Access to the vault files is controlled via GPG keys. Anybody who uses this ansible repository needs to have a GPG key. Creating a GPG key ================== You can use the following command to generate a new GPG key: ``` # gpg2 --full-gen-key - select "RSA and RSA" as kind (should be option: 1) - set keysize to: 4096 - set key expiration to: 2y - set Real name and eMail adress - set a passphrase for the key (please use a strong passphrase!!!) ``` This command prints the fingerprint and other inforamtion about the newly generated key. In the line starting with pub you can find the key ID. This ID can be used to uniquely identify your key. Here is a sample output: ``` pub rsa4096/0x1234567812345678 2017-01-01 [SC] [expires: 2019-01-01] Key fingerprint = 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 uid [ unknown] Firstname Lastname sub rsa4096/0x8765432187654321 2017-01-01 [E] [expires: 2019-01-01] ``` The key ID is the hexadecimal number next to ```rsa4096/``` in the line starting with ```pub``` (not ```sub```). In this case the key ID is: ```0x1234567812345678``` In order to add your key to the list of keys which can read the ansible vault you first need to export the public part of your key using the following command: ``` # gpg2 --armor --export "" > mykey.asc ``` Adding a key to the Vault ========================= Everybody who currently has access to the vault can add keys using the following command: ``` # gpg/ mykey.asc ``` This will add the new key to the keyring stored inside the repository and reencrypt the secret to unlock the vault for all keys inside the keyring. Removing a key from the Vault ============================= Everybody who currently has access to the vault can remove keys using the following command: ``` # gpg/ "" ``` This will remove the key from the keyring stored inside the repository and reencrypt the secret to unlock the vault for all remaining keys inside the keyring. You can find out the key ID using the command: ``` # gpg/ ``` Here is an example output: ``` pub rsa4096/0x1234567812345678 2017-01-01 [SC] [expires: 2019-01-01] Key fingerprint = 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 uid [ unknown] Firstname Lastname sub rsa4096/0x8765432187654321 2017-01-01 [E] [expires: 2019-01-01] ``` The key ID is the hexadecimal number next to ```rsa4096/``` in the line starting with ```pub``` (not ```sub```). In this case the key ID is: ```0x1234567812345678``` Working with Vault files ======================== * create new vault: ``` # ansible-vault create group_vars/mygroup/vault.yml ``` This will open up an editor which allows you to add variables. Once you store and close the file the content is automatically encrypted. * edit a vault file: ``` # ansible-vault edit group_vars/mygroup/vault.yml ``` This will open up an editor which allows you to add/remove/change variables. Once you store and close the file the content is automatically encrypted. * show the contents of a vault file: ``` # ansible-vault view group_vars/mygroup/vault.yml ``` This will automatially decrypt the file and print it's contents.