path: root/roles/openwrt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openwrt')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/deploy/action_plugins/ b/roles/openwrt/deploy/action_plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 16772937..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/deploy/action_plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
-import os
-from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleAction, AnsibleActionFail, AnsibleActionSkip, AnsibleConnectionFailure
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
-class ActionModule(ActionBase):
- def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
- if task_vars is None:
- task_vars = dict()
- if self._task.environment and any(self._task.environment):
- self._display.warning('openwrt_sysupgrade module does not support the environment keyword')
- result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
- del tmp # tmp no longer has any effect
- self._cleanup_remote_tmp = False
- try:
- if self._play_context.check_mode:
- raise AnsibleActionSkip('Check mode is not supported for this task.')
- result['changed'] = True
- try:
- image = to_native(self._task.args.get('image', ''), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- image = self._loader.get_real_file(self._find_needle('files', image), decrypt=False)
- except AnsibleError as e:
- raise AnsibleActionFail(to_native(e))
- tmp_img = self._connection._shell.join_path(self._connection._shell.tmpdir, os.path.basename(image))
- self._transfer_file(image, tmp_img)
- self._fixup_perms2((self._connection._shell.tmpdir, tmp_img), execute=False)
- args = to_native(self._task.args.get('args', ''), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- script_cmd = ' '.join(['sysupgrade', args, tmp_img])
- script_cmd = self._connection._shell.wrap_for_exec(script_cmd)
- try:
- result.update(self._low_level_execute_command(cmd=script_cmd))
- except AnsibleConnectionFailure as e:
- result['rc'] = 0
- if 'rc' in result and result['rc'] != 0:
- raise AnsibleActionFail('non-zero return code')
- except AnsibleAction as e:
- result.update(e.result)
- return result
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/deploy/tasks/main.yml b/roles/openwrt/deploy/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 06fb28ad..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/deploy/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-- name: copy image and run sysupgrade
- openwrt_sysupgrade:
- image: "{{ output_images | first }}"
- args: -n
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/ b/roles/openwrt/image/
deleted file mode 100644
index 95d9d106..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Build OpenWRT images with Ansible
-TODO: add possibility to disable root logins using /etc/shadow
- this will also take care of the annoying
- "There is no root password defined ..."
- message when you log in.
-## Configuration
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/defaults/main.yml b/roles/openwrt/image/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f867053..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-openwrt_variant: openwrt
-openwrt_release: "{{ install_codename }}"
-openwrt_download_dir: "{{ global_cache_dir }}/openwrt"
-openwrt_tarball_basename: "{{ openwrt_variant }}-imagebuilder-{{ openwrt_release }}-{{ openwrt_arch }}-{{ openwrt_target }}.Linux-x86_64"
-openwrt_tarball_name: "{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.tar.xz"
-openwrt_target: generic
-openwrt_output_dir: "{{ global_artifacts_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}/openwrt"
-openwrt_output_image_name_base: "{{ openwrt_variant }}-{{ openwrt_release }}-{{ openwrt_arch }}{% if openwrt_target != 'generic' %}-{{ openwrt_target }}{% endif %}"
- - squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
- - squashfs-factory.bin
-openwrt_packages_remove: []
-openwrt_packages_add: []
-openwrt_packages_extra: []
-openwrt_keep_temporary_build_dir: false
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/fetch.yml b/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/fetch.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc5728d..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/fetch.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create download directory
- file:
- dest: "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}"
- state: directory
-- name: download the openwrt image builder
- block:
- - name: Generate OpenWrt download URLs
- set_fact:
- openwrt_url:
-{{ openwrt_release }}/targets/{{ openwrt_arch | mandatory }}/{{ openwrt_target }}
- - name: Download sha256sums
- get_url:
- url: "{{ openwrt_url }}/sha256sums"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.sha256"
- - name: Download sha256sums.asc
- get_url:
- url: "{{ openwrt_url }}/sha256sums.asc"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.sha256.asc"
- - name: Check OpenPGP signature
- command: >-
- gpgv --keyring "{{ global_files_dir }}/common/keyrings/openwrt-{{ [0, 1] | map('extract', (openwrt_release | split('.'))) | join('.') }}.gpg"
- "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.sha256.asc" "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.sha256"
- changed_when: False
- register: openwrt_image_gpg_result
- - debug:
- var: openwrt_image_gpg_result.stderr_lines
- - name: Extract SHA256 hash of the imagebuilder archive
- command: grep '{{ openwrt_tarball_name }}' "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.sha256"
- changed_when: False
- register: sha256
- - name: Download imagebuilder
- get_url:
- url: "{{ openwrt_url }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_name }}"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_name }}"
- checksum: sha256:{{ sha256.stdout.split(' ') | first }}
- rescue:
- - name: Delete downloaded artifacts
- loop:
- - "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.sha256"
- - "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}.sha256.asc"
- - "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_name }}"
- file:
- path: "{{ item }}"
- state: absent
- - name: the download has failed...
- fail:
- msg: Something borked
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/main.yml b/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bf07d04..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-- name: fetch imagebuilder
- when: openwrt_imgbuilder_tarball is not defined
- run_once: true
- import_tasks: fetch.yml
-- name: build the image
- block:
- - import_tasks: prepare.yml
- - name: Create the output directory for built images
- file:
- path: "{{ openwrt_output_dir }}"
- state: directory
- - name: generate list of packages to add or remove
- set_fact:
- openwrt_packages: >-
- {{ openwrt_packages_remove | map('regex_replace', '^', '-') | join(' ') }}
- {{ openwrt_packages_add | join(' ') }}
- {{ openwrt_packages_extra | join(' ') }}
- - name: Build the OpenWrt image
- command: >-
- make -C {{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }} image
- {% if openwrt_profile is defined %}PROFILE="{{ openwrt_profile }}" {% endif %}
- FILES="{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}"
- PACKAGES="{{ openwrt_packages }}"
- {% if openwrt_extra_name is defined %} EXTRA_IMAGE_NAME="{{ openwrt_extra_name }}" {% endif %}
- {% if openwrt_rootfs_partsize is defined %} ROOTFS_PARTSIZE="{{ openwrt_rootfs_partsize }}" {% endif %}
- register: openwrt_build
- - name: Copy newly built OpenWrt image
- loop: "{{ openwrt_output_image_suffixes }}"
- copy:
- src: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}/bin/targets/{{ openwrt_arch }}/{{ openwrt_target }}/{{ openwrt_output_image_name_base }}-{{ item }}"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_output_dir }}"
- - name: set output image names
- set_fact:
- output_images: "{{ [(openwrt_output_dir, openwrt_output_image_name_base) | path_join | realpath] | product(openwrt_output_image_suffixes) | map('join', '-') }}"
- always:
- - name: save stdout build-log to output directory
- when: openwrt_build is defined
- copy:
- content: "{{ openwrt_build.stdout }}\n"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_output_dir }}/build-stdout.log"
- - name: save stderr build-log to output directory
- when: openwrt_build is defined
- copy:
- content: "{{ openwrt_build.stderr }}\n"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_output_dir }}/build-stderr.log"
- - name: delete the temporary build directory
- when: not openwrt_keep_temporary_build_dir
- file:
- path: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}"
- state: absent
- - name: print temporary build directory information
- when: openwrt_keep_temporary_build_dir
- debug:
- msg: "The temporary build directory has not been deleted, the path to the directory is: {{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}"
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/prepare.yml b/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/prepare.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f685540c..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/tasks/prepare.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create temporary build directory
- tempfile:
- state: directory
- register: tmpdir
-- name: set variables needed to build images
- set_fact:
- openwrt_imgbuilder_dir: "{{ tmpdir.path }}"
- openwrt_imgbuilder_files: "{{ tmpdir.path }}/files"
-- name: Create the directories for mixins
- loop: "{{ mixin_directories | flatten }}"
- vars:
- mixin_directories:
- - "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/dl/{{ openwrt_arch }}"
- - "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/config"
- - "{{ openwrt_mixin | map('dirname') | map('regex_replace', '^', openwrt_imgbuilder_files) | unique | list }}"
- file:
- path: "{{ item }}"
- state: directory
- mode: '0755'
-- name: Copy mixins in place [1/3]
- loop: "{{ openwrt_mixin | dict2items | selectattr('', 'defined') | list }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- file:
- dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/{{ item.key }}"
- src: "{{ }}"
- force: yes
- follow: no
- state: link
-- name: Copy mixins in place [2/3]
- loop: "{{ openwrt_mixin | dict2items | selectattr('value.file', 'defined') | list }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- copy:
- src: "{{ item.value.file }}"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/{{ item.key }}"
- mode: "{{ item.value.mode | default('0644') }}"
-- name: Copy mixins in place [3/3]
- loop: "{{ openwrt_mixin | dict2items | selectattr('value.content', 'defined') | list }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- copy:
- content: "{{ item.value.content }}"
- dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/{{ item.key }}"
- mode: "{{ item.value.mode | default('0644') }}"
-- name: Generate /etc/fstab
- when: openwrt_mounts is defined
- loop: "{{ openwrt_mounts }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.path }}"
- mount:
- fstab: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/fstab"
- state: present
- src: "{{ item.src | default(omit) }}"
- path: "{{ item.path | default(omit) }}"
- fstype: "{{ item.fstype | default(omit) }}"
- opts: "{{ item.opts | default(omit) }}"
- boot: "{{ item.boot | default(omit) }}"
- dump: "{{ item.dump | default(omit) }}"
- passno: "{{ item.passno | default(omit) }}"
-- name: Create UCI configuration files
- loop: "{{ openwrt_uci | dict2items }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- template:
- src: uci.j2
- dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/config/{{ item.key }}"
- mode: 0644
- trim_blocks: yes
-# force: no ## TODO: fail when overwriting a file
-- name: Create /etc/passwd
- when: openwrt_users is defined
- template:
- src: passwd.j2
- dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/passwd"
- mode: 0644
- trim_blocks: yes
-- name: Create /etc/group
- when: openwrt_groups is defined or openwrt_users is defined
- template:
- src: group.j2
- dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/group"
- mode: 0644
- trim_blocks: yes
-- name: extract image builder tarball
- environment: ### TODO: remove once this lands in ansible:
- LANGUAGE: en_US.utf8
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_name }}"
- remote_src: yes
- dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}"
-- name: Symlink the cache repository
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/dl/{{ openwrt_arch }}"
- path: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_basename }}/dl"
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/templates/group.j2 b/roles/openwrt/image/templates/group.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index cb433b88..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/templates/group.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
-{% for name, opt in openwrt_users.items() %}
-{% if 'group_id' not in opt %}
-{{ name }}:x:{{ | default(loop.index + 110) }}:
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if openwrt_groups is defined %}
-{% for name, opt in openwrt_groups.items() %}
-{{ name }}:x:{{ | default(loop.index + 200) }}:
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/templates/passwd.j2 b/roles/openwrt/image/templates/passwd.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 9beaeb61..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/templates/passwd.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
-{% for name, opt in openwrt_users.items() %}
-{{ name }}:*:{{ | default(loop.index + 110) }}:{{ opt.gid | default(loop.index + 110) }}:{{ name }}:{{ opt.home | default('/nonexistent') }}:{{ | default('/bin/false') }}
-{% endfor %}
diff --git a/roles/openwrt/image/templates/uci.j2 b/roles/openwrt/image/templates/uci.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cc480b2..00000000
--- a/roles/openwrt/image/templates/uci.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
-{% for section in item.value %}
-config {{ }}
-{% for option, value in section.options.items() %}
-{% if value is iterable and value is not string %}
-{% for v in value %}
- list {{ option }} '{{ v }}'
-{% endfor %}
-{% else %}
- option {{ option }} '{{ value }}'
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}