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(uuid "d0540c4d-ce94-4804-94cf-78e5010df8a1") ) (fp_line (start -4.4 -2.05) (end 4.4 -2.05) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "3e5576a4-3e77-4ad2-a251-adfbc32f748c") ) (fp_line (start 4.4 2.05) (end -4.4 2.05) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "66dd69d0-9df7-4e65-b6ae-1277af08f90b") ) (fp_line (start 4.4 2.05) (end 4.4 -2.05) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "543f9db3-0ca8-4682-b872-9b1ee22c4ef3") ) (fp_line (start -2.2 -1) (end -1.4 -1.8) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "30c276d2-ddb2-4c18-8042-9895adab835f") ) (fp_line (start -2.2 1.8) (end -2.2 -1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "167434fb-93db-40fd-8446-348ecef78904") ) (fp_line (start -1.4 -1.8) (end 2.2 -1.8) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "b05f1105-8005-4eb9-9273-f987e61b8678") ) (fp_line (start 2.2 -1.8) (end 2.2 1.8) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") 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"3b9f1ba6-4a8d-4b78-903d-dc850d9b0bfe") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SO-4_4.4x3.6mm_P2.54mm.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "2d45e3a5-872f-4319-a0a6-6375bd545192") (at 132.589999 105.41 180) (descr "Resistor SMD 0402 (1005 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator") (tags "resistor") (property "Reference" "R4" (at 0 -1.17 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "235fb4fb-db0c-47bf-8c39-b900d7b89535") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "220R" (at 0 1.17 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "8597f3db-8a15-4921-9217-9cb01059b016") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "bfdcf3ef-a805-41e3-bd13-b43187bf08e6") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "c51a6094-6e60-44b9-9b37-30fcd059f1c8") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "7d314bb5-0841-44ba-92e9-13abc627b2f0") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/905afb6a-ca10-4435-ae5b-79ef2c26843c") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr smd) (fp_line (start -0.153641 0.38) (end 0.153641 0.38) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "1a1c1c64-dabe-48cc-8f82-1c80012cff10") ) (fp_line (start -0.153641 -0.38) (end 0.153641 -0.38) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "dfa5a1b3-5acb-4fed-ae9e-ecc8322e05c9") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 0.47) (end -0.93 0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "0bd6ac68-73f1-447c-8046-e5069f93baeb") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 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"0aef54ad-14e6-4806-83fb-a10c537337f6") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "8f7ca627-72c6-4222-af7d-853da21ad31f") (effects (font (size 0.26 0.26) (thickness 0.04) ) ) ) (pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.51 0 180) (size 0.54 0.64) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 22 "Net-(R4-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (uuid "0852c904-332a-40fb-bea4-efb14f1fac75") ) (pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.51 0 180) (size 0.54 0.64) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 20 "Net-(J7-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (uuid "49ab9cc8-0f6c-4cd9-a9c2-3ffad4fb25a4") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0402_1005Metric.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Package_SO:SO-4_4.4x3.6mm_P2.54mm" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "3ff222c7-3789-4471-b3c2-bcd6edaf3cf8") (at 147.32 80.01) (descr "4-Lead Plastic Small Outline (SO), see 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(hide yes) (uuid "60467d28-1310-4812-b007-9bfbdbd42150") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "659698d7-46b9-4d59-858a-5a51c986cd97") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "64e10cc7-827b-488b-bbf1-f47d00331918") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/12115b14-9445-421b-9c0a-3f44e35b080e") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr smd) (fp_line (start 0 -2.56) (end -3.45 -2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8b889379-1126-49b7-a484-ac7efd82bf6b") ) (fp_line (start 0 -2.56) (end 1.95 -2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "7811a703-b338-4dc3-ad95-2fe380fff29d") ) (fp_line (start 0 2.56) (end -1.95 2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "4bf906aa-2c10-4e03-842c-803798112679") ) (fp_line (start 0 2.56) (end 1.95 2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "dde72f69-c108-4ac9-9408-8d57f2b0d21e") ) (fp_line (start -3.7 -2.7) (end -3.7 2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "60168833-7c2e-4406-b6bb-497998dbb065") ) (fp_line (start -3.7 2.7) (end 3.7 2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "83f36d8d-9486-412f-b855-5b80f523e26c") ) (fp_line (start 3.7 -2.7) (end -3.7 -2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "5821987c-cd5a-47d6-a122-85481d6c7edc") ) (fp_line (start 3.7 2.7) (end 3.7 -2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "4fde2f75-eea8-499e-b49a-a11926c585d4") ) (fp_line (start -1.95 -1.475) (end -0.975 -2.45) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "7bc90118-e0ce-46af-a6c4-27210924d027") ) (fp_line (start -1.95 2.45) (end -1.95 -1.475) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "70da88ad-2f4c-468f-a0ba-b048ab230ee4") ) (fp_line (start -0.975 -2.45) (end 1.95 -2.45) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "49268d48-55c9-4891-af04-ab810496d94a") ) (fp_line (start 1.95 -2.45) (end 1.95 2.45) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "5536d04c-f050-441a-82ca-fdcb2a6c7480") ) (fp_line (start 1.95 2.45) (end -1.95 2.45) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "f5ce8337-6209-411c-bb73-8e82e86af491") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "74866a2d-a6b7-44ed-beaf-044b46a00112") (effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (pad "1" smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 10 "/IN1") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (uuid "c57c1e1a-d913-41b6-ac1d-776eecc130c6") ) (pad "2" smd roundrect (at -2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 10 "/IN1") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (uuid "42bf32aa-7178-4b60-9549-5add4d23f6c0") ) (pad "3" smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 10 "/IN1") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (uuid "936438f2-b372-4d24-bfb2-6a188e122397") ) (pad "4" smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 3 "Net-(Q1-Pad4)") (pinfunction "G") (pintype "input") (uuid "d4334e1d-6afd-4f9c-8177-8de14831c6c6") ) (pad "5" smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "597e30ec-a73b-481d-a731-2ea2d525558e") ) (pad "6" smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "7a794327-3a4b-4500-9ef3-6f683a751299") ) (pad "7" smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "19096c55-861e-4a51-a34b-26b95b722e2f") ) (pad "8" smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "18345483-9d57-44a5-8c69-e03d3512b2f7") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "TerminalBlock_Phoenix:TerminalBlock_Phoenix_MKDS-1,5-2-5.08_1x02_P5.08mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "71ab49a4-7437-4461-af18-0cd0ca2969bf") (at 129.54 96.52 -90) (descr "Terminal Block Phoenix MKDS-1,5-2-5.08, 2 pins, pitch 5.08mm, size 10.2x9.8mm^2, drill diamater 1.3mm, pad diameter 2.6mm, see http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/100425.pdf, script-generated using https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/scripts/TerminalBlock_Phoenix") (tags "THT Terminal Block Phoenix MKDS-1,5-2-5.08 pitch 5.08mm size 10.2x9.8mm^2 drill 1.3mm pad 2.6mm") (property "Reference" "J3" (at 2.54 -6.26 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "932bfa50-9eea-4e79-a6a5-321517b1c55e") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "IN2" (at 2.54 8.89 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "f6d541bb-210b-43eb-a543-05e9c1cffab5") (effects (font (size 2 2) (thickness 0.5) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "69d1194c-9b7d-4706-9c5a-5f3375532046") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "c0ae8991-e402-48d3-bb01-6f8944798dd0") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "2ef05fda-2c3b-4623-81ab-633afd67bb27") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/a32371ec-da9b-484a-afd5-0960cbfc021e") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr through_hole) (fp_line (start -2.84 4.9) (end -2.34 4.9) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "5afaaaeb-a879-424a-8501-fbba5ce9b29b") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 4.66) (end 7.68 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "eea84f61-3929-4c4a-96ee-2badce1486dd") ) (fp_line (start -2.84 4.16) (end -2.84 4.9) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "1bd51f6c-6efb-4b8a-a460-59805fadf588") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 4.1) (end 7.68 4.1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "465c9416-3e15-4a70-80f4-7d6e98fed61e") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 2.6) (end 7.68 2.6) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "192cf7d4-3fb4-441a-a9fe-ac41935b96ef") ) (fp_line (start 4.046 1.239) (end 4.011 1.274) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "6515d52b-1895-4df7-88ce-0da5cba3960e") ) (fp_line (start 3.853 1.023) (end 3.806 1.069) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "0f8729cd-e138-4e01-befd-cf8647623db8") ) (fp_line (start 6.355 -1.069) (end 6.308 -1.023) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "fc818e6e-985b-4ce6-85d2-73f676cda132") ) (fp_line (start 6.15 -1.275) (end 6.115 -1.239) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "1dc8a758-399e-41bc-9efc-c23eb02a004d") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -2.301) (end 7.68 -2.301) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "410fe0cd-2470-416e-8d48-f6c98b3cc50d") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -5.261) (end -2.6 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "a6dfcd10-0b85-4620-9236-bfa62990266f") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -5.261) (end 7.68 -5.261) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "80da0a71-5c23-4015-ae45-38ad13922e3c") ) (fp_line (start 7.68 -5.261) (end 7.68 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "ddecb5ba-36fe-4781-8ece-a6ab5f062cdc") ) (fp_arc (start 0.028805 1.680253) (mid -0.335551 1.646659) (end -0.684 1.535) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "6ecb96bd-d411-4d9c-9a75-e8abf62de7e0") ) (fp_arc (start 0.683318 1.534756) (mid 0.349292 1.643288) (end 0 1.68) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "5a559945-e73c-421f-8d2b-7be947c89a40") ) (fp_arc (start -1.535427 0.683042) (mid -1.680501 -0.000524) (end -1.535 -0.684) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8456d6eb-ba53-4dc7-a94e-42c6ee761950") ) (fp_arc (start 1.535427 -0.683042) (mid 1.680501 0.000524) (end 1.535 0.684) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "073bfe56-e9d1-46a9-a447-c7a921f42538") ) (fp_arc (start -0.683042 -1.535427) (mid 0.000524 -1.680501) (end 0.684 -1.535) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "38eb9c07-0e81-4240-98cd-b02915a17321") ) (fp_circle (center 5.08 0) (end 6.76 0) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8db918d3-1adc-4433-92ca-4b44e5307d52") ) (fp_line (start -3.04 5.1) (end 8.13 5.1) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "2e1d6954-b64f-4e65-a4a7-5b1f51b1a934") ) (fp_line (start 8.13 5.1) (end 8.13 -5.71) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "6ebbbed1-e38e-4d97-b0cc-3ed038985805") ) (fp_line (start -3.04 -5.71) (end -3.04 5.1) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "d1061ce0-abfb-4b40-8f96-7ca0cb327666") ) (fp_line (start 8.13 -5.71) (end -3.04 -5.71) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "df10ef9f-f5b9-4bc5-ab74-f6ba624f3e01") ) (fp_line (start -2.04 4.6) (end -2.54 4.1) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "98414940-0167-48e3-86a6-6b89fe06c365") ) (fp_line (start 7.62 4.6) (end -2.04 4.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "34155e28-4839-4081-afd7-f23a5b712bb5") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 4.1) (end 7.62 4.1) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "d26485f3-1eb5-412c-a9dd-262755138abd") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 4.1) (end -2.54 -5.2) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ca855631-f07e-4c4e-b880-6ba609876da0") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 2.6) (end 7.62 2.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "d3f33dec-2b65-42d4-b2cb-a785d095ccb6") ) (fp_line (start 1.138 -0.955) (end -0.955 1.138) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "2a33bb6f-0a69-4920-9a9d-cfb7b255685d") ) (fp_line (start 6.218 -0.955) (end 4.126 1.138) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "229bb225-4483-4db3-b6b5-38c584456122") ) (fp_line (start 0.955 -1.138) (end -1.138 0.955) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "4e35ca79-bdf5-415f-a287-29c67f7d4721") ) (fp_line (start 6.035 -1.138) (end 3.943 0.955) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "e76cf780-0c87-490b-b6c2-8c2d1904d5c3") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 -2.3) (end 7.62 -2.3) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "724f062a-fc5c-422c-ae92-18e99cf3bef2") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 -5.2) (end 7.62 -5.2) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ac5450e9-708b-4643-976e-7359712f603d") ) (fp_line (start 7.62 -5.2) (end 7.62 4.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "b8d0d123-fe49-4a0f-b2c7-2ddbfcb86fea") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.5 0) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "c30c7ef1-bfa3-41d1-aef9-19a1f19c22c6") ) (fp_circle (center 5.08 0) (end 6.58 0) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "b917a5d3-ebdf-44a3-bee7-7f4ba4f515e3") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 2.54 3.2 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "0335535b-20ba-4ac8-b4bb-c732ac2d0b04") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.6 2.6) (drill 1.3) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 12 "/IN2") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (uuid "ee3a17cf-1545-4ef4-8575-77fe98952200") ) (pad "2" thru_hole circle (at 5.08 0 270) (size 2.6 2.6) (drill 1.3) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (uuid "aa672b21-de99-4b15-8cc6-053f90434edb") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/TerminalBlock_Phoenix.3dshapes/TerminalBlock_Phoenix_MKDS-1,5-2-5.08_1x02_P5.08mm_Horizontal.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "8a31e46b-6aa2-4cdc-8bfd-227124d065a1") (at 138.3564 87.503 180) (descr "Capacitor SMD 0402 (1005 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator") (tags "capacitor") (property "Reference" "C1" (at -0.0508 1.1938 180) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "68b19a80-12c2-40f7-95e7-3845a6504e23") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "100n" (at 0 1.16 180) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "6db34025-4a1b-4663-b98e-a8dde9731833") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "c9677393-7cf5-4f5b-985a-f1fef707a020") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "229f0cb7-4992-432a-addf-ab7735183587") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "7f37643f-c401-4295-a42e-23296674ac31") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/19116436-7932-4767-97b3-0c924c9e65a6") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr smd) (fp_line (start -0.107836 0.36) (end 0.107836 0.36) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "72afe4ef-9741-4de5-855a-1b3d0de8bf6b") ) (fp_line (start -0.107836 -0.36) (end 0.107836 -0.36) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "b0a0cba3-0520-4bb6-94ce-aa84fcbc7f1a") ) (fp_line (start 0.91 0.46) (end -0.91 0.46) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "e078badb-a384-4628-9823-da5cd7e7b476") ) (fp_line (start 0.91 -0.46) (end 0.91 0.46) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "46b4d115-9e79-41ac-a481-5c638c6bce33") ) (fp_line (start -0.91 0.46) (end -0.91 -0.46) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "5d595c30-dad0-4cf7-8fe6-8accc18d779c") ) (fp_line (start -0.91 -0.46) (end 0.91 -0.46) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "05b76fe7-4a38-438a-9467-2cf6f7b06b9f") ) (fp_line (start 0.5 0.25) (end -0.5 0.25) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "d4298288-fe75-4096-92a4-de0af85dd139") ) (fp_line (start 0.5 -0.25) (end 0.5 0.25) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "6aef8668-0e6a-465f-97cc-78a4ee0db5a0") ) (fp_line (start -0.5 0.25) (end -0.5 -0.25) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "40275fae-d6b8-4937-b619-5c4ddea0cbda") ) (fp_line (start -0.5 -0.25) (end 0.5 -0.25) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "c8ae6c82-48f8-4d9f-a288-9362525fd8f6") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "12886bbc-89dd-46f2-8ece-e04f7f2b3ef7") (effects (font (size 0.25 0.25) (thickness 0.04) ) ) ) (pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.48 0 180) (size 0.56 0.62) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 1 "Net-(C1-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (uuid "b4ad1456-3e18-491c-9dac-f180c21b21ca") ) (pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.48 0 180) (size 0.56 0.62) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 2 "GND") (pintype "passive") (uuid "40867dfc-1060-4294-8a41-cf2a112e1931") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0402_1005Metric.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "99b80108-53e6-44f4-8d34-e467740080b2") (at 132.08 74.93 -90) (descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x02, 2.54mm pitch, single row") (tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x02 2.54mm single row") (property "Reference" "J6" (at 0 -2.33 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "86a37205-7b1b-4cae-87cf-0cc14a925e6c") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Led1" (at 0 4.87 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "6917bf15-a84e-4b25-9e1f-c634210e45fa") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "a6c4922d-4be1-48fb-a972-8e24c9fb1e29") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "a970cdb3-2cb0-4681-bdce-5ea6b9400511") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "2aec3290-ccd5-4550-a086-3891a5978584") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/896e09f3-8836-4f9a-a984-51bd50ba241a") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr through_hole) (fp_line (start -1.33 3.87) (end 1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "35fa76e4-b84e-43be-98eb-d07cdb795638") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "a1e20cbb-8b31-4297-8cd7-90f656caf93f") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8ae40458-dd4d-499b-a153-a1c9db2febcf") ) (fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8375144b-02e0-4f27-85ef-5dde996aa9ff") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "2582c530-d1f6-4553-9a6d-ce334a80d684") ) 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"31f78b5e-ce4b-40e1-94f3-5f62542d4af2") ) (fp_line (start -1.27 -0.635) (end -0.635 -1.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ddf54ce3-080b-45d6-a635-a229a4ccb54d") ) (fp_line (start -0.635 -1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "560a4400-9d87-4448-9e27-94ecf167dd6f") ) (fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "aabb8586-9a9a-4868-9c30-8ddd9cb6b30c") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 1.27 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "0a9cdc35-5548-496f-8bb3-535a0418567b") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 19 "Net-(J6-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (uuid "634f2555-5a9b-4c0b-9387-882de4747c52") ) (pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (uuid "f8b95f55-d6ac-4125-b4a2-1fea3c10bd07") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Potentiometer_SMD:Potentiometer_Bourns_TC33X_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "a247dc11-afa8-4953-8127-1aeaeb15bf04") (at 137.795 80.645 -90) (descr "Potentiometer, Bourns, TC33X, Vertical, https://www.bourns.com/pdfs/TC33.pdf") (tags "Potentiometer Bourns TC33X Vertical") (property "Reference" "RV1" (at 0 -2.5 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "a3d01e08-6612-4b96-b70d-19085bdd1a49") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "1K0" (at 0 2.5 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "2af0810b-5d6e-4db5-8bea-d62b07eefa96") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "90ea9831-142f-4ce5-8359-c603f6092a34") (effects 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solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "bb3a079d-e59c-43a3-baaf-b6af527394c1") ) (fp_line (start -1 -1.6) (end 1.9 -1.6) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "a999e82d-b36b-46af-b86d-587b3b3367d6") ) (fp_line (start 1.9 -1.6) (end 1.9 -1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "d760d327-edcd-480b-9690-e199e3d806c2") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -1.8) (end -2.6 -1.1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "7ef63a60-20d4-4266-a684-c0f709f1fbf6") ) (fp_line (start -1.9 -1.8) (end -2.6 -1.8) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "c72aa3dd-d75d-42b2-b372-d4cbd7fc3786") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.8 0) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "Dwgs.User") (uuid "138d828a-a23c-4602-bc89-35cbfb350c53") ) (fp_line (start -2.65 1.85) (end -2.65 -1.85) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "2f051554-0199-41be-8aeb-d6e520f6349b") ) (fp_line (start 2.45 1.85) (end -2.65 1.85) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "885f7c55-9d24-4758-889b-945d973a6fe3") ) (fp_line (start -2.65 -1.85) (end 2.45 -1.85) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "a73960b7-f2c4-4246-b1a5-86ee819ebbb5") ) (fp_line (start 2.45 -1.85) (end 2.45 1.85) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "49be8105-a772-4884-9e7f-35e253cb17d5") ) (fp_line (start -2 1.5) (end 1.8 1.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "8021c720-5f67-499f-b2e9-de16ce4d0afd") ) (fp_line (start 1.8 1.5) (end 1.8 -1.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "f284e5f7-b11e-4c74-96b8-d61da46fe6e2") ) (fp_line (start -2 -0.75) (end -2 1.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "fd55c7d5-6109-4f31-97d1-6fa4fafb4c87") ) (fp_line (start -1.25 -1.5) (end -2 -0.75) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "4303c690-af18-4cd0-b487-eabbc392127f") ) (fp_line (start 1.8 -1.5) (end -1.25 -1.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ba1bdfcd-c432-403c-adfb-53ad01fe1c47") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.5 0) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "2a0590fa-abe2-4524-b9c5-e8a1dd1062ee") ) (fp_text user "Wiper may be\nanywhere within\ncircle shown" (at -0.15 -0.8 90) (layer "Cmts.User") (hide yes) (uuid "88204f62-145d-47fa-bd25-fe7d3b9b3fb7") (effects (font (size 0.15 0.15) (thickness 0.02) ) ) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at -2.155 55.7448 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "bc2d06f0-ed95-43fe-9769-fdb11d671d1c") (effects (font (size 0.7 0.7) (thickness 0.105) ) ) ) (pad "1" smd rect (at -1.8 -1 270) (size 1.2 1.2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 21 "Net-(R3-Pad1)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (uuid "052a8a48-513d-46bf-9943-6e510eef6159") ) (pad "2" smd rect (at 1.45 0 270) (size 1.5 1.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 10 "/IN1") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive") (uuid "6c4a9d0f-5c4d-439d-8d56-100417386d29") ) (pad "3" smd rect (at -1.8 1 270) (size 1.2 1.2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 10 "/IN1") (pinfunction "3") (pintype "passive") (uuid "0132ddc3-9301-4b92-9e87-7a0a7c6ade87") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Potentiometer_SMD.3dshapes/Potentiometer_Bourns_TC33X_Vertical.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "b2b1e128-31c1-476a-b48f-e167374cd430") (at 143.2814 97.6884) (descr "SOIC, 8 Pin (JEDEC MS-012AA, https://www.analog.com/media/en/package-pcb-resources/package/pkg_pdf/soic_narrow-r/r_8.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py") (tags "SOIC SO") (property "Reference" "Q2" (at 0 -3.4 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "8bdbfa7b-7ae7-4cde-ab26-beec76e79ddd") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Si4162DY" (at 0 3.4 0) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "8d5246ae-7b3e-44ca-9157-f86b8ebbad17") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "39fc50fa-f14c-4a9d-a74a-3bcc0292bd71") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "3a7d0ad4-10dd-4de4-b906-40be58cf64b9") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "2da59632-6867-415e-84f8-5c6516716eeb") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/0643c7a1-4524-419e-a4fd-8024b4651516") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr smd) (fp_line (start 0 -2.56) (end -3.45 -2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "f1f8ace6-7b64-4939-b1c1-cff6f7dfd19d") ) (fp_line (start 0 -2.56) (end 1.95 -2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "b8481660-d8ae-4ab2-a37b-54ab349ca2cf") ) (fp_line (start 0 2.56) (end -1.95 2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "9b49a53f-8747-496b-a682-11e61a4ad4ba") ) (fp_line (start 0 2.56) (end 1.95 2.56) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "e364b809-23d8-424b-88e2-0bb4f59344bd") ) (fp_line (start -3.7 -2.7) (end -3.7 2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "c2e1c22e-b43b-4fb7-951d-b7fe6c6574c6") ) (fp_line (start -3.7 2.7) (end 3.7 2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "c8402752-cf6a-4fba-8245-5283444c6502") ) (fp_line (start 3.7 -2.7) (end -3.7 -2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "d9b99887-2e82-403e-ad3e-4f566586f1c9") ) (fp_line (start 3.7 2.7) (end 3.7 -2.7) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "ea875655-7fef-442c-b859-ad09c58b5585") ) (fp_line (start -1.95 -1.475) (end -0.975 -2.45) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "637a9787-4a4b-47d2-9bf3-f90299dab34d") ) (fp_line (start -1.95 2.45) 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"F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 12 "/IN2") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (uuid "3c274af2-a847-4b14-b1a0-73a9d442d262") ) (pad "3" smd roundrect (at -2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 12 "/IN2") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (uuid "b86f2798-3d4c-491e-a99d-1c913cb8ebb0") ) (pad "4" smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 4 "Net-(Q2-Pad4)") (pinfunction "G") (pintype "input") (uuid "7ed7a530-2116-49f4-96fe-68d12715a38c") ) (pad "5" smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "696ec1cb-051f-45d6-aba2-612fa6e539c1") ) (pad "6" smd roundrect (at 2.475 0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "b2cc952b-2342-4278-a6fc-e0182e752ee8") ) (pad "7" smd roundrect (at 2.475 -0.635) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "7600b9b4-541c-4ec6-b12a-ac5df256d866") ) (pad "8" smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.905) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 11 "/OUT") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (uuid "ba6e0bd9-abfd-40df-94c4-832f32065892") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "MountingHole:MountingHole_3.2mm_M3_Pad_Via" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "cd5200f3-eb79-4db0-b56e-d72e01f1326e") (at 162 75.5) (descr "Mounting Hole 3.2mm, M3") (tags "mounting hole 3.2mm m3") (property "Reference" "H1" (at 0 -4.2 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "65d0f852-3341-4b32-a774-26f0de89d1cc") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "MountingHole_Pad" (at 0 4.2 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "394c4b11-0c7e-4735-a62b-9965f532345c") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "ca1288c2-7226-4edf-aa9f-dea777fb78e5") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "48b64b59-4c76-4184-9432-c731a379b1f1") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "48fadcbd-ff28-4ea2-8f24-5e46377d0a04") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "exclude_from_bom" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "c7aa070f-e849-49aa-a48c-bef32177e935") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/9c1fc96d-0ca3-4db3-9d37-32ef9b1a8e2b") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr exclude_from_pos_files exclude_from_bom) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 3.2 0) (stroke (width 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(pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "2abf4fce-4f76-4e70-bbc3-6c2a574f6a3f") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 -2.4) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "1b8153de-f391-4370-af17-d379f7e021c6") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 6.4 6.4) (drill 3.2) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "b968bfad-9ed4-4b1d-8a58-f752c5063aa0") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 2.4) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "7793b9e8-5f20-46d4-848d-e1fd888f12d3") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 1.697056 -1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "9c6d7439-ceaa-4f78-903a-3029771fa17e") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 1.697056 1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "67ca0744-2d71-4a90-be35-c9f1e5dd4e5c") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 2.4 0) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "f3d87736-6f6b-45c0-b640-3b50470fc8ff") ) ) (footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "ce524368-78b0-4303-93dd-589e77aad813") (at 141.5542 101.6) (descr "Resistor SMD 0402 (1005 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator") (tags "resistor") (property "Reference" "R2" (at 0 -1.17 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "d5b5e2c5-6cf7-43c5-ad80-d66a35328533") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "390R" (at 0 1.17 0) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "d35a3ccc-046b-449b-8a44-0572cd07719f") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "4a32759a-ce13-4953-8cf4-b091dcd4f349") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "3c6e2df7-57c0-47b3-b37c-b930c3d64bad") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "ec98709e-1036-4163-98ba-18b9b5cf0f8d") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/b5b4b285-7b7c-4bbd-8280-58488fc553eb") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr smd) (fp_line (start -0.153641 -0.38) (end 0.153641 -0.38) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "d387717b-763c-4615-b3f9-9b234b6ffd95") ) (fp_line (start -0.153641 0.38) (end 0.153641 0.38) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "c949c6d0-5772-43cb-a720-3a375b1cfcfc") ) (fp_line (start -0.93 -0.47) (end 0.93 -0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "5520a1f9-76fb-4147-aec6-fb9ceb3b7a50") ) (fp_line (start -0.93 0.47) (end -0.93 -0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "2e41ec03-bfd3-421b-b580-7c7d65b2ba5a") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 -0.47) (end 0.93 0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "4b28d9c9-c493-41ba-946d-d1fca75ad78b") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 0.47) (end -0.93 0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "92182499-9934-4b3f-9c19-3ff926c89d15") ) (fp_line (start -0.525 -0.27) (end 0.525 -0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "8a77a23d-b50c-4ebb-a4b0-fad21bfff9d8") ) (fp_line (start -0.525 0.27) (end -0.525 -0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "e4c7385c-ac16-4064-bc15-20c219245b11") ) (fp_line (start 0.525 -0.27) (end 0.525 0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ecae1d31-1bd3-40a2-933b-5df1cd0ba358") ) (fp_line (start 0.525 0.27) (end -0.525 0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ad53f030-59dd-4a4f-8a43-f7312b013de8") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "01f491d7-1573-4e62-bb73-62386d014885") (effects (font (size 0.26 0.26) (thickness 0.04) ) ) ) (pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.51 0) (size 0.54 0.64) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 12 "/IN2") (pintype "passive") (uuid "80657cf4-ecdc-4af1-ab6a-b3b99b8685c8") ) (pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.51 0) (size 0.54 0.64) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 14 "Net-(R2-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (uuid "2c9989a4-ac9b-42a4-985d-db7527a873af") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0402_1005Metric.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "TerminalBlock_Phoenix:TerminalBlock_Phoenix_MKDS-1,5-2-5.08_1x02_P5.08mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "dcb1b221-45af-4f62-9b07-9244c6d6fe8f") (at 154.94 93.98 90) (descr "Terminal Block Phoenix MKDS-1,5-2-5.08, 2 pins, pitch 5.08mm, size 10.2x9.8mm^2, drill diamater 1.3mm, pad diameter 2.6mm, see http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/100425.pdf, script-generated using https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/scripts/TerminalBlock_Phoenix") (tags "THT Terminal Block Phoenix MKDS-1,5-2-5.08 pitch 5.08mm size 10.2x9.8mm^2 drill 1.3mm pad 2.6mm") (property "Reference" "J2" (at 2.54 -6.26 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "270067c4-86d7-4cb0-801c-7055fa2e71b1") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "OUT" (at 2.54 8.89 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "58939c86-234a-4888-81c8-88efee303617") (effects (font (size 2 2) (thickness 0.5) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "836d1238-bb0a-45d2-b59e-df36b21c8b1c") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "d4de4c68-c823-4b75-a447-4de3069a2997") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "e661f97d-f86f-4452-88f6-36319d827b9a") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/1219a807-6851-4823-9023-90058522fdd8") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr through_hole) (fp_line (start 7.68 -5.261) (end 7.68 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "39347f6a-80ad-46da-a4ae-5d777fbcc996") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -5.261) (end 7.68 -5.261) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "a67e0259-1f39-4bd3-9da7-6bcdfe9ef3d1") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -5.261) (end -2.6 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "b7a5b3eb-87ce-4c59-9da7-feb96b2f8456") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -2.301) (end 7.68 -2.301) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "b33a3d09-eb20-45ce-b6c2-b8248b6f5fb1") ) (fp_line (start 6.15 -1.275) (end 6.115 -1.239) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "e631ec8d-b6a9-47c6-a998-4b337557a789") ) (fp_line (start 6.355 -1.069) (end 6.308 -1.023) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "a3f7568f-bacc-487f-a1f7-ccd29f809978") ) (fp_line (start 3.853 1.023) (end 3.806 1.069) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "2fde27ba-27e3-4272-bdfc-9ba42e9cc9a2") ) (fp_line (start 4.046 1.239) (end 4.011 1.274) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "bb692a3c-793e-4462-8577-9c60948ea81a") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 2.6) (end 7.68 2.6) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "1e0f551f-3f60-438b-bd83-17a664544b21") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 4.1) (end 7.68 4.1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "2f37eaae-a7b4-4208-bd27-4703eb6b9c72") ) (fp_line (start -2.84 4.16) (end -2.84 4.9) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "c59fb3cd-09c0-4b80-b164-eb089328025a") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 4.66) (end 7.68 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "423fa9aa-ca5c-4584-b48d-2128f6622e50") ) (fp_line (start -2.84 4.9) (end -2.34 4.9) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "36f07d92-1b4f-48a8-b119-fca11e1e13a3") ) (fp_arc (start -0.683042 -1.535427) (mid 0.000524 -1.680501) (end 0.684 -1.535) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "81373e06-6c1a-4dc5-8cae-74c4ca880c46") ) (fp_arc (start 1.535427 -0.683042) (mid 1.680501 0.000524) (end 1.535 0.684) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "80135f08-ab03-48ff-ad1c-70edb2ddd093") ) (fp_arc (start -1.535427 0.683042) (mid -1.680501 -0.000524) (end -1.535 -0.684) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "0dfc6ab0-1003-42c5-8269-7d83bd225a21") ) (fp_arc (start 0.683318 1.534756) (mid 0.349292 1.643288) (end 0 1.68) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8baa5759-e403-436f-b013-a19b129cd8e1") ) (fp_arc (start 0.028805 1.680253) (mid -0.335551 1.646659) (end -0.684 1.535) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "7a5388e5-b9f8-4c2d-af26-5ac3c407cce1") ) (fp_circle (center 5.08 0) (end 6.76 0) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "3aecae9d-030a-436a-b1f9-2c772700d1ed") ) (fp_line (start 8.13 -5.71) (end -3.04 -5.71) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "b77867dc-5b8a-4f9a-b110-bba60d201c57") ) (fp_line (start -3.04 -5.71) (end -3.04 5.1) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "ac21eb8c-2cb3-4118-8054-805c17d48412") ) (fp_line (start 8.13 5.1) (end 8.13 -5.71) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "ec6d8519-d97e-4098-9cf1-f0f3e6cc1cb6") ) (fp_line (start -3.04 5.1) (end 8.13 5.1) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid 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(layer "F.Fab") (uuid "c82cf8c4-e468-48ea-abcb-50a72cfa3a2e") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 2.6) (end 7.62 2.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "26084857-3c70-4789-9095-ccc9bea372ef") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 4.1) (end -2.54 -5.2) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "7b8d69db-8f00-4cc9-8e16-21332d2cd8bf") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 4.1) (end 7.62 4.1) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ceae0dcc-f8f7-4ea0-8c29-a02c0f591cf8") ) (fp_line (start 7.62 4.6) (end -2.04 4.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "8d9ba095-36a3-4ddb-a2d1-d092923be0b6") ) (fp_line (start -2.04 4.6) (end -2.54 4.1) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "aa0375ea-49e9-4252-90a5-64fec9c5079d") ) (fp_circle (center 5.08 0) (end 6.58 0) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "00c71379-d436-48bc-bdb8-f5797204df59") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.5 0) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (fill 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162 107.5) (descr "Mounting Hole 3.2mm, M3") (tags "mounting hole 3.2mm m3") (property "Reference" "H4" (at 0 -4.2 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "294e19e5-97d8-4ccb-afb1-9495ad1bdd94") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "MountingHole_Pad" (at 0 4.2 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "c46f6e0c-a7e9-4f12-9073-ab802974b5cb") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "ed348f6a-4263-4934-a75a-292fc79090e0") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "c55ea8ec-7c4a-4c9f-b36b-1da7ef6a8f31") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "bc5d511f-90c8-4ce5-b27c-4a31c7cbd227") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "exclude_from_bom" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "b5d4aeb3-15f7-4db9-a4d4-2fde99e49d96") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/1e5495ca-fb28-40f0-9ca5-53f9c476e0fd") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr exclude_from_pos_files exclude_from_bom) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 3.2 0) (stroke (width 0.15) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "Cmts.User") (uuid "70cbd317-6208-4cb7-9d89-a8ab1a32823f") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 3.45 0) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "43e2ea36-6ad2-4a98-9f5d-aa43a63ffb6a") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "fd4ffec1-236c-4595-a0f4-62ca931386f1") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at -2.4 0) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "a261b43b-394c-46dc-9ea9-0e3b5eacdc22") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at -1.697056 -1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") 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thru_hole circle (at 1.697056 -1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "8a6fa1e6-e9db-41b5-a969-fd9639da9fc5") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 1.697056 1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "3cba69bb-e961-4cf0-bac3-c1736539c074") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 2.4 0) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "2b07b6c9-8b4f-44fa-879a-a7468d5bda5d") ) ) (footprint "MountingHole:MountingHole_3.2mm_M3_Pad_Via" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "e1389eec-b2a2-4367-b8e3-471be97035ea") (at 122 75.5) (descr "Mounting Hole 3.2mm, M3") (tags "mounting hole 3.2mm m3") (property "Reference" "H3" (at 0 -4.2 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "94957d8d-5bcb-4688-89db-7ce0934b22b0") (effects (font (size 1 1) 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thru_hole circle (at 1.697056 1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "1a7e18c2-c39f-4df8-b598-9ff32dc71493") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 2.4 0) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "beb5c8cf-6d7b-48d1-ac04-7641be732a4a") ) ) (footprint "Potentiometer_SMD:Potentiometer_Bourns_TC33X_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "e5bac7cc-0342-4149-8b31-6b3c8ec69bdd") (at 137.795 102.235 90) (descr "Potentiometer, Bourns, TC33X, Vertical, https://www.bourns.com/pdfs/TC33.pdf") (tags "Potentiometer Bourns TC33X Vertical") (property "Reference" "RV2" (at 0 -2.5 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "030dda74-07b9-40e3-a137-12f5c6c235ce") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "1K0" (at 0 2.5 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "e937aed3-a72d-4c14-99e8-a2ba47c8d433") 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-1.1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "21dda30d-f330-4781-a306-61d4ba75f324") ) (fp_line (start 1.9 -1.6) (end 1.9 -1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "20efdac8-f39f-4156-95da-b2905af5f310") ) (fp_line (start -1 -1.6) (end 1.9 -1.6) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "b64d69d6-876e-40b5-9d36-c6aae32a8bdd") ) (fp_line (start -2.1 -0.2) (end -2.1 0.2) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "c1baf82e-35ac-48a1-a873-f2aa0a34f78f") ) (fp_line (start 1.9 1.6) (end 1.9 1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "b5e23033-a598-44ca-8452-2665f8fddbae") ) (fp_line (start -1 1.6) (end 1.9 1.6) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "2774b05d-26fb-4f62-8cf9-43db6027728c") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.8 0) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "Dwgs.User") (uuid "e935f621-9a61-4a03-8e1d-220d64c65e9a") ) (fp_line (start 2.45 -1.85) (end 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1.45 0 90) (size 1.5 1.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "/IN2") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive") (uuid "76f99093-96d0-4f5b-8a98-a909ace84d2f") ) (pad "3" smd rect (at -1.8 1 90) (size 1.2 1.2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "/IN2") (pinfunction "3") (pintype "passive") (uuid "d4be25f0-10ce-41bf-a688-c7bff558e701") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Potentiometer_SMD.3dshapes/Potentiometer_Bourns_TC33X_Vertical.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "MountingHole:MountingHole_3.2mm_M3_Pad_Via" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "e85bed1a-9549-481a-b341-ca097b6f1ec5") (at 122 107.5) (descr "Mounting Hole 3.2mm, M3") (tags "mounting hole 3.2mm m3") (property "Reference" "H2" (at 0 -4.2 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "86657776-c611-450f-88ac-e31106e748ea") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "MountingHole_Pad" (at 0 4.2 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "337334dd-0901-4e9b-89d5-88a0e30ed51d") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "9fd1fa5f-d2c2-4c17-bede-7d258e2db36f") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "c63f9dcc-a069-45a9-abed-ebe14c1d9d7f") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "20171bcc-e480-44ed-8837-d1595457a956") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "exclude_from_bom" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "4a3797a9-df3b-4101-8646-c5c548323bbb") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/6371b0e7-8499-42f1-942e-c59f05626154") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr exclude_from_pos_files exclude_from_bom) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 3.2 0) (stroke (width 0.15) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "Cmts.User") (uuid "4c8c5335-6351-490f-b609-4ebacbb259ed") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 3.45 0) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "1250e9b6-3e40-4f83-9584-a4f27012595f") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "e42b21a4-5863-4d95-924f-fb82b75a309f") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at -2.4 0) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "1daf0b72-0829-4cd4-b9a8-67d09416beb7") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at -1.697056 -1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "3d21dc94-312f-412e-9925-31c541c52339") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at -1.697056 1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "d2e154f4-1e79-4636-8fba-cba3b04d9f2a") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 -2.4) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "39666540-6030-49a7-b9ae-ebe2bbd554b8") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 6.4 6.4) (drill 3.2) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "8acff34b-7103-4a88-82f9-2b5ebd8f86e0") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 2.4) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "d797fa91-8157-4f29-96ee-993937344ac9") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 1.697056 -1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "16a31cbb-8a99-47a5-a2db-841fbc95a107") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 1.697056 1.697056) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "7616460b-6b85-4d5d-b635-ed4ca0bdeaeb") ) (pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 2.4 0) (size 0.8 0.8) (drill 0.5) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "input") (uuid "203104f6-8dc0-4716-9f85-cc9a5048693a") ) ) (footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "eafd29ac-e234-4264-b32b-036f7c98ca27") (at 132.59 77.47 180) (descr "Resistor SMD 0402 (1005 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator") (tags "resistor") (property "Reference" "R3" (at 0 -1.17 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "1a36fe5e-802b-4857-9b67-94ea67fe9850") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "220R" (at 0 1.17 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "708805a0-f964-456c-9da3-ee4e366135a6") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "d795a678-aad7-4548-8e35-99c1dac1738a") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "65837dbb-31f4-4296-b508-61d7fe31b7c9") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 180) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "3ef9819c-bf3f-4905-b044-237017143cd7") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/5ab65ed2-0417-4fe6-a808-7364f3c81ad9") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr smd) (fp_line (start -0.153641 0.38) (end 0.153641 0.38) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "6dadc91c-971f-468a-b3f6-24d327a20717") ) (fp_line (start -0.153641 -0.38) (end 0.153641 -0.38) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "ce8a540e-22c6-435a-bd36-5470b940138e") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 0.47) (end -0.93 0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "6bc37089-1cfb-4c11-9ce6-e6d8d61ba615") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 -0.47) (end 0.93 0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "9acd44db-d416-4088-bd14-dadb2937ffa4") ) (fp_line (start -0.93 0.47) (end -0.93 -0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "c58bcb8a-9b31-46e0-a979-15d103c5f8cd") ) (fp_line (start -0.93 -0.47) (end 0.93 -0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "f7a62c8c-70d8-456f-9786-5779d1e7b761") ) (fp_line (start 0.525 0.27) (end -0.525 0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "35e1ad6c-bc9e-4996-b263-e19e0a0c4476") ) (fp_line (start 0.525 -0.27) (end 0.525 0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "4bba4e81-f1bd-4332-8ae1-f4a5554b62ad") ) (fp_line (start -0.525 0.27) (end -0.525 -0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "4eff8a62-e5db-41a3-a3ea-05876fd0530f") ) (fp_line (start -0.525 -0.27) (end 0.525 -0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "fa1a8989-b4b2-4bfa-840a-e8a32c9544e9") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "da1424ed-b50f-4d17-8670-c0a901a22a7c") (effects (font (size 0.26 0.26) (thickness 0.04) ) ) ) (pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.51 0 180) (size 0.54 0.64) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 21 "Net-(R3-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (uuid "6a729239-f7d6-4c1c-9690-10b16f2133cd") ) (pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.51 0 180) (size 0.54 0.64) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25) (net 19 "Net-(J6-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (uuid "58ae3d1a-c403-4588-b6c2-8add6e4f7d56") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0402_1005Metric.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "eb45e56f-1e46-4ca4-a1c9-a554426dde31") (at 154.94 78.74) (descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x02, 2.54mm pitch, single row") (tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x02 2.54mm single row") (property "Reference" "J4" (at 0 -2.33 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "90822a3b-a989-4242-9528-5c8455ab62dc") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Mon1" (at 0 5.08 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "5fa7888e-235c-4721-8277-9879fd77aee1") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "d90e458d-d95e-43b8-a494-e92ac0a9a493") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "43d733d8-ea7d-4dc7-94b5-5fd5c1f9c0d1") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "d1b49e95-e84b-4e96-a3b3-f9780ff79575") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/72d345a5-1bb1-418d-b97c-91cd3e56c02e") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr through_hole) (fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "0e658450-8b44-46c5-b699-ed62e9696d54") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "183fc199-2545-47ac-8951-c5b50e1bf91c") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "80a8b4f2-412d-483e-97d5-afa9b82bccf4") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "ce72e0b3-c2a7-4968-be53-1ec2b44ff202") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 3.87) (end 1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "03517db4-28a3-469a-8c5a-926cd83fca3e") ) (fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "48b8c1c6-6fde-4e2b-a3d8-b892f48488f5") ) (fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 4.35) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "3f1865a4-d151-4573-9762-4477804ec075") ) (fp_line (start -1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 4.35) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "f49045e6-b2ae-41b4-9f9f-f03255f0cd1e") ) (fp_line (start 1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "c65628af-1888-4100-b7a0-5c98f28b5eab") ) (fp_line (start 1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 -1.8) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "9dec0572-3abd-4b47-9620-626059057351") ) (fp_line (start -1.27 -0.635) (end -0.635 -1.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "0fd6a5a6-470c-4d7d-a050-cd933926fa68") ) (fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end -1.27 -0.635) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "3c183048-aced-4eae-bd82-74c980a15db3") ) (fp_line (start -0.635 -1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "64019354-3b7c-4533-89aa-e55cfa766379") ) (fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "28fbe18e-a9d3-411a-b674-4f1d13e3b3d6") ) (fp_line (start 1.27 3.81) (end -1.27 3.81) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "5d6922b8-523f-441a-ab01-6e1addbebf5d") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 1.27 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "4d9f1097-462f-4c51-a27b-4e105097564f") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 15 "Net-(J4-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (uuid "751f6163-745c-4207-a289-1a9d29ee49ca") ) (pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 16 "Net-(J4-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (uuid "8d33b1a4-4eda-40bf-a73c-977cef4c9061") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "TerminalBlock_Phoenix:TerminalBlock_Phoenix_MKDS-1,5-2-5.08_1x02_P5.08mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "f2a31d24-c85e-4555-a28d-93db33867fff") (at 129.54 81.28 -90) (descr "Terminal Block Phoenix MKDS-1,5-2-5.08, 2 pins, pitch 5.08mm, size 10.2x9.8mm^2, drill diamater 1.3mm, pad diameter 2.6mm, see http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/100425.pdf, script-generated using https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/scripts/TerminalBlock_Phoenix") (tags "THT Terminal Block Phoenix MKDS-1,5-2-5.08 pitch 5.08mm size 10.2x9.8mm^2 drill 1.3mm pad 2.6mm") (property "Reference" "J1" (at 2.54 -6.26 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "139d0864-e63d-4e0d-9376-47a28a165ee5") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "IN1" (at 2.54 8.89 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "2d4fc13b-1fee-4e25-95b7-e2f66cdfd4e5") (effects (font (size 2 2) (thickness 0.5) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "d132eb92-c4b8-4e1c-8a72-668663a01dd0") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "d8249910-722a-431d-a77e-eda36a688ecb") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 -90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "0ed399b2-dd0c-4146-a146-8ddcfb5dafc8") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/b81316cc-4e7a-4a1a-be55-85a18f4ee2f7") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr through_hole) (fp_line (start -2.84 4.9) (end -2.34 4.9) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "37c81c6c-fc9f-4ff8-9d50-c5a7859e1999") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 4.66) (end 7.68 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "a428f766-a1ca-4757-bb98-40adcd54ee3e") ) (fp_line (start -2.84 4.16) (end -2.84 4.9) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "11a1291c-7380-474a-a547-5c8c5f219b17") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 4.1) (end 7.68 4.1) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "92c61963-070f-4b9e-9770-98bb96f71272") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 2.6) (end 7.68 2.6) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "9f13f2c3-3a41-40d3-b9b5-605ec42509e2") ) (fp_line (start 4.046 1.239) (end 4.011 1.274) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "4f9ccbbd-a075-420b-8479-687872e6c09f") ) (fp_line (start 3.853 1.023) (end 3.806 1.069) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "23e80d57-e078-4fc8-ad8c-3f51c9c20463") ) (fp_line (start 6.355 -1.069) (end 6.308 -1.023) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "52c94389-bb4b-4baf-be0a-45307e07961f") ) (fp_line (start 6.15 -1.275) (end 6.115 -1.239) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "5b4ba47c-fca8-4a0a-9f4e-fb622873e2b5") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -2.301) (end 7.68 -2.301) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "5801912c-b03e-4478-9f82-1e2a72ee340e") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -5.261) (end -2.6 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8091816e-56dd-4ce5-be07-1548c38ea0a8") ) (fp_line (start -2.6 -5.261) (end 7.68 -5.261) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "ff01715f-73c2-4b87-816c-c513ee2e490e") ) (fp_line (start 7.68 -5.261) (end 7.68 4.66) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "cfd9c80b-03ec-438d-a460-95d9353ceb8d") ) (fp_arc (start 0.028805 1.680253) (mid -0.335551 1.646659) (end -0.684 1.535) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "8ccfc9a9-8ec4-4bf7-907c-fc7e0bec4b75") ) (fp_arc (start 0.683318 1.534756) (mid 0.349292 1.643288) (end 0 1.68) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "2b144683-1993-41b6-81b3-ad13b91f3e2e") ) (fp_arc (start -1.535427 0.683042) (mid -1.680501 -0.000524) (end -1.535 -0.684) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "5882e79f-1858-448e-9430-d34c49cfebf5") ) (fp_arc (start 1.535427 -0.683042) (mid 1.680501 0.000524) 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"453ec52e-2a25-403d-bcab-fe6ad86ce1fa") ) (fp_line (start -2.04 4.6) (end -2.54 4.1) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "f5e43beb-7a6c-4078-a880-3d7e48405ab8") ) (fp_line (start 7.62 4.6) (end -2.04 4.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "5e4cfff6-48a5-4efa-8c55-2ce58507863a") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 4.1) (end 7.62 4.1) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "64489878-50cc-4c14-9b28-d5357079e59e") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 4.1) (end -2.54 -5.2) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "b2fbfe3d-d8f4-4bc2-a60f-ae3443c722f6") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 2.6) (end 7.62 2.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "79736e9b-cce7-49ee-99fc-a2babf071d3e") ) (fp_line (start 1.138 -0.955) (end -0.955 1.138) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "54ba0a6f-0a02-44b1-ad97-204d81811858") ) (fp_line (start 6.218 -0.955) (end 4.126 1.138) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "f399f3df-ed58-47fe-ab16-22679e196f3d") ) (fp_line (start 0.955 -1.138) (end -1.138 0.955) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "e8cbd887-9ccc-4eb4-b509-3f54f0d4cbb2") ) (fp_line (start 6.035 -1.138) (end 3.943 0.955) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "0ec61a0e-d717-469a-b16c-b6f3658ffbe9") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 -2.3) (end 7.62 -2.3) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "dffc7426-0251-42f8-a159-2adff9ca04fe") ) (fp_line (start -2.54 -5.2) (end 7.62 -5.2) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "8b91bf5f-2f7e-4287-895a-552ad6ff66d1") ) (fp_line (start 7.62 -5.2) (end 7.62 4.6) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "2bad855e-8c59-47e2-bb1d-db0c65cd8fd0") ) (fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.5 0) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "0396b528-fa56-4b60-99d2-01284f733591") ) (fp_circle (center 5.08 0) (end 6.58 0) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (fill none) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "8ebfffb7-0fc4-4cc6-a594-21ffab221c6b") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 2.54 3.2 90) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "63fbc90e-f1da-400b-80b3-368b7347d0f5") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.6 2.6) (drill 1.3) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 10 "/IN1") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (uuid "c33b8b47-484d-45e4-8ef8-773e41910bd7") ) (pad "2" thru_hole circle (at 5.08 0 270) (size 2.6 2.6) (drill 1.3) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask") (remove_unused_layers no) (net 2 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (uuid "a7a6d2f1-97f3-43a6-b0a3-1eb919407af8") ) (model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/TerminalBlock_Phoenix.3dshapes/TerminalBlock_Phoenix_MKDS-1,5-2-5.08_1x02_P5.08mm_Horizontal.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "f43cf3c7-a430-43f0-80d0-134763346aae") (at 154.94 101.6) (descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x02, 2.54mm pitch, single row") (tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x02 2.54mm single row") (property "Reference" "J5" (at 0 -2.33 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "234a4cb9-9d6e-4bad-a45d-ba2cdb3034e6") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Mon2" (at 0 -2.54 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "7ae0d27f-e810-4bfe-b5e5-ae540f838987") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "7f9b6183-274c-4ce7-86e1-aaf1cf9d909b") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "320bb1b0-76ad-495a-8765-5ddccf7a9a11") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "944e2bec-360c-452a-9b98-8cc8568a3efe") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (path "/d33f3bb9-6368-4a38-ba43-0435c84f337e") (sheetfile "RedunDC.kicad_sch") (attr through_hole) (fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "77835baa-baea-4fbb-a114-9794e68c12b3") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "f854f5d1-dca2-45d9-9506-b3bd786eaeea") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "aa7db6ab-9dde-4801-b293-18a64e6400c5") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "29ac1698-c2a8-465d-aa07-a3dbec2e16d3") ) (fp_line (start -1.33 3.87) (end 1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "6f3a3809-95b9-4080-816e-29a251aa637c") ) (fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 3.87) (stroke (width 0.12) (type solid) ) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "0fd5e81d-d26c-4bbd-8a46-085d1851e975") ) (fp_line (start -1.8 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"${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0) ) (scale (xyz 1 1 1) ) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0) ) ) ) (footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "fa0ce318-e66c-4a9d-8db0-6e095fe23c81") (at 141.57 78.74) (descr "Resistor SMD 0402 (1005 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator") (tags "resistor") (property "Reference" "R1" (at 0 -1.17 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (hide yes) (uuid "a77e2de9-13fc-4616-b1d1-700a6d42cf78") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Value" "390R" (at 0 1.17 0) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "5bcd53c8-3650-4c75-afdf-470459d0bd7e") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (hide yes) (uuid "838c2c34-b59e-42e9-9a96-31f74c871de5") 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(type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "dffaff34-880f-4ab1-841a-e03562bd9785") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 -0.47) (end 0.93 0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "ecd50aaf-9efd-4357-9c70-7b5b164c0cef") ) (fp_line (start 0.93 0.47) (end -0.93 0.47) (stroke (width 0.05) (type solid) ) (layer "F.CrtYd") (uuid "08535006-2c8b-4ea0-8a4a-e537762d5e45") ) (fp_line (start -0.525 -0.27) (end 0.525 -0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "ab8cb7e0-d7bc-4545-9e8a-2b86ac952cb5") ) (fp_line (start -0.525 0.27) (end -0.525 -0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "4f8a0fcc-26f5-4f64-be13-89c20a13e5c0") ) (fp_line (start 0.525 -0.27) (end 0.525 0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "7e9821d3-2a87-4656-b03c-012a5a8b3bc1") ) (fp_line (start 0.525 0.27) (end -0.525 0.27) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "F.Fab") (uuid "3204b336-6c78-49cd-ae1c-8d33c89aede2") ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 0) 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(gr_arc (start 122 111.5) (mid 119.171573 110.328427) (end 118 107.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (uuid "54a67938-b8db-4001-9701-c6911af6aace") ) (gr_line (start 118 107.5) (end 118 75.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (uuid "aeeb7350-6da5-4f18-807e-77c1bbf918fd") ) (gr_line (start 166 75.5) (end 166 107.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (uuid "b49f91d9-7fa9-41c9-8273-684d0a1f88e2") ) (gr_line (start 122 71.5) (end 162 71.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (uuid "d149104a-782a-42ce-844b-0ee5a2b209b6") ) (gr_line (start 162 111.5) (end 122 111.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (uuid "d762c0e6-7637-4e20-8857-69d17eb06e2d") ) (gr_arc (start 166 107.5) (mid 164.828427 110.328427) (end 162 111.5) (stroke (width 0.1) (type solid) ) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (uuid "f01fb570-7384-4bff-96e2-e0c9b954edba") ) (gr_text "RedunDC 12V/5A" (at 146.05 74.93 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "059c1c51-338f-4475-ba7c-08a2388cdcf1") (effects (font (size 2 1.7) (thickness 0.425) ) ) ) (gr_text "+" (at 161.29 93.98 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "0a0ad251-5c32-443b-8508-4f3f2a80399b") (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3) ) ) ) (gr_text "+" (at 132.08 72.644 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "402d3dd4-380b-4cef-ad29-01a05a6c7b77") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.25) ) ) ) (gr_text "+" (at 132.08 110.236 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "4138bc9a-36eb-44a8-a44e-8798049375f4") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.25) ) ) ) (gr_text "+" (at 123.19 81.28 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "630119c5-2a94-465a-91e3-6de9395ef761") (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3) ) ) ) (gr_text "E" (at 157.48 81.28 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "6a1a8e4b-ba4b-4115-bb0e-d8597ce45501") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.25) ) ) ) (gr_text "-" (at 123.19 86.36 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "72884115-994a-4397-93e1-389352a16a36") (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3) ) ) ) (gr_text "C\n" (at 157.48 101.6 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "865aba99-8d72-4d1a-977a-31ff595c2861") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.25) ) ) ) (gr_text "E" (at 157.48 104.14 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "b4d5dd3c-e6d0-48aa-8ddc-39d6f21bdf8b") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.25) ) ) ) (gr_text "https://git.spreadspace.org" (at 146.05 109.22 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "bb107208-aca4-4fe8-927f-c001f760914d") (effects (font (size 1.2 1) (thickness 0.25) ) ) ) (gr_text "Rev1 05/2024" (at 135.382 107.188 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "bf30a7ef-2ad0-45b4-9038-73d300a7685c") (effects (font (size 1.2 1) (thickness 0.25) ) (justify left) ) ) (gr_text "-" (at 123.19 101.6 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "d522342d-40bb-440c-84e7-884f24d7c61c") (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3) ) ) ) (gr_text "+" (at 123.19 96.52 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "e3940607-8bb4-4e99-b1d6-904646067dd0") (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3) ) ) ) (gr_text "-" (at 161.29 88.9 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "e4828ba7-d0a9-4d6e-b74d-d0d01c1018fb") (effects (font (size 1.5 1.5) (thickness 0.3) ) ) ) (gr_text "C\n" (at 157.48 78.74 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (uuid "efc9ffa8-d884-45da-9a7c-4e0ca000491d") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.25) ) ) ) (segment (start 138.95 89.29) (end 138.95 88.277) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (uuid "590756ce-d67a-41c5-b557-fce1739a4fef") ) (segment (start 138.8364 88.1634) (end 138.8364 87.503) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (uuid "832772c2-43a7-47fc-a860-e67524c3abd9") ) (segment (start 138.95 88.277) (end 138.8364 88.1634) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (uuid "e77b76e6-0baa-4a2b-b610-5f0a958f7b3d") ) (segment (start 137.95 88.327744) (end 138.111903 88.165841) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "2f4e76f4-bb99-44dc-aeda-6c9dbc083812") ) (segment (start 137.8764 87.930338) (end 138.111903 88.165841) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "33e848d8-9b31-48dd-a0e4-5839402deabf") ) (segment (start 144.17 104.14) (end 142.748 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "5031ecda-7140-454e-b0dd-956aa6c6450d") ) (segment (start 137.8764 87.503) (end 137.8764 87.930338) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "58359d17-3b54-4368-ae6a-933e54890eea") ) (segment (start 138.45 88.503938) (end 138.111903 88.165841) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "6a45188e-2b8e-4205-9a49-9035d85d5c77") ) (segment (start 137.95 89.29) (end 137.95 88.327744) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "6a695485-1974-4a97-a032-1e6af04bd32f") ) (segment (start 137.95 93.59) (end 137.296 93.59) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "7a931e8b-867c-4fde-8a06-24882a1640bb") ) (segment (start 138.45 89.29) (end 138.45 88.503938) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "8185abc7-89a6-4f43-817b-1cca2b528a09") ) (segment (start 144.17 81.28) (end 142.748 81.28) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "9cb6dded-26c8-4106-8066-0dc291221725") ) (segment (start 137.296 93.59) (end 137.287 93.599) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "cdb0fcd4-e471-469c-ae67-cffe7194e3e0") ) (via (at 142.748 104.14) (size 0.8) (drill 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "04921621-46a4-4bc8-a27e-44d459990e6d") ) (via (at 138.111903 88.165841) (size 0.8) (drill 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "13d448fa-be62-4af6-953c-0b7345046c5e") ) (via (at 137.287 93.599) (size 0.8) (drill 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "4835dbac-671a-4595-8840-44a94726befc") ) (via (at 142.748 81.28) (size 0.8) (drill 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 2) (uuid "925c6861-3708-4dde-9281-13f2498e3fc6") ) (segment (start 139.95 89.29) (end 139.95 88.396) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (uuid "4f985897-2d53-4169-bba2-32898832c4ae") ) (segment (start 140.8064 87.5396) (end 140.8064 87.0458) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (uuid "b640df7a-5591-43a6-94c0-0331963ac64d") ) (segment (start 139.95 88.396) (end 140.8064 87.5396) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (uuid "c60d867a-5c06-440d-a72f-965e9568d36e") ) (segment (start 141.732 94.742) (end 142.494 95.504) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (uuid "109e9670-3153-4de4-a6a3-f096f859fc6d") ) (segment (start 139.95 94.380685) (end 140.311315 94.742) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (uuid "11fba2ac-2351-4178-a500-2bb2fc468449") ) (segment (start 142.494 95.504) (end 142.494 99.187) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (uuid "6f7f9b51-adb0-4936-b394-6377b2ba16ce") ) (segment (start 142.0876 99.5934) (end 140.8064 99.5934) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (uuid "882379dc-0056-465c-ac38-348a2b2372c8") ) (segment (start 139.95 93.59) (end 139.95 94.380685) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (uuid "8e8d7376-bc4c-452b-bc55-6b4bae1c511a") ) (segment (start 140.311315 94.742) (end 141.732 94.742) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (uuid "9572b13e-b546-47b4-8a2d-fa04f738efbd") ) (segment (start 142.494 99.187) (end 142.0876 99.5934) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (uuid "d910578f-cb1e-4da0-91d7-846f958449e0") ) (segment (start 139.45 89.29) (end 139.45 85.975) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "12506f89-add3-4322-88a2-f522d4ffbaf1") ) (segment (start 141.06 79.4374) (end 140.0302 80.4672) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "23dae5bc-0545-4e27-825f-060b15dbd400") ) (segment (start 140.0302 80.4672) (end 137.795 80.4672) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "3e24f967-6f6f-441d-bf19-e87e2d340459") ) (segment (start 139.6492 85.7758) (end 140.8064 85.7758) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "55595c0e-5ce0-4367-89db-f3b8a99d7164") ) (segment (start 141.06 78.74) (end 141.06 79.4374) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "764bbf04-cb54-4e12-97b6-c3ed83e7beac") ) (segment (start 139.45 85.975) (end 139.6492 85.7758) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "80ca9bf0-da29-4da7-baad-8900b1420b36") ) (segment (start 137.795 83.2612) (end 140.781 83.2612) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "8f97e482-1acb-4a3f-89ee-6c68e709bbda") ) (segment (start 137.795 80.4672) (end 137.795 79.845) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "ce0c2609-1f50-4ca5-bd16-292e6c66b27e") ) (segment (start 137.795 82.095) (end 137.795 83.2612) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "d6188bf9-11c4-4171-a840-799ca677bade") ) (segment (start 140.781 83.2612) (end 140.8064 83.2358) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "d73ef42c-ced4-460f-a78f-8c251750a24e") ) (segment (start 137.795 79.845) (end 136.795 78.845) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "d7967cc5-5f25-4b3e-84bf-1092abd40ffb") ) (segment (start 137.795 82.095) (end 137.795 80.4672) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (uuid "fdfc3526-7c25-4a08-9f0e-8fe643664989") ) (segment (start 145.7564 95.7834) (end 145.7564 91.4112) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (uuid "22b13421-bcfb-4cd1-bba9-9f95a8c49871") ) (segment (start 145.7564 91.4112) (end 145.6382 91.293) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (uuid "5c34bb4b-952f-4a93-a013-342ead5cdc38") ) (segment (start 145.7564 91.1748) (end 145.7564 87.0458) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (uuid "65328803-0ab5-44ad-a220-31122a0facc3") ) (segment (start 140.95 91.293) (end 140.95 93.59) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (uuid "9fa3a0b8-8f38-43a0-ac76-830b40d3aba6") ) (segment (start 140.95 91.293) (end 145.6382 91.293) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (uuid "af14002d-5d07-4fea-b229-3e3aa0ab1bbb") ) (segment (start 140.95 89.29) (end 140.95 91.293) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (uuid "b6bddada-8404-4b41-96d1-46e9404863a7") ) (segment (start 145.6382 91.293) (end 145.7564 91.1748) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (uuid "c7809fbb-682d-4101-aec6-f50a33a6700d") ) (segment (start 137.795 102.3366) (end 137.795 103.035) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "02ff1d33-2264-43f9-822c-19272dd799ce") ) (segment (start 139.45 95.635) (end 139.5984 95.7834) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "10ca798d-b71e-4919-bc6c-0c497be0f7eb") ) (segment (start 137.795 100.785) (end 137.795 102.3366) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "15e3965e-8ef1-4d68-95ff-cc024b1669a9") ) (segment (start 141.0442 101.6) (end 141.0442 101.983) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "325279f8-32f9-4472-abe6-32e693800e5e") ) (segment (start 141.0442 101.983) (end 140.6906 102.3366) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "56dbe439-6b6e-4379-a82e-3b4c6482b438") ) (segment (start 139.45 93.59) (end 139.45 95.635) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "5d2221b5-74ae-45aa-95b0-2da7a34735f3") ) (segment (start 139.5984 95.7834) (end 140.8064 95.7834) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "6a533bbd-709c-4313-82b2-059e50dfea79") ) (segment (start 137.795 100.785) (end 137.795 98.298) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "a075c670-8f06-4ee0-b562-31189c90ae31") ) (segment (start 140.6906 102.3366) (end 137.795 102.3366) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "cb37818a-79f5-4bfe-9ba0-a69b70be0ad4") ) (segment (start 137.795 98.298) (end 140.781 98.298) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "eb95cd57-83e0-488b-b577-053fe8f00231") ) (segment (start 140.781 98.298) (end 140.8064 98.3234) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "ef16b885-5a69-490d-afb4-caa5132ae358") ) (segment (start 137.795 103.035) (end 138.795 104.035) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (uuid "f7fd8d3a-f5bb-4f5e-8cde-cf7a5e9e7069") ) (segment (start 144.17 78.74) (end 142.08 78.74) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (uuid "5d5423a1-39ea-4737-8f34-aef50b901ebd") ) (segment (start 144.17 101.6) (end 142.0642 101.6) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (uuid "d0f02072-bd98-4096-a1e7-1f59337a01a8") ) (segment (start 154.94 78.74) (end 150.47 78.74) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (uuid "3ae11ecd-9157-4e17-88d1-bc7b99a0de31") ) (segment (start 154.94 81.28) (end 150.47 81.28) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (uuid "4c61a298-5dd9-4e5f-963f-5d0783a3095a") ) (segment (start 154.94 104.14) (end 150.47 104.14) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 17) (uuid "61f9e79f-44a6-479d-9cab-b6edb43d361c") ) (segment (start 154.94 101.6) (end 150.47 101.6) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 18) (uuid "889596d6-ca3d-4065-b5e7-6a7d0e6f6fd9") ) (segment (start 132.08 77.47) (end 132.08 74.93) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 19) (uuid "79b1cf9d-cbf7-4b0b-93f9-5c5af784415f") ) (segment (start 132.08 107.95) (end 132.079999 105.41) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 20) (uuid "9b905938-1908-4884-978c-7ab648b53c90") ) (segment (start 138.795 78.845) (end 137.42 77.47) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 21) (uuid "145df392-49cd-41d1-be72-809d4c8f12bd") ) (segment (start 137.42 77.47) (end 133.1 77.47) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 21) (uuid "762d1caa-ac71-4798-8d48-a09853ece306") ) (segment (start 136.795 104.8606) (end 136.795 104.035) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 22) (uuid "18ad1f42-48fe-4f48-9b4c-7d2a77c365dc") ) (segment (start 136.2456 105.41) (end 136.795 104.8606) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 22) (uuid "88113d72-82ef-4fa5-8b96-a106ca693063") ) (segment (start 133.099999 105.41) (end 136.2456 105.41) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 22) (uuid "b43527cb-1adf-475a-a718-8e0627d35297") ) (zone (net 12) (net_name "/IN2") (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "2e48ffba-8f3f-4cc2-b164-566d4def2c22") (hatch edge 0.508) (connect_pads yes (clearance 0.254) ) (min_thickness 0.127) (filled_areas_thickness no) (fill yes (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 1.27) ) (polygon (pts (xy 141.991994 98.906853) (xy 128.2446 98.9584) (xy 127 97.8408) (xy 127 95.2246) (xy 128.2446 93.98) (xy 134.3914 93.98) (xy 135.636 95.25) (xy 141.966594 95.249253) ) ) (filled_polygon (layer "F.Cu") (pts (xy 134.409779 93.998754) (xy 135.636 95.25) (xy 135.648595 95.249999) (xy 135.648596 95.249999) (xy 139.875275 95.2495) (xy 141.676699 95.249287) (xy 141.720899 95.267593) (xy 141.950314 95.497008) (xy 141.968618 95.540768) (xy 141.991559 98.844154) (xy 141.973561 98.888474) (xy 141.929295 98.907088) (xy 138.453252 98.920122) (xy 128.268676 98.95831) (xy 128.226685 98.942313) (xy 127.020742 97.859425) (xy 127 97.812922) (xy 127 95.250488) (xy 127.018306 95.206294) (xy 128.226294 93.998306) (xy 128.270488 93.98) (xy 134.365141 93.98) ) ) ) (zone (net 11) (net_name "/OUT") (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "4371bbf3-cd24-4c4f-b300-72b1468656bd") (hatch edge 0.508) (connect_pads yes (clearance 0.254) ) (min_thickness 0.127) (filled_areas_thickness no) (fill yes (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 1.27) ) (polygon (pts (xy 151.13 85.8774) (xy 151.13 89.916) (xy 152.654 91.3638) (xy 156.2354 91.3638) (xy 157.5562 92.6592) (xy 157.5562 95.3262) (xy 156.2354 96.5708) (xy 152.654 96.4946) (xy 148.463 100.1268) (xy 144.399 100.076) (xy 144.399 82.677) (xy 148.082 82.677) ) ) (filled_polygon (layer "F.Cu") (pts (xy 148.100473 82.696397) (xy 151.112759 85.859297) (xy 151.13 85.9024) (xy 151.13 89.916) (xy 151.139314 89.924849) (xy 151.139315 89.92485) (xy 152.645288 91.355524) (xy 152.654 91.3638) (xy 156.209867 91.3638) (xy 156.25363 91.381679) (xy 157.537463 92.640823) (xy 157.5562 92.685444) (xy 157.5562 95.299217) (xy 157.536563 95.344704) (xy 156.254017 96.553257) (xy 156.209825 96.570256) (xy 154.555861 96.535065) (xy 152.665617 96.494847) (xy 152.654 96.4946) (xy 152.645219 96.50221) (xy 148.480955 100.111239) (xy 148.439241 100.126503) (xy 144.460719 100.076771) (xy 144.416757 100.057914) (xy 144.399 100.014276) (xy 144.399 82.7395) (xy 144.417306 82.695306) (xy 144.4615 82.677) (xy 148.055214 82.677) ) ) ) (zone (net 10) (net_name "/IN1") (layer "F.Cu") (uuid "93aeb9e2-db48-4195-a0b0-ab522e902356") (hatch edge 0.508) (connect_pads yes (clearance 0.254) ) (min_thickness 0.127) (filled_areas_thickness no) (fill yes (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 1.27) ) (polygon (pts (xy 141.986 86.4616) (xy 135.128 86.487) (xy 131.8514 83.8454) (xy 128.27 83.8708) (xy 126.9238 82.5754) (xy 126.9492 79.9846) (xy 128.27 78.7654) (xy 131.826 78.7146) (xy 135.9408 82.4738) (xy 141.986019 82.443149) ) ) (filled_polygon (layer "F.Cu") (pts (xy 131.844285 78.731305) (xy 135.907599 82.443468) (xy 135.9408 82.4738) (xy 137.952655 82.463599) (xy 141.923202 82.443468) (xy 141.967489 82.461549) (xy 141.986019 82.505966) (xy 141.986012 83.8454) (xy 141.986 86.399331) (xy 141.967694 86.443525) (xy 141.923732 86.461831) (xy 135.150185 86.486918) (xy 135.110728 86.473075) (xy 133.858942 85.463883) (xy 131.859822 83.852189) (xy 131.85982 83.852188) (xy 131.8514 83.8454) (xy 128.295444 83.87062) (xy 128.251666 83.853158) (xy 126.943225 82.594092) (xy 126.924064 82.548443) (xy 126.948935 80.011598) (xy 126.969039 79.966287) (xy 128.252421 78.781626) (xy 128.293919 78.765058) (xy 130.189767 78.737975) (xy 131.801237 78.714954) ) ) ) (zone (net 2) (net_name "GND") (layer "B.Cu") (uuid "94fadd9f-8a43-4093-ae9b-b472472e37af") (hatch edge 0.508) (connect_pads yes (clearance 0.254) ) (min_thickness 0.127) (filled_areas_thickness no) (fill yes (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 1.27) ) (polygon (pts (xy 166 111.5) (xy 118 111.5) (xy 118 77.597) (xy 118 71.5) (xy 166 71.5) ) ) (filled_polygon (layer "B.Cu") (pts (xy 161.980971 71.755701) (xy 162 71.759486) (xy 162.01254 71.756992) (xy 162.027797 71.755866) (xy 162.364059 71.772385) (xy 162.370154 71.772986) (xy 162.727684 71.82602) (xy 162.73369 71.827215) (xy 163.084282 71.915034) (xy 163.090141 71.916811) (xy 163.43046 72.038578) (xy 163.436126 72.040926) (xy 163.762839 72.195451) (xy 163.768248 72.198342) (xy 164.078249 72.384149) (xy 164.083349 72.387556) (xy 164.373655 72.602861) (xy 164.378397 72.606753) (xy 164.646193 72.849471) (xy 164.650529 72.853807) (xy 164.893247 73.121603) (xy 164.897139 73.126345) (xy 165.112444 73.416651) (xy 165.115851 73.421751) (xy 165.301658 73.731752) (xy 165.304549 73.737161) (xy 165.354932 73.843686) (xy 165.456298 74.058004) (xy 165.459074 74.063874) (xy 165.461421 74.069537) (xy 165.556211 74.334457) (xy 165.583188 74.409854) (xy 165.584968 74.415724) (xy 165.672784 74.766306) (xy 165.673981 74.772321) (xy 165.727014 75.129842) (xy 165.727615 75.135946) (xy 165.744134 75.472202) (xy 165.743008 75.48746) (xy 165.740514 75.5) (xy 165.741715 75.506038) (xy 165.744299 75.519029) (xy 165.7455 75.531222) (xy 165.7455 107.468778) (xy 165.744299 107.480971) (xy 165.740514 107.5) (xy 165.741715 107.506038) (xy 165.743008 107.512539) (xy 165.744134 107.527798) (xy 165.727615 107.864054) (xy 165.727014 107.870158) (xy 165.673981 108.227679) (xy 165.672784 108.233694) (xy 165.584968 108.584276) (xy 165.583189 108.590141) (xy 165.470739 108.90442) (xy 165.461422 108.93046) (xy 165.459074 108.936126) (xy 165.304549 109.262839) (xy 165.301658 109.268248) (xy 165.115851 109.578249) (xy 165.112444 109.583349) (xy 164.897139 109.873655) (xy 164.893247 109.878397) (xy 164.650529 110.146193) (xy 164.646193 110.150529) (xy 164.378397 110.393247) (xy 164.373655 110.397139) (xy 164.083349 110.612444) (xy 164.078249 110.615851) (xy 163.768248 110.801658) (xy 163.762839 110.804549) (xy 163.436126 110.959074) (xy 163.430463 110.961421) (xy 163.090141 111.083189) (xy 163.084282 111.084966) (xy 162.73369 111.172785) (xy 162.727684 111.17398) (xy 162.370154 111.227014) (xy 162.364059 111.227615) (xy 162.027797 111.244134) (xy 162.01254 111.243008) (xy 162 111.240514) (xy 161.993962 111.241715) (xy 161.980971 111.244299) (xy 161.968778 111.2455) (xy 122.031222 111.2455) (xy 122.019029 111.244299) (xy 122.006038 111.241715) (xy 122 111.240514) (xy 121.98746 111.243008) (xy 121.972203 111.244134) (xy 121.635941 111.227615) (xy 121.629846 111.227014) (xy 121.272316 111.17398) (xy 121.26631 111.172785) (xy 120.915718 111.084966) (xy 120.909859 111.083189) (xy 120.569537 110.961421) (xy 120.563874 110.959074) (xy 120.237161 110.804549) (xy 120.231752 110.801658) (xy 119.921751 110.615851) (xy 119.916651 110.612444) (xy 119.626345 110.397139) (xy 119.621603 110.393247) (xy 119.353807 110.150529) (xy 119.349471 110.146193) (xy 119.106753 109.878397) (xy 119.102861 109.873655) (xy 118.887556 109.583349) (xy 118.884149 109.578249) (xy 118.698342 109.268248) (xy 118.695451 109.262839) (xy 118.540926 108.936126) (xy 118.538578 108.93046) (xy 118.529261 108.90442) (xy 118.416811 108.590141) (xy 118.415032 108.584276) (xy 118.327216 108.233694) (xy 118.326019 108.227679) (xy 118.272986 107.870158) (xy 118.272385 107.864054) (xy 118.255866 107.527798) (xy 118.256992 107.512539) (xy 118.258285 107.506038) (xy 118.259486 107.5) (xy 118.255701 107.480971) (xy 118.2545 107.468778) (xy 118.2545 107.074933) (xy 130.9755 107.074933) (xy 130.975501 108.825066) (xy 130.990266 108.899301) (xy 131.046516 108.983484) (xy 131.051633 108.986903) (xy 131.12558 109.036314) (xy 131.125582 109.036315) (xy 131.130699 109.039734) (xy 131.163753 109.046309) (xy 131.20192 109.053901) (xy 131.201923 109.053901) (xy 131.204933 109.0545) (xy 132.08 109.0545) (xy 132.955066 109.054499) (xy 132.958075 109.0539) (xy 132.95808 109.0539) (xy 133.023263 109.040935) (xy 133.029301 109.039734) (xy 133.113484 108.983484) (xy 133.169734 108.899301) (xy 133.1845 108.825067) (xy 133.184499 107.074934) (xy 133.169734 107.000699) (xy 133.113484 106.916516) (xy 133.093452 106.903131) (xy 133.03442 106.863686) (xy 133.034418 106.863685) (xy 133.029301 106.860266) (xy 132.996247 106.853691) (xy 132.95808 106.846099) (xy 132.958077 106.846099) (xy 132.955067 106.8455) (xy 132.951996 106.8455) (xy 132.080001 106.845501) (xy 131.204934 106.845501) (xy 131.201925 106.8461) (xy 131.20192 106.8461) (xy 131.136737 106.859065) (xy 131.130699 106.860266) (xy 131.046516 106.916516) (xy 130.990266 107.000699) (xy 130.9755 107.074933) (xy 118.2545 107.074933) (xy 118.2545 104.110964) (xy 153.831148 104.110964) (xy 153.844424 104.313522) (xy 153.894392 104.510269) (xy 153.979377 104.694616) (xy 154.096533 104.860389) (xy 154.241938 105.002035) (xy 154.41072 105.114812) (xy 154.497124 105.151934) (xy 154.594588 105.193808) (xy 154.59459 105.193809) (xy 154.597228 105.194942) (xy 154.697641 105.217663) (xy 154.792426 105.239111) (xy 154.792429 105.239111) (xy 154.795216 105.239742) (xy 154.885164 105.243276) (xy 154.995193 105.2476) (xy 154.995197 105.2476) (xy 154.998053 105.247712) (xy 155.198945 105.218584) (xy 155.391165 105.153334) (xy 155.568276 105.054147) (xy 155.724345 104.924345) (xy 155.854147 104.768276) (xy 155.953334 104.591165) (xy 156.018584 104.398945) (xy 156.047712 104.198053) (xy 156.049232 104.14) (xy 156.046303 104.108116) (xy 156.03092 103.940714) (xy 156.030658 103.937859) (xy 156.029879 103.935096) (xy 155.976335 103.745244) (xy 155.976333 103.74524) (xy 155.975557 103.742487) (xy 155.885776 103.560428) (xy 155.867437 103.535869) (xy 155.766037 103.400078) (xy 155.766036 103.400076) (xy 155.76432 103.397779) (xy 155.615258 103.259987) (xy 155.443581 103.151667) (xy 155.255039 103.076446) (xy 155.252233 103.075888) (xy 155.25223 103.075887) (xy 155.058752 103.037402) (xy 155.05875 103.037402) (xy 155.055946 103.036844) (xy 154.960353 103.035593) (xy 154.855833 103.034224) (xy 154.855828 103.034224) (xy 154.852971 103.034187) (xy 154.850151 103.034672) (xy 154.850146 103.034672) (xy 154.733751 103.054673) (xy 154.65291 103.068564) (xy 154.650222 103.069556) (xy 154.650217 103.069557) (xy 154.465151 103.137832) (xy 154.465148 103.137833) (xy 154.462463 103.138824) (xy 154.28801 103.242612) (xy 154.135392 103.376455) (xy 154.00972 103.535869) (xy 153.915203 103.715515) (xy 153.855007 103.909378) (xy 153.831148 104.110964) (xy 118.2545 104.110964) (xy 118.2545 100.724933) (xy 153.8355 100.724933) (xy 153.835501 102.475066) (xy 153.850266 102.549301) (xy 153.906516 102.633484) (xy 153.911633 102.636903) (xy 153.98558 102.686314) (xy 153.985582 102.686315) (xy 153.990699 102.689734) (xy 154.023753 102.696309) (xy 154.06192 102.703901) (xy 154.061923 102.703901) (xy 154.064933 102.7045) (xy 154.94 102.7045) (xy 155.815066 102.704499) (xy 155.818075 102.7039) (xy 155.81808 102.7039) (xy 155.883263 102.690935) (xy 155.889301 102.689734) (xy 155.973484 102.633484) (xy 156.029734 102.549301) (xy 156.0445 102.475067) (xy 156.044499 100.724934) (xy 156.029734 100.650699) (xy 155.973484 100.566516) (xy 155.953452 100.553131) (xy 155.89442 100.513686) (xy 155.894418 100.513685) (xy 155.889301 100.510266) (xy 155.856247 100.503691) (xy 155.81808 100.496099) (xy 155.818077 100.496099) (xy 155.815067 100.4955) (xy 155.811996 100.4955) (xy 154.940001 100.495501) (xy 154.064934 100.495501) (xy 154.061925 100.4961) (xy 154.06192 100.4961) (xy 153.996737 100.509065) (xy 153.990699 100.510266) (xy 153.906516 100.566516) (xy 153.850266 100.650699) (xy 153.8355 100.724933) (xy 118.2545 100.724933) (xy 118.2545 95.194933) (xy 127.9855 95.194933) (xy 127.985501 97.845066) (xy 128.000266 97.919301) (xy 128.056516 98.003484) (xy 128.061633 98.006903) (xy 128.13558 98.056314) (xy 128.135582 98.056315) (xy 128.140699 98.059734) (xy 128.173753 98.066309) (xy 128.21192 98.073901) (xy 128.211923 98.073901) (xy 128.214933 98.0745) (xy 129.54 98.0745) (xy 130.865066 98.074499) (xy 130.868075 98.0739) (xy 130.86808 98.0739) (xy 130.933263 98.060935) (xy 130.939301 98.059734) (xy 131.023484 98.003484) (xy 131.079734 97.919301) (xy 131.0945 97.845067) (xy 131.094499 95.194934) (xy 131.079734 95.120699) (xy 131.023484 95.036516) (xy 131.003452 95.023131) (xy 130.94442 94.983686) (xy 130.944418 94.983685) (xy 130.939301 94.980266) (xy 130.906247 94.973691) (xy 130.86808 94.966099) (xy 130.868077 94.966099) (xy 130.865067 94.9655) (xy 130.861996 94.9655) (xy 129.540001 94.965501) (xy 128.214934 94.965501) (xy 128.211925 94.9661) (xy 128.21192 94.9661) (xy 128.146737 94.979065) (xy 128.140699 94.980266) (xy 128.056516 95.036516) (xy 128.000266 95.120699) (xy 127.9855 95.194933) (xy 118.2545 95.194933) (xy 118.2545 92.654933) (xy 153.3855 92.654933) (xy 153.385501 95.305066) (xy 153.400266 95.379301) (xy 153.456516 95.463484) (xy 153.461633 95.466903) (xy 153.53558 95.516314) (xy 153.535582 95.516315) (xy 153.540699 95.519734) (xy 153.573753 95.526309) (xy 153.61192 95.533901) (xy 153.611923 95.533901) (xy 153.614933 95.5345) (xy 154.94 95.5345) (xy 156.265066 95.534499) (xy 156.268075 95.5339) (xy 156.26808 95.5339) (xy 156.333263 95.520935) (xy 156.339301 95.519734) (xy 156.423484 95.463484) (xy 156.479734 95.379301) (xy 156.4945 95.305067) (xy 156.494499 92.654934) (xy 156.479734 92.580699) (xy 156.423484 92.496516) (xy 156.403452 92.483131) (xy 156.34442 92.443686) (xy 156.344418 92.443685) (xy 156.339301 92.440266) (xy 156.306247 92.433691) (xy 156.26808 92.426099) (xy 156.268077 92.426099) (xy 156.265067 92.4255) (xy 156.261996 92.4255) (xy 154.940001 92.425501) (xy 153.614934 92.425501) (xy 153.611925 92.4261) (xy 153.61192 92.4261) (xy 153.546737 92.439065) (xy 153.540699 92.440266) (xy 153.456516 92.496516) (xy 153.400266 92.580699) (xy 153.3855 92.654933) (xy 118.2545 92.654933) (xy 118.2545 79.954933) (xy 127.9855 79.954933) (xy 127.985501 82.605066) (xy 128.000266 82.679301) (xy 128.056516 82.763484) (xy 128.061633 82.766903) (xy 128.13558 82.816314) (xy 128.135582 82.816315) (xy 128.140699 82.819734) (xy 128.173753 82.826309) (xy 128.21192 82.833901) (xy 128.211923 82.833901) (xy 128.214933 82.8345) (xy 129.54 82.8345) (xy 130.865066 82.834499) (xy 130.868075 82.8339) (xy 130.86808 82.8339) (xy 130.933263 82.820935) (xy 130.939301 82.819734) (xy 131.023484 82.763484) (xy 131.079734 82.679301) (xy 131.0945 82.605067) (xy 131.094499 81.250964) (xy 153.831148 81.250964) (xy 153.844424 81.453522) (xy 153.894392 81.650269) (xy 153.979377 81.834616) (xy 154.096533 82.000389) (xy 154.241938 82.142035) (xy 154.41072 82.254812) (xy 154.497124 82.291934) (xy 154.594588 82.333808) (xy 154.59459 82.333809) (xy 154.597228 82.334942) (xy 154.697641 82.357663) (xy 154.792426 82.379111) (xy 154.792429 82.379111) (xy 154.795216 82.379742) (xy 154.885164 82.383276) (xy 154.995193 82.3876) (xy 154.995197 82.3876) (xy 154.998053 82.387712) (xy 155.198945 82.358584) (xy 155.391165 82.293334) (xy 155.568276 82.194147) (xy 155.724345 82.064345) (xy 155.854147 81.908276) (xy 155.953334 81.731165) (xy 156.018584 81.538945) (xy 156.047712 81.338053) (xy 156.049232 81.28) (xy 156.046303 81.248116) (xy 156.03092 81.080714) (xy 156.030658 81.077859) (xy 156.029879 81.075096) (xy 155.976335 80.885244) (xy 155.976333 80.88524) (xy 155.975557 80.882487) (xy 155.885776 80.700428) (xy 155.867437 80.675869) (xy 155.766037 80.540078) (xy 155.766036 80.540076) (xy 155.76432 80.537779) (xy 155.615258 80.399987) (xy 155.443581 80.291667) (xy 155.255039 80.216446) (xy 155.252233 80.215888) (xy 155.25223 80.215887) (xy 155.058752 80.177402) (xy 155.05875 80.177402) (xy 155.055946 80.176844) (xy 154.960353 80.175593) (xy 154.855833 80.174224) (xy 154.855828 80.174224) (xy 154.852971 80.174187) (xy 154.850151 80.174672) (xy 154.850146 80.174672) (xy 154.733751 80.194673) (xy 154.65291 80.208564) (xy 154.650222 80.209556) (xy 154.650217 80.209557) (xy 154.465151 80.277832) (xy 154.465148 80.277833) (xy 154.462463 80.278824) (xy 154.28801 80.382612) 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